Wall Sreet Crash of 1929

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Wall Street

What is the Wall
Street Crash?
The Wall Street Crash of 1929.(A.K.A. Great Crash)
Severe stock market crash that occurred in late October
It marked the beginning of the Great Depression.
What led to the
Overvaluation and excessive speculation.
Invested their savings or borrowed money to buy
stocks. -> price rise.
Easy credit and high debt levels.
Banks had lent vast sums to investors.
Overproduction and underconsumption.
They produced goods more than the consumption. =
Goods were oversupplied.
The number of
By 1932, the Dow had declined nearly 90% from its
1929 peak, marking one of the worst bear markets
Over 16 million shares were traded on "Black
Tuesday" (October 29, 1929), with around $14 billion
in stock value wiped out that day alone.
By 1931, over 2,200 banks had failed with nearly $1.7
billion in deposits lost.
Countless businesses went bankrupt (28,285 failures
in 1931), leading to widespread unemployment that
peaked around 25% in 1933.
Changes / Impacts
It wiped out billions of dollars in wealth in a very short period as
stock prices plummeted.
Widespread bank failures followed as banks were unable to
recover loans made to investors to buy now-worthless stocks.
Changes / Impacts

Issues of poverty, hunger, and homelessness.

Decrease in crop prices led to farmers losing their lands.
Resulted in significant events such as the Dust Bowl migration.
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