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1.You are provided with:

 Solution T-Potassium dichromate (VI)

 Solution L-0.1M sodium sulphite,Na2SO3
You are required to determine the number of moles of the dichromate (VI) ions,Cr 2O72- in a litre of
the solution T.


Fill a clean burette with solution L.Pipette 25cm3 of solution T and transfer it into a conical
flask.Titrate until a permanent green colour is obtained.Record your results in table below and the
repeat the procedure to get other readings to complete table.


Final burette reading 38.1
Initial burette reading 21.9
Volume of soln L used(cm3)
(a)determine the average volume of soln L used. (1mk)

(b)Calculate the number of moles of SO32- ions in the volume of soln L used. (2mks)

(c )Given that the ionic equation for the reaction was for the reaction between the dichromate and
sulphate ions is

Cr2O72-(aq) + 3SO32-(aq) + 8H+(aq) 2Cr3+(aq) + SO42-(aq) + 4H2O(l)


(i)the moles of dichromate VI ions in 25cm3. (1mk)

(ii) moles of dichromate VI ions in a litre of the solution. (2mks)

2.You are provided with;

 Solution D1: a saturated soln of sodium ethandioate Na2C2O4(sodium oxalate)

 Solution D2:aqueous potassium manganate(VII)
 Solution D3:0.01M ammonium iron II sulphate
You are required to:

Standardize D2 using D3.

Determine the solubility of D1 at room temperature

Procedure I:

Fill the burette with soln D2.Pipette 25cm3 of D3 into a conical flask.Add 2.0cm3 of 1M sulphuric acid
using a measuring cylinder.Titrate soln D3 with soln D2 until a permanent pale pink colour just
appears.Repeat the procedure and complete table A below.

Table A:

Final burette reading 31.8
Initial burette reading 11.6
Volume of soln D2 used(cm3)
(a)Calculate the average volume of soln D2 used. (1mk)

(b)The reaction between manganate VII and iron II is shown by the ionic equation:

MnO4-(aq) + 5Fe2+(aq) + 8H+(aq) Mn2+(aq) + 5Fe3+(aq) + 3H2O(l)


(i)the number of moles of D3 used. (1mk)

(ii)the number of moles of D2 used. (1mk)

(iii)the number of moles of D2 per litre. (1mk)

Procedure II:

Measure the temperature of soln D1 and record it in the space provided below.Using a measuring
cylinder,measure 25cm3 of soln D1 into a conical flask and dilute it by adding 75cm3 of distilled
water.Label this as soln D4.Fill the burette with soln D2.Pipette 25cm 3 of soln D4 into a conical flask,add
20cm3 of 1M sulphuric acid using a measuring cylinder.Heat the solution to about 70oC and titrate while
still hot with D2 until a permanent pink colour just appears.Record your results in the table B
below.Repeat this procedure to complete table B.

Temperature of soln D1………………………………………………..(1mk)

Table B:

Final burette reading 26.2
Initial burette reading 7.9
Volume of soln D2 used(cm3)
(c )(i)Calculate the average volume of D2 used.(1mk)

The reaction between manganate VII ions and ethandiote ions is given by the ionic equation below:

(ii) calculate the number of moles of manganateVII ions in the average volume of D2 used.(1mk)

(iii) calculate the number of moles of ethandiote ions in 25cm3 of soln D4. (1mk)

(iv)calculate the number of moles of ethandiote ions in 100cm3 of soln D4. (1mk)

(v)calculate the number of moles of ethandiote ions in 25cm3 of soln D1 used. (1mk)

3.You are provided with;

 Solution A;potassium manganate(VII)

 0.05M soln B
 Soln C
You are required to;

Standardize potassium manganateVII soln A using soln BUse the standardized soln A to determine the
relative formula mass of soln C.

Procedure I

Place soln A in a burette.Pipette 2.0cm3 of soln B into a conical flask.Add about 10cm3 of 1M
sulphuric acid.Heat the contents to about 70oC.Run soln A into the conical flask containing the hot
soln B while swirlingthe contents until the colour becomes pale pink.Record your results in table
below.Repeat the procedure 2 more times and complete the tableI.Table I (4mks)

Final burette reading 26.3
Initial burette reading 5.8
Volume of soln A used(cm3)
(a)calculate the average volume of soln A used. (1mk)

(b)calculate the number of moles of soln B used. (1mk)

(c )Given that 1 mole of A reacts with 5 moles of B,calculate;

(i)the number of moles of soln A required for the reaction.(1mk)

(ii)the concentration of soln A in moles per litre.(1mk)

Procedure II

With soln A still in the burette,pipette 25cm3 of soln C into a conical flask.Titrate soln A with soln C
until the colour turns fadely pink.Record your results in table II below.Repeat the experiment 2 more
times and complete the tableII.

Table II (4mks)

Final burette reading 17.1
Initial burette reading 0.3
Volume of soln A used(cm3)
(d)Calculate the average volume of soln A used.(1mk)

(e)Calculate the number of moles of A used.(1mk)

(f)Given that the reacting moles ratio A:C is 1:5,determine

(i)the number of moles of soln C used. (1mk)

(ii)the molarity of soln C. (1mk)

(g)If soln C was prepared by dissolving 4.90g of the salt in 125cm3 of distilled water,determine the
RFM of the salt. (1mk)

4.You are provided with:

 Solution B,HX acid made by dissolving 7.3g of HX in one litre of distilled water
 Solution A containing 5.3g per litre of sodium carbonate in 1dm3
You are required to determine the R.A.M. of X


Fill the burette with solution B.Pipettte 25.0cm3 of soln A into a 250ml conical flask.Add 2 drops of
methyl orange indicator to the soln A in the conical flask and titrate it with soln B until the yellow colour
of the indicator turns pink.Repeat the procedure 2 more times and complete the table 1 below.(4mks)

Final burette reading 12.5
Initial burette reading 0.0
Vol of soln B used(cm3)
(a)calculate the average volume of solution B used. (1mk)

(b)Write the equation for the reaction which takes place. (1mk)

(c ) calculate the

i.the molarity of soln A. (2mks)

ii.the no of moles of soln A used. (1mk)

iii.the no of moles of HX acid in 25cm3 of soln A. (1mk)

iv.the molarity of soln A. (2mks)

v.the RFM of soln A. (2mks)

vi.the value of X. (1mk)

5.You are provided with:

 Solution Y,0.5M NaOH

 Solution Q,sulphuric VI acid solution

Fill the burette with solution Q.Pipettte 25.0cm3 of soln Y into a 250ml conical flask.Add 2 drops of
phenolphthalein indicator to the soln Y in the conical flask and titrate it with soln Q. (4mks)

Final burette reading 12.0
Initial burette reading 0.0
Vol of soln B used(cm3)
(a)calculate the average volume of solution Q used. (1mk)

(b)Write the equation for the reaction which takes place. (1mk)

(c ) calculate the.

i.the no of moles of soln Y used. (1mk)

ii.the number of moles of soln Q,sulphuric VI acid. (1mk)

iv.the molarity of soln Q. (1mk)

v.the concentration of soln Q in grams per litre. (1mk)

6.You are provided with;

 Solution Q containing 5.3g of metal carbonate,M2CO3,dissolved in distilled water to form 500cm3

solution Q.
 Solution P,0.2M hydrochloric acid.
 Methyl orange indicator.

Fill the burette with solution P.Pipette 25cm3 of solution Q into 250ml conical flask.Add 2-3 drops of
methyl orange indicator and titrate with solution P.Record the results in the table below.Repeat the
procedure two more times to complete the table.

Table : (2mks)

Final burette reading 25.0
Initial burette reading
Volume of solution P used(cm3) 25.0
(a) Calculate the average volume of solution P used. (1mk)

(b) Write the equation for the reaction that takes place. (1mk)

(c ) Calculate the:

(i) number of moles of solution P in the average titre. (1mk)

(ii) number of moles of M2CO3 in 25cm3 of solution Q. (1mk)

(iii) Concentration of Q in moles per litre. (1mk)

(iv) Concentration of Q in grams per litre. (1mk)

(v) The relative formula mass (RFM) of the M2CO3. (1mk)

(vi) Relative atomic mass of metal M.(C=12,O=16) (1mk)

7.You are provided with;

 0.11M hydrochloric acid,soln T1.

 19.2g/dm3 of a basic compound.Na2B4O7.n H2O,soln T2.
You are required to determine the value of n in the compound Na2B4O7.n H2O.


Fill the burette with soln T1.Pipette 25cm3 of soln T2 into a conical flask.Add 3 drops of methyl
orange indicator and titrate with T1.Repeat two more titrations and complete the table below.

Final burette reading 42.0
Initial burette reading 19.0
Volume of soln T1 used(cm3)
a)Calculate the average volume of T1 used. (1mk)

b)Calculate the number of moles of T1 used. (1mk)

c)(i) Calculate the number of moles of T2 that reacted. (Mole ratio of acid:base is 2:1) (2mks)

(ii) Calculate the molarity of soln T2. (2mks)

(iii) Calculate the relative molecular mass(RMM) of T2. (2mks)

(iv) Calculate the value of n in the formula, Na2B4O7.n H2O. (2mks)

8.You are provided with;

 Soln A,containing 6.3g/l of a dibasic acid,H2X.nH2O.

 Soln B,containing 4.0g/l of sodium hydroxide.
 You are required to determine the value of n in H2X.nH2O.

Fill the burette with soln A.Pipette 25cm3 of soln B into a conical flask.Add 3 drops of
phenolphthalein indicator and titrate with A.Repeat two more titrations and complete the table

Final burette reading 35.2
Initial burette reading 10.2
Volume of soln A used(cm3)
a)Calculate the average volume of A used. (1mk)

b)Calculate theconcentration of soln B in moles per litre.(Na=23,O=16,H=1) (1mk)

c) Given the equation of the reaction taking place,

H2X(aq) + 2NaOH(aq) Na2X(aq) + 2H2O(l)


i) the number of moles of the dibasic acid H2X that reacted. (2mks)

(ii) the number of moles of the dibasic acid H2X in 1000cm3 of solution. (1mk)

(iii) the relative formula mass(RFM) of the dibasic acid H2X . (2mks)

(iv) Calculate the value of n in the formula, H2X.nH2O. (2mks)

9.You are provided with;

(i) Solution A – Ferrous ammonium sulphate (FeSO4. (NH4)2SO4. XH2O) containing 8.5g in
250cm3 of solution
(ii) Solution B 0.02M acidified potassium manganate(VII)
You are required to determine the value of X in FeSO4.(NH4)2SO4. XH2O
Procedure I
Fill the burette with solution B. Pipette 25.0cm3 of solution A into a clean conical flask and
titrate until the solution turns pink. Record your results in table I below. Repeat the procedure
and fill table I.

Table I I II III
Final burette reading
Initial burette reading
Volume of solution B used (cm3) 14.4
b)i) Calculate the average volume of solution B used (1 mark)

ii) The number of moles of solution B in volume in (i) above (1 mark)

c) Given that the reaction is represented by the ionic equation

MnO-4(aq) + 8H+(aq) + 5Fe2+(aq) Mn2+(aq) + 4H2O(l)

(i) The number of moles of iron(II) salt solution A in 25.0cm3 of the solution used.

(ii) The concentration of solution A in moles per litre (1 mark)

(iii) The concentration of solution A in grams per litre (1 mark)

(iv) The relative formula mass of iron (II) salt (1 mark)

(v) The value of X. (1 mark)

10.You are provided with:

- Solid P – sodium sulphite
- Solution Q – containing 1.5 g of potassium manganate (VII) (KMnO4) per litre of solution.
You are required to determine the concentration in grams per litre of P and its molarity.
Place about 150cm3 of distilled water into 250cm3 volumetric flask. Add all the solid P into the flask
containing distilled water. Swirl the mixture till all solid P dissolves. Add more distilled water to make
upto the mark shaking well for proper mixing. Label this solution P
Transfer 25.0cm3 of solution Q into a conical flask using 25cm3 pipette. Fill the burette with solution P.
Titrate solution P against Q until the purple colour disappears and record your results in the table
Table I
Table I I II III
Final burette reading 35.2
Initial burette reading
Volume of solution P used (cm3) 15.9
Determine average volume of solution P (1mk)
a) Calculate;

i) Molarity of solution Q ( K=39.0, Mn = 55.0, O = 16.0 ) (2mks)

ii) Moles of potassium manganate (VII) in solution Q used. (1mk)

b) Given that the ionic equation for the reaction is

2− − 2−
5SO3 (aq) + 2MnO 4 (aq) +6H+ (aq) 5SO4 (aq) + 2Mn2+ (aq) + 3H2O (l)
i) Moles of sodium sulphite that reacted (2mks)

ii) Molarity of solution P (2mks)

iii) Mass in grams of sodium sulphite in 250cm3. (Na=23.0, S = 32.0, O = 16.0) (2mks)

iv) Concentration in grams per litre of sodium sulphite (2mks)

11. You are provided with

 5g of solid A which is a mixture of sodium carbonate and sodium chloride.
 0.2 M HC1 solution B
You are required to
 Determine the concentration of sodium carbonate in the mixture.
 Percentage of sodium chloride in the mixture.
Transfer the entire solid into a 250 Ml volumetric flask. Add about 100cm 3 of distilled water.
Shake to dissolve. Top up with more distilled water to make up to the mark. Label this solution
A2. Using a pipette and a pipette filler, transfer 25 cm3 of this solution into a conical flask.
Repeat the procedure two more times to complete table 1.(Average titre=12.3cm3)

Table 1 (2mks)

(a) Calculate
(i) The average volume of solution B used. (1 mark)

(ii) The number of moles of HCl in the average titre (1 mark)

(b) Write an equation for the reaction (1 mark)

(c) Calculate the number of

(i) Moles of sodium carbonate in 25cm3 of solution A2 (2 marks)

(ii) The moles of sodium carbonate in 250 cm3 of solution A2 (2marks)

(d) Determine the mass of sodium carbonate in solid A (1 mark)

(Na=23, C =12.0, H=1.0 ,O=16)

(e) Calculate the percentage of sodium chloride in solid A (1 mark)

12. You are provided with

. 1 .3g of solid K, sodium carbonate
. Hydrochloric acid solution L
. Phenolphthalein indicator
. methyl orange indicator
You are required to standardize the hydrochloric acid solution L.
Transfer all the solid K into a 250 cm3 volumetric flask. Using 100 cm3 measuring cylinder add 100 cm3 of
distilled water to solid K to dissolve it. Add more distilled water to the mark. Label this solution K. Using
a pipette filler, pipette solution K into a conical flask. Add three drops of phenolphthalein indicator and
titrate with solution L in the burette up to the end point.(do not pour out the contents of the conical
flask). Record the reading in the table I. Add three drops of methyl orange indicator to the contents of
the conical flask and continue titrating with solution L, up to the end point. Record the reading in table
II. Repeat the procedure. Complete table I and II.

1 2 3
Final burette reading (cm3)
Initial burette reading (cm3)
Titre (cm3) 12.5
Determine the average of the titre t1
Table II (using methyl orange indicator) (3 ½ mks)
1 2 3
Final burette reading (cm3)
Initial burette reading (cm3)
Titre (cm3) 14.2
Determine the average titre t2
(c) Calculate the total volume of solution L.
(d) Calculate the concentration of solution K in moles per litre. (Na=23, 0=16, C12) (2mks)

(e) Calculate the number of moles of sodium carbonate solution K in 25.0 cm3 (1mk)

(f) Calculate the number of moles of hydrochloric acid solution L in the volume used.(1mk)

(g) Calculate the molarity of hydrochloric acid solution L. (1mk)

13.You are provided with:-

- 2.5g of a mixture of sodium chloride and sodium carbonate, solid A.
- 0.2M hydrochloric acid, solution B.
You are required to determine the percentage of sodium chloride present in the mixture.
Place all solid A in a 250ml beaker and 100cm3 distilled water and stir to dissolve.Transfer the solution
into a 250ml volumetric flask. Using the same beaker, add distilled water into the volumetric flask upto
the mark. Label the solution as A.Place solution B into the burette. Pipette 25.0cm 3 of solution A into a
conical flask. Add 2-3 drops of methyl orange indicator and titrate. Repeat two more times and
complete the table below.

(a) Table (4marks)

Final burette reading (cm3) 13.0
Initial burette reading (cm3) 0.0
Volume of solution B used (cm3)

(b) Calculate the average volume of solution B used. (1 mark)

(c ) Calculate the number of moles of the acid used. (1 mark)

(d) Calculate the number of moles of the substance in solid A that reacted with the acid. (2marks)

(e) Calculate the number of moles of the substance that reacted in (d) above in a litre of solution A.

(f) Determine the mass of the substance that reacted in the mixture.
(Na = 23, C = 12, O = 16, Cl = 35.5 ) ( 2 marks )

(g) Calculate the percentage by mass of sodium chloride in the mixture. (2 marks )

14.You are provided with:-

 Zinc powder, solid S
 0.5M HCl, solution B.
 0.25M NaOH, solution C
 Distilled water
You are required to determine the :
(i) Number of moles of hydrochloric acid that remain unreacted.
(ii) Number of moles of zinc powder that reacted
Using a burette, measure 50cm3 of solution B and place it in 100ml beaker. Put all of the solid S in the
50cm3 of solution B in the 100ml beaker. Leave the content in the beaker to react for about 5minutes.
Filter the solution using filter paper and funnel into a 250ml Volumetric flask and top up to the mark
with distilled water: Lable this solution as solution D.Empty the burette and fill it with solution C. Pipette
25cm3 of solution D and place it into an empty 250ml conical flask. Add two drops of methyl orange

indicator and titrate solution C against solution D.Record the result in the table 1 below. Repeat the
titration of solution C against solution D and complete the table 1 below.(4marks)
1 2 3
Final burette reading (cm3)
Initial burette reading (cm3)
Volume of solution C used (cm3) 17.4
(a) Calculate the average volume of solution C used (1mk)

(b) Calculate the number of moles of:

(i) Sodium hydroxide used (1mk)

(ii) Hydrochloric acid, in 25cm3 of solution D used (1mk)

(iii) Hydrochloric acid in 250cm3 of solution D used (1mk)

(iv) Hydrochloric acid in 50cm3 of solution B (1mk)

(v) Hydrochloric acid that reacted with Zinc powder (2mks)

(vi) Calculate the mass of Zinc that reacted (R.A.M of Zn= 65) (2mks)

15.You are provided with the following:

 0.5M Sulphuric (VI) acid, solution A.
 0.4M Sodium hydroxide, solution B.
 0.24g metal X accurately weighed.
You are required to determine the relative atomic mass, RAM of metal X.
Use a measuring cylinder to accurately measure 100cm3 of 0.5M sulphuric (VI) acid solution A and
transfer it into an empty glass beaker.Add all the solid X into the solution A in the beaker. Stir the
mixture gently with a glass rod until there is no more effervescence.Transfer all the resulting solution
carefully into a 250ml volumetric flask. Rinse the beaker with distilled water and transfer the rinsing into

the volumetric flask. Fill the flask to the mark with distilled water. Stopper the flask and shake the
mixture to mix the solution well.Label the solution S.Pour some solution S to the empty beaker. Pipette
25.0cm3 of solution S and transfer it into a clean conical flask. Add 3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator
to the solution. Fill the burette to the zero mark with sodium hydroxide solution B. Titrate solution B
against solution S in the conical flask till a permanent pink colour just appears.. Record your results in
table I below.Repeat the titration two more times to complete the table.
Table I
Final burette reading (cm3) 16.9
Initial burette reading (cm3) 2.5
Volume of solution B used (cm3)

a) Determine the average volume of the solution B used in the titrations. (1 mark)

b) Calculate the number of moles of sodium hydroxide in the average volume of solution B.

c) Write the chemical equation for the reaction between sodium hydroxide and the sulphuric (VI) acid in
solution S. (1 mark)

d) Determine the number of moles of sulphuric (VI) acid in the 25.0cm3solution S. (1 mark)

e) Hence calculate the number of moles of sulphuric (VI) acid in 250.0cm 3 of solution S.

f) Calculate the number of moles of sulphuric (VI) acid in the original 100cm3 of 0.5M solution A.

g) Determine the number of moles sulphuric (VI) acid that reacted with 0.24g of metal X.

h) If metal X is divalent, write the chemical equation for its reaction with the sulphuric (VI) acid.

i) Determine the number of moles of metal X that reacted with the sulphuric (VI) acid and hence the
relative atomic mass (RAM) of metal X.


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