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Creation Date: June 03, 2018
Last Updated: June 03, 2018
Document Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide
Version: 1.0


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Karthik S

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Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

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Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide


The purpose of user manual document is to clearly showcase the step by step
explanation of the Oracle Sourcing Process.

Topics discussed below:

• Oracle Sourcing Overview

• Types of Negotiation Styles (RFQ/RFI)
• 2 Stage Evaluation
• Multi Attribute Scoring.
• Multiple Scoring Teams.
• Collaboration Team members.
• Quote Analysis.
• Award recommendation.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

Document Control ...................................................................................................................ii

Preface 1

CHAPTER 1 EBS Fundamentals 3

Accessing and Logging in Oracle E-Business Suite ............................................................. 4
How to Log in to the Oracle E-Business Suite .............................................................. 4
Tool Bar and Tool Bar Descriptions ................................................................................ 6
Toolbar Descriptions ........................................................................................................ 6
Short Cuts .......................................................................................................................... 6

2 Sourcing overview 8
Definition: ......................................................................................................................... 8
Request For Information Process Flow. .............................................................................. 10
2 Stage RFQ Process Flow .................................................................................................... 39
Creation of Purchase Requisition. ............................................................................... 39
Perform Auto Create process ....................................................................................... 41
Creation Of RFQ ............................................................................................................ 42
Collaboration Team: ...................................................................................................... 43
Mapping the Scoring members. ................................................................................... 48
Multi Attribute Scoring Ranking: ................................................................................ 51
Responses Rules : ........................................................................................................... 53
Performing the Receipt Activity. ................................................................................. 77
Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable ..................................................................... 79
Open Issues ..................................................................................................................... 79
Closed Issues ................................................................................................................... 79
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

1 EBS Fundamentals

This Chapter explains the basic steps in logging on to Oracle E-Business Suite
and accessing the application.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

Accessing and Logging in Oracle E-Business Suite

This section describes how to log into the Oracle E-Business Suite.

How to Log in to the Oracle E-Business Suite

To log in to the Oracle E-business Suite follow these steps:

Step 1 Logon to a local workstation with your User ID and valid Password.
Step 2 Open any browser on your desktop
Step 3 Login to the application ULR.
Step 4 The Oracle Applications Portal screen opens as shown below:
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

Step 5 Enter Your Username and Password and click on the Login button.
ERP Home Page opens as shown below:

Step 6 Click on the responsibility in the main menu that you must work on.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

Tool Bar and Tool Bar Descriptions

The Oracle Applications Toolbar appears at the top of the screen. It contains
buttons which may be used to assist with the processing of a transaction. It is
available when using any of the Oracle Applications. The active window
dictates which buttons are available on the Toolbar at any given point in time.
When a button is unavailable, it will appear grey or not be visible.

Toolbar Descriptions

Opens a new
Close Form Zoom

Find Cut Translations

Show Navigator Copy Attachments

Save Paste Folder Tools

Next Step Clear Record Help

Responsibility Delete Record

Printer Edit Field

Short Cuts
Function Short Cuts

Cancel or Quit F4

Clear Field F5

Clear Form F8

Clear Record F6

Commit Ctrl+5

Count Query F12

Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide
Cut (scissors) Ctrl+X

Delete Record Ctrl+Up

Display Error Shift+Ctrl+E

Down Down

Duplicate Field Shift+F5

Help Ctrl+H

Insert Record Ctrl+Down

List of Values Ctrl+L

List Tab Pages F2

New record/Field Down arrow

Next Block Shift+Page Down

Next Field Tab

Next Primary Key Shift+F7

Next Record Down

Next Set of Records Shift +F8

Paste Ctrl+V

Previous Block Shift+Page Up

Previous Field Shift+Tab

Previous Record Up

Print Ctrl+P

Save (yellow disk) Ctrl+S

Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide


2 Sourcing overview

Oracle Sourcing offers flexible negotiation capabilities to buyers and
sellers, enabling them to efficiently obtain the best possible prices for
goods and services. Prices are established based on actual supply and
demand at the time the negotiation is transacted.

The three different types of sourcing documents available.

1. Requests for quotations (RFQs)

2. Requests for information (RFIs)
3. Buyer's auctions
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide


Requests for information (RFI):

Oracle Sourcing allows buyers to qualify a wide group of suppliers and their
products and services using RFIs. Buyers can use the information obtained to
subsequently conduct an RFQ or buyer's auction.

Request for Quotations(RFQ):

Negotiations support the full RFQ business process. RFQs enable buyers to
request quotes from suppliers for complex and hard-to-define items or
services such as make-to-order manufacturing items or construction projects.

Negotiations support blind and sealed RFQs. Suppliers are not allowed to see
competitive quotes while the RFQ is in progress.

Auctions support the complete auction process from auction creation to final
award to purchase order generation. Auctions enable buyers to solicit bids for
goods and services that are clearly defined, such as office furniture or memory
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

Request For Information Process Flow.

• Login to the Sourcing User.

• Kindly note that the below highlighted responsibilities needed for the sourcing user to process the
complete sourcing in depth.

• Click on Sourcing super user responsibility and click Sourcing home page sub menu.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Click RFI hyper link under quick links header.

• System will navigate to a separate OAF page.

• Enter the title and description to make our RFI as unique.

• Three types of Responsive styles are there.

1. Open: Both buyer and supplier can view the responses.

2. Blind: only buyer can view the response.
3. Sealed: Buyer as well as supplier can’t view the response, once the RFI unsealed the
supplier can view his response as well as others response.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

Security Type:
1. Public
2. Private
3. Hierarchy


Any user in the company has access to public sourcing documents. The actions users
can perform is determined by their functional security. Buyers can define an additional
collaboration team for a public document, but access is not restricted only to members
of the team. Actions collaboration team members can perform is determined on their
functional security and whether they are identified as view-only.


Only the document owner and the members of the collaboration team can access the
document. The actions of collaboration team members can perform is determined by
their functional security and their view-only status values.


Only the document owner, the members of the collaboration team (if any), and
individuals who are higher in the security hierarchy than the document owner can
access the document. Any subsequent approvers can also access the document.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• We can provide the “Bill to location” and “Ship to location” (not a mandatory).
• Click on “Select Scoring Settings” button.

• We can add collaboration team for scoring our requirements based on the supplier response.
• Access can be given as below.

1. Full access
2. For Scoring
3. View only
• Specify the task to be performed as well as mention the target date to provide scoring.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Click on “Notify” button. Notification will be sent to collaboration team members with respective
to related RFI.

• Notification will be sent to the users.

• User can login to the respective credential and can view the information.

• Click “Select Scoring Settings” button to define the team and member for evaluation process.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Defining the Scoring team and instructions based on business requirement.

• Click on “update” button to add the scoring team members.

• Click on “Creation” icon for creating the team member.

• Choose the members from LOV and select Apply.

Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• We need to map the respective team for the listed sections below.
• Then click on “apply” button.

• We can also select our existing requirement list from LOV.

• The main objective of the requirement list is we will be having certain set of questionnaires to be
answered by the suppliers irrespective of product specific to collect all these information,
• We can define one requirement list and it can be used whenever needed.

• We can also create our requirements instantly from here itself by selecting the requirement and
click “Add section” button.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• We can use new section or predefined section from LOV which we created in our requirement

• Creating new section and update your questionnaire in the “Name field” then click on “ Apply
and add section” button.

• We can reorder the section which section need to be first and follow on the upcoming sections.

• Once section is created, then we need to add our requirements based on respective section.
• Select the line checkbox and click on “Add Requirement” button.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• System will display the below requirement screen.

• User can update the question in the requirement field.

• User needs to select the Type based on requirement:
1. Display only : (only Display to suppliers as well as buyers (also to our internal team).
2. Internal Optional : (View and can be updated by internally but not a mandatory).
3. Internal Required : (View and can be updated by internally and mandatory).
4. Supplier Optional : (View and can be updated by supplier but not a mandatory).
5. Supplier Required : (View and can be updated by supplier and mandatory).

• User need to select Value type from LOV.

1. Data
2. Number
3. Text
4. URL
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• User can select the sourcing Method from LOV.

1. None
2. Manual ( Supplier need to fill manually)
3. Automatic( Supplier need to choose from LOV)

• We can also have an option to display the target to our supplier.

• Need to provide weight-age for the section requirement.
• Knock out score is nothing, but system will automatically reject the supplier if they didn’t meet
this knock our score.

Creation of Acceptable Value list.

• We need to click on create icon button.

• Since we select our sourcing method as automatic, we need to give values as well as scores. So
that the system will automatically scores based on the supplier response.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Once all details are entered , then click on “Apply” button.

• We need to be defining the requirement for another section also.

• Here we selected the sourcing method as “Manual”
• Click on “Apply” button.

• In the Header, we can see our requirement as well as weight-age.

• Overall Weight-age should be 100%
• Note to suppliers, as well as added attachment.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Once all header information is entered , then click on lines.

• Mostly RFI is used to collect the information with respect to suppliers, even here as well we can
also collect the data for product specific.
• Various actions can be performed: Select from actions LOV:
1. Create Line with Price/Qty
2. Create Line without Price/Qty
3. Create Lot with Price/Qty
4. Create Lot without Price/Qty
5. Create Group.
6. Import Lines
7. Delete all lines
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Search our item and provide the Quantity based on our requirement.
• Target Price: The target price is the price you hope the suppliers to pay for one unit of an item.
You can elect to display the target price to participants/Suppliers.
• Current Price: The price which we are procuring currently.
• We can also attach the documents with related to the products as well as notes to suppliers.
• We can also call our existing attribute list, or we can define here itself by clicking create icon.
• These attributes are used to get the details specific to our products and, we can display our
target value to our participants too.
• Click Apply.

• Once all Line information are provided , then click on “Controls”.

• We will be defining how our RFI need to perform , here we are setting the requirement.
• Select the line and click on update button.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Mention the “Closed date” - when the RFI need to close or End date of RFI.
• Open date: When the supplier need to start their responses for the RFI respectively.

• Once Control details are provided, then click on “Contract Terms”.

• If we have an existing contract template, we can call and attach to these RFI respectively.
• Even we can create our own contract details instantly over here.

• Once Contract details are provided, Click on Suppliers.

• Click on “Add Supplier” to add the suppliers to be invited.
• We can also call our invitation list.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Invitation list is nothing but a list of suppliers which we need to get the responses frequently for
our purchasing demands.

• Query with Supplier name and enable the check box.

• Click “Add to invited supplier.

• We can find the suppliers which are selected for the RFI will be listed as highlighted.
• Click on “Apply” button.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Click “Review” to re check whether we drafted the RFI as per our requirements.

• Once reviewed, we need to “Publish” the Document.

• Confirmation notification will be displayed.

• Once RFI has been published, the supplier should respond accordingly.

• Supplier should log to his credentials and response for the RFI.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Navigation : Supplier Responsibility->Sourcing Home Page.

• The Negotiation number will get displayed in the “Company’s Open Invitation”.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Acknowledge Participation is used to notify to the buyer that suppliers are interested to
participate in the negotiation process.

• If any information to be notified to the buyer, we can mention in the Note to buyer.
• Click on ”Apply” button.

• Next, we need to create responses .

• Select the “Create Response” from action LOV and click on “Go” button.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• As we make the terms and conditions as mandatory, while supplier giving response these terms
and conditions will get populated.
• This we can set as required, optional or none at the time of sourcing setups.
• Click “Accept” button.

• Since our sourcing method as “Automatic” for this requirement the supplier need to select from
• LOV which we defined at the time of RFI creation.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Give the Response valid until and Reference number of Quote(Proforma Invoice).
• If any specific things need to notify to the buyer that also can be mentioned over here with
related to header information.
• Please note that we selected the sourcing method as “Manual” for second requirement, so the
supplier need to fill manually as per the requirement shared by buyer.

• Click “Lines” tab.

• Then we need to give” Response Price” and “Promised date” to deliver the product.
• Click on “Update” button.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Supplier need to respond on the item/product specific requirements.

• Notes as well as attachments can also be shared to buyer with respect to item/product.
• Click on “Apply” button.

• Click “Continue”
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Once supplier responded to the requirements requested by the buyer in the RFI, based on this
supplier can submit the quote.

• Once Quote is submitted system will display the below notification.

• Supplier can view their active responses in the negotiation page.

• Note : Likewise, we need to repeat the process for different suppliers by logging with different user
names with respect to the suppliers.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Once the all suppliers have responded.

• Then Sourcing user has to login.

• Navigate : Sourcing buyer or Sourcing Super user-> Sourcing-> Sourcing Home Page.

• Click our RFI number hyperlink.

Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Once we received the responses from the suppliers, we need to close the RFI.
• Navigate : Actions-> Close RFI-> GO

• We can close the negotiation manually even the closed date in future.
“These controls we set up in the RFI creation- Control tab”
• We can also send a notification to our suppliers as the RFI has been closed.
• Click on “Apply” button.

• Next, we need to “unlock” the RFI as we are processing with “SEALED RFI”.
• We need to “unlock” the RFI as well as “unseal” the RFI to proceed further.
• But in case of “Blind” and “Open” RFI the “Unlock” and “unseal” functionality will not be there.
• Navigate to Actions-> Unlock-> Go
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Once RFI is unlock , then we need to unseal the RFI.

• Navigation Actions-> Unseal-> GO

• Once the suppliers responded, the buyer or the team that responsible for scoring need to enter the
score based on the supplier responses to our requirement.
• Navigate Actions-> Enter Scores-> GO

• Select the supplier by clicking “ Update” button.

Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• To give scores and then click on “ Submit Score” button.

• Likewise, we need to update for all the suppliers and Score Status will be displayed has submitted.
• Click on “Return to RFI”

• Sourcing team can find how many responses we received for the RFI.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• We can also award by Quote or even “Award by Line”.

• Here we are awarding by “Award by Line”
• Action-> Award by Line -> GO

• Select our Line and click “Analyze” button.

Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Select the suppliers and click “Compare” to make comparison in a single sheet with multiple

• Detailed Sheet with respect to supplier responses.

• Click RFI number in the top left corner.

• Next, we need to select the Complete from actions LOV and click “Go” button.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Confirmation Notification will be displayed then click on “Submit” button.

• The RFI status will changed to “Completed”.

Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

2 Stage RFQ Process Flow

Creation of Purchase Requisition.

Navigation: Purchasing Responsibility > Requisition > Requisition

• Provide the below details in the Requisition form:

• Select the respective operating unit.
• Type as Purchase Requisition.
• Item, Quantity, Price and Need by date.
• Organization and location.

• Once data is entered click “Save” icon.

• Once record is saved, system will generate the Requisition number automatically.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide
• Then click on “Approve” button

• Once requisition is approved by the approved, system will display the requisition status as
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

Perform Auto Create process

Navigation: Purchasing Responsibility > Auto Create.
• Select the respective operation unit.
• Search by Requisition number in Auto Creation form and click on “find” button

• Select the requisition line and select the “Sourcing RFQ” from Document Type LOV.
• Click on “Automatic” button.

• Select the “Standard Purchase Order” from Negotiation Outcome LOV.

• Designate your RFQ outcome as either standard purchase order or Blanket purchase agreement.
• This cannot be changed once you proceed to the next step.
• Click on “Create” button.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

Creation Of RFQ

• Once Create button is clicked, system will convert Requisition into RFQ ( OAF Page).

• Quote Style: The style determines who will be able to view the responses.
Blind: Only the buyer can see the responses.
Sealed: The buyer can see the responses when the negotiation is unlocked. Both the
buyer and suppliers can see the responses when they are unsealed.
Two-Stage RFQ: The two-stage RFQ process involves “Technical and Commercial
Evaluation”. The Commercial evaluation will be done followed by the Technical
Evaluation. If a particular supplier was rejected in the Technical evaluation, the respective
supplier will not be in the Commercial evaluation.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• We are going to follow Two stage RFQ Process, So we need to enable the Two Stage RFQ check
• Once check is box is enabled, Quote Style will be defaulted as “Sealed”.

Collaboration Team:

• A group of buyers from the same purchasing organization who can collaborate on the creation
and management of a sourcing document.
• Collaboration team members can be any user within the same organization to which the creator
• Members can be restricted to read only access meaning they can view but not update any

• Provide the below details for Collaboration team creation:

• Provide “Bill To Address” and “Ship To Address”

• Then click on icon for adding the member.

• Add member from the LOV.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Once members are added, we need to provide Access to respective members.

• Full: Full Access.
• Scoring: Only to Scoring.
• View Only: Only view access.

• Setting up the Section.

• Select the check box and then click on “Add Section” button to add the Section .

• Enter the Section in Name field and select the RFQ stage as Commercial for business related
• Then click on “Apply and Add section” button
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Provide multiple commercial Section and select the RFQ stage as commercial.

• Provide Technical Section and select the RFQ stage as Technical

• Provide multiple Technical Sections and select the RFQ stage as Technical.

• Once all Section is added, then click on apply button.

• Select the respective line and click on “Add Requirement” button.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Once you defined your Requirement text, set the Properties for this Requirement as necessary.
• Provide the below details:
• Requirement Type
• Value Type
• Target
• Display to Supplier
• Scoring Method
• Maximum Score
• Knockout Score
• Weight
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Provide Multiple commercial requirement:

• Provide Technical Requirement.

• Provide Multiple Technical Requirement and Click “Apply” Button.

Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Once all section and requirement data are defined, click on Save Daft.
• Over all weight of the requirements should be 100.

Mapping the Scoring members.

• Click on “Select Scoring Setting” button.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Select “Add” icon for creating the Scoring team.

• Once Scoring team is created then click on “update” icon.

• We need to click on Add icon and select the members from LOV.
• Once all details are entered, click on Apply button.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Once members are added, then assign the section assignment to the respective team.
• Select the team from team assignment LOV and click apply button.

• Once all the details entered, click on “ Save as draft” button.

• Then click on Lines .
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide
Multi Attribute Scoring Ranking:
• We need to select the “Multi Attribute Scoring” value from Ranking LOV.

• Click on the update icon for updating the scoring in item level.
• We can also evaluate the products with multiple attributes.
• We need to click on scoring button and update the scoring based on requirement.

• Scoring range for Packing Quality and click on” Apply” Button
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

Start Price :
The price at which responding for one unit of an item must begin. If the negotiation was created
from backing requisitions, the start price defaults to the lowest requisition price of all requisitions
for that item
Target Price :
Price you hope to pay for one unit of your item.
Current Price :
Price you are currently paying for the item. The current price is used to calculate negotiation
performance used for savings calculations in the application.
Mapping the Cost Factor:
Cost factors allow a buyer to identify and control for additional costs associated with a line item.

Type :
• Supplier cost factors identify additional costs associated with purchasing a particular negotiation
• Buyer cost factors identify additional costs associated in dealing with a particular supplier.

• Once all details entered in Lines and click on Save draft button.

• Click on “Control” tab.

Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

Controls :
• When we create a new RFQ, we set response controls to determine the negotiation length,
participants, responding frequency, open and closing times and many other variables.

Responses Rules :
• Restrict to invited suppliers : You can allow all suppliers to respond to the negotiation or you
can specify that participation is by invitation only.
• Allow supplier to see other suppliers' contract terms, notes and attachments: You can
specify that suppliers in the negotiation will be allowed to see any notes and attachments
included with other suppliers' quotes, bids, or you can restrict suppliers from seeing other
suppliers' notes and attachments .
• Allow supplier to select lines on which to respond : You can allow participants to respond to
individual lines(s) in the negotiation or specify that they must respond to all lines in the
negotiation .
• Require full quantity : You can specify that participants must submit responses for the full
quantity specified in the line or partial quantities.
• Allow multiple responses : You can specify that respondents must submit a single or may
submit multiple responses during the negotiation open period.
• Allow Quote Withdrawal : You can allow suppliers to withdraw their quotes after they have
submitted them.
• Require award approval : You can choose to require the award decision to be approved before
a purchase order can be generated
• Once all details are provided click on Save as Draft button.

Creating Supplier invite:

• Search the Supplier name and click “Add to Invited Supplier” button.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Once multiple suppliers are added, click on “Apply” button

• Once Review is done, then click “ Publish”.

Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• System will provide confirmation message:

• Once RFQ is published , Then supplier has to login in his credentials.

• Login Screen.

• Select the Sourcing Responsibility and click on sourcing Home Page sub menu.

• Open negotiation will be displayed under “ Your Company’s Open Invitations” header.
• Click the respective Negotiation Number hyperlink.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• First step is to Acknowledge Participation by selecting from Actions LOV and click on GO button
• We will be able to view the time left for response in the RFQ screen.

• We need to select “YES” and update our feedback to buyer that we are participating or any
specific thing before responses to be sent, and the click “Apply” button.
• System will trigger notification to buyer stating that supplier as acknowledged for the RFQ.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• We need to select the “Create Quote” from Actions LOV then click GO button.

• System will display the “Terms and condition” based on our prerequisite setup.
• We need to enable the check box and click “Accept” button.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Once we accept the terms and condition, system will display the Create Quote page.
• We need to provide the required information, such as
• Enter Quote Valid Until date.
• Reference Number.
• Note to buyer
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Once header information are updated , then we need to update the requirements details which
was requested by the buyer.
• Quote values will be Text or LOV based, We need to provide responses based on the “Sourcing
Type” selected by the buyer.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Once Header requirements are updated , then click on Lines Tab .

• Provide the Line Price for the item and click on “update” button with respective to items.

• We need to provide the Line level attributes as per the buyer requirement.
• Select the quote values from LOV or we need to type manually based on the “Sourcing Type”
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Once Attributes details are provided, we need to enter Cost Factor values based on charges
• We need to provide Quote value based on requirement. Even required supplier can also update
notes to buyer.
• Supplier can attach the document by clicking “Add Attachment” button.
• Item : Multiplexer
• Once all the details are entered , then save the draft and click on GO button.

• Item : HVAC Etisalat.

• Once all information updated for items , then click on Apply button.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Once item level information were fed. Supplier needs to review once, then click on “Continue”
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Once all information in RFQ is reviewed , then supplier must click on submit button.

• System will display the confirmation notification message.

• Supplier will be able to view the RFQ submitted on the Negotiation page.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Once all supplier had responded to the Quote, sourcing user will be able to view the details in
this login.
• Now login into Sourcing user credentials.
• Navigation : Sourcing > Sourcing Home Page.

• Sourcing user will be able to view the RFQ number and Active Responses in the Negotiations
• We need to click on RFQ number hyperlink.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Once we received the quotes from our participants, the foremost step is to close the negotiation
to proceed for shortlisting the participants.
• Hence, we need to select the “Close RFQ” from action LOV and then click “GO” button.

• Immediately : RFQ will be closed on that particular time.

• Enter New Close date : We can set the closer time manual.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Once RFQ is closed, we need unlock the RFQ. For this we need to select the “ Unlock stage
technical” and click on “GO” button.

• The buyer can see the responses when the negotiation is unlocked. Both the buyer and suppliers
can see the responses when they are unsealed.
• Once RFQ “Unlock stage technical” is done , then we need to “unseal stage Technical”.
• User has to select the “Unseal Stage Technical” from Action LOV and click “Go” button.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Next, we need to select the “Enter Score” from action LOV and Click “Go” button.

• We need to give score based on the supplier response. Here we set up two teams for scoring
with respect to Technical as well as Commercial scoring. We need to log in to the particular user
and we have to provide scores based on the participants response.
• We need to click on “update” button with respect to supplier.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Since we had given Scoring method for Technical has “Automatic”, Evaluation for Technical will
be processed by system, however we need to complete the evaluation process by selecting the
“Complete Evaluation Technical” from actions LOV
• Then click on “Go” button

• System will display below screen stating that “Technical Evaluation” was completed.
• If we need to notify the supplier , we can enable the check box and then click on “complete”

• Once Technical Evaluation is completed , next we need to proceed with “Commercial

• We need to select the “Unlock stage commercial” from actions LOV and click “Go” button.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Then we need to select the “Unseal Stage Commercial” from Actions LOV and click “Go” button.

• We need to give score based on the supplier response. Here we set up two teams for scoring
with respect to Technical as well as Commercial scoring. We need to log in to the particular user
and we have to provide scores based on the participants response.
• Then we need to select “Enter Scores” from action LOV and click “Go” button.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• We need to click on update button with respective to suppliers.

• We need to provide scoring based on supplier responses.

• Also we can provide information for the Internal team as well
• Once all details entered then click on “Submit Score” button.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• We should follow the same process of scoring to multiple suppliers in the list.
• we need to click on update button with respective to suppliers.

• We need to provide scoring based on supplier responses.

• Also, we can provide internal note of information.
• Once all details are entered then click on “Submit score” button.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• System will display the confirmation message once RFQ is submitted.

• Now Evaluation process is completed for all suppliers.

• We need to Award the suppliers. There are lot of ways to award, such as award by quote, award
by line etc.
• User need to select the “award by line” from Actions LOV and click on “Go” button.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• We need to select respective item and click on Award button.

• Based on the item , we can compare with multiple supplier by selecting the supplier and we
should click “Compare” button.

• System will compare the responses based on suppliers and it will display as per below screen.
• User will be able to view the difference of each suppliers and on Saving percentage basis.
• We can award “Fully” or “Partially” by providing the Award quantity.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• We have a option to provide “Note for Accepted supplier and Rejected Supplier”.
• Once award quantity is entered, then select “Save award” from action LOV and click on “Go”

• Once Award is saved, Navigate to Award by line screen and select remaining line to “Award”
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• User will be able to view the difference between each supplier on Saving percentage basis.
• We can award “Fully” or “Partially” by providing the Award quantity.

• Once Award is saved, then we need to complete the award by selecting the “Complete Award”
from action LOV.
• Then click on “Go” button.
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• System will provide notification stating that once submitted we cannot do any changes.
• For creation of standard purchase Order we need to enable the first check box
• We can provide notification to supplier immediately by enabling the check box.
• Then click on “Submit” button.

• User needs to select the value from “Acceptance Required ”LOV as per requirement.
• Then user has to review the record then click on “submit” button.

• System will provide confirmation message once user submits the record.
• Purchase Order Number will be auto generated and will be initiated to approval.

• Once approval is done, Purchase Order status will be approved.

Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Navigation : PO Responsibility > Purchase Orders > Purchase Order Summary.

Performing the Receipt Activity.

• Navigation : PO Responsibility> Receiving > Receipts
Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

• Select the respective Operating Unit and Search by Purchase Order Number.
• Click on “find” button.

• Select the lines and enter the quantity if you want to receipt partially. Then click on save button.
• Once record is saved, click on Header button.

• System will generate the Receipt number once record is save.

Doc Ref: Oracle Sourcing User Guide

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