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Unit 1 Wordlist Macmillan English Hub B2 

Part of
Word/Phrase speech IPA (UK) IPA (USA ) Definition Sample sentence
awkward adjective ˈɔːkwə(r)d ˈɔkwərd not comfortable, relaxed, or He’s always really
confident awkward when
meeting new people.
devastated adjective ˈdevəˌsteɪtɪd ˈdevəˌsteɪtəd feeling very shocked and upset Olga was devastated to
learn her car had been
disgusted adjective dɪsˈɡʌstɪd dɪsˈɡʌstəd feeling very angry and upset I was disgusted by
about something that you do the way he treated his
not approve of employees.
frustrated adjective frʌˈstreɪtɪd ˈfrʌˌstreɪtəd feeling annoyed and impatient I’m just frustrated
because you are prevented by our overall lack of
from achieving something progress.
furious adjective ˈfjʊəriəs ˈfjʊriəs extremely angry Yuri was absolutely
furious that I’d
scratched her car.
horrified adjective ˈhɒrɪfaɪd ˈhɔrɪˌfaɪd very shocked or frightened Dad was horrified when
he saw the prices on the
impressed adjective ɪmˈprest admiring someone or I was very impressed
something very much, by the level of customer
especially because of an service.
unusually good achievement,
quality, or skill
overwhelmed adjective ˌəʊvə(r)ˈwelmd ˌoʊvərˈhwelmd feeling unable to cope with I’m just a little
all the things that need to be overwhelmed to be
done honest – there’s so much
to do!
relieved adjective rɪˈliːvd rɪˈlivd happy and relaxed because Mum wasn’t angry, just
something bad has not relieved that I’d made it
happened or because a bad home safely.
situation has ended
stunned adjective stʌnd very shocked or upset, Barcelona were left
especially so that you are stunned by Liverpool’s
unable to act normally last-minute winner.
tense adjective tens feeling nervous and not He was tired, but too
relaxed, usually because you tense to sleep.
are worried about what is
going to happen
thrilled adjective θrɪld very pleased and excited Ben was thrilled to win
the competition.
Personality adjectives
ambitious adjective æmˈbɪʃəs wanting to be successful, rich, Anna is pretty
famous, etc ambitious; I don’t think
she’ll stay unless they
promote her.
arrogant adjective ˈærəɡənt someone who is arrogant To be honest, I thought
thinks they are better or more she was rude and
important than other people arrogant!
and behaves in a way that is
rude and too confident
determined adjective dɪˈtɜː(r)mɪnd dɪˈtɜrmɪnd not willing to let anything Aishia was always
prevent you from doing what determined to make it
you have decided to do as a dancer.
down-to-earth adjective ˈdaʊn tə ˌɜː(r)θ ˈdaʊn tə ˌɜrθ practical and sensible Jane’s so down-to-earth;
she’s great in a crisis.

Macmillan English Hub B2 Teacher’s Resource Centre.

Published by Macmillan Education, a division of Springer Nature Limited. © Springer Nature Limited, 2020. This page may be photocopied and used within the class. 1
Unit 1 Wordlist Macmillan English Hub B2 

Part of
Word/Phrase speech IPA (UK) IPA (USA ) Definition Sample sentence
easy-going adjective ˌiːziˈɡəʊɪŋ ˌiziˈɡoʊɪŋ relaxed, calm, and not getting Marco won’t mind if
easily upset about things we’re a bit late; he’s very
flexible adjective ˈfleksəb(ə)l able to make changes or You need to be more
deal with a situation that is flexible in your
changing approach.
loyal adjective ˈlɔɪəl willing to support, work for, or In his 45 years with the
be a friend to someone, even in family, Randell remained
difficult times a loyal employee.
naïve adjective naɪˈiːv nɑˈiv lacking experience in life and Jim’s so naïve he’ll
too ready to trust or believe in believe whatever anyone
others tells him.
open-minded adjective ˈəʊpən ˌmaɪndɪd ˈoʊpən willing to consider new ideas Talk to the new manager
ˌmaɪndəd about it – she’s pretty
optimistic adjective ˌɒptɪˈmɪstɪk ˌɑptɪˈmɪstɪk hopeful about the future and The CEO seemed pretty
expecting good things to optimistic about the
happen future of the company.
passionate adjective ˈpæʃ(ə)nət showing or expressing strong Cody has been a
beliefs, interest or enthusiasm passionate Boston
Celtics fan his entire life.
pessimistic adjective ˌpesəˈmɪstɪk thinking that the worst thing Try not to be so
will happen in every situation pessimistic; it’ll
probably be fine.
self-centred adjective ˈself ˌsentə(r)d ˈself ˌsentərd too interested in yourself, so Chris is so self-centred;
that you do not think about he never thinks of
what other people feel or need anyone else!
sensitive adjective ˈsensətɪv likely to become upset quickly If I’d known Juan was
so sensitive, I wouldn’t
have teased him.
stubborn adjective ˈstʌbə(r)n ˈstʌbərn not willing to change ideas He definitely won’t
or to consider anyone else’s change his mind; he’s
reasons or arguments too stubborn.
witty adjective ˈwɪti clever and funny Hassan struggled to
think of something
original and witty to say.
Noun suffixes
arrogance noun ˈærəɡəns behaviour that shows that you Frankly, I’m amazed by
think you are better or more your level of arrogance.
important than other people
confidence noun ˈkɒnfɪd(ə)ns ˈkɑnfɪdəns the belief that you are able to You should have more
do things well confidence in yourself!
determination noun dɪˌtɜː(r)mɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n dɪˌtɜrmɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n the refusal to let anything You’ve got to admire
prevent you from doing what his determination; he
you have decided to do never gives up.
loyalty noun ˈlɔɪəlti support that you always give Barry inspires great
to someone or something loyalty among his
because of your feelings of employees.
duty and love towards them
optimism noun ˈɒptɪˌmɪzəm ˈɑptɪˌmɪzəm a tendency to be hopeful and There’s much greater
to expect that good things will optimism within the
probably happen company now.
responsibility noun rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti blame for something that has I take full responsibility
happened for the problems that we
are facing

Macmillan English Hub B2 Teacher’s Resource Centre.

Published by Macmillan Education, a division of Springer Nature Limited. © Springer Nature Limited, 2020. This page may be photocopied and used within the class. 2

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