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Quiz 1

Student ID number: 20241364

Name: Md Omor Faruk

1. Please briefly explain about “Big Five Personality”.

The big five personality traits are a widely accepted framework used to describe
human personality variation. They are based on extensive psychological research and
are considered the most comprehensive model of personality traits. The big five traits
1. Extraversion: Extraversion refers to a personality trait characterized by qualities
such as sociability, outgoingness and a preference for seeking social interactions
and stimulation. Those high in extraversion tend to enjoy being around others and
often display stimulation in social situations. On the other hand, introverts are
typically more different and preferring lonely activities and less external
stimulation to feel content.
2. Agreeableness: Agreeableness belong to the level of kindness, cooperation,
sympathy and consideration exhibit towards others. High agreeableness is marked
by qualities like such as trust, sympathy and a willingness to compromise. While
low agreeableness is characterized by competitiveness, negativism and tendency
towards confrontation.
3. Conscientiousness: Conscientiousness is a personality trait that reflects the
degree of organization, responsibility, self-discipline and achievement orientation
behavior exhibited by individuals. High conscientiousness is associated with traits
such as reliability, punctuality and a strong sense of duty. Conscientious
individuals tend to be organized and highly motivated to achieve their goals. On
the other hand, low conscientiousness is characterized by disorganization,
impulsivity and a lack of follow through on tasks and responsibilities.
4. Neuroticism or Emotional Stability: Neuroticism reflects the tendency to
experience negative emotions such as anxiety, anger and depression. People with
high level of neuroticism tend to experience stress reactions, mood swings and
emotional instability. In contrast, those who low in neuroticism tend to be more
emotionally lively, composed and less reactive to stressors.
5. Openness to Experience: Openness to experience refers to a personality trait that
indicates the extent to which individuals are receptive new ideas, open minded,
imaginative, curious and unconventional beliefs. People high in openness tend to
be creative, adventurous and curious while those low in openness may be more
conventional, practical and resistant to change.

2. Explain four rules of ethical decision-making process.

Ethical decision making involves considering moral principles and values to determine the
right course of action in a given situation. There are various frameworks for ethical decision
making but four common rules often guide the process:

1. Utilitarian: Utilitarian is a moral theory that suggests the ethical choice is the one that
produces the greatest utility for the greatest number of people. It prioritizes the
outcomes of actions over other factors when making decisions. Utilitarian involves
measurement the potential impacts of different choices and selecting the one that
maximizes overall welfare or benefit.
2. Justice: Justice is a fundamental-principles in ethical decision making. It involves
considering issues of equality and social justice when making decisions that affect
others. It requires individuals to consider the rights and interests of all stakeholders
involved and strive for outcomes that equitable. Ethical decision makers aim to avoid
discrimination and unfair treatment instead promoting principles of justice in their
3. Moral Rights: In ethical decision-making moral rights play a crucial role in guiding
individuals and organizations to consider the fundamental entitlements and claims of
all parties involved and to make choices that uphold justice, fairness and respect for
human dignity.
4. Practical: Practical ethical decision-making process provides a structured approach to
addressing ethical dilemmas in a manner that is thoughtful and considerate of the
interests and rights of all stakeholders involved.

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