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Lockwood Character Analysis in

Wuthering Heights | SparkNotes
2-3 minutes


The character of Lockwood functions primarily as an outsider who

gradually learns the story of the Linton and Earnshaw families,
allowing the reader to do the same. Lockwood is a visitor from
London and is unfamiliar with Yorkshire customs. He brings with
him a somewhat haughty attitude and often thinks he is superior to
the people he encounters; for example, he reflects that he might be
a source of temptation to Cathy since his mere presence might
“cause her to regret her choice.” Lockwood is also not very self-
aware; he claims to want to be alone and to be happy to have only
“a solitary neighbor that I shall be troubled with.”

However, he almost immediately starts seeking out the company of

the residents of the Heights, “volunteer[ing] another visit tomorrow.”
even though they express no interest in getting to know him. As he
interacts more with the residents, Lockwood becomes engrossed in
the family history Nelly Dean shares with him, urging her to stay
later and keep talking.

Lockwood’s character does not change significantly over the course

of the novel: he simply reveals more of his traits that have always
been evident to the reader. As a somewhat snobbish man who likes
refined society, he becomes repulsed by the dark and passionate
stories he hears and the isolated setting in which he finds himself.
He quickly loses interest in the isolation of the moors, concluding
that he “would not pass another winter her, for much.” However,
Lockwood’s return to Thrushcross Grange the following autumn is
also consistent with his curiosity and tendency to gossip.

He remains deeply interested in the Linton and Earnshaw families,

but is also inherently self-focused, which is reflected in his final visit
to the grave sites. In an effort to create closure for himself,
Lockwood forms his own judgement about the final slumber of
Catherine and Heathcliff, choosing to believe they are at peace
even though his vision doesn’t necessarily align with what he has
heard about their actual characters.

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