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Before she opened her eyes, she already knew something was wrong. There was nothing but silence, and upon opening her eyes, nothing but darkness. Panic ripped through her like lighting, each nerve erupting like a venomous volcano. Her heart rate was erratic as she struggled against the chains that held her against the cold cement floor. She had no idea whether the time passing was minutes or hours, only that the chains had already battered her wrists into bleeding and her ears were ringing from the sound of her own screaming. She stopped suddenly sensing she was not alone in the room. Her eyes searched, straining to see, but the curtain of darkness was too thick. She struggled to slow her breathing to try to hear something, but her lungs were tight with fear. Suddenly she could feel someone's breath hitting her face, sending shivers down her already shaken spine. There was a faint click; the pressure vanished from her wrists. Yet before her mind could process the instinct to run, she was pinned against the wall. The breath hitting her face was cool enough to dry the sweat on her brow. She tried to move but her attempt was inconsequential, like a fly battling an elephant.

"You will have your chance to run." as he spoke moonlight seeped in and illuminated his face enough that she could make it out. His face was haunting, with beauty about it that was only be disturbed by the frightening smirk he was wearing. She met his gaze, only amusement was staring back at her. The fear inside her began to dissipate as she took in his words for the first time. The chance he might let her go. Her anxiety returned as he touched her face. His hand felt like ice, yet burned her skin. "This is for you." he strapped a watch to her right wrist. It was just as cold as his hand. "If you can find your way out, in one hour, you will be free to go." He eased away from her, and for the first time she recognized a door in the shadows. He opened it and Light illuminated the space between them, his face even more captivating in the tepid glow. She slowly eased her way to the door, not quite able to believe him. He watched her closely then just as she reached the doorway, he was gone. Confused, she stepped out into the stone hallway. There was a staircase positioned at the far end. Although fear incased her again, she slowly made her way up the dark stairs. At the top, what she saw surprised her. It was beautiful. The Grand staircase, the walls covered in dark wood, the potted plants and paintings, the polished

floors, and French doors that invited her on either side. "Impressed?" she screamed jumping towards his voice, but she saw no one. He was omnipresent. She felt him with her. Watching her, knowing before she did which way she would go. Shaking, she continued through the doors ahead. A familiar face caught her eye. There on the wall was a painting her grandfather, Next to that, a painting of her captor. Both were dated 1910, which would mean her captor would have to be over 100 years old. Yet he still looked like the 20 something man in the painting. Nausea came over her as she tried to gather what she knew of her grandfather, but the room was spinning too much for her to think. "Clever girl," she spun around to find him leaning against the fireplace behind her. "You're not human." She was terrified, but curious about the truth. "Not anymore." He sauntered to a nearby armchair and sat, leaning his elbows on his knees. "You knew my Grandfather?" he looked pass her at the painting, his eyes telling her grandfather was someone detested.

"He was a wealthy, noble, and respected man of the community. I was his college, friend and confidant. Therefore, it just seemed natural for an arranged marriage to his daughter." His gaze met hers but His blue eyes were cloudy with memories. "I refused. To retaliate, your Grandfather accused me of stealing money from him. With my reputation ruined, I would never be able to marry at all." He was silent for a moment, and she unwillingly felt sorry for him. "But that was not enough for him." Suddenly he was standing and moving closer to her. "He had his daughter claim that I raped her and I was exiled." She backed up until the wall stopped her from going further, and once again, he was trapping her against the wall. "He sent them to turn me, trapping me for eternity. I don't even have the privilege of death." He moved away from her, as uncontrollable tears filled her eyes. "I can help you." She wanted to end his sorrow, ashamed of the wrong inflicted on him. She walked towards him, reached out, placing her hand on his shoulder. He whipped around with a growl and threw her to the ground. She pushed herself up, but before she could gather her senses, his arms wrapped around her from behind. He held

her tightly not allowing her to turn and face him. Her mind was fighting between being afraid and comfortable in his arms. "You're too late." he spoke softly in her ear as he touched the watch. She had run out of time. Feeling more comfortable then she should, she turned her head to the side towards him. "You are going to kill me?" she asked, just as softly as him. He turned her around to face him; his one hand firm on her back, the other moved behind her head.

he said his head creeping toward her. "I have a better plan." She was surprised when his mouth touched her throat. Fear replaced the comfort instantly and as her heart stopped beating, she too felt the piercing permanence of eternity

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