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Datos del alumno:


DNI: ___________12781477D________


1..- Explain with your own words how the aspects “history and politics” and “media”help
to approach culture in the classroom.

The aspects of history, politics and media are a fundamental part of each culture because
there is a lot of difference between one culture and another, with them new ways of life
from other countries are learned and they help children to open their minds, compare and
also to learn about new cultural aspects.

Moreover, different materials could be used in the classroom in order to teach history and
politics such as: chronological lines and also comparisons among different countries in
different ages. It can be also done through images or posters, due to the fact that they are
visual materials that help students to understand the concepts better.

The teacher can make mind maps of politics to compare times, with real materials to
teach it in different ways.

Besides, we can also use textbooks, newspapers and realia which is convenient to use it
due to the fact that they are real materials. So, using these materials children will be
motivated using real examples. And they are going to be conscious about things they have
to learn, since they see them in a real way.

Through the media we can deal with different topics with videos and shorts and deal with
transversal issues such as religion, values and attitudes. Different countries have different
predominant religions, for example in the US Christianity is 50 percent, in Spain it
predominates and depending on the country this varies.
It is through certain materials that culture can be treated correctly as long as it is adapted
to the characteristics and needs of the children. Hence the importance of knowing our
own students.

2.- Apart from the factors enumerated in unit 5, can you include others (at least two) that
may contribute to approach culture in the classroom? Please, provide sufficient reasons
for your answers.

I would like to add the behavior of each culture: in Spain, for example, they greet each
other with 2 kisses, in the US they shake hands or with a hug...

The different ways of eating, for example, highlight that the Japanese eat with chopsticks
instead of forks like in Spain.

And the second could be the patterns of communication: The English are more formal
than the Spanish...for example to say hello, ordering a coffee, or saying please.

We also have to say that these factors are relevant points we have to teach our students
due to the fact that what we want to achieve is that our students will be communicative
competent in the foreign language. So, for getting that we have to teach them real
situations in the culture and also how to deal with them.

Contenido relacionado con la actividad: Activity related to unit 5. Actividad relacionada

con la actividad número 5.

Objetivos a lograr/objectives: The student is expected to conceive some important aspects

to approach culture learning in the classroom, regardless of the aspects considered in the
unit. Se espera que el alumno sea capaz de concebir los aspectos necesarios para
aproximar el aprendizaje de la cultura en el aula, además de aquellos que se aportan en la

Observaciones o criterios a tener en cuenta/criteria to take into account:

➢ Please, include the question of the activity (Por favor, incluye el enunciado de la

➢ Length: 190-450

➢ Font: Calibri, 12 or Calibri, 11

➢ Line spacing 1,5

➢ The text should be justified on both sides of the document.


Unit 5 (Literature for children) Camilo José Cela University.

Kramsch, Claire. “Language and Culture”. Oxford: Oxford University. 1998.

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