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£TOM: conbibubton of dijfeent pe eS — “on 0 he sk prea We f “doy ey Limes ‘Domocritin i tim centeyy Tohn_ Dali Modern Research: T-_ Bezelléus a phpseal article | aSipuse ete —— — , combhe __ abo - - 2 fi yatiO) hes wheel i ee covalent —_ dents | (pamela erie) "Moecule + Ma ee yO, Ory 3 HCL» HNOs» cl. Hy 50y eb e* 1 $04 ii Scanned with CamScanner r a “mass “semains, censesved: ite” eee _ constant . em __H,0, | — On co iy tt ' leg a re MODERN RESEARCH : _sPlvision of aforn (composition _ 6. Alen. = « Alom_ consist of mase than _| /00 Aubatorric _ fe fn an _ Peles , ake |_# Findomental paritcles These ae called $8 because | Shey olecide the pigpettes. of on pene Yo compsiiign if te 2A decide physi pape es pete 4 st amass) melons. — “elections —» cectde. chemtcal prperees “Ft TACON ~ BEAZELIUS 3 Rta ive symbols elem ents. ‘f elanents. it He —_ ale | a Definition: _ ____* The_smallest pasticle cola, which can take put cherical — 1 —__ neacHons whith! — or maynot | exstst__inclependlen “4 2s calle ye En a ee omay_exsisE indepencden ys : Outesrnvst dhell complete ‘so tke donot suet Ey He, Ne, Ay , ky , Xe exist Independion tt]. a ° may nok exist “independenb 3 . ‘er mos shell lecomnp _ | a a Ba oO pk | fptkal Electron patcroscope Microscope — YS Visible uth fight etlechon beam: Wave lene cee lees “co - ae inna nil aie aie Diomler A of ‘Akom = O-2am gmaller. than wavelength 's eannot be obtained - ‘tints cin Orden ° i mikoscope can measuse dine_g 00 ables eck oY aa 500mm (Jam = 10'm) - Hi oafet : be observed. in ‘Sh ctoon ae os qt uses bear oF elecison _ instead vistble Hight, because 1 auch ShoY er “mavelength of elettron & | than 4 visibfe fait: — teen er a pl _(yem gt . Gap! shite - ve ro (Allotioptc [ptm — a af easton) Size of Akom: ears o-2am On 4 10 'm ae oy 2x10" Mass of Atom: . bebd x16” "eq to tts a + bet x10'g Y to Pott 10” ‘whee few = 66d x10” ou = Wass of He alam « I-bb4 y 5 a Sis Soe Tonle ns oe poe ‘ete came Ge — ee Homoatomic Heterpabomiic _ The ty pe of, maolecule Tre pe molecule ee as dame. Rin IF dhpent aloms - | ivi } ee Called D teed as 5 Uhomoatomic molecule. Cee omer molecule 5 e-g- i a ae ——— tho ee, ig us oa $y Ry ett. MSO, ) MmOote. On Basis of no. of AE cones MC 2 7 —_ Ab? 6] atoms present tna molecule is cabled The The ly The The molec Sat heures - vel ___ hai ae ec ei fake two a _ we! atoms is is called ato lewd is called Blyatorse o atornie _ealted Tiialomic molecule _ aon ~ amalecatle i ae ae J r rue learner e eq: _—___- Sgr: — N » Dest yNar NO, 2S0n0 On, «aa. WD __ a NO,00_ 4 1 $3.5 MySOuete. e-bt- SS Micromolecules : Macromolecules Those mnotecules ae - Fuse molecules hav - we Aine thigh hh mole cles ss act Ste - Toews ase oapreqate 4% ions 5 eal oo a Natl _(dimple + yatio) _ Eempinccat primate) ) [Formula mass. — —— on sr —— OF he spe. ecie tat y etthey positive : or r- pegalive Gh yde ase & Cation: = " jsolated_ ~ ies cake at_ gps lo to Sitve nage 2 ave known as —Sus ee ene" meubial gaseous tolalid atom foses Oo of _2ohe ‘elechon it oy posite ad one oe _ change ase Known as ¢ —— ‘Scanned with CamSceanner Nucleus het _glons “ee a ony j_Coware Towarcls valence electsb To ovescoma tals ts force de alésacion enesay “ds absorbed to amore __ en Reason: — E. 0 ate Atel Conclusion: Nerxe, Aémoval 48 echo ae evden _ __ppsocess @ Why sae Ae of cation is 50 is smaller aller, then parent wa, Nat +e" eee e-10 peti! piettl _W& Imbotance 2 io pt tao i) Removal shell. Formation: — _ "hen lol seslnes olen los ene _ Oh Mone.” 25 ft atery! masalive : a v7 Ow enérqy —» sable Podicars High — unstable J gnen an alom gains election. Tt becomes _unstanle aS snes Metastable sols. aay : ear - nergy <6 upp red fo a A Py ae clue to Aapulsive pee eS Lele eand pwriows anion. orion of ive ton is ary o Hlosbatt ee mic post Batty, TE ges sna = Pe 1E— OH <4 ‘formation: aR __“ When evibral asec alom one fe n ie am megative* ch hnown unt itive on. o a . ——_ . ‘eo When an elechon is added ‘into neutral 2 alm release ss stabalixe 7tsel/. Thane fermation of e alive ion ise eric “Ie Cae —7 Ck AH=-349KImol” Q Define Poly “atomic ions [charged Radicals? Definitfon: Group _aloms te charge ate known as Py atomic ions ov chase Ki vals. ey. almic anions oe abundant . rhs oa bf ay haw tryna S30 ty antnne, EE Foe ith Carica ot elecnegadte <0 fon ms negolive ton | « lon-metals) form Laat bonds so roy tm foro ee font 204 zs a po Wa Pan iar (hydrcrtum fon) fey arent abundant tel WH) wordinal uraknt bord nob gormed by all eleents cre formed b element Goi VAard LECULAR or ae _ __* whan complete > molecule bese ov five er om 2 charge _kn known™ cox molecules fom of _— Molewule — Molecule e- Moletdar, cations oe abvne . Example: a Stable unsteble = = - + & beam tea ame cut + e N f The A aD eroval veo —_— i ~~ Ose fst tran © at of gan compo" me letken $0 molecular Tie ate abundant i = of "fared €0 mroleaulan anton. _ cece nena i pl duet cage number J oe pt nn Kone a nein a ge ae a laces a slp a pron (prion ~decay) sadtoackt iG nude at aa fer vity) z have dame chemical _propertie, _but ene prystal_ properties” RSH? 15 ; are have same chemical eyttes. es tor e4g= Protum wr totem has came alemte 10 : | + Excimple “raed "hagee they nave same chernical plopek Wes i | Different as So 2 oh ah ekment Varela ferent no- s fiw aa: (ass _mumbes) . Therefare, they have ee Safe there anypergnt mero-ofy - ie - & zxample Tieuhans So__thect mass. changes. —— a sina ____20 fs + 80h = $007. eee —— Peicentage 4 an_Isolope assent jn an ic. iStopic “mixtue ls called 1 abunolance —__ op iat lap = + 280 malisally pecuting isobope. Scanned with CamSeanner oe mass 3 (ae to» ealyard B00 ontifetadly dal prepaed. aH tet boleper Aeedfo acl ve ~ts0lopel e Balers Tritium, is Beles stds aed ny ate 230 940 mon- heelioactive 40 sadioadtive ipiiemie mo. OB Alte no L MUG 70. odd) ~ even) > They have one _ they have more ae Isotopes pan 2 ‘tsoldpes (mot mone tharr fsofopes) 2 hes 4ample_€ exsist 19 gaseous fisted iia aphiic (Photographie pis) jes Spectrom " 7% ‘Blenlify atom m: 4 elope gf ja2 element. a damp Come is a ool dbeats : Higutol tod Bloke | ee : Sie — onstruction and Work af, sample ts soleel /.Lizy eee a — i)Vapourizakion Chamber: ek a ’ ——— — _ ~ “The chamber in which solid Jdiquid teotopic _miztue ds healed to ag Into ehwede ts usecl to attract e-beam s\eccum pump is usecl vaccum air inside fastrument ‘when an elecon beam Stites the alems g Sample theylenark test acl. a a fowl, cabions ¢%e sure: 16010" torr So alk could tontze , maximum fzabion » Eiectsons axe deposited to anode. +Puasuse kept tow 60 Thad all alors 9 fe Should Lonize o1 they should got charged, yb jon Chambery Electiic chamber 5 A_ne alls on 7 D accelesale ators Vodluced. 2 Voltage “of Sov — Rooov 4s applied oMegnelic fad moves the. chaige fre enTF® Cw Ce reg see — fase filets "pt poppe 0s elkebrans pacs eos it thao! P holes ate attelesatd . : cll and itd ee have deg pe i [eee Bam Gf ete _caltors be Ror six) Magnetic Chamber? q- Trey rove fons th ciscular paths > _ “Frege tee on te fons on the basic thax 1 72 = = ee: - ——# aa set constank oe a: od edt “In ebrel, Rane diving | ant net yeh nai Hdefledion oo 1. ’ kw we change Eleclsic fick hee) ong mnagnelic pie he tensiant: then 4 we incvease etl Skxength ove thems WIN get a Voish ase wese accles ald. taipa Y intl lo le aah au ae ances ay tlhe Bd ee “dfecion ending witl be Less "ehe » BEC TROMERRIE ZO ramen ‘Generation e @bundane o ionsae no-opions ae a led caliens i on “= s aoe thet. goat elec which & cleaccll. by prope hers Aage abundabice 4 bys - Scanned with CamScanner Eas 4 wed 48 Sanda due to, OMS alamic mass is whole no. sat dso stable feclope having Ligh # eburdance : —_h ak = abundance gf ilps - ape ~— Alsmic mass *C-12 graph (scale) + obtained maze spechsom zAlomic mass = ‘/. abundance : pe = 30s Om Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner v = Qualitative me denial, of eirenk = enfin : (< Bthica Babiske” — anew g cobele™,® | __ AINALYSIS_OF CoraPouy, 3 Sof elements oS Armounty mass tn guams of; element present Io 10g cond "Scaled ge -—__' ae ee — Evernicar XS Moca, —__ Forma DIE ble” SmpinicdL and molecular for. — as elsculas formula is multiple of empiri ire Spek De hry St is SimplesE whore, p70. Aatio eloms + Covalent compo ¢ Tonle compainds Scanned with CamScanner TH cn be. ait —ekmental an i a lapel Benzene = CH _ Glucose = Cho _ | « Moleculas p pore ola; | an x 2 Saas: pore Benzene = GHe Gluose = CeHj,0g. ‘Seanned with CamScanner ‘Scanned with CamScanner * Corie gusTion! ANacysis— —__# ae late empirical fotmula of ic tom — avin g ¢,/u.0. 4 Een ion: O ‘% Lom, bean be pred TPembesblons 8 page: then ud leariier ca ed gpg ins play 2 Wd +20, heh, CO, + 24,0 | —tombuakion fh . Analysis: - the” process in in which | known amount of — ool containing C, # and oxygen is bunt in the — _ presence excess a exggeh Ilo Ge Catena alae contains on 7} Sh st gl ae Sn detesmnine ‘1 of each element: eset dora H,0 absorbeh chambers Wj. % 2% ope= ss massoFeleme) DC taste of CO, x OD « loo — ae massofO-c aq — ps of. H = $4ass Of W20. i ——— Pe asgcfo-c oe x stage punt Oo. aie Pca: 2 a combus Oy. aichamber 24 Anahi his o! Omprund ts bunt hae 10 chamber tt 3s spaced! ay " 1 Passed [20 ‘3 is i“ . WO NWCAL Aeolian fees Eee PSOE HOT Tsaphysical henoe ok plece wre pif\rentiol meted. Sage of O = loo- (7.6 + 7H) a MAY “Dea wat by. leffrenia % MOLE & AYoGADRO’S no. Mole: (s7 unit of amount of substance) “when alomic mass, molecelas t mass, formuta, mass , “Toric mass is expsesecl in grams. “Eamplte: + Nas 23q+ Imole « Hi0= mae Imole _ _# Noche 58-54 =Imole © On e+ 4 Imole. ‘ Sues TANCE four_forms.. remistry » thement _ 9) Mofecule _ > Tonic Compouncl (Gormule. anes. __» Ton. Gram Alom or Mole: when alemic mass a element —exptess - rams 4 equal "to one mole , Gham athe o “Gham Glom Scanned with CamScanne j fem — — la} Na = 239 ¢tmole fe ae Cs 124 = Imole_ “When moleculecr mase 0] > expsesseal Po gsms Us molecule os Yene mole. Example: ceil leet ____ 10 = [Bq = Imole — Or + 329 = Imole is _ CD, 2 Wh = Imole 7 a! formula - Example: - Nacl = S859 « Imole Ud, = Cg = Imole NO, (0, = Jo 9 Imole Formula: = - _ mo: of moles > mass in gxam ot Gram Fermmubo. Formula, mass. _ When ionic mas anion wis ex ‘ed in qfams Ht fseqjual to ene ‘vole or Gham mole _or Grkara ions." _ OH = 119 = ‘mole Na’2 239+ Imole _$0;7 = ee Fomulas _____ no. ef moles . Mass tn gam a woe _ Tonic ass. INO * moles _s Mass ir idblece © "Mole Ma — ae = a a a read foe and no. of ions present one ‘gas an Lu sect oe omg Lgsam formu, — = 4 and 4 te is Ss _ - _ 08 oly a ae . Exam ple: —_ 2 a imole 2 6-QxI0° alens Hide Bq = mole « 602 x10% Molecules _ sal Imole » 6:02 x10" Jormula units OH” = 11q 2 imple = 02x10? ton. = mass aldmic mass ese "nos OF molecules = n,n, aT a on moleculaymass = MOLAR VOLUME _= 5 e occupied by 4 mole “(deal gas"ot 24.0 Two moles xeack with one ie nig Sigh ate 5 es — so & 20. —> 2H0 a bekind) fesess) it - __ amole = ° o fxpensne + _matetaly ake used Qs Lembo ig xeackant , ihn, lng telat (excess), speed up chemical seeacltor oh seackant 4s opplicable fo isecevensible_ Siem win } ; 2+ FH STEFS FoR. “Toenrtirtcation OF INUTINIG REACTANT = Sy ee Ap te ppm Scanned with CamScanner Va Definition: t—‘it‘“S*S “the _qosuit gf pudiee: oleae Ty fe Bn ds called Yeildl.” chemical sea A he Fe is also known a — | eteulated “Yield fb page: chemist ‘ner J » SMe peadlion may Jeig——-—~_ a ket lace « fleaclon be Se . Theypertence Pegg silos Keaton. A ae ean Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner LT ae event picalole ve ra ne ant f ee cbie Reackion . aes aMechanical foss. 7 ~ ee w Fela wag be topute Sad * nes © seocton| Definition: © ——" — “Yield Fhe nia Actual Viele) 10 ultip theoretical yiekl mudlipired a too. - yp Niedd - Actual Yel yo SS __Theovetical Yield ‘Scanned with CanScamer Scaqtned with Cam | ene a: ayes 7 aig ral TT || 2 Atomic 0- Same ° Mass “no. Bheerent © Chemicaf Hes same eo Physicat Hosein different e Neutrons different . ¢ Atomic 10. different @ Chemical —pyoperttes cittferent © Mass no. same hes seme. y For true 0 Momic Oe different © chemical puoperties oléffovent © val Momic mass oli ff. 2 Physical pyoperttes oléFfevent ue 4 wikee, Ac ae Scanned with CamScanner le Les ys bstance *Na= m0- Of particles in 1 mmole | = 6-022 % 10° } no- 6 Hi iven. ae N - N —> No- OF particle N 6-022 x 107° WN [Pe 48 given volumes NT 4p) ee At le _ Jt 22-414 he. Scanned with CamSeanner TO : _ N-vany no- of atoms \ 5 “> find out no. oF H,0 molecules in 33 of water: ; - 5 Ne pote" a i Tie sont / _ Calculate “QJ? fin O-S mole oF 7) N= 0-5 % 6+022% 10> N= 3 oll x 1077 "To Canemare po: oF PaaTiCiE — in_mote_of Yat. N= my Na x Albmti ea — M __Ne nx Na x Amtliy— Glculate no. of H-atoms in Hig of HO. Ne my mA «ent a M = 9 x 6+022x10'? x 2 = &0RxI0* a Scanned with CamScanner \° ste = temp. « 0° = RTP = Pressyren tom shemps 9 . SV = 32-414dm* * Presoures 24dys"" A mole of H2S0u+ Histq? Noy SE a6 “BALANCED ~~ EQUATION —__CHy = leqs Imole= Na = aad ~. Mass and No. of Parifeles: al 4436-02210" ee a Ws? (esx 3 Ns 60225107 gp a 7 r tt 2 [We 1:5 x 10°] a ee “Mole and no. ‘paritcles ~~ No- of parlictes Mey FAO Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanne BALANEED €QUATION C+ 0, — CO, 44 excess m=? _ mic) : m(c0.) 45 3 2 mC) + ro (COs) 29% 4h _ 405, 2% a 1a — jas 0 7 200 n(4mod) m=? . Scanned with CamScanner SCANNEO WIT Lailtocallnier © Present. _in__ least amount 2 consume eanlicy . © Paoduce Kast amount _O| product ae —e Produce controled amount Of produce _ __@ Neo oppieasie +0 meversibie 7éackon. _ 0 Not opease 1) Xe. ee D No. of moles = Reactant 3 P-L No. of mows = Product |_______ = 3) The _martant which _prodwed _™ product + * ae Als AlOs O + Ako, > my 42 2 2:9 > Tp OE Sige ~ CconeliHons SUMPTION | eo No Side sp — @ Reaction must be fy7e veysibte. —___*_ ful venctont must “be converted RON a a omteralion OF rags Scanned with CamScanner See Ua Pee Amount _ OF “produce. > “petal te Theoretical yield _ Les ___ Theorette etapertmental vied ——w Caleutated yok we Actual eld fs always tess then theavetfeo P ~~ yield. ° ivreversibie —_veacHon —ftheatiteat = 6 = Actual yield» 100 _¢ theoretical os —Falesntah______ essai A —__ ‘Slmpie whole 70. OF ee yatlo of atoms atoms : “ne "aah mass Ss lombustion analysis ts &Fmass aed locale M-F= nx EF Boh ionte and, __-_ (ony jor covafent inds) have _empistcat SG eenzene CoH) - ororu ta. ‘Scanned with CamScanner [__ Ip net, _\ i Then APs GP SF J (tho, €0, etc) ae oy a mail ¢ Hes IO deh ; =o) tees fot pine 4 ¢ H = «4 @ [Combustion tube: | of O-C +0, —> Co, tHO P| uta.) LL. FSCSC*é“‘“ CSCC CPN:C*~‘C]®;SSSS=S q : 4 M absorb water e Nass of water ; © PhysicaS process . = o Mass of U0, 4 # chemkad pmocess Scanned with CamScanner Busnes Parser: _ _ Caluctations z wy ———__._..._ _. = ee Ne Molen mafia Te Hinge aM SFY ~ If not a s not a simple | 10+ (decimal fra cin) Suitable anole _70- 40 ~~ multiply with mare Who le 70 - : ee Scanned with CamScant Scanned with G

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