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lall~a'sTri· Tailed Classlc-

The Cruise.masler
by BILL COX / AOPA 320301

•• One writer called it "the Bugatti lancas. The model 14-19 Cruisemaster
of airplanes." Another referred to it as was the third step in the evolutionary
a "GT of the air." Both were describing chain, preceded by the Cruisair Junior
a Bellanca. and Senior. As such, it incorporated
From the Cruisair Jr. to the Viking much of the best of what went before
300A, Bellancas have generated a pecu- and added a few twists of its own.
liar charisma beyond mere consider- Interior design is typical late forties.
ations of quality and performance. Over Accommodations are adequate, if snug,
the years, the airplane has remained an for four souls. Elbow and hip room is
enthusiast's machine-not always bet- probably the most limited, though it's
ter than the rest, but always a winner adequate for normal-sized people. Other
to those pilots who rate an airplane for areas aren't so lucky.
what it is as well as what it does. The panel looks like something out of
Bellancas have always been noncon- a South American locomotive. Instru-
formists, wood and fabric anachronisms ments are packed tightly and appar-
in an aluminum age. Even today, ently at random onto a narrow, sloping
Bellanca Aircraft Corp., the small com- panel that barely has room for the
pany hidden in the backwoods of Min- essentials. The original installation al-
nesota, continues to sand and glue, lows for only eight 31/s-inch dials, four
dope and sew its airplanes together. 2-inch instruments, and one nav/c<im.
For those of us who own Bellancas, A comparable modern lightplane, such
especially the older ones, our airplanes as a Cardinal RG or Cherokee Arrow,
have become aeronautical oddities, will accommodate at least twelve large
standouts from the crowd for better or dials, six small ones, four to five
for worse. My 1950 Cruisemaster is radios, and have enough room left for
perhaps typical of many vintage Bel- a glove box.


Fortunately, the Bellanca panel can damage during a gear-up landing and
be expanded downward, and that's the supposedly had one factory pilot who
only practical answer to IFR require- could shut down the engine, sparking
ments, short of a complete rebuild. I've the prop to horizontal with the starter,
seen several Cruisairs and a few Cruise- and set the Cruisemaster on its re-
masters with "full" panels, and all in- tracted gear with no damage to the air-
cluded radios slung under the panel. plane. Hmmm?)
Avionics inevitably extract a weight Protruding wheels or not, Cruise-
penalty. According to factory specs, the masters are aggressive climbers on only
Cruisemaster is a full-fuel, four-passen- 190 hp. I can count on 750 fpm for the
ger-plus-baggage airplane. With mains first 4,000 or 5,000 feet at full gross;
topped at 40 gallons, plus 21 pounds of 900 fpm with only two passengers up
oil, the 14-19 theoretically has 764 front. Cruise climb doesn't seem to work
pounds of payload. Fill the 14-gallon as well for a 14-19 as for its successor,
aux tank and payload drops to 680 the Viking, probably a function of the
pounds, an exact four-passenger allow- latter's considerable horsepower advan-
ance. In other words, a pilot has a tage.
choice between the 84 pounds of bag- It certainly isn't the wing. That
gage and a full aux tank. hasn't changed in nearly 40 years. The
In practice, the numbers aren't quite Bellanca B airfoil was introduced on
so generous. Airplanes, like some pilots, the 1,650-pound Cruisair Jr. in 1937,
seem to gain weight as they age. With and basically the same wing supports
what is probably a fairly typical IFR 3,325 pounds of Viking 300 in 1975.
package on the panel, my airplane can The design may be antediluvian, but it
carry full mains and 670 pounds of has served the airplane well. It is, by
people, not quite four full-sized passen- any measure, a good all-purpose lifting
gers' worth. surface.
Takeoffs over a 50-foot obstacle re- It's also a comparatively clean wing,
quire about 1,500 horizontal feet. Rota- though not as drag-free as Bellanca
tion is automatic if the airplane is cor- hoped. The company published some
rectly trimmed and flown off three- spectacular performance numbers for
point. Some pilots prefer "wheel" take- the Cruisemaster, many of which look
offs, but the majority favor a tail-low ridiculously optimistic in light of the
attitude. airplane's true capabilities. The listed
With a thousand pounds of hydraulic 180-mph cruise was little more than a
pressure available to pump the gear up, PR man's dream, attractive in print but
retraction takes only about five seconds. unattainable on a stock grossed-out
"Retraction" is a misnomer, since the Cruisemaster. I've owned two 14-19s
mains don't fully retract, and the tail- and have flown five others, and have
wheel doesn't even move. The gear legs yet to see one that will cruise within
merely fold straight back against the 10 mph of 180.
bottom of each wing, levering the tires This isn't to say that the Cruise-
into half recesses near the trailing edge. master's real numbers aren't respect-
Though the wing is fairly thick, its able. My airplane will true 160 mph in
teardrop design slims down quickly smooth air with a perfectly balanced
toward the rear, and there's not nearly CG. The older Cruisemasters are par-
enough room to fully enclose the gear. ticularly susceptible to aft loading and
The new Vikings lever the wheels for- turbulence, and lose speed as the bal-
ward toward the thicker leading edge ance point moves toward the tail or the
but ~till leave several inches of tread air gets rougher. A fuel capacity of 54
hanging below the wing. (Bellanca gallons in combination with the en-
claims the protruding rubber minimizes gine's voracious appetite (12 gallons an
outboard vertical stabilizers (called "ele-
phant ears" by Bellanca pilots), so there's
very little sideways movement. Roll and
hour) allows cross-countries of not over pitch displacement is similarly rare
four hours plus reserve, at 75% power. until things really get rough.
That inefficient old slug of an engine Besides strength and maneuverabil-
up front may be heavy and expensive ity, Bellancas always have been known
to feed, but it's also a well-proven, re- for their range of useful speed, and the
liable powerplant. During World War II, Cruisemaster is certainly exemplary of
the 0-435 Lycoming received its bap- the breed. Stall, down and dirty, is
tism of fire on the nose of the Army's listed at 54 mph. That may be slightly
L-5 reconnaissance aircraft. Blown and lower than the real number, but there's
geared, it's also suffered years of torture no doubting the airplane's slow-flight
in helicopters, and a pumped-up GO- capability. G. M. Bellanca was one of
435A powers Art Scholl's aerobatic the first to use tip washout to improve
Chipmunk. Not many pilots know that aileron response near the stall, and the
the 0-435A powered one of the first result is an unusually docile, wings-level
experimental Bonanzas, some early break with aileron control through the
N avions and even the original Aero pitchdown.
Commander twin. It's not uncommon This combination of good low-speed
for an 0-435A to run 1,200 hours be- handling and gentle stall makes Cruise-
tween overhauls, and that's an accom- masters among the easiest-landing tail-
plishment for an engine designed prior draggers in the world. Because maxi-
to World War II. mum flap extension speed is only 86
More common knowledge is Bel- mph, it's difficult to approach much
lanca's reputation for building super- faster than 80. The book recommends
strong airplanes. The wooden wing's a full-flap final at 70, a 1.3 multiple of
structural integrity is legend well-sup- the stall speed. Flared at 70, it's no
ported by fact. I know of one Cruise- problem at all to stop the aircraft in
master that collapsed a gear on landing 500 feet.
at a rough dirt strip. The airplane Crosswinds present another problem.
promptly turned sideways, involuntarily The slabsided fuselage and small rudder
retracting the opposite gear sideways make Cruisemasters great fun in strong,
through the belly fabric (they're sup- gusty crosswinds. Slips are frustrating
posed to retract straight back). The since the airplane runs out of top
gear leg, oleo and all, was bent like a rudder with little more than 20 degrees
pretzel, but the front spar it was at- of bank. I've found that a combination
tached to wasn't damaged. The attach slip/crab technique gives reasonable
bolts didn't even elongate the bolt holes. control to the flare.
This kind of strength in contact with For its time, the Cruisemaster was in
the ground is reassuring in flight. Some- the same general performance class as
how, the airplane feels strong and solid. the Bonanza but was considerably less
Stability around every axis is excellent. expensive, both to buy and to maintain.
AHerons are fast and effective with- Base price for a 1950 Bellanca 14-19
out b~ing super light. Turn coordination was $11,985 compared with $14,500 for
at cruise isn't required for banks to 30 a B-model Bonanza. Significantly, both
degrees. Stabilize the turn, release the airplanes still bring prices near their
controls and the Bellanca will continue original list. With a typical IFR panel
turning circles as if on a rail. installed, a sharp, low-time Cruise-
The airplane flies with neutral sta- master can cost $9,000 or more. A high-
bility, neither assisting nor resisting a time runout dog in need of fabric and
turn. Bump the yoke hard left from radios demands about $5,500.
straight and level flight, and the Cruise- Every aircraft design represents a
master will roll right through vertical series of compromises between what the
and obligingly onto its back. (Bellancas designer would like and what he's will-
were never licensed as aerobatic ma- ing to settle for. In the case of the
chines, but Bobby Bishop made quite a Cruisemaster, G. M. Bellanca's goals
name for himself several years ago were strength and aerodynamic #effi-
flying airshows in a stock Viking 300. I ciency, and he, like Al Mooney,
rode with Bobby during two perfor- achieved them by trading a certain
mances, and he had nothing but praise amount of passenger comfort. In most
for the Viking's aerobatic manners.) other respects, Bellanca optimized his
Yaw disturbance in turbulence is design to the best of his considerable
damped by the Cruisemaster's clownlike ability. 0

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