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Signs of Common Disorders and those that are shared by Children with Hearing Loss

Signs of Behavior Difficulties Signs of Language Disorder Signs of Autism

● hits ● resists cuddling and
● does not use words to
● pushes communicate holding
● yells
● fights with peers ● does not imitate ● appears unaware of
● has sleeping problems others’ feelings
● will not play games
● has excessive energy ● loses previously acquired
levels ● is easily distractible
ability to say words
● is unable to sit still and ● has oral-motor problems
focus such as excessive ● does not make eye
● is a picky eater drooling, trouble with solid contact when making
● has frequent tantrums foods, intolerance to touch requests
in and around the mouth
● loses things needed for ● speaks with an abnormal
activities at school ● uses only nouns
tone or rhythm — may
and at home
● does not tolerate sitting for use a singsong voice or
● forgets things listening activity/looking at robot-like speech
books, etc.
● Is easily distracted ● performs repetitive
● is not speaking in full
● Is fidgety movements, such as
sentences (not rocking or spinning
● runs or climbs necessarily correct
inappropriately grammar, but a variety of ● develops specific
word types) routines
● cannot play quietly
● is not using "I" to refer to
● blurts out answers ● becomes disturbed at the
slightest change in
● interrupts people
● cannot relate experiences, routines
● cannot stay in seat even in simple telegraph
sentences ● may be fascinated by
● talks too much parts of an object, such
● has trouble waiting his as the spinning wheels of
or her turn a toy

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