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BALLAST WATER is fresh water or sea water stored in ships hull ballast tanks to provide stability, to

improve maneuverablity and to helps in immersing propeller and rudder in water.

BALLASTING: - The complete process of taking in SW into the dedicated ballast tanks while
discharging cargo.

DE BALLASTING: - The Removal of SW from the dedicated ballast tanks while loading cargo.
BALLAST WATER MANAGEMENT CONVENTION: - International convention for the control and
management of Ballast water and sediments.

BWM CONVENTION treaty was adopted by the IMO on 2004 and convention came into force after
13 years on 2017.

AIM: - The ship must manage the ballast water so the aquatic organisms and pathogens present in
the ballast water are removed or rendered harmless before the ballast water is released to a new
location. This will help to prevent the spread of invasive species as well as harmful pathogens.

APPLIES TO: - All ships including existing ships of 400 GT and above and are required to carry an
international ballast water management certificate (validity 5 years), along with a Ballast water
discharge record book and a ballast water management plan.


D1 STANDARD: - Requires ships to exchange their ballast water in open seas way from coastal areas.
Ideally 200 nautical miles from the nearest land and in water at least 200m deep.


SEQUENTIAL METHOD: - In this method, the ballast tank is first emptied and refilled with
replacement ballast water to achieve at least 95% volumetric exchange. Thermal stresses develop on
the ship’s structure during this process will be more.

FLOW THROUGH METHOD: - In this method, replacement ballast water is pumped into the ballast
tank and allowing it to overflow through the vent pipes in order to achieve at least 95% volumetric
exchange. Pumping through three times the capacity of the ballast tank shall be considered to meet
the D1 standard.

DILLUTION METHOD: - In this method replacement ballast water is filled from top of the tank and
simultaneously discharge from the bottom of the tank at the same flowrate and maintains a constant
level in the tank throughout the exchange process.

D2 STANDARD: - The ship can only discharge ballast water that meets the following criteria
Compliance with the performance D2 standard can only be achieve through BW treatment system.

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