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 Stability is the tendency of an airplane to fly a prescribed flight course.

 Dynamic longitudinal stability concerns the motion of a statically stable airplane, one that
will return to equilibrium after being disturbed.
 Basically, there are two primary forms of longitudinal oscillations with regard to an
airplane attempting to return to equilibrium after being disturbed.
 The first form is the phugoid mode of oscillation.
 A second type of oscillation is called porpoising mode.
 Many of the basic ideas involving longitudinal stability also apply to directional stability.
In the usual equilibrium condition, an airplane flies so that the yaw angle is zero. To have
static directional stability, a positive yawing moment should be generated if the airplane
is disturbed to a negative yaw angle or alternatively by convention, a positive sideslip
angle ß and a negative yawing moment generated for a negative sideslip angle excursion.
If the airplane holds its disturbed position, it has neutral directional stability. If the
tendency is to increase the disturbed position, farther away from equilibrium, the airplane
is directionally unstable.
 The fuselage and the vertical tail are the two most influential components in directional
stability. When an airplane is in a disturbed condition at a sideslip angle ß, in general the
fuselage alone will generate a moment that tends to increase the disturbance; that is, it is
unstable. The vertical tail (the rudder) is the main component of static directional
stability. When placed at an angle of attack due to the sideslip disturbance, it generates a
side force which when multiplied by the moment arm (center of gravity of airplane to
aerodynamic center of vertical tail) produces a stabilizing moment that tends to move the
airplane back to a zero sideslip or yaw condition. The vertical tail usually has a
low aspect ratio to prevent stalling. If a stall should occur, instability results and a
catastrophic sideslip divergence may result. Adding more vertical tail by use of a dorsal
fin extension or ventral tail area provides a stable yawing moment at large sideslip
 A tractor propeller of a typical airplane is a destabilizing influence on the directional
stability, and it also imparts a rotational velocity to the slipstream. It produces a sidewash
angle at the tail that reduces the static stability effectiveness of the tail. This effect can be
very pronounced in aircraft with large engines. The Grumman F8F Bearcat, a carrier
plane, would require a certain degree of rudder offset by the pilot to counteract the yaw
induced by the sidewash during high-powered takeoffs. Contrarotating propellers are a
solution to this problem.
 The wing's degree of sweep influences the yawing moments. A sweptback wing will add
to the directional stability whereas, a swept-forward wing will detract from the total
directional stability since it is by itself a destabilizing influence. This is a contributing
reason for choosing sweptback wings over swept-forward wings.
 Directional divergence is a result of a directionally unstable airplane. When the airplane
yaws or rolls into a sideslip so that side forces on the airplane are generated, the yawing
moments that arise continue to increase the sideslip. This condition may continue until
the airplane is broadside to the relative wind.
 Spiral divergence is characterized by an airplane that is very stable directionally but not
very stable laterally; for example, a large finned airplane with no dihedral. In this case
when the airplane is in a bank and sideslipping, the side force tends to turn the plane into
the relative wind. The outer wing travels faster, generates more lift, and the airplane will
roll to still a higher bank angle. No lateral stability is present to negate this roll. The bank
angle increases and the airplane continues to turn into the sideslip in an ever-tightening
 Dutch roll is a motion exhibiting characteristics of both directional divergence and spiral
divergence. The lateral stability is strong, whereas the directional stability is weak. If a
sideslip disturbance occurs, as the airplane yaws in one direction, the airplane rolls away
in a countermotion. The airplane wags its tail from side to side.
 Ventral fins, although primarily used to augment the vertical fin that may be in the wake
of the wing at high angles of attack, are also beneficial in decreasing the lateral stability
and increasing the directional stability to reduce the effects of Dutch roll.


 Basically, there are two primary forms of longitudinal oscillations with regard to an
airplane attempting to return to equilibrium after being disturbed.
 The first form is the phugoid mode of oscillation.
 A second type of oscillation is called porpoising mode.


 It is a long-period, slow oscillation of the airplane's flight path. The pilot generally can
control this oscillation himself.
 The second oscillation is a short-period variation of the angle of attack.
 Usually, this oscillation decreases very quickly with no pilot effort. However, with its
natural short period, the oscillation may worsen if a pilot attempts to lessen it by use of a
control because of the pilot's slow reaction time where he may get "out of phase" with the
oscillation, and thus induce dynamical instability that may eventually lead to destructive

 A second type of short-term oscillation occurs if the elevators are left free. This is called
the "porpoising" mode, and is influenced by the elevator balance.
 The main effect is vertical accelerations of the airplane that may get out of hand if a
coupling between the free elevator and airplane occur. Proper design is essential here.
 Insofar as compressibility effects are concerned, the rearward movement of the
aerodynamic center of the wing as the airplane goes supersonic is most evident. This
condition increases the static stability to such an extent that the airplane may "tuck under"
and be extremely stable in a steep dive.
 One answer to this problem is to move the center of gravity rearward by a transfer of fuel
as the airplane goes supersonic.
 Other solutions include the double-delta wing configuration or canards placed at the nose
of the airplane to develop an additional nose-up moment due to lift in the transonic and
supersonic range.
 (A moment is a measure of the body's tendency to turn about its center of gravity.) This
arrangement has an added advantage of contributing to the airplane's lift.
 The use of a canard for trim and a rear sailplane for control is beneficial. The canard
would trim the rearward shift of the aerodynamic center at supersonic speeds and the
strong nose-down moments from high-lift devices (flaps) at low speeds by providing
uplift. When not used, the canard can be allowed to trail in the free stream at zero lift and
also generate minimum drag.


Write about stick free and pedal free conditions there.(refer unit 3)



 An airplane is said to possess lateral static stability if after undergoing a disturbance that
rolls it to some bank angle ø, it generates forces and moments that tend to reduce the
bank angle and restore the equilibrium flight condition.
 Dihedral is often used as a means to improve lateral stability. In straight and level flight,
the lift produced by both wings just equals the weight. But if a disturbance causes one
wing to drop relative to the other, the lift vector rotates and there is a component of the
weight acting inward that causes the airplane to move sideways in this direction.
 The airplane is said to sideslip and the relative free-stream direction is now in a direction
toward which the airplane is sideslipping. If the airplane is laterally stable, moments arise
that tend to reduce the bank angle. From geometric considerations, when wings have
dihedral, the wing closer to the sideslip, the lower wing, will experience a greater angle
of attack than the raised wing and hence greater lift. There results a net force and moment
tending to reduce the bank angle.
 The position of the wing also has an impact on the lateral stability. A high-wing airplane
design, contributes to the lateral stability, whereas a low wing placement has a
destabilizing effect in roll. However, this effect may be counteracted by including more
dihedral to improve the overall lateral stability.
 Wing sweep will help promote lateral stability. When a swept-wing airplane is
sideslipping, the wing toward the sideslip will experience a higher velocity normal to
(perpendicular to) the wing's leading edge than the wing away from the sideslip. More lift
is generated on the wing toward the sideslip and a roll moment arises that tends to
diminish the bank angle and return the airplane to equilibrium.
 The combination of dihedral and sweep may produce too much lateral stability and some
airplanes will use a small amount of anhedral (wings turned down slightly) to lessen the
lateral stability.
 The effects of the fuselage and vertical tail may contribute to or detract from the airplane
lateral stability. In a sideslip, there will be a side force caused by the area presented by
the fuselage and vertical tail. If the side force acts above the center of gravity, there is a
roll moment generated that tends to diminish the bank angle. If the side force is below the
center of gravity, there is a destabilizing moment set up that will further increase the bank
 Destabilizing moments that also tend to increase the bank angle of an airplane in a
sideslip arise because of the direction of the slipstream for a propeller-driven airplane and
the use of partial span flaps. Added dihedral or sweep again may be used to decrease
these detrimental effects.
 Lateral and directional stability are interrelated. Briefly, the motions of an airplane are
such that a roll motion causes a yaw motion and a yaw motion causes a roll motion. Thus,
cross-coupling exists between the directional static stability and lateral static stability and
gives rise to the three important dynamic motions observed: directional divergence, spiral
divergence, and Dutch roll.

 Directional divergence is a result of a directionally unstable airplane. When the airplane

yaws or rolls into a sideslip so that side forces on the airplane are generated, the yawing
moments that arise continue to increase the sideslip. This condition may continue until
the airplane is broadside to the relative wind.
 Spiral divergence is characterized by an airplane that is very stable directionally but not
very stable laterally; for example, a large finned airplane with no dihedral. In this case
when the airplane is in a bank and sideslipping, the side force tends to turn the plane into
the relative wind. The outer wing travels faster, generates more lift, and the airplane will
roll to still a higher bank angle. No lateral stability is present to negate this roll. The bank
angle increases and the airplane continues to turn into the sideslip in an ever-tightening
 Dutch roll is a motion exhibiting characteristics of both directional divergence and spiral
divergence. The lateral stability is strong, whereas the directional stability is weak. If a
sideslip disturbance occurs, as the airplane yaws in one direction, the airplane rolls away
in a countermotion. The airplane wags its tail from side to side.
 Ventral fins, although primarily used to augment the vertical fin that may be in the wake
of the wing at high angles of attack, are also beneficial in decreasing the lateral stability
and increasing the directional stability to reduce the effects of Dutch roll.


 If an aircraft is statically stable, it may undergo three types of oscillatory motion during
flight. When imbalance occurs the airplane attempts to retain its position, and it reaches
the equilibrium position through a series of decaying oscillations, and the aircraft is said
to be dynamically stable.
 If the aircraft continues the oscillatory motion without decay in the magnitude, then the
aircraft is said to be on dynamically neutral. If the magnitude oscillatory motion
increases and the aircraft orientation start to change rapidly, then the aircraft is said to
be dynamically unstable.

 An aircraft that is both statically and dynamically stable can be flown hands off, unless
the pilot desires to change the equilibrium condition of the aircraft.


 Spiral divergence or spiral instability is a condition where an aircraft is directionally very

stable, but laterally very unstable. It is characterized by low angle of attack and high
airspeed. When the lateral equilibrium of the aircraft is disturbed by a gust of air and a
sideslip is introduced, the strong directional stability tends to yaw the nose into the
resultant relative wind while the comparatively weak dihedral lags in restoring the lateral
 Due to this yaw, the wing on the outside of the turning moment travels forward faster
than the inside wing and, as a consequence, its lift becomes greater. This produces an
overbanking tendency which, if not corrected by the pilot, results in the bank angle
becoming steeper and steeper. At the same time, the strong directional stability that yaws
the aircraft into the relative wind is actually forcing the nose to a lower pitch attitude. A
slow downward spiral begins which, if not counteracted by the pilot, gradually increases
into a steep spiral dive. Usually the rate of divergence in the spiral motion is so gradual
the pilot can control the tendency without any difficulty.
 Many aircraft are affected to some degree by this characteristic, although they may be
inherently stable in all other normal parameters. This tendency explains why an aircraft
cannot be flown “hands off” indefinitely. A spiral divergence is not a type of spin
because neither wing is stalled. In a spiral divergence, the aircraft will respond
conventionally to the pilot’s inputs to the flight controls.
 For example, let’s consider a large finned aircraft with no dihedral. In this case, when the
aircraft is in a bank and side-slipping, the side force tends to turn the plane into the
relative wind. The outer wing travels faster, generates more lift, and the airplane will roll
to still a higher bank angle. No lateral stability is present to negate this roll. The bank
angle increases and the airplane continues to turn into the sideslip in an ever-tightening

 Much research has gone into the development of control devices (wing leveler) to correct
or eliminate this instability. The pilot must be careful in application of recovery controls
during advanced stages of this spiral condition or excessive loads may be imposed on the
structure. Improper recovery from spiral instability leading to inflight structural failures
has probably contributed to more fatalities in general aviation aircraft than any other
 Since the airspeed in the spiral condition builds up rapidly, the application of back
elevator force to reduce this speed and to pull the nose up only “tightens the turn,”
increasing the load factor. The results of the prolonged uncontrolled spiral are inflight
structural failure, crashing into the ground, or both. Common recorded causes for pilots
who get into this situation are loss of horizon reference, inability to control the aircraft by
reference to instruments, or a combination of both.


 A diving aircraft has more kinetic energy (which varies as the square of speed) than when
straight-and-level. To get back to straight-and-level, the recovery must get rid of this
excess energy safely. The sequence is: Power all off; level the wings to the horizon or, if
horizon has been lost, to the instruments; reduce speed using gentle back-pressure on the
controls until a desired speed is reached; level off and restore power. The pilot should be
alert to a pitch up tendency as the aircraft is rolled to wings level.

Directional divergence is a result of a directionally unstable airplane. When the airplane yaws or rolls
into a sideslip so that side forces on the airplane are generated, the yawing moments that arise continue to
increase the sideslip.


 Dutch roll is an aircraft motion that is identified by a combination of a continuous back

and forth rolling and yawing motion. In general, a Dutch roll is considered to be
dynamically stable, meaning that the oscillations tend to decrease in amplitude. Most
large airliners have a yaw damper installed that can artificially increase stability.
 Aircraft that have wings placed above the center of mass, dihedral wings and swept
wings tend to increase the roll restoring force, therefore increase the tendency of the
aircraft to initiate a Dutch roll. This is the reason why high-winged aircraft are often
slightly anhedral, and swept wing aircraft rely on the operation of the yaw damper.

 There are two types of stability – roll stability (also known as lateral stability) and yaw
stability (also known as directional stability). Stability describes what happens to your
aircraft when it’s disturbed from a steady state – does it stay in a new position, return to
the original position, or continue to move farther away.
Consider a scenario where the air is hitting the right wing’s leading edge straight on, and the left
wing’s leading edge at an angle. We already know that only the air flowing parallel to the chord
line creates lift. So, here the right wing has more air flowing parallel to the chord line than the
left wing, meaning the right wing generates more lift. This effect is known as dihedral effect
because it simulates the stabilizing effect of dihedral. It results in positive roll stability; the extra
lift rolls the aircraft back towards level. However, this extra lift also generates drag that pulls
your nose to the right.


Your vertical stabilizer helps stop the yaw motion caused by the right wing’s drag. With your
nose yawed to the right, the relative airflow approaches the vertical stabilizer from the left. Your
vertical stabilizer generates lift towards the right, yawing the nose back to the left. (Yes, the
vertical stabilizer actually generates lift – it’s not just air “pushing” the tail back into position).
But, with a typical swept wing aircraft, this yaw stability isn’t as strong as the roll stability
caused by the sweepback. While the tail’s still trying to line up the nose, the aircraft has over-
banked to the left, causing a left sideslip. Now the sweepback starts to raise the left wing, rolling
your aircraft right. The drag from the left wing starts to pull the nose to the left.

Most modern swept wing aircraft have yaw dampers that automatically correct for Dutch roll by
quickly adjusting the rudder. If your yaw damper’s inoperative, stopping the roll can be more
tricky. Many modern swept-wing jets will fly themselves out of Dutch roll if you stop adding
control inputs. However, some of the older jets, like the 727, can be difficult to recover.


 For fixed-wing aircraft, autorotation is the tendency of an aircraft in or near a stall to roll
spontaneously to the right or left, leading to a spin (a state of continuous autorotation).
 When the angle of attack is less than the stalling angle, any increase in angle of attack
causes an increase in lift coefficient that causes the wing to rise. As the wing rises, the
angle of attack and lift coefficient decrease which tend to restore the wing to its original
angle of attack.
 Conversely, any decrease in angle of attack causes a decrease in lift coefficient which
causes the wing to descend. As the wing descends, the angle of attack and lift coefficient
increase which tends to restore the wing to its original angle of attack. For this reason the
angle of attack is stable when it is less than the stalling angle. The aircraft displays
damping in roll.
 When the wing is stalled and the angle of attack is greater than the stalling angle, any
increase in angle of attack causes a decrease in lift coefficient that causes the wing to
descend. As the wing descends, the angle of attack increases, which causes the lift
coefficient to decrease and the angle of attack to increase.
 Conversely, any decrease in angle of attack causes an increase in lift coefficient that
causes the wing to rise. As the wing rises the angle of attack decreases and causes the lift
coefficient to increase further towards the maximum lift coefficient. For this reason the
angle of attack is unstable when it is greater than the stalling angle. Any disturbance of
the angle of attack on one wing will cause the whole wing to roll spontaneously and
 When the angle of attack on the wing of an aircraft reaches the stalling angle the aircraft
is at risk of autorotation. This will eventually develop into a spin, if the pilot does not
take corrective action.

In a helicopter, an autorotative descent “autorotation” is a power-off maneuver in which the
engine is disengaged from the main rotor disk and the rotor blades are driven solely by the
upward flow of air through the rotor. In other words, the engine is no longer supplying power
to the main rotor. The most common reason for an autorotation is failure of the engine or drive
line, but autorotation may also be performed in the event of a complete tail rotor failure, since
there is virtually no torque produced in an autorotation. In both cases, maintenance has often
been a contributing factor to the failure.


 Bank angle
 Density altitude
 Gross weight
 Rotor rpm
 Trim condition
 Airspeed


 The primary ways to control the rate of descent are with airspeed and rotor rpm. Higher
or lower airspeed is obtained with the cyclic pitch control just as in normal powered
flight. Rate of descent is high at zero airspeed and decreases to a minimum at
approximately 50–60 knots, depending upon the particular helicopter and the factors just
mentioned. As the airspeed increases beyond that which gives minimum rate of descent,
the rate of descent increases again.
 When landing from an autorotation, the only energy available to arrest the descent rate
and ensure a soft landing is the kinetic energy stored in the rotor blades. Tip weights can
greatly increase this stored energy. A greater amount of rotor energy is required to stop a
helicopter with a high rate of descent than is required to stop a helicopter that is
descending more slowly. Therefore, autorotative descents at very low or very high
airspeeds are more critical than those performed at the minimum rate of descent airspeed.
 Use collective pitch control to manage rotor rpm. If rotor rpm builds too high during an
autorotation, raise the collective sufficiently to decrease rpm back to the normal operating
range, then reduce the collective to maintain proper rotor rpm. If the collective increase is
held too long, the rotor rpm may decay rapidly. The pilot would have to lower the
collective in order to regain rotor rpm. If the rpm begins decreasing, the pilot must again
lower the collective. Always keep the rotor rpm within the established recommended
range for the helicopter being flown.


 Failing to use sufficient anti-torque pedal when power is reduced.

 Lowering the nose abruptly when power is lost.
 Failing to maintain Rotor RPM (RRPM) within Flight Manual limits during the descent.
 Flaring at the wrong height.
 Flaring too aggressively or not aggressively enough.
 Terminating the flare too high and / or application of up-collective lever at an excessive
height, resulting in a hard landing, loss of heading control, and possible damage to the tail
rotor and to the main rotor blade stops.
 Failing to level the helicopter before touchdown.

 In aviation, an aircraft spin is an aggravated stall resulting in autorotation about the spin
axis wherein the aircraft follows a corkscrew downward path. As the airplane rotates
around a vertical axis, the outboard wing is less stalled than the inboard wing, which
creates a rolling, yawing, and pitching motion. The airplane is basically descending due
to gravity, rolling, yawing, and pitching in a spiral path.
 The rotation results from an unequal AOA on the airplane’s wings. The less-stalled rising
wing has a decreasing AOA, where the relative lift increases and the drag decreases.
Meanwhile, the descending wing has an increasing AOA, which results in decreasing
relative lift and increasing drag. A spin occurs when the airplane’s wings exceed their
critical AOA (stall) with a sideslip or yaw acting on the airplane at, or beyond, the actual
 An airplane will yaw not only because of incorrect rudder application but because of
adverse yaw created by aileron deflection; engine/prop effects, including p-factor, torque,
spiraling slipstream, and gyroscopic precession; and wind shear, including wake
turbulence. If the yaw had been created by the pilot because of incorrect rudder use, the
pilot may not be aware that a critical AOA has been exceeded until the airplane yaws out
of control toward the lowering wing.
 A stall that occurs while the airplane is in a slipping or skidding turn can result in a spin
entry and rotation in the direction of rudder application, regardless of which wingtip is
raised. If the pilot does not immediately initiate stall recovery, the airplane may enter a
spin. Maintaining directional control and not allowing the nose to yaw before stall
recovery is initiated is key to averting a spin. The pilot must apply the correct amount of
rudder to keep the nose from yawing and the wings from banking.
 Spins can be entered intentionally or unintentionally, from any flight attitude and
airspeed—all that is required is sufficient yaw rate while an aircraft is stalled. Upon
recognition of a spin or approaching spin, the pilot should immediately execute spin
recovery procedures.


There are four phases of an aircraft spin and as follows,

 Entry phase
 Incipient phase
 Developed phase
 Recovery phase
 In the entry phase, the pilot intentionally or accidentally provides the necessary elements
for the spin. The entry procedure for demonstrating a spin is similar to a power-off stall.
During the entry, the pilot should slowly reduce power to idle, while simultaneously
raising the nose to a pitch attitude that ensures a stall. As the airplane approaches a stall,
smoothly apply full rudder in the direction of the desired spin rotation while applying full
back (up) elevator to the limit of travel. Always maintain the ailerons in the neutral
position during the spin procedure unless AFM/POH specifies otherwise.


 The incipient phase occurs from the time the airplane stalls and starts rotating until the
spin has fully developed. This phase may take two to four turns for most airplanes. In this
phase, the aerodynamic and inertial forces have not achieved a balance. As the incipient
phase develops, the indicated airspeed will generally stabilize at a low and constant
airspeed and the symbolic airplane of the turn indicator should indicate the direction of
the spin. The slip/skid ball is unreliable when spinning.
 The pilot should initiate incipient spin recovery procedures prior to completing 360° of
rotation. The pilot should apply full rudder opposite the direction of rotation. The turn
indicator shows a deflection in the direction of rotation if disoriented. Incipient spins that
are not allowed to develop into a steady state spin are the most commonly used maneuver
in initial spin training and recovery techniques.
 The developed phase occurs when the airplane’s angular rotation rate, airspeed, and
vertical speed are stabilized in a flightpath that is nearly vertical. In the developed phase,
aerodynamic forces and inertial forces are in balance, and the airplane’s attitude, angles,
and self-sustaining motions about the vertical axis are constant or repetitive, or nearly so.
The spin is in equilibrium. It is important to note that some training airplanes will not
enter into the developed phase but could transition unexpectedly from the incipient phase
into a spiral dive. In a spiral dive the airplane will not be in equilibrium but instead will
be accelerating and G load can rapidly increase as a result.


 The recovery phase occurs when rotation ceases and the AOA of the wings is decreased
below the critical AOA. This phase may last for as little as a quarter turn or up to several
turns depending upon the airplane and the type of spin. To recover, the pilot applies
control inputs to disrupt the spin equilibrium by stopping the rotation and unstalling the
wing. To accomplish spin recovery, always follow the manufacturer’s recommended
procedures. In the absence of the manufacturer’s recommended spin recovery procedures
and techniques, use the spin recovery procedures. If the flaps and/or retractable landing
gear are extended prior to the spin, they should be retracted as soon as practicable after
spin entry.

1. Reduce the Power (Throttle) to Idle.

2. Position the Ailerons to Neutral
3. Apply Full Opposite Rudder against the Rotation
4. Apply Positive, Brisk, and Straight Forward Elevator (Forward of Neutral)
5. Neutralize the Rudder After Spin Rotation Stops
6. Apply Back Elevator Pressure to Return to Level Flight
The following discussion explains each of the six steps:
1. Reduce the Power (Throttle) to Idle – Power aggravates spin characteristics. It can result in a
flatter spin attitude and usually increases the rate of rotation.

2. Position the Ailerons to Neutral – Ailerons may have an adverse effect on spin recovery.
Aileron control in the direction of the spin may accelerate the rate of rotation, steepen the spin
attitude and delay the recovery. Aileron control opposite the direction of the spin may cause
flattening of the spin attitude and delayed recovery; or may even be responsible for causing an
unrecoverable spin. The best procedure is to ensure that the ailerons are neutral.

3. Apply Full Opposite Rudder against the Rotation – Apply and hold full opposite rudder until
rotation stops. Rudder tends to be the most important control for recovery in typical, single-
engine airplanes, and its application should be brisk and full opposite to the direction of rotation.
Avoid slow and overly cautious opposite rudder movement during spin recovery, which can
allow the airplane to spin indefinitely, even with anti-spin inputs. A brisk and positive technique
results in a more positive spin recovery.

4. Apply Positive, Brisk, and Straight Forward Elevator (Forward of Neutral) – This step should
be taken immediately after full rudder application. Do not wait for the rotation to stop before
performing this step. The forceful movement of the elevator decreases the AOA and drives the
airplane toward unstalled flight. In some cases, full forward elevator may be required for
recovery. Hold the controls firmly in these positions until the spinning stops. (Note: If the
airspeed is increasing, the airplane is no longer in a spin. In a spin, the airplane is stalled, and the
indicated airspeed should therefore be relatively low and constant and not be accelerating.)

5. Neutralize the Rudder After Spin Rotation Stops – Failure to neutralize the rudder at this time,
when airspeed is increasing, causes a yawing or sideslipping effect.

6. Apply Back Elevator Pressure to Return to Level Flight – Be careful not to apply excessive
back elevator pressure after the rotation stops and the rudder has been neutralized. Excessive
back elevator pressure can cause a secondary stall and may result in another spin. The pilot must
also avoid exceeding the G-load limits and airspeed limitations during the pull out.

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