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Community Action Computing: A Data-centric CS0 Course 59
3 61
Ayaan M. Kazerouni Jane Lehr Zoë Wood
4 62
5 63
California Polytechnic State California Polytechnic State California Polytechnic State 64
University University University 65
8 San Luis Obispo, California, USA San Luis Obispo, California, USA San Luis Obispo, California, USA 66
9 67
ABSTRACT beneficial [11, 24, 38], especially for students who have been histor- 68
11 A student’s sense of belonging in computing can be positively im- ically under-served in computing. Additionally, the ACM Code of 69
12 pacted when coursework can authentically be connected to real Ethics and Professional Conduct 1 challenges us to prepare students 70
13 community contexts. We describe the design, materials, and pre- to fulfill the mandate: “A computing professional should contribute 71
14 liminary evaluation of an introductory programming (CS0) course to society and to human well-being, acknowledging that all people 72
15 infused with a focus on societal responsibility and relevance. We are stakeholders in computing”. Yet introductory computing re- 73
16 take a data-centric, constructionist approach to introductory com- quires a substantial amount of new knowledge that students must 74
17 puting. Data-centricity allows us to authentically connect course- work through when learning to program prior to being able to 75
18 work with students’ communal and societal interests, and students’ contribute to typical computing applications for social good. With 76
19 motivation was enhanced given that they were creating and shar- these tensions in mind, this curricular initiative presents the de- 77
20 ing artifacts as part of their coursework. Students used TypeScript sign and implementation of a CS0 course aiming to retain students, 78
21 to manipulate and analyze real data-sets, and created shareable especially those from historically marginalized communities, by 79
22 websites containing statistics, data visualizations, and reflections introducing them to the technical skills needed to become CS ma- 80
23 based on the data-set of their choosing. Students chose varied topics jors while working on computing applications that broadly can be 81
24 for their assignments—they worked with data about access to CS considered to benefit society. 82
25 education, climate change, and data provided by local non-profit Another factor in our course design was a desire to address the 83
26 organizations. A preliminary evaluation indicated that students needs we perceived in our community that manifested in the all too 84
27 who took this CS0 course attained CS-specific learning objectives frequent emails from our local citizens and organizations asking 85
28 equally well in the two subsequent follow-on courses as students for volunteer programming assistance. Each week our department 86
29 who took alternative CS0 courses at our University. We close with newsletter frequently includes listings for local non-profits asking 87
30 instructor perspectives and reflections on lessons learned. for computer science students to help with their web application. 88
However, a new student’s ability to contribute to this type of op- 89
32 CCS CONCEPTS portunity is limited due to the complexity of web development 90
and frequently students are only able to contribute to this kind of
33 • Social and professional topics → Model curricula; • Infor- 91
project later in their major.
34 mation systems → Web applications. 92
At its heart, the goal of this curricular initiative is to broaden 93
36 KEYWORDS participation in computing. Ultimately our objective was to design 94
a CS0 course to enable students to see how even their nascent 95
CS0, Socially Responsible Computing, Web development programming skills could be applied to real-world problems, con-
38 96
ACM Reference Format: texts, and community organizations. Our design goals are rooted
39 97
Ayaan M. Kazerouni, Jane Lehr, and Zoë Wood. 2024. Community Action in literature demonstrating the value of promoting student sense
40 98
Computing: A Data-centric CS0 Course. In Proceedings of Proceedings of the of belonging and persistence in computing by enhancing their per-
41 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE ’24). 99
ception of computing’s potential to benefit society. 100
ACM, New York, NY, USA, 7 pages.
This curricular initiative paper describes the design, implemen- 101
tation, and evaluation of our CS0 course as taught in its first year
(2022–2023 academic year). Section 2 describes the research that 103
This work strives to address several tensions in introductory com- drove us to create the course and Section 3 discusses our design
46 104
puting courses. In particular, broadening participation in computing goals. Following this, Section 4 gives an overview of the course and
47 105
is a pressing problem for all CS educators and there is good evidence the context in which it was taught. Finally, we evaluate students’
48 106
that integrating real world contexts into introductory computing is attainment of CS learning objectives by studying their performance
49 107
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or and persistence in two follow-on CS courses (Section 5), and con- 108
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed clude with instructors’ reflections and insight on the course (Sec-
51 for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation 109
52 on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM tion 6). We cannot report on effects on persistence in the major, 110
must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, since not enough time has passed since the course’s inception. A 111
to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a future research paper about these impacts will be forthcoming.
54 fee. Request permissions from 112
55 SIGCSE ’24, March 20–23, 2024, Portland, OR 113
© 2024 Association for Computing Machinery. 114
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-XXXX-X/18/06. . . $15.00
57 1 115
58 1 116
SIGCSE ’24, March 20–23, 2024, Portland, OR Ayaan M. Kazerouni, Jane Lehr, and Zoë Wood

117 2 BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION problem solving. We included exercises for students to reason about 175
A student’s sense of belonging [22] in an academic discipline is the data definitions needed to solve programming problems [17]. 176
associated with improved academic performance, motivation, and Also in service of this goal, we chose to work with a statically 177
persistence [6, 16, 21, 30, 32]. In computing, however, women are typed programming language—TypeScript, a statically-typed super- 178
less likely than men to report a high sense of belonging [13, 32], set of JavaScript—which helped emphasize to students the relation- 179
and Black and Asian students are less likely than White students to ship between data and computation. Studies have shown that using 180
report a high sense of belonging [30, 32]. Hispanic/Latino students a statically-typed language has a positive impact on developer pro- 181
have reported a lower sense of belonging in college environments ductivity when the programming task involves new or unfamiliar 182
than White students [27, 39]. Targeted interventions to improve APIs, and when fixing type-related errors [15, 18, 31]. 183
sense of belonging are therefore a worthwhile endeavor. Expressions and evaluation. We wanted students to build an 184
Sense of belonging (and, as a result, persistence) can also be abstract understanding of the program execution environment (i.e., 185
affected by a student’s perception of their discipline as having com- the notional machine) they would be using. This helps the learner 186
munal goal affordances [5, 30]. However, computing is perceived construct a robust mental model of how programs will execute, and 187
to afford lower opportunity to meet these kinds of goals than other improves their ability to apply this knowledge to new problems or 188
STEM fields like the life sciences or physical sciences [5]. This contexts [20]. Therefore, before working with any programming, 189
incongruence can negatively impact the sense of belonging for we delivered roughly 1.5 weeks of instruction and exercises about 190
students with stronger communal goal orientations [30], i.e., stu- data, expressions, and evaluation, building on what the students 191
dents that are more drawn to goals that further the betterment of knew from algebra. We frequently returned to this language and 192
society or their communities. Women and Hispanic/Latino, Black, set of examples throughout the term. 193
and Asian students are more likely than men and White students Reading before writing. Fuller et al. [19] and Xie et al. [44] 194
to hold communal goal orientations [3, 5, 7, 30, 34]. have argued that reading programs is a distinct and pre-requisite 195
Understanding and attending to the relationship between stu- skill to writing programs. For each computing topic introduced (e.g., 196
dents’ values and interests and computing could have a positive im- data types, variables, functions, control flow), we first attended to 197
pact on the engagement and retention of students from historically code comprehension skills through code tracing exercises before 198
marginalized backgrounds [1, 14, 37]. Tissenbaum et al. [41] and moving on to exercises that involved writing or modifying pro- 199
Bart et al. [4] have advocated for the use of personally meaningful grams (e.g., programming problems or Parsons problems). We also 200
real-world contexts to help motivate students learning introductory included an emphasis on patterns for problem solving (e.g., map, 201
computing, and to help them build a computational identity. For filter, and reduce). These were introduced first in the imperative 202
example, the incorporation of service learning to engage students style (as usage patterns for the for...of loop) and then using the 203
has been shown to have positive academic and personal impacts [8– map, filter and reduce higher-order functions in TypeScript. 204
10]. Exposure to practical projects demonstrating how computing Data-centricity. Traditional introductory programming courses 205
can positively impact society has proven to be a key factor driving tend to work with programming problems based on artificial data in 206
women’s interest in computing [12, 23]. the form of numbers, array, or strings [40]. This can lead students— 207
These studies suggest that clear signaling of computing’s ability particularly non-computing majors or those without prior expo- 208
to benefit communal goals could have positive impacts on the re- sure to computing—to feel that the course is inauthentic or irrel- 209
cruitment and retention of students from backgrounds that are his- evant to their interests. Therefore, we designed our course to be 210
torically under-represented in computing. Our course is informed “data-centric” [29]—nearly all programming assignments involved 211
by these related works. We expand further on the research that manipulation of real data-sets. Data-sets were obtained from vari- 212
informs our design goals in Section 3. ous sources, including the CORGIS repository [4], local non-profit 213
156 organizations, and data about secondary CS enrollments in Cali- 214
3 DESIGN GOALS fornia [28]. This focus also provided a vehicle through which to 215
158 engage our next goal of infusing socially relevant and responsible 216
Our intended audience for this course is first-year students who computing into all aspects of the course. 217
have little-to-no prior experience with programming. This includes 218
both computing majors (Computer Science, Software Engineering,
or Computer Engineering) and non-computing majors (often, since 3.2 Social responsibility and relevance 219
162 220
it is required for their program, Graphic Design majors). Our de- With our audience in mind and in particular considering the impor-
163 221
sign goals are threefold. First, we built upon what we know about tance of supporting a diversifying student population, we embraced
164 222
effective introductory programming education. Second, keeping in suggestions from prior research on the importance of focusing our
165 223
mind our over-arching goal for developing this course, we included curriculum on the ways computing can connect with and benefit
166 224
a sustained focus on social responsibility and relevance. Finally, we society. We chose programming assignments which used commu-
167 225
prioritized the building and sharing of computational artifacts; this nity data and focused on observations that could be made from
168 226
informed our choice of programming platform (the Web). the data, including variance based on demographics, allowing for
169 227
opportunities to reflect on historical injustices, such as access to
170 228
3.1 Introductory CS education tenets computing education based on county economics.
171 229
Our goals were for students to:
172 The role of data in computing. We provided explicit instruction 230
173 on data types, including compound types, and their centrality to • Engage with code that has a purpose 231
174 2 232
Community Action Computing: A Data-centric CS0 Course SIGCSE ’24, March 20–23, 2024, Portland, OR

233 • Work on programs and coursework that were personally button in Replit to see the result. The websites that students created 291
234 or societally meaningful by focusing on community data were automatically allocated unique shareable URLs, meaning they 292
This means that for the two primary offerings of this course, were shareable artifacts. 293
our coursework centered around the use of 1) educational data All of this helped us to remove barriers preventing students from 294
related to CS education access in California schools, including both building data-driven webpages and sharing them. 295
238 296
regional data and student demographic data, 2) local non-profit data
shared with permission, 3) various sources of communal data from 4 COURSE DESCRIPTION 297
240 298
CORGIS [4], and 4) proportionally-representational population data With these goals in mind, we developed a CS0 course that has been
241 299
for assignments related to demands for public housing in California, taught two times to the target audiences of computing majors with
242 300
including student-designed waiting list criteria such as income, little-to-no prior programming experience and specific non-majors
243 301
family size, occupation, disability status, etc. More details appear as listed above in the 2022-23 academic year. We provide a course
244 302
in the course description (Section 4). overview including key assessments and examples of student work.
245 303
Institutional context. We are writing from the context of
3.3 Prioritizing building and sharing a medium-sized, primarily-undergraduate institution in the USA.
247 305
We made a number of technological choices that prioritized em- First-year students are admitted directly into declared majors. There-
248 306
powering students to design and create shareable artifacts. We are fore, each Fall term, the CS0 course is primarily taken by computing
249 307
driven by tenets of constructionism [25], a constructivist learning majors (Computer Science, Software Engineering, or Computer En-
250 308
theory that suggests that knowledge construction occurs best when gineering) who have not taken any Advanced Placement (AP) CS
251 309
the student creates tangible, shareable objects. courses. The course serves as the first in a sequence of introductory
252 310
We culminated the course with a final project in which students programming courses for computing majors; after CS0, students
253 311
created shareable websites in which their TypeScript programs continue on to a CS1 course that uses Python. In addition, one
254 312
would run. The Web is a ubiquitous computing platform (students section of our CS0 course is typically reserved as a support course
255 313
see and interact with web applications in their daily lives) and there for Graphic Design majors each year, usually in the Winter term.
256 314
is clear potential for web applications to be shared publicly. Our At our institution, Hispanic/Latino students leave the CS major
257 315
choice of TypeScript as the course’s programming language was at a higher rate (17.8%) than White or Asian students (7.9%). A
258 316
partially driven by this goal. primary goal of the curricular initiative described in this paper is
259 317
The Web and our goal of data-centricity (Section 3.1) worked to improve the retention of students in computing courses who
260 318
together particularly felicitously. Students used Vega-lite [36] to identify as a part of a historically marginalized group in computing.
261 319
create web-based data visualizations based on the data-sets being This includes retention of computing majors through their 4–6-year
262 320
used in each assignment. Vega-lite provides a declarative JSON degrees, as well as in-course retention of non-computing majors
263 321
syntax that is simple enough for these students to use (low floor), who take the course due to interest or program requirements.
264 322
but powerful enough to where one can create remarkably expressive Our institution has been teaching a menu of CS0 topics for over
265 323
visualizations (high ceiling). ten years [26], including a longitudinal study comparing the effi-
266 324
The programming aspects of the course began with students cacy of the mixed context and development environments [43]. The
267 325
creating standalone Vega-lite figures using the Vega online editor.2 presently described CS0 is the newest such course. This newest
268 326
This was a useful vehicle through which students could engage course arises from a collaboration with five other primarily un-
269 327
with the affordances of different types of data (quantitative, ordi- dergraduate institutions focusing on broadening participation in
270 328
nal, temporal, and nominal). By the end of the course, when their computing. This cross-institutional project aims to enhance early
271 329
TypeScript skills were sufficiently strong, the students were able to computing students’ perception of CS as a field that offers opportu-
272 330
manipulate, analyze, and prepare data-sets using TypeScript, create nities for engaging with and benefiting society and communities.
273 331
figures using Vega-lite, and embed them in publishable webpages. As this cross-site alliance is in its nascent phase, a comprehensive
274 332
Of course, all of this comes with the clear challenge that web evaluation including all participating campuses will be forthcoming.
275 333
development typically requires a complex development environ- This curricular report describes the new course at our institution.
276 334
ment. For example, students were writing TypeScript code that Course overview. An overview of the course is presented in Ta-
277 335
needed to be compiled to JavaScript before it could be executed or ble 1, broken down by week. Our academic terms are 10 weeks long.
278 336
included in an HTML page. Properly setting up all of these pieces The class met three times per week, and each session included a 1-
279 337
would cost the students—who had little-to-no prior programming hour lecture followed by a 1-hour lab in which students completed
280 338
experience—enormous extraneous cognitive load, distracting from exercises or participated in discussions.
281 339
the course’s objective of teaching introductory programming. This being the first post-secondary computing course for all
282 340
We therefore used pre-configured online programming environ- students, we began the course with a discussion of the ACM Code
283 341
ments for all programming assignments—specifically, the online of Ethics and Professional Conduct and the students’ views of the
284 342
Vega editor mentioned above and Replit.3 For example, the step of professional community of which they intended to be a part.
285 343
compiling TypeScript code to JavaScript code was hidden from the
286 344
students—they could program in TypeScript and simply hit a “Run”
287 345
4We do not mean these terms in the Java object-oriented sense. Here, object refers to
288 2 346
— where one can create and preview Vega-lite figures. a dictionary of key-value pairs, and interface refers to the TypeScript construct for
289 3 — an online IDE that includes a Webview for web-based projects. specifying the "shape" of an object. 347
290 3 348
SIGCSE ’24, March 20–23, 2024, Portland, OR Ayaan M. Kazerouni, Jane Lehr, and Zoë Wood

349 Table 1: An overview of the 10-week course, as taught to computing majors in the Fall 2022 term (Winter term included the 407
350 alternative assignments as listed in the paper). ★ denotes a societally or personally (to the student) meaningful context. 408
351 409
352 Week Topic Major assessments 410
353 411
Read the ACM Code of Ethics and respond to a reflection prompt ★
354 412
ACM Code of Ethics Identify the types of data used in a figure or problem (quantitative, nominal, or ordinal)
355 1 413
Introduction to data Use Vega-lite to visualize data provided by the local cat shelter and housing
356 data obtained from CORGIS [4] ★ 414
357 415
HTML and CSS fundamentals Create a styled webpage with self-help materials for first-time college students ★
358 2 416
Expressions and evaluation Evaluate the given compound numerical expressions
359 417
Statements and expressions in TypeScript Declare and initialize variables with types for the given (string, number, or boolean) expressions 418
3 Variables and data types Given arrays containing data about K-12 CS offerings in counties in California, compute statistics
361 419
Arrays and answer questions about which counties can offer the least or most CS courses ★
362 420
363 Code tracing exercises 421
4 Functions and control flow Write functions to answer parameterized questions about CS education access using the data-set 422
from the previous assignment ★
365 423
366 Loops and loop patterns (imperative 424
5 The Rainfall problem
367 map, filter, and reduce) 425
368 Given a richer data-set about CS education enrollments in California, declare an interface 426
369 6 Compound data (objects and interfaces)4 to represent individual records ★ 427
370 Write functions to answer questions about girls’ enrollments in CS courses in secondary school ★ 428
371 429
Code tracing exercises
372 7 Functions as values Use the in-built higher-order functions map, filter, and reduce to answer questions about the 430
373 data-set from the previous assignment ★ 431
374 432
Given a still richer data-set about CS education in California—now including data about race—
375 433
8 TypeScript in a webpage use Vega-lite to create figures and embed them in a website; respond to reflection prompts
376 about your figures and analysis ★ 434
377 435
9 Review No new assessments
378 436
379 In consultation with the instructor, choose a data-set and use what you have learned so far 437
380 (Vega-lite, HTML, CSS, TypeScript) to create a website containing your insights and 438
10 Final project (in groups)
reflections on your chosen topic ★ 439
Present your report to the rest of the class ★
382 440
383 441
384 442
Following this, we discussed data types and their affordances, over-arching context of CS education access. As their TypeScript
385 443
supporting the discussion with figures created using Vega-lite. For knowledge and skills progressed, students were given progressively
386 444
instance, using data provided by the local cat shelter, students richer versions of the dataset. After the first assignment with only
387 445
created scatter plots to study the age at which male and female two data fields (county name and percentage of schools with CS),
388 446
cats arrived at the shelter (working with nominal and temporal we moved on to compound objects with additional fields for gender
389 447
data). Then, after a brief introduction to HTML, CSS, and the Web, representation in CS courses, and finally to more detailed records
390 448
students created 2–3-page websites containing tips for secondary- describing CS enrollments at the intersections of race and gender.
391 449
level students preparing to apply to and move to post-secondary Students’ increasing familiarity with this context and data-set
392 450
school (“college” in the US). enabled us to have rich in-class discussions about representational
393 451
The first TypeScript content was introduced in Week 3. By this disparities involved in secondary-level CS education, reasons for
394 452
time, we had established a shared vocabulary and understanding these disparities as discussed by Wang et al. [42], and consequences
395 453
for “data types”, “abstractions”, “statements”, and “expressions” to for representation in CS courses at the post-secondary level and
396 454
which we returned throughout the quarter. For the first TypeScript in the workforce. Since most students were in-state students, they
397 455
assignment, students were given data about the percentage of sec- also explored the state of CS education access in their hometowns
398 456
ondary schools in each California county that offer any CS courses, compared to the statewide average.
399 457
and were asked to compute statistics about CS education access In the Winter term, when the course was taken by non-computing
400 458
in California. The data is tracked by a coalition of stakeholders majors, students did not engage as deeply with the context of CS ed-
401 459
interested in expanding access to CS education in California [28] ucation access. After a class poll to solicit student input, this section
402 460
and was provided by authors of the cited report. explored more varied contexts in their programming assignments—
403 461
In the Fall term, when the course was mostly taken by declared two topics commonly preferred by students were housing equity
404 462
computing majors, most programming assignments adhered to this
405 463
406 4 464
Community Action Computing: A Data-centric CS0 Course SIGCSE ’24, March 20–23, 2024, Portland, OR

465 and food access. A significant multi-week project involved the dis- 523
466 cussion and implementation of an algorithm to rank applicants 524
467 for public housing in which the students chose ranking criteria, 525
468 reflected on those criteria with at least three community members 3.5 526
469 outside the course, implemented an algorithm, and then reflected on 3.0 527
470 which applicants were served and not-well served by their choices.5 2.5 528

Grade Points
471 An entire lab period was dedicated to a class discussion on the 2.0
472 power a developer has in making these algorithmic choices and 530
473 the impacts on equity for a community. For example, one criterion 531
474 that students debated is an applicant’s criminal record, which was 1.0 Treatment 532
475 discussed in the context of fairness and community impacts. 0.5 Control 533
476 Final project. In all offerings, the course culminated with a final 0.0
477 project in which students chose a data-set in consultation with the CS 0 CS 1 CS 2
478 instructor, and created a web-based report containing visual and Course 536
479 quantitative analyses about their chosen data-set. After creating 537
480 and turning in their websites, students presented their findings to Figure 1: Distribution of grade points in CS0, CS1, and CS2 538
481 the rest of the class in the final week of the quarter. courses for students in the treatment and control groups. 539
482 Data-sets were either made available by course instructors (e.g., 540
483 for data-sets provided by local non-profits) or obtained from COR- Table 2: For CS0, CS1, and CS2, the number of students, me- 541
484 GIS [4]. Some examples of the topics students explored include: dian grade attained, number of failing grades received, and 542
485 local beach cleanup events (e.g., amount of trash and recycling the number of withdrawals. Data is present for the control 543
486 collected, age ranges of participants), provided by a local non-profit group (C) and the treatment group (T). 544
487 organization; SAT exam attempts and scores and its relation with 545
488 household income levels; drug use and age of drug users; fatal police 546
489 shootings, including demographic variance; among others. 547
490 In conducting their analyses, students reflected on knowledge C 133 125 107 548
# Students
T 32 29 23
491 they gained about the varied contexts they were studying. For 549
492 example, students expressed surprise at the large population of C A B+ B+ 550
Median grade
493 California, the relative dominance of the Soviet and US space pro- T A A– B+ 551
494 grams in the history of space travel, inequities involved in the SAT C 4 (3%) 18 (14.4%) 4 (3.7%) 552
# Failing Grades
495 exam, the lack of access to CS education in many California coun- T 1 (3.1%) 4 (13.7%) 0 (0%) 553
496 ties, and the ubiquitous use of concrete in construction despite its C 0 1 (0.8%) 1 (0.9%)
497 environmental cost. In this way, while students were learning to # Withdrawals 555
T 1 (3.1%) 1 (3.4%) 0 (0%)
498 code, students were also “coding to learn” about societally relevant 556
499 contexts that were interesting to them [35]. 557
500 the treatment group, since that group encompasses one section, 558
501 5 PRELIMINARY EVALUATION while the control group encompasses four sections. 559
Our course was offered for the first time in the Fall 2022 academic Demographics. The computer science first-time first year stu- 560
term, taught by one of the authors of this paper. The students were dent population for the year of this work comprised 28% female 561
nearly all CS or SE majors. As discussed in previous sections, our students and 21% students identified by our University as having 562
goal with this initiative was to incorporate elements of socially an identity from an underrepresented minority (“URM”).6 563
responsible and socially relevant computing into CS0, while still We studied students’ performance in two follow-on courses that 564
achieving the course’s CS learning goals and preparing the students are required by computing majors: Fundamentals of Computer 565
to take the subsequent required CS courses. We therefore investi- Science (“CS1”) and Data Structures (“CS2”). Both courses were 566
gate our students’ attainment of CS learning objectives by studying taught using Python by instructors un-affiliated with our CS0 course 567
their performance and persistence in follow-on courses. and this paper. Data about grade attainment in CS0 and performance 568
Every year, our department offers a number of thematic “flavors” in follow-on courses is summarized in Table 2. Not all students from 569
of CS0, e.g., computational art, robotics, and now the present course, CS0 went on to take CS1 and CS2. This can happen for a number 570
community-action computing. All courses are taught in sections of of reasons. For example, a total of 7 students (2 in the treatment 571
30–35 students each. In the Fall 2022 term, five such sections were group and 5 in the control group) skipped CS1 and went directly to 572
offered, one of which was the CS0 being described in this paper. We CS2 after completing CS0. 573
compared the performance of students who took our CS0 course Grade attainment in follow-on courses. For this analysis, 574
(treatment group, 𝑛 = 32) with that of students who took other CS0 we converted nominal course grades into “grade points” using the 575
courses in the same academic term (control group, 𝑛 = 133). Note mapping that our university uses to compute GPAs. As can be 576
519 577
that rates of grade attainment or withdrawals are more volatile for 6 OurUniversity uses the term “URM” to designate students “whose race/ethnicity is
520 578
Hispanic/Latino/a/x, African American, Native American, Hawaiian/Pacific Islander,
521 5 This assignment was derived from the work of Evan Peck [33]. or multi-racial with at least one of those four ethnicities”. 579
522 5 580
SIGCSE ’24, March 20–23, 2024, Portland, OR Ayaan M. Kazerouni, Jane Lehr, and Zoë Wood

581 seen in Figure 1, students generally performed well in all flavors of class, our data-centric community focus has opened doors for pos- 639
582 CS0—the median score was a 4 out of 4. sible collaborations with local non-profit organizations in future 640
583 In the CS1 course, students from the treatment CS0 course per- offerings. For example, members from the cat shelter that provided 641
584 formed slightly better on average than students from the control a data-set for the course expressed an interest in having students 642
585 CS0 course. The median student in the treatment group scored present their findings to shelter organizers. Though we were not 643
586 a 3.7 in CS1 (A–), while the median student in the control group able to organize this in the first offering of the course, it is a goal in 644
587 scored a 3.3 in CS1 (B+). A Mann Whitney U test indicated that this a future iteration, enabling students to experience direct communal 645
588 difference was not statistically significant (𝑈 = 2105.5, 𝑝 = 0.83). impacts through their coursework. 646
589 In the CS2 course, the median student in both the treatment and We made a few atypical technological choices for this course, 647
590 control groups achieved a grade of 3.3 (B+). notably the Web as a platform and TypeScript as a programming 648
591 Withdrawal and failure rates in follow-on courses. In addi- language. Though TypeScript is not a pedagogically designed lan- 649
592 tion to grades, we consider the number and rate of students who guage, features like its static type system and ability to be embedded 650
593 failed or withdrew from follow-on courses. A failing grade is one in a web-page meant that it was more appropriate than other com- 651
594 that would require the student to re-take the course before moving monly used introductory languages like, say, Python. Additionally, 652
595 on in the major (D+ or lower). Table 2 shows that failure and with- pre-configured development environments in Replit meant that 653
596 drawl rates were largely similar between our new CS0 course and much of the complexity of web development was hidden from stu- 654
597 other CS0 courses taken in the same term. This is a positive result dents. (Though learning about the different pieces involved in a web 655
598 considering that a previous (anonymized) longitudinal study [2] application is a worthwhile eventual objective, it is not a learning 656
599 suggests that our menu of CS0 courses are generally beneficial in objective for this CS0 course.) As students generally performed well 657
600 the long term with regards to students’ GPAs and persistence. in our course and in subsequent (Python) courses (Section 5), these 658
601 Outcomes for the non-major section. We also consider CS0 choices do not appear to have had particularly pernicious effects, 659
602 grade attainment for non-computing majors who took the course and helped us meet our stated design goals (Section 3). We also 660
603 in the Winter 2023 term. We cannot report on follow-on courses found that students in general did not express any concerns about 661
604 for this section because these students are not required to take whether the course was “real” CS or used a “real” programming lan- 662
605 the follow-on computing courses. For this section, 94% of students guage, as often occurs in other CS0 settings. In fact, several upper 663
606 received a grade of D or better (2 students withdrew from the division computing students such as the course learning assistants 664
607 course), with 58% achieving A grades. This is a similar success rate and those working with the local non-profits expressed that they 665
608 to the prior four offerings of an alternative CS0, computational art, wished they had been able to take a CS0 like the current course due 666
609 for the same non-major population which had an average of 95%. to the value of learning some web development early. 667
610 That said, end-of-term evaluations suggested that some students 668
611 found the course pace challenging. Both computing majors in the 669
612 6 INSIGHTS AND CONCLUSION Fall term and non-computing majors in the Winter term mentioned 670
613 In this paper, we have described the goals and implementation of a that the course moved through topics quickly. So, although CS0 671
614 CS0 course focused on socially responsible computing, aimed at stu- grades and outcomes in follow-on courses were satisfactory, stu- 672
615 dents with little-to-no prior programming experience. Preliminary dents felt challenged enough in the course to specifically mention 673
616 results suggest that students’ attainment of CS learning objectives it in their comments. We plan to pare down some content in future 674
617 was not negatively impacted by the sustained focus on socially iterations, particularly in terms when the course is mostly taken 675
618 relevant contexts. While we cannot yet report on student belonging by non-computing majors. 676
619 and persistence in the major (since not enough time has passed), Overall, we feel this curricular initiative was successful in its first 677
620 overall students in our CS0 performed equally well in follow-on year and look forward to teaching it again and to future evaluations 678
621 computing courses as students who took other CS0 courses in the of student outcomes. 679
622 same term. Non-computing majors who do not take a follow-on 680
623 course also performed equally well in the treatment CS0 compared ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 681
624 to non-major students in other CS0 courses. 682
This work was supported by NSF award 2216687. We thank the
625 In general, both instructors found that students were energetic, 683
anonymous peer reviewers for their feedback and Dr. J. Clements
626 engaged with the material, and expressive. The ability for students 684
for help in retrieving data about follow-on courses.
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