Fathers of Nation Excerpts Ans 12

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a) 'Then answer my question.' Which question has Ms. Mckenzie asked
Dr. Afolabi? (2 marks)
What makes you (Dr. Afolabi) this optimistic about Africa's future now,
when in your book you were very pessimistic?
b) Dr. Afolabi says that he does not think he has to defend his book
before anyone. What is the title of his book? (1 mark)
Failure of States.
c) From the information in this excerpt, describe the character of Dr.
Afolabi. (6 marks)
d) Using clear illustrations, identify two styles used in the excerpt. (4
e) Metaphor- he had seen a lamb……. lioness
Rhetorical questions- what joy.....interview?
Dialogue- dialogue between Fiona and Dr. Abiola.
f) What is Dr. Afolabi's role during the heads of state summit? (2 marks)
His role is to advise heads of state during the summit.
g) From what Dr. Afolabi explains to Ms. Mckenzie, describe what Way
Omega entails. (3 marks)
It is a document with ways to develop Africa. It is meant to change Africa's
politics by eliminating military coups, rigged election and civil wars
h) What happens immediately after this excerpt? (3 marks)
Ms. Mckenzie mobile phone rings. Her boss calls her back to the office and
she informs Dr. Afolabi that she gathers her things
i) Give the meaning of the following words as used in the excerpt. (4
(i) Vulnerable-defenseless, hopeless, weak
(ii) Pessimistic-negative, without hope
(iii)Defensive-displaying sensitivity to criticism
(iv) Third-rate- of less value, low class
(a) Briefly explain what happens just before this excerpt. (3 marks)
• Kimani goes to Mr Walomu's office to confront him about his stealing of his
wife, Asiya.
• He derogatorily greets Walomu, referring to him as "fat baboon".
• Mr Walomu warns Kimani that he would rather use nothing but civil language
while in his office.
• Walomu offers Kimani a seat in his office but he declines and remains standing.
Enlightened Elite Thespians

• Walomu guesses that Kimani had come to ask him why he wanted to marry
(b) Identify and illustrate two character traits of Walomu in the excerpt.
(4 marks)
• He is sarcastic: He sarcastically tells Kimani that he wants his wife because she is
much older than he is and that old is gold.
• He is immoral/amoral/lustful: He has had numerous illicit sexual relationships.
The writer says that Walomu had already eaten three pigeons and now had in his
paws a fourth: Asiya. Strewn along his path, lay many others he had killed but not
• He is greedy: Already, he has three beautiful wives and still wanted to snatch a
fourth, Asiya. His greed is summarized when he says, "A real bull dies with green
grass in its mouth."
(c) Then hear my answer. (Add a question tag) (1 mark).
• Then hear my answer, will you?
"Why do you want to steal my wife?" (Rewrite in reported speech) (1 mark).
• Kimani asked Walomu why he wanted to steal his wife.
(d) Discuss two themes raised in the excerpt. (4 marks)
• Moral decay/immorality
Walomu is morally decayed. He has an uncontrolled desire for women. The writer
says that Walomu had already eaten three pigeons and now had in his paws a
fourth: Asiya. Strewn along his path, lay many others he had killed but not eaten.
He also wants to marry a woman much older than he is.
Walomu already has three wives, all beautiful, but he is still looking forward to
adding a fourth: Asiya.
There is deep conflict between Kimani and Walomu, emanating from Walomu's
move to snatch Kimani's wife, Asiya, for marriage. Kimani asks Walomu, "Why
do you want to steal my wife?"
(e) Identify and illustrate three stylistic devices used in the excerpt. (6 marks)
Use of sarcasm:
Walomu sarcastically tells Kimani he wants to marry his wife because she is
much older than he is, and that old is gold. He also tells Kimani that his wives
will still remain young and beautiful until the day he dies.
Walomu tells Kimani: A real bull dies with green grass in its mouth. The writer
also says: When a cat gets into a pigeon coop, it kills all the pigeons it finds
there, not just those it will eat. Walomu tells Kimani: Old is gold.
Borrowed words and expressions. E.g. Na hivyo ndivyo ilivyo (Swahili for
'And that's how cookie crumbles').
Simile. E.g. Had he not sounded like an envious loser?
Rhetorical questions. E.g. What good is she to you? / Had he not sounded like
an envious loser?
(f) (i) To help it along, he gave an approximate English equivalent. (Rewrite
Enlightened Elite Thespians

beginning with the main clause) (1 mark).

• He gave an approximate English equivalent to help it along.
(ii) This was a silly start, as even he realised. (Replace the underlined with a
phrasal verb) (1 mark).
• This was a silly start, as even he took in/pulled in.

1. Ms Mckenzie, a reporter for the Gambian News, is interviewing Dr Afolabi on the
summit scheduled to take place at The Seamount Hotel in Banjul. Ms Mckenzie receives
an urgent call from her boss and asks Afolabi to summarise his response so she can leave.
She then asks to reschedule the meeting, but the interviewee declines, telling her to go and
read well his book, Failure of States, before organising another interview. Forty-nine
heads of state in Banjul means that Banjul was hosting a summit attended by forty-nine
presidents of different countries in Africa. (3 marks)
2. Poverty
All families depended on the kiosk for their livelihood. The streets did not have sidewalks.
Most Gambians live in slums. There is a shortage of water for the neighbourhoods.
Traffic checkpoints sprout everywhere, creating an enabling ground for guards to extort
bribes from passers-by.
Poor governance
The author says that the forty-nine heads of state in Banjul all looked happy because they
had escaped troublemakers from their home countries. This evidences poor leadership in
African countries. There can only be trouble in a country with a leadership crisis.
3. Irony
The narrator says, forty-nine foreign heads of state were in Banjul for the summit. All
looked happy, and why not? Had they not escaped from troublemakers in their home
They saw ahead of them and stayed free from trouble here, in the Gambia. The irony of
this statement is that the leaders are acting unaware that there are the creators of the
problems they are running away from their own countries. It is ironic that the heads of
state are happy to be in the Gambia, a country battling its problems, which apparently, are
worse than their own.
Through this irony, the playwright highlights the pretentious nature of the heads of state
and the theme of hypocrisy.
Vivid description
The writer uses words to paint clear mental images in the reader's mind. This enables the
audience to understand the text better. The scenery is vividly described as the country
prepares to receive the heads of state. Bulldozers dispatched at night in slam clearance
'exercises' demolished roadside kiosks on which whole families depend for their
livelihood. This description points out the rare atmosphere of the bitterness of the people
of the rural Gambia that is characterized by hustles and bustles.
4. The author is showing the irony in the reason for the heads of states' happiness in
visiting Banjul. This equally portrays the trouble the heads of state have left behind,
escaping from the problems they have solely originated through their poor leadership
5. To make something or a place the most distinct and stunning — to attract. To tear down
something or destroy it. To obtain something by force, intimidation or unlawful use of
A gathering or an assembly of leaders.
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(a) Place this excerpt to its immediate context. (4 marks)
• Abiola wants to revise his notes on the presidents' debate before going to bed.
• Ms McKenzie pays him a surprise visit.
• Feigning a mother-son allegiance, she asks Abiola how his day was.
• Ms McKenzie enquires from Abiola if the other people working alongside Mr
Longway are Professor Kimani, Comrade Melusi, Pastor Chiamaka and
Engineer Tahir.
• Abiola asks Ms McKenzie if it is Mr Longway who had told her about the four,
but she informs her that it is Nick.
• She tells Abiola that Nick also told her about The Trick.
(b) Identify and illustrate two character traits of Abiola and one character
trait of Fiona McKenzie in the excerpt. (6 marks)
• He is open/straightforward/plain
He opens up to Ms McKenzie that he is the guide.
• He is secretive/privy
He asks Fiona to keep his disclosure, that he is the guide, to herself. He has hidden
his links to Path Alpha by using an alias (guide).
• He is realistic/perceptive
He knows very well that if some heads of state who believed he should focus
exclusively on Way Omega heard about his links to Path Alpha, they would
demand his scalp/head/life.
• He is uncertain/flattering/inconsistent
Asked by Ms McKenzie if he still thought the summit would adopt Way Omega,
he appears uncertain and tells her that the fate would be determined in the next
twelve hours. Ms McKenzie also notes that Abiola didn't sound upbeat that day
as he did two days before.
(c) Discuss two themes evident in the excerpt. (4 marks)
Abiola's optimism about the summit adopting Way Omega appears to have ebbed.
Ms McKenzie notes that he didn't sound as upbeat as he did two days earlier.
e Deception
Abiola has been deceptive, hiding his real identity under an alias (guide) for fear
of being seen as a traitor by a section of heads of state who wanted him to focus
exclusively on Way Omega.
Mr Longway and his group want the summit to adopt Path Alpha while the heads
of state are set to adopt/ratify Way Omega, a rival development strategy.
(d) (i) Instead of adopting Way Omega, the group wants the summit to adopt
Path Alpha. (Replace "instead" with a complex preposition). (1 mark)
• In place of adopting Way Omega, the group wants the summit to adopt Påth
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(ii) Wait a minute. (Add a suitable question tag)

Wait a minute, will you?
(iii) So, Mr Longway and company want me to help them put it there•
(1 mark)
Abiola told Ms McKenzie that Mr Longway and company wanted him to help
them put it there.
(e) Pick and illustrate two stylistic devices used by the author in the excerpt.
(4 marks)
Use of dialogue
There is a conversation between Abiola and Ms McKenzie which helps us
understand their character traits e.g. that Ms McKenzie is
inquisitive/interrogative, while Abiola is deceptive and secretive.
• Contrast
Abiola's optimism and zeal of the summit to adopting Way Omega has been
contrasted. Two days earlier, he had been so upbeat but he appeared cold that
• Rhetorical Questions
Is it just me or has it actually got colder over the past two days?
(f) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases used in the
excerpt. (4 marks)
• Upbeat — enthusiastic/hopeful/pessimistic
• Tracking down — following/pursuing
• Draw — consult/refer
e Scalp — head/life
Excerpt 5
a. Before
After Asiya drops a bombshell on him, Professor Kimani engages in an interior
monologue. Kimani's vehicle is again down, and the daughter cannot get a ride as
anticipated. This angers Asiya, who hints to Kimani about the reason behind his inability
to get a greener pasture as newborn.
The onlookers continue to contemplate a better alternative to save Tuni. Attempts to pull
off the trailer from the bus fail. A male giant comes out of nowhere to help, but the
minibus collapses under the weight of the trailer.
b). i) The man
He tries to get Tuni out of the bus when everyone else is struggling to save themselves.
ii) Onlookers
We are told every time the trailer fell back down on the minibus, the onlookers closed
their eyes in fear.
iii) The drivers
They ran away to avoid mob justice. The divers know the mob would not have spared
them for their recklessness.
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c) Asiya blames Kimani for the death of Tuni. Before Tuni embarks on the journey that
leads to her death, she asks her father whether she can use her father's car for her journey.
However, Kimani says the car is down once again. This stirs anger in Asiya, who erupts,
comparing her husband to Newborn, who had left the teaching profession to join, and now
owns four vehicles. On this premise, Asiya bases her allegations on Kimani's failure to
seek greener pastures to Tuni's death.
d) It brings out the minor characters' contribution to driving forward the tension in the
novel. The onlookers question one another regarding what needs to be done to save Tuni
from the misfortune, almost squeezing her breath out. "A heavy trailer sits on her minibus,
so how can she be fine?" The onlookers contemplate a way out of the situation.
e) Personification
In the conversation of the onlookers, sitting on her minibus, so how can she be fine?" This
makes the inanimate object 'trailer' take up life and become realistic, making sense to the
mind a sense of realism.
f) It was ten o'clock in the morning.
g) i) To look at something or someone
in a stupid or rude way.
ii) Extremely interested, hypnotised, and mesmerised by something or someone.
iii) Awake, aware of what is happening
around you, and able to think.

Place this excerpt in its immediate context. (4 marks)
Before the excerpt, Pastor Chiamaka receives a call in his hotel room. The caller
asks about the content of the briefcase. In the excerpt, the caller tells Chiamaka to
keep the phone close and refuses to disclose his identity to Chiamaka. After the
excerpt, the caller says he would be the one initiating all their communications.
Using your knowledge of the rest of the text, explain one instance of irony
evident in this excerpt (3 marks)
It is ironical that the caller says the mobile phone is completely secure unlike the
hotel phone yet later in the text, Nicks proves that the mobile phone was the most
insecure because he taps all their conversations from it using the silent listener.
Apart from irony, identify and illustrate another style used in the excerpt. (2
Dialogue• dialogue between the caller and Chiamaka.
Idiomatic expression- ...day and night, rain or shine.
Identify and illustrate two character traits common to both Pastor Chiamaka
and the caller. (4 marks)
They are both short-tempered-
They are both rude-
List the content of the briefcase left by the caller for Pastor Chiamaka. (4
1. A letter from AGDA
2. A copy of Way Omega and a copy of Path Alpha.
3. Leaflets, pamphlets and brochures.
4. A mobile phone.
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Which name did the caller identify himself with to Pastor Chiamaka? (1
The guide.
Rewrite the following sentence in reported speech. (1 mark)
" so you will tell me your real name now?" Pastor Chiamaa asked.
Pastor Chiamaka asked the caller if he would tell him his name then.
Who is Pastor Chiamaka? (2 marks)
The former pastor at Church Inside Africa in Lagos, Nigeria.
Give the meaning of the following words as used in the excerpt. (4 marks)
(i) Unexpectedly- without anticipation
(ii) Snapped-shouted, spoke angrily
(iii)Tamed- subdued
(iv) Inching- moving gradually

Place the excerpt in its immediate context. (4 marks)
Karanja and Asiya had buried their daughter, Tuni. Six months later, Asiya's
attitude towards Karanja changed, she loathed him. She later announces that she is
leaving him to get married to Mewborn After the excerpt, Karanja goes to
Newborns office to confront him.
Describe the cause of Tuni's death. (4 marks)
She was involved in an accident where a trailer hooked to a truck had broken free
and ended up on top of a minibus that Tuni was traveling in. in the process of
saving her, the minibus collapsed and compressed her to the ground.
Discuss one thematic concem evident in the excerpt. (2 marks)
Theme of betrayal- Asiya betrays her husband of many years by leaving him to get
married to Newborn.
Who is Newbom Walomu? (2 marks)
He had been a junior colleague of Prof. Karanja at the university. He left teaching
and joined politics and is now a member of parliament.
Identify and illustrate three styles used in the excerpt. (6 marks)
(i) Dialogue- dialogue between Asiya and Karanja.
(ii) Rhetorical questions- you mean I should have left earlier, before I turn
(iii)Sarcasm- Asiya sarcastically asks Karanja if never having money brought
any happiness.
How has Asiya been portrayed in this excerpt? (4 marks)
Traitorous-she leaves her husband of many years to marry Newborn Inconsiderate-
leaves soon after the death of Tuni and blames Karanja for Tuni's death.
"Money doesn't guarantee happiness." Why is this statement ironical coming
from Karanja? (2 marks)
It is ironical because Karanja says money doesn't guarantee happiness yet he and
his wife had very little money yet not happy.
Provide a question tag. (1 mark)
He knew the answer, ...didn't he ?
Enlightened Elite Thespians

What happened immediately before this excerpt? (2 marks)

Prof. Karanja confronted Newborn in his office for 'stealing' his wife, Asiya.
Newborn's mockery and arrogance irritate Karanja.
And young they will be the day I die." To whom was Walomu referring? (2
Newborn is referring to his three beautiful and young wives.
Discuss two themes evident in this excerpt. (4 marks)
(i) Hopelessness/ despair- when Karanja is set free, he has lost everything
including his career.
(ii) Conflict- the disagreement between Karanja and Newborn over Asiya.
Identify and illustrate three styles used in this excerpt. (6 marks)
(i) Dialogue- dialogue between Karanja and Newborn
(ii) Metaphor-she's...not the green grass. ...you baboon.
(iii)Idiomatic expression- to bite the man's bait.
(iv) Wise saying- a real bull dies with green grass in its mouth. Old is gold.
(v) Sarcasm- newborn is sarcastic in the first sentence.
Explain how each of the following characters has been brought out in this
excerpt. (4 marks)
(i) Newborn : Arrogant] unapologetic- he does not feel remorseful for taking
Karanja's wife, instead, he mocks
(ii) Karanja.: Short-tempered- he was unable to put with Newborn's mockery
and so he resulted to a physical fight.
Rewrite the following sentence in reported speech. (1 mark)
"Stop where you are, Karanja!" he said. He told Karanja to stop where he was.
What happens immediately after this excerpt. (2 marks)
Someone knocks at Prof. Karanja's house. He introduces himself as Tad Long way.
Give the meaning of the following words as used in the excerpt.
(i) Tolerate-put up with
(ii) Scuffle-fight, struggle
(iii)Pounced-attacked, struck
(iv) Doomed-condemned
Place this excerpt in its immediate context. (4 marks)
The phone rings in Afolabi's suite. His mood changes after speaking to the caller
who is Chiamaka and is complaining that Afolabi chided him for being drunk.
Fiona tells him about Nick's discovery and how she works for VOA on loan The
content of Nick's discovery makes Afolabi apprehensive and he decides to end
"They say one good turn deserves another". What good turn did Dr. Afolabi
do for Ms Mackenzie? (2 marks)
He saved her from the man who wanted to abduct her in the lobby with the aim of
assaulting her.
Discuss one thematic concem brought out in the excerpt. (3 marks)
Role of media - Nick from VOA uses a wireless gadget to get information about
the risks and threats to the
Identify and illustrate two styles used in the excerpt. (4 marks)
(i) Dialogue-a dialogue between Afolabi and Fiona.
Enlightened Elite Thespians

(ii) Wise saying- one good turn deserves another.

What does a reporter-on-loan mean? (3 marks)

It means a media house borrows another media house for a reporter to work on a
given task. The reporter goes back to their former media house after the task is
What does VOA stand for? (2 marks)
Voice of America
From the information in this excerpt, describe the character traits of Dr,
Abiola. (4 marks)
(i) Inquisitive- he asks so many questions about Fiona.
(ii) Keen-he remembers Fiona had said she works for Gambian news and now
she is talking about VOA
Rewrite the sentence below beginning: ( lt......) (1 mark)
When the loan ends, it will be thank you very much.
It will be thank you very much when the loan ends.
Give the meaning of the following words as used in the excerpt. (2 marks)
(i) Snoops- spies
(ii) Tum- deed
What happened immediately before this excerpt? (2 Marks)
Melusi and Long way are having lunch and Melusi is explaining how he had vied
for the presidency but lost to the current president.
Discuss two thematic concems evident in the excerpt. (6 marks)
(i) Poor leadership: the leader of Zimbabwe led to the poor economic state of
the country. He also did not care about his citizens when he demolishes
slums and leaves them homeless.
(ii) Revenge- the government uses Murambatsvina to punish the urban poor for
supporting the opposition parties.
Explain one instance of irony in the excerpt. (2 marks)
It is ironical that murambatsvina's aim in demolishing the slums was said to
prevent diseases and curb crime yet diseases and crime rates increased instead.
Apart from irony, identify and illustrate three styles used in this excerpt. (6
(i) Dialogue - dialogue between Long way and Melusi
(ii) Use of local language- Murambatsvina
(iii)Metaphor- Murambatsvina expelled us, the trash.
Describe the mood in the excerpt. (3 marks)
Melancholic- Melusi undergoes suffering at the hands of the government. He loses
his suburban home and goes to live in the slums. Later his slum home is
demolished rendering him homeless.
Who is comrade Melusi? (2 marks)
He is a citizen of Zimbabwe and a former politician who was betrayed by the head
of his group; the current president
What happens immediately after this excerpt? (2 marks)
Enlightened Elite Thespians

Long way calls the waitress. She inquires if they had enjoyed their meal. Long way
pays the bill and tells her to keep the change.

Give the meaning of the following words as used in the excerpt. (2 marks)
(i) Inflation- increase in the cost of living
(ii) Curb-control
What happened immediately before this excerpt? (2 marks)
Self had asked ms. Mahmoud out and she said a sweet no which Self interpreted as
a sour no. She felt humiliated by this and vows to revenge.
Discuss one theme evident in this excerpt. Give two illustrations from the
excerpt. (3 marks)
Revenge-Self slaps Ms. Mahmoud for saying no to his advances. Self takes ms.
Mahmoud to court for accidentally slitting his left eye.
Had she stopped to think about the chain of events her reaction might set
off..." explain the events that came as a result of her action. (4 marks)
She accidentally slits Self's left eye. Self then takes her to court. The court orders
her left eye to be taken out just like Self's. she loses her left eye through surgery.
Identify and illustrate two styles used in the excerpt. (4 marks)
(i) Rhetorical questions — who has not so reacted...have been a better
(ii) Idiomatic expression- an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
Using information from this excerpt, discuss the character traits of Self Tahir.
(4 marks)
(i) Vengeful- he retaliates by slapping Ms Mahmoud for declining his
(ii) Deceitful- he lies to court about the reason why he had slapped Ms.
What reason did Self give the court for slapping Ms Mahmoud? (2 marks)
He slapped her to stop her from imitating Americans by shedding the head veil in
violation of Libya's culture.
Ms Mahmoud pleaded innocent. Is she innocent? Support your answer. (2
Yes. She hit Self back in self-defense after he had provoked her by slapping her.
What happens immediately after this excerpt? (2 marks)
The court tells Ms. Mahmoud to count her blessings because she would only lose
her left eye just like Self and she will not lose a tooth.
Explain the meaning of the following statement. (2 marks)
An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.
A tit for a tit /punishing a person by inflicting the same pain they caused the other
Place the excerpt in its immediate context. (5 marks)
Before the excerpt, Fiona dials Long way's room and tells him he had dropped
something downstairs In the excerpt, Long way suggests that she should give it to
the woman at the front desk but Fiona says it is a bad idea Long way does
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downstairs to pick the item but realizes it is not his. He invites Fiona for a drink.
After the excerpt, Fiona goes to Dr Afolabi's room
"That's a bad idea, Mr. Long way. " What was Fiona referring to as a bad
idea? (2 marts)
Long way had told Fiona to give the article he had supposedly dropped to the
woman at the front office.
Identify and illustrate three styles used in this excerpt. (6 marks)
(i) Dialogue- dialogue between Ms Mackenzie and Long way.
(ii) Sarcasm- now how has that helped advance world peace?
(iii)Idiomatic expression- don't go burn yourself at the stake
(iv) Humour- "it's late," she said. "Late? That must be a new drink."
(v) Irony- explained below
Explain one instance of irony in this excerpt. (2 marks)
It is ironical that Mr Long way thinks Fiona had gone for all the trouble for his
sake yet Fiona had her own interest to meet Long way
Using information from elsewhere in the text, explain why Ms. Mckenzie
sounded Scottish. (2 marks)
She was adopted by Scottish missionaries, Ian and Elspeth Mckenzie when she
was less than a year old.
How has Ms. Mckenzie been brought out in this excerpt? (4 marks)
(i) Deceitful - she lies to Long way that she had seen him drop the VOA key
(ii) Persuasive- she is able to persuade Long way to go downstairs to pick the
Join the following sentences into one. (begin: After...). (1 mark)
He looked at it. Then he gave it back to her.
After looking at it, he then gave it back to her.
Who is Mr. Long way and why was Fiona so interested in meeting him? (3
He is the director of special projects at Agency for Governance and Development
in Africa (AGDA).
Ms Mckenzie thought he was the guide Nick was talking about at VOAÅI
" His scheme having failed,. " Explain the scheme that Pastor Chiamaka had.
(5 marks)
After going through the Pinnacle's security clearance formalities, he was to attend
the heads of state dinner ( which was shake his president's hand ask him if he was
going to adopt or reject way Omega. Later he would have mocked the president by
asking him for his name and then flee away.
In not more than 70 words, summarize the statements Pastor Chiamaka made
four years earlier in his sermon. (6
He said the president had made a public instead of finding solutions to the
problems.q He insists that the government should take action not just advise.q He
also says the president had failed to stop the riotsq or name the two regions to
blame for the and instead referred to it as 'recent events'Å
Identify and illustrate two styles used in this excerpt. (4 marks)
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Dialogue — dialogue between the guide and Chiamaka

Metaphor - his voice was syrup and honey
Sarcasm- "is that right? Let me call the media. Pastor Chiamaka said sarcastically.
Apart from pastor Chiamaka and the guide, name the other four people who
were to the meeting.(4 marks)
-Prof Karanja Kimani
-Ngobile Melusi
-Eng. Seif Tahir
Who is staying in room 2059, center wing? (1 mark)
Mr. Tad Longway
What happens immediately after this excerpt? (2 marks)
Comrade Melusi is daydreaming about his late wife, Ziliza when his mobile phone
Explain the meaning of the following words as used in this excerpt. (3 marks)
Jovial -cheerful
Smouldering -chocking, suffocating
vi. Permissible -allowable, permitted
Place this excerpt in its immediate context. (5 marks)
During the summit, King Jemba-Jemba IV passed his turn to speak to president
Dibonso,who was a
dictator and a bully. Dibonso condemns the chair for allowing the former speaker
to bring up imaginary issues into the table When tempers start to flare, President
Wesiga proposes The Trick and they take a break after proposing three presidents
to form a group and see the best way to proceed
Discuss one thematic issue evident in this excerpt. (2 marks)
Dictatorship- president Dibonso had ruled for over 40 years and he had turned
power into a habit, a toy and was a permanent bully to others
Explain the imaginary issue that president Ibarosa raised, which was
supposedly not in either of the documents. (2 marks)
He said Way Omega proposed that presidential tenures be limited only to two
terms. With clear illustrations,
identify three styles used in this excerpt. (6 marks)
Simile- he slept like a log.
Dialogue- dialogue between the chairman and President Dibonso
Idiomatic expression- ....and nipped them in the bud.
How has president Dibonso been portrayed in this excerpt? (4 marks)
-Rude/disrespectful• he disrespects the chairman by saying he was a disgrace to
the summit.
-short-tempered- he got angry from the incident he had in his room; was not able
to control his bladder.
Using information from elsewhere in the text, explain what The Trick is. (4
The trick is, if the chairman fails to lead the summit to a consensus, he will let
another head of state propose that a committee convene to devise a method of
eliminating the need of a consensus. That way the chair will have a win-win result.
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Give the meaning of the following words as used in the excerpt.

Bully. a person who is cruel to others
Fire-eater- a quarrelsome person
What happened immediately before this excerpt? (3 marks)
President Bangoura stands to present the findings of the committee. He asks Mam-
Biram to tum on the projector. He presents a table they named The Choice Matrix .
What do we learn about African Heads of State in this excerpt? ( 4 marks)
Ignorant- they have no idea of what is in the important documents that they are
supposed to adapt for the benefit of their countries.
Incompetent- they use the flipping of a coin to make important decisions as to
which to adapt.
Identify and illustrate three features of style employed in this excerpt. (6
• -Political satire. the heads of state flips a coin to make an important
• •Use of local language- pile ou face
• •Rhetorical questions- your advice here would be what?
• •Sarcasm- president Banguora sarcastically asks minister Zinto if he is
going to protest if Way Omega wins.
• •Humour- when the chairman asks Abiola if they should use his method
because they would be there until next year admiring hands.
What does the chair mean when he asks Abiola if he wanted them to utilize his
method of "this on one hand and that on the other hand"? (4 marks)
In his opening speech, Dr. Abiola had compared and contrasted the two
documents, Way Omega and PathAlpha but left the heads of state with confused .
The chair means that Dr. Abiola's method does not offer any solution.
What happens immediately after this excerpt? (3 marks)
President Banguora continues to explain about The Choice Matrix. The other
heads of state start complaining and exchanging notes and were angry. The chair
noticing trouble, calls for a break to avert it.
Give the meaning of each of the following words as used in this excerpt. (5
(i) Rogue-villain, unreliable deceitful person.
(ii) Flipping-throwing
(iv) Utilize-make use
(v) Obliged-offered

(a) Place the excerpt to its immediate context. (4 marks)
• Abiola has rescued Fiona from the Liberian Mauler who had abducted her
with a view to raping her and takes her to his hotel room.
• Fiona notes a scrape on Abiola's brow and offers to attend to it.
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• As it is late at night, Abiola offers Fiona a place to sleep for the night.
• Fiona tells Abiola that lying is perhaps fun.
• Fiona informs Abiola of a young man, Nick Sentinel, at the VOA who has
a machine he calls the Silent Listener that snoops on wireless transmissions.
• Abiola wonders if Fiona worked with the VOA yet she had told him she
worked for the Gambian News.
(b) Discuss two-character traits of Abiola and one character trait of Fiona
McKenzie. (6 marks)
• He is suspicious/uncasy
He wonders where Fiona's interrogation on his marital life is leading toe
• He is humorous/amusing
He asks Fiona if her name might have changed since the Liberian Mauler
kept calling her 'Joy' a local slang for a streetwalker.
• He is open/forthright/straightforward
He opens up to Fiona about his marital life, telling her that his wife was an
American and she divorced him the previous year.
• He is emotional/temperamental
He is angered by Chiamaka's call during which he accuses him of having
chided him for being drunk, when all he had was a Pepsi.
• She is inquisitive/probing/interrogative
She asks Abiola several questions e.g. Did she? That's her name? Pamela?
• She is perceptive/critical/observant
She is quick to note that Abiola has been upset by the call made to him by
Chineke Chiamaka.
• She is open/forthright
She discloses to Abiola that she is not married, "Married?" "Me?"
e Suspicious/dubious/doubtful
She suspects that Abiola was acting as if he might have a wife.
(c) (i) Why do people like to tell lies? (Report) (1 mark)
Chiamaka/He wondered why people liked/like to tell lies.
(ii) The phone rang. (Add a question tag) (1 mark)
The phone rang, didn't it?
(iii) No, she divorced me last year. (Rewrite in the passive) (1
No, I was divorced by her last year.
You seem upset all of a sudden. (Rewrite beginning with the
subordinate clause) (1 mark)
All of a sudden, you seem upset.
(b) Highlight two themes raised in the excerpt. (4 marks)
• Marriage and family life
Abiola confesses that his wife divorced him the previous year. Fiona, on her
side, tells Abiola that she is not married.
• Moral decay/immorality
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Abiola tells Fiona that the Liberian Mauler (the man who had attempted to
abduct her with a view to raping her) kept calling her Joy, which was local
a local slang for a streetwalker/prostitute.
(c) Identify and illustrate two features of style used in the excerpt. (4
Abiola humorously asks Fiona if her name might have changed because the
Liberian Mauler kept calling her Joy, which was a local slang for a
Conversation between Abiola and Fiona which basically reveals the two's
plain/straightforward nature.
• Phone motif
Chiamaka gives Abiola Afolabi a phone call and accuses him of having
chided him for being drunk when all he had had was a Pepsi.
(d) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrase as used in
the excerpt. (3 marks)
• improvised — makeshift/temporary
• darkened — dulled/dimmed/gloomed
• Chided -- rebuked/admonished/reproved

Excerpt 17
Mckenzie introduces herself to Dr Afolabi, thanks him for agreeing to sit for the interview
and narrates the history of her adoption by the Scottish missionaries.
b (i) Simile
We are told Dr Afolabi likens Ms Mckenzie to the cuteness of a button and the sharpness
of a needle.
(ii) Exaggeration
The author says Mckenzie's eyes were wide and white like a pair of moons.
c) Education
Mckenzie highlights that Dr Afolabi studied at Harvard University in the USA and teaches
at the University of Ibadan in Nigeria.
d) Honest
She freely narrates to Afolabi the history of her adoption by the Scottish missionaries.
Afolabi barely knows her, yet she demonstrates her honesty and openness as a journalist.
She already knows Dr Afolabis' educational background and goes ahead to ask more
questions regarding the summit.
e) Mckenzie apologises to Dr Afolabi for disappointing him with her demeaning
statement. He asks his age and recommends he take a photo of himself as a memory of his
f) Dr Afolabi has written about the failure of states. He is against the evils in the African
states. However, the presidents saw merit in his book and invited him to the summit to
assure them that Way Omega agreed with it. Afolabi's dreams for a better Africa are
realised when the presidents vote for Path Alpha, which is a better version of reforming
g) i) Turned away or aside.
ii) The story of a person's life as by that person.
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(a) After Kimani fills a vacancy in University of Nairobi's Institute of
Development Studies, he demands for two changes at the university in
quick succession. What are these changes? (2 marks)
• Kimani demands his new university strive for relevance to the society, not
excellence of its work.
• Kimani demands that the university becomes an agent of change, not a
mere spectator of it.
(b) Identify and illustrate three characters traits of Kimani brought out
in this excerpt. (6 marks)
• He is determined/bold/untiring
He is unwavering in his effort to bring changes in his new university.
• Radical/revolutionary
Only a month after arrival at the University of Nairobi, he launches noisy
disputes twice to demand for changes at the university, and prevails.
• He is intelligent/educated
The fact that he had completed his studies at the University of Oxford prior
to getting his new job at the University of Nairobi is an attestation to his
being educated/intelligent.
• He is loving/romantic/admirable
His antics in the wars that he had started and won, win him the heart of a
campus beauty queen.
(c) Discuss three themes raised in the excerpt. (6 marks)
Kimani's new university is corrupt. To ensure he comes and fills the
vacancy at the university, it raises his entry point from that of a lecturer to
that of a senior lecturer.
Kimani demands for drastic changes at the University of Nairobi in quick
succession. His proposed changes are eventually adopted.
Love and marriage
Kimani's antics had already won him the heart of a campus beauty queen.
He and Asiya are later married on a rainy but approving Saturday, to claps
of thunder and flashes of lightning.
Despite Kimani's colleagues being pessimistic about his effort to bring
changes to the university, he is unwavering in his pursuit of the changes
and it bears fruits.
(d) (i) To ensure he came and filled it for sure, the University of Nairobi
raised his entry point from that of a lecturer to that of a senior
lecturer. (Write beginning with the main clause). (1 mark)
• The University of Nairobi raised his entry point from that of a lecturer to
that of a senior lecturer to ensure he came and filled it for sure.
(ii) His persona now was complete. (1 mark)
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His persona now was complete, wasn't it?

Now he wanted the uniyersity to be an agent of change, not a mere
spectator of it. (Rewrite using a co-ordinating conjunction) (1 mark)
Now he wanted the university to be an agent of change but not a mere
spectator of it?
(e) Identify one stylistic devices used in the excerpt. (4 marks)
The writer exaggerates Kimani and Asiya' s marriage: He married her on a
rainy but approving Saturday, to claps of thunder and flashes of
lightning/Kimani's instant success at the university is, too, exaggerated:
Even before taking off, he was already flying.
(f) Explain the meaning of the following words used in the excerpt. (4
Launched — began/initiated/instituted
Henceforth — moving forward/from that moment/time
Prevailed — overcame/succeeded/triumphed/won
(g) The writer says, 'Had anyone told him this happiness would one day
end as it did, he would have laughed himself upside down." What later
happened to Professor Kimani in the text? (2 marks)
He loses his wife to Mr Newborn Walomu, in marriage.
He is demoted by his university to a senior lecturer from his current rank
as a full professor.
Excerpt 19
a) Before
Comrade Melusi is at the checkpoint to the summit, where a young security officer
inspects his briefcase to clear him to proceed to the summit. Melusi recalls how he
discovered his diabetic condition during a medical checkup that Agency for Governance
and Development in Africa (AGDA) had insisted he take.
Melusi and the security officer are still in a push-and-pull conversation regarding a needle
the officer has discovered in his briefcase. The security officer wants Melusi to leave the
needle at the checkpoint, but Melusi maintains he cannot leave behind the only object that
keeps him alive.
b) Insecurity
The Gambian security has erected a checkpoint at the Seamount Hotel in Banjul, Gambia.
Insecurity is an issue in the country, and Comrade Melusi undergoes a search at one of the
checkpoints where a young security officer handles him for carrying a needle that he uses
to take a shot of his medicine.
Knowledge versus ignorance
The argument between Melusi and the young security officer shows the reader that Melusi
has made his point well enough to convince the officer to realise that the needle is just not
the kind of weapon he thinks it is. Melusi showed up to the officer, and with knowledge,
he is able to prove his point which puts him with more power over the offcer. Afterwards,
the officer allows Melusi in with the needle.
c) Stubborn
He refuses to leave the checkpoint for the summit until the security officer clears him to
keep the needle he uses to administer his drugs.
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Melusi understands his medical condition and will not go against the doctor's directives.
He insists he must keep the needle with him wherever he goes and hints to the security
officer about the dire consequences of a diabetic patient not taking the jab as prescribed.
d) Would 1?
e) i) Personification
When Melusi is asked by the security officer to leave behind his needle, he says he will do
no such thing until the cows come home. The cows are given the qualities of human
The author uses hyperbole to add a comic effect to the text. When Melusi says, "This
needle is my life, officer," the statement carries a great significance as it presents
something familiar in an intense manner.
f) i) To open the mouth wide and allow the lungs to take in a lot of air, often when a
person is exhausted or hungry.
ii) Waved or flourished (something, especially a weapon) as a threat or in anger or
iii) Causing delay in a queue or line.
iv) Showing no care or concern in attitude or action.

(a) Briefly explain what happens just before the excerpt. (4 marks)
• After the summit resumes the sitting, President Bangoura conducts the
process of choosing between Way Omega and Path Alpha through coin
He invites Mr Zinto and Dr Afolabi to join him at the rostrum as witnesses
to the coin tossing.
The Choice Matrix picks Path Alpha and awaits its ratification by the
The Path Alpha delegates are excited at the choice of their development
(b) Identify and illustrate two character traits of the Summit Chair and
one of President Dibonso. (6 marks)
The Summit Chair
• He is scheming/sly/cunning
Aware that the summit coul&turn acrimonious, he had come up with The
Trick that saves the day, for it had eliminated the need for consensus that
he could not achieve.
• He is humourous/amusing/gay
In wrapping up the summit, he wishes the presidents safe travel back home,
humourously telling them to travel like lions, without fear of attack or
worry about supper.
• He is resolute/firm/uncowed
He stands his ground that the summit stood closed in the face of President
Dibonso's rage over the method used to choose Path Alpha, The Choice
President Dibonso
He is impatient/agitated/irritatcd
He feels irritated by Bangoura's The Choice Matrix that chooses Path
Alpha over the presidents' mooted Way Omega. He cuts into the Summit
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Chair's closing remarks and tells him that the presidents reject the matrix,
lock, stock and barrel.
He is daring/bold/audacious
He daringly pulls out a pocket-size pistol and dares the Summit Chair to
make him put it away.
(c) What two themes come out in the excerpt? (4 marks)
• Conflict/antagonism
A sharp conflict arises between President Dibonso and the Summit Chair.
The former is opposed to The Choice Matrix method that picks Path Alpha
while the latter believes the choice made is final. The conflict is so intense
that President Dibonso pulls out a pistol to shoot the Summit Chair.
• Trickery/Deceit/Canniness
The Summit Chair's The Trick saves the day by eliminating the need for
the consensus which he could not achieve.
• Hospitality/Friendliness
As an indication of hospitality, the Pinnacle had organised a closing
ceremony (and a dinner) on the Mezzanine floor for the heads of state.
(d) (i) We reject the matrix, lock, stock and barrel. (Write beginning with
"Lock") (1 mark)
• Lock, stock, and barrel, we reject the matrix.
(e) Discuss two stylistic devices used in the excerpt. (4 marks)
• Use of rhetorical questions: E.g. Had The Trick not saved the day? Had
it not eliminated the need for the consensus he could not achieve?
Use of a simile. E.g. ... travel like lions, without fear of attack or worry
about supper.
• Contrast: The chair's position concerning the choice of Path Alpha is
contrasted with Dibonso's: while the chair supports the pick, Dibonso is
strongly opposed to it.
(f) (i) I said the summit is closed. (Rewrite using a question tag) (1 mark)
• I said the summit is closed, didn't I?
(ii) "President Dibonso, put that thing away!" demanded the Chair.
(Rewrite in the reported speech) (1 mark)
• The Chair ordered/commanded President Dibonso to put that thing away.
(g) Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the excerpt. (3
Consensus — concurrence/agreement/harmony
• cap — crown/better/top
• sizzling — blistering/blazing/glowing
(a) Briefly explain what happens before the excerpt. (3 marks)
• MrLongway insists to sit next to Abiola on their flight from Washington.
Pamela is forced to swap cabins with Tad Longway hence travelling in
different cabins with her husband, Abiola.
• Pamela's request for an explanation on why she has to change cabins with
Tad is replied simply with smiles.
(b) Discuss one character traits of Dr Afolabi and two of Mr Longway. (6
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Dr Afolabi
• He is friendly/cordial/affable
Although it is his first time to meet Mr Longway, he chats him cordially,
and even introduces himself to him.
e He is intelligent/educated/brilliant
He is a university lecturer, an attestation to his being educated. Tad
Longway also admits he gave an excellent/brilliant keynote address at The
Foundation for Democratic Rule conference,
• He is appreciative/glad/grateful
He is grateful of Mr Longway's compliment, "I'm glad you liked it, Mr
Mr Longway
• He is inquisitive/probing
He asks Abiola probing questions. E.g. Now can it change?
• Critical/censorious/condemnatory
He criticizes Africa's leaders for ushering in two new arrivals (evils) —
corruption and impunity. He is also critical enough to note that the guy
from Grassroots International was unhappy with Africa's present state.
• Practical/realistic/pragmatic
He believes that there will be no change in Africa unless there is will to
• He is friendly/cordial/affable
He cordially introduces himself to Dr Abiola and engages him in an
insightful chat.
• He is complimenting/appreciative/acknowledging
He compliments Dr Abiola for his excellent keynote address at The
Foundation for Democratic Rule.
(c) Highlight two themes evident in the excerpt. (4 marks)
• Pessimism/Hopelessness/Disillusionment
Mr Longway tells Dr Afplabi that the guy from Grassroots International
sounded unhappy with Africa's present state.
• Corruption and injustice
Mr Longway claims that Afriga]las ushered in two new arrivals (evils) in
corruption and impunity.
Mr Longway asks Dr Abiola if he thinks Africa's present state can change,
and tells him that unless there is will to change, there will be no change.
(d) (i) It's on the tip of my tongue. (Add a question tag) (1 mark)
• It's on the tip of my tongue, isn't/wasn't it?
(ii) I don't understand. (Rewrite replacing the underlined word with
a phrasal verb) (1 mark)
I don't make out/figure out.
(iii) Unless there is will to change, there will be no change. (Rewrite
using "if") (1 mark)
• If there is no will to change, there will be no change/There will be no
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change if there is no will to change.

(e) Identify two stylistic devices used in the excerpt. (4 marks)
Use of similes, E.g. His voice, deep, lingered on like the boom of a big
drum/sparks of earnestness were crossing his, both crystal-green like toy
• Use of metaphors E.g. Dr Afolabi compares the guy from Grassroots
International to 'fire-eater'.
• Use of dialogue: Mr Longway and Dr Afolabi engage in a dialogue that
brings out their cordial nature, and also the theme of corruption.
(F) Explain the meaning of the following words and expressions used in
the excerpt. (4 marks)
Lingered — remained/stayed/hung
keynote — core/bottom line/essence
earnestness — seriousness/graveness/sobriety
superb glorious/splendid/sublime

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