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The 19/49

The Channel of Synthesis

This side of the Ego Circuit is also about working hard but on this side we
ward hard at relationships. Family can be just like a job. And, of course,
working hard for your family is also a job.
There is a flow that starts on this side of the Ego Circuit. It is all about
relationship contracts. The 19/49 is the contract of flirting and bonding. In
the past, this is where the energy for rules and regulations about courtship
were located. Courtship in many cultures was a very intentional and long
process. This, of course makes sense. This is an emotional channel. It takes
time to know that the family and business bonds created in a marital union
will work. When marriage is entered into correctly, it is more likely to work
out and the “work” of marriage can be fun and fulfilling.
But, when the rules of courtship and intimacy are not met, divorce is also a
contractual option. The potential for divorce is also located in this channel.
People with this channel or couples who bring the energy of this channel
together in relationship truly enjoy being together. It is intimate and involves
all the acts that we associate with intimacy, including touching. This side of
the circuit loves to touch. A couple with the 19/49 likes to do everything
together. Even a trip to the grocery store can be a romantic outing. But,
when only one partner carries this channel, the other partner can feel
smothered and overwhelmed by the sensitive “neediness” of this energy.
Again, it’s only energy.

The Gate 19
I’Ching: Approach
Human Design: The Gate of Wanting
Astrology: Aquarius
Biology: The Adrenal Glands
The Gate 19 on it’s own can be needy and deeply sensitive. This is the
energy, rooted in the adrenal, that initiates a courtship sequence. So the
energy of the 19 can also be flirty. The 19 needs to be touched and loves to
have their partner with them all the time. The 19 is sensitive in every aspect
of the word. People with the 19 can be sensitive to chemicals, the texture of
clothing, flavors and even environments. They are also emotionally sensitive
and can get their feelings hurt with just a look. Children with the Gate 19
should never be spanked. It breaks their heart. The Gate 19 is also intuitive
in a different way. This is not splenic so it isn’t the same energy. It’s more
that the Gate 19 can detect subtle changes in people and can read them
very well. The Gate 19 hooks into the circuitry of mammals so we find a lot
of people with the Gate 19 who have a very deep connections with animals.
Some can even communicate with animals on a psychic level.
The Gate 49
I’Ching: Revolution
Human Design: The Gate of Principles
Astrology: Aquarius
Biology: The Kidney and the Pancreas
The 49 comes together nicely with the 19. Together this is a truly intimate
coupling. If someone contains this whole energy, some of the “neediness” of
the 19 is mitigated. Whereas the 19 can be rather unspecified “neediness”,
the 49 contains the principled energy of contractual union. The 49 says,
“You have my attention. What kind of contract can we create together?
The 49 will hold the “rules” of the union. In the traditional tribal setting this
is where the rules of the dowry were held as well as the customs for
courtship. The 49 can be either black or white. In the flow of the circuitry,
the 49 leads to the actual marriage contract in the 40/37. If the rules are met,
the marriage can happen. But, if the rules are broken, the marriage is off.
Divorce is located in the 49. But, again, this is an emotional channel. A
good divorce happens when there is clarity over time. And anyone with the
49 needs to wait for that clarity because once the 49 says, “It’s over”, it will
be over and there will be no looking back. Tribal agreements that get broken
can create revolution. When leadership fails to support the tribe, uprisings
are also located here. So are revolutions in relationships. We have seen
evidence of significant revolution in the bonding contracts of our tribes in
the 50 years. As the solar plexus mutation continues, we will see more and
more revolutions in relationships. The nature of how we come together and
bond for the sake of reproduction
and marriage may continue to evolve dramatically.

The 40/37
The Channel of Community
This is the actual contractual energy of relationship and, traditionally,
marriage. Contained within the energy is aloneness (the Gate 40) and
friendship (the Gate 37). The energies within this channel compel us to bond
and to form practical agreements about the way we come together in
relationship. This channel is often called the Channel of the Bargain. This is
a very practical channel. Here we deal with the energy of organizing and
taking care of the family. We make agreements with this energy about who
does what and when. The contract of marriage is also contained in this
channel. Again, this is an emotional channel and can also be one rooted in
fantasy if not worked with correctly. When we wait out the wave, we make
good agreements that work for us. But the key to success with this energy is
waiting and also communicating. When we don’t wait, we make agreements
that don’t work and, because this is connected to the Will Center, we end up
over-working to keep agreements that make us feel resentful or, ultimately
we stop keeping the agreements and then there is tension.
Sometimes, especially when this energy is unconscious, agreements get
made without being articulated. Then there is tension because of unspoken
agreements and the contract falls apart. Anyone with this channel and/or the
19/49 has a very hard time when agreements or contracts come apart. When
the marriage contract is broken, hearts (the Will Center) get broken. Anyone
who has this channel can be easily manipulated by a deal. The 40/37 loves a
good deal. Just be sure to always talk about all the parameters of the deal so
that the deal is clear and the agreements are amenable to both parties.
Remember, too, it takes time to get clarity about the deal. When the solar
plexus is defined, especially with this channel, always make agreements over

The Gate 37
I’Ching: The Family
Human Design: The Gate of Friendship
Astrology: Pisces
Biology: The Kidney and the Pancreas
The Gate 37 is the gate of friendship and harmony. The 37 just wants
everyone to make good agreements so that we can all “get along”. This is a
friendly gate and a very tribal energy. The 37 can often be the great Cosmic
Connecter in the tribe, especially coupled with a 4 line profile.

The 37 seeks the 40 to come together and make agreements. Even though
the 37 is emotional, it always wants peace. The 37, leading to the 40 (the
stomach gate) is also the gate of the mouth. The 37 can also be about food
and taste.

The Gate 40
I’Ching: Deliverance
Human Design: The Gate of Aloneness
Astrology: Virgo
Biology: The Thymus and the Stomach
There is a deep irony in the Gate 40. The 40 is the energy of a part seeking a
whole. The aloneness of the 40 drives it to become a part of something and
form bonds. But, this is pure energy. The 40 can be deeply entrenched in
relationships and still feel terribly alone. It’s not personal. It’s just energy.
When you have the 40 it’s always good to look at the data and not the
energy. If your tribe is bowing at your feet and chanting your name with
adoration, you are probably not as alone as you feel you are. The 40 needs to
work to rest. It is rooted in the Will Center. But the 40 can also be a
dramatic workaholic, forgetting often to eat and recharge, especially if the
Will is undefined and the Sacral is defined. This configuration needs
reminders to stop and rest. The Gate 40 is also an alone gate. When you have
the 40 you need alone time. This is a crucial part of the rest cycle of the 40.
When the 40 gets under pressure from a defined Will Center, the 40 will
eventually feel pressure to get away from the Will and be alone.
Of course, once it is alone, it becomes lonely and seeks to be a part of the
tribe again. The alone”ness” of the 40 is an illusion.

The 21/45
The Channel of Money
This is the concluding energy of the Ego Circuit. The energy for creating
business, as well as the contracts for relationships are all funneled through
the Will Center and then pushed through this channel which is all about
allocating physical resources, whether that be money or the things necessary
for survival (food, housing, business equipment).
This is a deeply material channel and can often be perceived by others as
having a
“controlling” quality. But it has to be this way. You need someone to
control the
resources, especially since so much of this circuit is emotional. You don’t
emotional energy controlling the resources. You want someone who really
the power of the material plane.
The 21/45 can work together seamlessly or can sometimes contain within it
terrible struggle for control of resources. The 21 is the treasurer. The 45 is
the King or Queen. Neither really has power without the other. You need the
brains of the treasurer and the Heart of the King and Queen to make good
choices. This is pure Will energy. It is not emotional or splenic. It is
impassionate and all about the physical plane. We don’t always like this
energy but it is crucial for the success of the tribe. We wait for the King to
grant us a favor. But it is not only grace that gives us the resources. It is a
deep understanding of the way resources work. A good king knows what is
best for us.

The Gate 21
I’Ching: Biting Through
Human Design: The Gate of the Treasurer
Astrology: Aries
Biology: The Thymus Gland
This is the control center of the material plane. The 21 is the most material
energy in the chart. The 21 is the energy of the treasurer or the accountant.
Think about the archetype of the IRS investigator. This is the energy of the
21. People with the Gate 21 really love their things. These are the people
who will park way in the back of the parking lot when they get a new car so
that they won’t get door pecks. It is a very material energy.
Of course, there can be a “dark” side to this energy. People with the Gate 21
often battle the image of being perceived as “control freaks”. To a certain
degree they are control freaks but that is the nature of the 21. As much as we
resist it, we need the 21. We need someone to tell us how to manage our
“stuff” and our money. If there was no central
control, resources would be squandered and wasted.

The Gate 45
I’Ching: Gathering Together
Human Design: The Gate of the King/Queen
Astrology: Gemini
Biology: The Thyroid and the Parathyroid
Here we have a softening of the energy of the 21. The energy of the 45 is
regal and has a natural leadership quality to it. We recognize the wisdom of
the 45 and the 45 can easily command the energy of the room.
The 45 tells the 21 what we are going to use the money for. The 21 can not
truly use the money without this information. The dream of the 21 is to
leave the money in a room somewhere to grow, untouched by the hands of
the tribe. The 21 can be a miser. The 45 says, “No, we have to use this for
the tribe. We need food, new plows, a
community center…etc.” The 21 may resist but the 45 is right. At the same
time, the 21 can temper the 45. If the Queen goes crazy, the Treasurer hides
the gold. When these two energies come together in relationship, it is often
very difficult. There are power struggles built into this gate and money can
be a big issue for a couple with this energy. There can be harmony but often
there is a fight over money. The 21 wants to save it. The 45 wants to spend
it. Remember, it’s not personal. The 21 is not controlling the 45, nor is the 45
irresponsible. It’s just two energies coming together for the good of the tribe.

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