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What is internet of things (iot)?

A renowned British technologist named Kevin Ashton first used the term 'Internet of
Things' (IOT) in 1999. The word IOT describes a method in which objects in the physical
world could be connected to the Internet by sensors.
It describes the power of connecting Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) tags used in
supply chains to the Internet in consideration to count and track goods without the need
for human interference.
IOT helps to ease communication between devices and the cloud and also ease
communication between the devices themselves by its network of connected devices
and technology.

How does iot work?

(1) Iot devices collect data by its sensors in its hardware.

(2) The data which is collected by the sensors is then shared by the cloud and
integrated with software.

(3) The software then examines and transfer the data to users via an app or website.

Iot mainly consists of four components:

(3)data processing
(4)user interface.
1) Sensors/Devices
Sensors or devices can collect very simple to very complex data for example, very
simple as a temperature reading or very complex as collect a full video.

2) Connectivity
Next, that data is transferred to the cloud. The sensors/devices can be connected to the
cloud through cellular, satellite, WiFi, Bluetooth, or connecting directly to the internet .

3) Data Processing
When data is received by cloud, processing is done on it by software.
Data processing can also be very simple such as checking temperature if it is within the
range or not to very complex such as using videos to identify objects.

4) User Interface
The collected information is transferred to the end-user by text alert for example, if
temperature is very high in cold storage then text alert is sent to user.
Applications of iot in food industry
(1)In food quality monitoring:

The evolution of versatile sensors over the last few years has been investigated with the
aim of making new and innovative devices with applications in several fields in the food
industry. The incorporation of such sensors in food packaging technology has lead us to
the path of intelligent food packaging. These systems are able of providing information
about the quality of the packed products which is reliable during the period of their
storage. The sensors help in recording the evolution of various parameters like the
quantity of pathogenic agents,gasses evolution, and humidity thus sensors helps in
monitoring the quality and safety of food products and with the help of these sensors
intelligent packs are made. When this type of technology is incorporated with iot then it
is able to provide much more information than regular food inspection. Technology used
for conventional food inspection has various limitations in terms of colour, volume,
weight etc. Various system can be built by using iot concept and is capable to form a
network of incorporated devices.
User can watch the changes in product quality over time. Consumer can observe these
changes in a computer system which is wirelessly connected to a sensor.
(2)Traceability and transparency:
Now-a-days large scale industries are asking suppliers to implement and use
technologies such as blockchain and iot, in order to know about the product traceability.
From retailers to consumers, agriculture to food manufacturers, blockchain and IoT
technologies are allowing the systematic collection and sharing of data quickly which
allows for traceability of product from starting to end. With the help of iot customers are
able to watch from where their product have come and also how long the product
travelled and also iot allows to company to see the malfunction or alerts related to
IoT technology allows companies and customers track the products in the complete
supply chain, and also ensures the accessibility of information. This includes various
information about ingredients, suppliers, raw material and final product.

(3)Smart Refrigerators:

It is very important to check the condition of refrigerator in food industry as a lot of

different types of food materials are stored in refrigerators IoT technology can help us in
checking storage condition of refrigerator.
Iot technology improves regulation over refrigeration temperature.
Specific temperature is required for specific food product. The flavour and fragnance of
the food items shouldn't be lost and remain as it is. IoT also helps in preserving
nutrients of food material.

(4)Stock management:
Iot also helps in tracking stock present in kitchen. In various restaurants and food
industries an application is installed on their smartphones and tablets which helps in
managing stock.
It is able to notify restaurants or industry about any requirement of food material and
their stock in their linked devices.

(5)Real-Time Monitoring of Crop Health:

Farmers can evaluate crop health, recognise problem area and take corrective actions
on time with the help of drones which are equipped with IoT sensors. These drones can
fly over field and take images of field.

Limitations of iot in food industry:

(1)Connectivity and Reliability: Internet connectivity is crucial for Internet of

Things (IoT) devices. The dependability of IoT devices may be impaired in
locations with patchy network coverage or erratic internet connections, which
could result in potential system breakdown or data gaps.

(2)Data Security and Privacy: The collection of sensitive data through IoT
devices, such as inventory,temperature, and customer information, raises
concerns about privacy and data security. Unauthorized access or data breaches
could lead to severe consequences for both businesses and customers.
(3)Lack of standardization: Lack of standardization is the absence of
accepted guidelines or procedures in a given profession or sector. This may lead
to incompatibility between various systems, goods, or procedures, which could
result in muddle, inefficiency, or lower interoperability. For instance, in the world
of technology, a lack of standardization might make it difficult for various systems
and devices to communicate and exchange data.

● Carolyn Marsan(2015) The Internet of Things: An Overview
● Alexandru popa et al (2019) An Intelligent IoT-Based Food Quality Monitoring
Approach Using Low-Cost Sensors
● Barbara Bigliardia et al study on IoT application in the Food Industry using
Keywords Analysis
● Asif Qumer Gill et al (2017) iot architectural concerns: a systematic view
● ohood saud althobaiti (2020) Iot limitations and concerns

Comments: Article is Fine. References are incomplete and also need to be rewritten in a
suggested format and should be cited in the article.

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