Law 102

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2nd SEMESTER A.Y. 2023 – 2024

● declared best effort basis the

COMPONENTS OF A CORPORATION distribution and sale of securities

1. Corporators ● A person or entity, especially an

● Those who compose a corporation, investment banker, which
whether as stockholders or as guarantees the sale of newly issued
members. securities by purchasing all or of
the shares for resale to the public.
2. Incorporators
● stockholders or members 9. Promoter
mentioned in the articles of ● Is a person who bring about or
incorporation as originally thereof. cause to bring about the formation
● forming and composing the and organization of a corporation
corporation who are signatories by:
a. Bringing together the incorporators or the persons
3. Stockholders (shareholders) interested in the enterprise;
● owners of shares of stock
b. Procuring subscriptions or capital for the
4. Members corporation; and
● The corporators of a non-stock
corporation. c. Setting in motion the machinery which leads to the
incorporation of the corporation itself.
5. Board of Directors
● governing body in a stock CLASSES OF CORPORATIONS
● Board of Trustees- corporation,
governing body in non-stock Stock or- non-stock corporations.
corporation. ● have capital stock divided into shares
● are authorized to distribute to the holders of
6. Corporate Officers such shares dividends
● The president, who shall be a ● other corporations are non-stock
director, corporations.
● treasurer, who may not be a
director, "One person' corporation, corporation sole and
● secretary, who shall be a resident corporation aggregate.'
and citizen the Philippines, ● is a corporation with a single stockholder.
● and such other officers as may be
provided for in the by-laws. A corporation sole
● If the corporation is vested with ● is formed by the chief archbishop, bishop,
public interest, the board shall priest, minister, rabbi, or other presiding
also elect a compliance officer. elder for the purpose of administering and
managing, as trustee, the affairs, property
7. Subscribers and temporalities of any religious
● Persons who have agreed to take denomination, sect or church, a corporation
and pay for original, of such religious denomination, sect, or
● unissued shares of a corporation church.
formed or to be formed. ● A corporation sole consists of one person
or member only.
8. Underwriter ● It consists of a single individual having an
● A person who guarantees on a firm artificial or legal personality distinguished
commitment and from his natural character.' Corporations

Nicole Busgano


2nd SEMESTER A.Y. 2023 – 2024

aggregate are those incorporated by more THREE-FOLD NATURE OF THE ARTICLES OF

than one person. INCORPORATION

Ecclesiastical or religious and lay.

● are where members that compose it are 1. A contract between the State and the corporation;
entirely spiritual persons and erected for the
furtherance of religion while 2. A contract between the corporation and its
stockholders; and
lay corporations
● are for some other purposes. 3. A contract between the stockholders inter se.

Eleemosynary and civil

● Eleemosynary corporations, sometimes
called "charitable corporations' are such as
are created, not for private gain or profit but
for charitable purposes.

Civil corporations
● are those organized not for the purpose of
public charity, but for the benefit, pecuniary
or otherwise, of its members.

Domestic and Foreign.

● A domestic corporation is one incorporated
under the laws of the Philippines.

Those organized under foreign laws

● are foreign corporations.

Public and private corporations

● is one organized for political, public or
governmental purposes

Private corporations
● are created for purposes than those of
government, 155 or to carry out private
purposes and interest.

Close and open corporation

● is one whose shares of stock are owned by
not more than a specified number of people
not exceeding 20, subject to restrictions on
transfer and not offered to the public nor
listed in the stock exchange.
● Any other corporation is open.



Nicole Busgano

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