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1 The box on the left contains the words ‘Aerobic respiration’.

The boxes on the right show some sentence endings.

Draw lines to make three correct sentences about aerobic respiration.

involves the action of enzymes.

occurs in animals only.

produces water.

Aerobic respiration

requires carbon dioxide.

releases less energy than anaerobic respiration.

requires oxygen.


[Total: 3]

2 Seed banks are used to conserve endangered plant species.

The diagram shows some of the steps involved in managing a seed bank.

seeds are collected from

many populations of
each species

seeds are checked using


seeds are stored at low

temperatures in the
seed bank

a small sample of seeds

is germinated

Seeds stored at low temperatures have very low respiration rates.

Explain why.





.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

3 State the word equation for anaerobic respiration in yeast.

.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

4 Describe the similarities and differences between anaerobic respiration in yeast and aerobic
respiration in humans.

similarities ................................................................................................................................





differences ................................................................................................................................




.................................................................................................................................................. [4]

[Total: 4]

5 State three uses of energy in the human body.

1 ...............................................................................................................................................

2 ...............................................................................................................................................

3 ............................................................................................................................................... [3]

[Total: 3]

6 What happens during anaerobic respiration in muscle cells?

oxygen used waste products

A no carbon dioxide and water

B no lactic acid
C yes carbon dioxide and water
D yes lactic acid


[Total: 1]

7 The table shows differences in the amounts of oxygen and carbon dioxide in air breathed in and
in air breathed out.

percentage volume percentage volume

in air breathed in in air breathed out

oxygen 21.00 16.00

carbon dioxide 0.04 4.00

What is the reason for these differences?

A Carbon dioxide is used up by body cells during aerobic respiration.

B Carbon dioxide is used up by body cells during anaerobic respiration.
C Oxygen is used up by body cells during aerobic respiration.
D Oxygen is used up by body cells during anaerobic respiration.

[Total: 1]

8 Complete the sentences about the differences between inspired and expired air.

Inspired air contains .......................................... oxygen than expired air.

Inspired air contains .......................................... carbon dioxide than expired air.

The concentration of water .......................................... in inspired and expired air varies. [3]

[Total: 3]

9 Breathing involves the movement of the ribs and the diaphragm.

Describe the process of inspiration.









.................................................................................................................................................. [4]

[Total: 4]

10 Complete the sentences by writing the appropriate word or phrase in the spaces provided.

During physical activity the carbon dioxide concentration in the blood increases. The

reason for this is an increase in the rate of ............................................... that occurs in the

............................................... in muscle cells.

The increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood is detected by the

............................................... , which increases the rate and depth of breathing so that

carbon dioxide can be ............................................... from the body. This is important

because carbon dioxide is a ............................................... substance and can cause

harm if it accumulates. [5]

[Total: 5]

11 Scientists investigated the effect of increasing carbon dioxide concentration in the air on the rate
and depth of breathing. The people who took part in the investigation were healthy volunteers.

The people breathed atmospheric air containing 0.04% carbon dioxide for five minutes. They then
breathed air containing 2% carbon dioxide for five minutes and then returned to breathing
atmospheric air for a further five minutes.

The results are shown in the graph.

0.04% CO2 2% CO2 0.04% CO2





percentage 30
change in rate
and depth of
breathing 20


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16


time / minutes
rate of breathing
depth of breathing

Describe the effects of changing the carbon dioxide concentration of the air on the rate and depth
of breathing, as shown in the graph.









.................................................................................................................................................. [4]

[Total: 4]

12 Two groups of students, A and B, investigated how running affected their pulse rates.

There were three students, 1, 2 and 3, in each group.

They measured their pulse rates when at rest, then all ran the same distance and immediately
measured their pulse rates again.

The results are shown in the graph.

Predict and describe the changes that would occur in the students’ breathing during the investigation.





.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

13 Explain how the human gas exchange system is protected against pathogens.









.................................................................................................................................................. [4]

[Total: 4]

14 Scientists grew Soybean plants, Glycine max, in two separate plots.

Each plot used a carbon dioxide enrichment system to control the atmospheric carbon dioxide

The atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations in the two plots were kept at:

• 370 ppm, which is similar to the current atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration

• 550 ppm, which is a possible future atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration.

When the scientists were working in the plot with a carbon dioxide concentration of 550 ppm, their
breathing rates were higher than when they worked in the other plot.

Suggest why their breathing rates were higher.





.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

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