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Used Techniques to

Effectively Maintain The

Product Backlog

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 PO: "Build the Right Thing": build the right
software, the one that delivers the right service
to the customer.

 SM: “Build it fast”: remove all obstacles to get the job done quickly with
short feedback loops and improving throughout the project.

 DEVs:«Build the Thing Right»: build a software that works properly with a
good level of architecture and quality

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Example Acceptance

Detailed US

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Definition of DONE in Sprint Backlog

 The code conforms to the standards, is clean, has been re-factored, has been
individually tested, has been verified, has been built, and has had a series of
unit tests applied to it

 Has a development environment, for this you need a source code library,
coding standards, automated builts, and a unit testing environment

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DONE | Development Team

 The Code complies with the standards

 The Code is
 Clean
 Refactored
 Individually tested
 Validated (checked in)
 Built
 Has a unit test suite applied to it.
 To achieve this, the development environment is constituted
 Of a source code library,
 Of standard codes,
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 Automated build,
 An environment for unit testing.

 A Story/Item is “done” when the team has reached its Level of Done

 Sprint/Iteration is “done” when

 all items are “done”
 the Sprint reaches its goal
 acceptance criteria are addressed.

 The Release is “done”

 “done” for integration
 “done” for production

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 As part of the monitoring, only the (still to be done: remains: to do) is taken
into account.

 The rest to be done is counted in hours.

 Team velocity is the number of points made during an iteration.

 Tracking can be done using a team activity graph (Burndown).

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Burndown vs Burnup chart

 A burn-down chart shows the amount of work remaining on a project (the

remaining effort), whereas a burn-up chart shows how much work has been
completed and the total scope of the project.
 Charts that SM use to track and communicate the progress of their projects

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Burnup Chart

 A burn up chart, or burnup chart, tracks progress towards a projects

 In the simplest form of burn up chart there are two lines on the chart:
 A total work line (the project scope line)
 A work completed line

 A burnup chart clearly shows both completed work and project scope. The
project will be completed when the lines meet.
 The vertical axis is amount of work, and is measured in units customized to
your own project. Some common units are number of tasks, estimated hours
or story points (in agile project management methodologies).
©Ons The horizontal axis is time, usually measured in days.
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BurnDown chart

 A burndown chart is a plot of work remaining to reach a given goal on the

vertical axis, and time on the horizontal axis.
 Each point on the chart shows how much work was left to do at the end of
that day (or week, month or other time period).

 It’s main goal is identifying problems early and highlighting corrective action
in order to impress the clients and gain their confidence and trust.

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Release/Product Burndown chart

 The Release burndown looks back to understand what the future is likely to
hold. We determine the progress rate of past sprints.

 The report is based on the following information:

 the rest of the Product Backlog to transform the Vision into a winning product.
 The number of Sprints required or remaining.
 Velocity.

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 Velocity is the number of story points a team completes during a sprint. To

measure it, simply add the number of story points delivered in the last sprints
and average them.

 To have a reliable average, you must calculate the velocity on a minimum of

five sprints

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The sprint burndown chart

 The sprint burndown chart is a chart updated daily as part of the scrum,
showing the trend of progress in completing the sprint backlog tasks.

 It shows the team members the utility of asking every day for the progress of
the work, because this information given is immediately displayed, and
accessible to all stakeholders of the project, including the owner of the

 It therefore contributes to the power and energy of the team.

 Shows how much effort was put into working on the task contained in the
Sprint Backlog and compares this to the ideal expense
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Tasks Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri
MMI Coding 8 4 8
Code persistence 16 12 10 7
Test BD integration 8 16 16 11 8
Write help online 12


Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri
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KPI : Key Performance Indicator

 There are 4 categories to classify KPIs:

 Deadlines: Make sure your project will be completed on time.
 The budget: have you exceeded the budget allocated to the
project or are you still in the dark?
 Quality: is the progress of the project satisfactory?
 Efficiency: Do you manage your project effectively? Is time and
money used appropriately?

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