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Annual Budget Plan and Expenditures for S.Y.


 Expected Income:
 Tuition Fees (for 13 pupils)
 ₱650.00 per month per pupil in 10 months= ₱6,500.00
 ₱6,500 x 13 pupils………………………..= ₱84, 500.00

 Entrance Fees:
 ₱2,300 per pupil per year
 ₱2,300 x 13 pupils……………………….= ₱29, 900.00

 Others:
 Fund raising
 Search for CCNLI Annex King and Queen
and Prince and Princess………………….= ₱20,000.00

TOTAL GROSS INCOME……………………………...= ₱134,400.00

 Expenditures:
 Salaries: (Two Teachers)
 Monthly Salary = ₱3,000 per teacher x 2 = ₱6,000.00 per month
 Ten months Salary = ₱6,000 x 10 months…………………. = ₱60, 000.00

 School Staff: (One Staff)

 Monthly Salary = ₱1,000.00 x 10 months…………………... = ₱10,000.00

 PhilHealth: (Two Employees) at ₱300.00 per month x 10 months = ₱3,000.00

 PERMIT Processing Fee: (Once a year)………………………… = ₱2,000.00

 LIGHT and WATER per month = ₱150.00 x 10 months……….. = ₱1,500.00

 School Supplies per year………………………………………….= ₱5,000.00

 School Renovation: (Classroom)…………………………………= ₱40, 852.00

TOTAL EXPENDITURES…………………………………………………..= ₱122,352.00


School Administrator

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