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Subject: C. R.

Class: ss3


1. At the creation,the river that flowed out of eden to water the garden is divided into the following four

(a)Ahava,Nile,Jordan and Trgris

(b)Pishon,Gihon,Tigris and Euphrates

(c) Cyprus, Jordan,Trigis and Euphrates

(d)Jordan,Cyprus ,Trigis and Pishon

2. The fact that whatever God said during creation happened as he said indicates that God__________

(a)Wanted man to have dominion over all he created

(b)Had sovereignty over the universe

(c)Loves all that he has made

(d)Did not want darkness to continue upon the face of earth

3. Jeremiah was thrown into the underground prison because he prophesied with out fear about

(a) famine


(c) impending disaster

(d)The Babylonian captivity

4. When Abraham got to the land of Canaan,he lived in Shechem under the sacred tree called

(a)palm of Rahmah

(b)Oak of bethel

(c)Oak of Lachish
(d)Oak of moreh

5. The most vital treasure Moses found on mount Sinai was_______

(a)The sapphire

(b)The diamond

(c)The emerald

(d)The gold

6. After Joseph had revealed himself to his brothers,he_________

(a)Kissed and embraced Benjamin and left for his room

(b)Gave his brothers food to eat and drink

(c)Fell upon Benjamin's neck because they were of the same mother

(d)Departed and went to his office

7. The main reason why isreal went to Egypt was______

(a) political

(b) Because there was a great Famine

(c) Protection

(d) Because Joseph was governor food

8. The army of isreal led by Barak defeated the canaanite troops led by

(a) Deborah



(d) Sisera
9. God provided water for the isrealite by asking Moses to strike the rock at the wilderness of





10. Which of the following did not form part of Asa's religious reforms in Judah

(a) Abolition of male cult prostitutes in the land

(b) Removals of the idols which his father made

(c) Cutting down of the image made for Asherah by Maacah

(d) Destruction of the high places

11. Saul's war with the Amalekites was called Holy war because

(a)God spared the Canaanite

(b)The booties of war were to be taken only by the king

(c)The Amalekites worshipped Baal

(d)Yahweh ordered total destruction

12. Saul was badly wounded in the fight with the he philistines and finally died on


(a)Mount Gilboa

(b)Mount Horeb

(c)Mount Gerizim
(d)Mount Nebo

13. Which of the following actions shows that King David was a man after God's heart

(a)Laid in ambush agsinst saul in the wilderness of ziph

(b) Attacked Saul's camp secretly when his spies gave him useful information

(c) Ordered abnab to stay in his sleep

(d) Rejected the suggestion to slay Saul

14. The king of isreal who reputed fir his wisdom and his love the will of God


(b) Solomon



15. Naman the Syrian leper was healed by






1. How was Baal worship introduce to Israel in the time of Ahab?

2. Give the account of the contest on mount Carmel between Elijah and the prophets of Baals.

3. What important event took place at Troas during my in at Paul's third missionary journey?

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