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Make excuse – bahona qilish

Several hours – bir necha soat

Get up – o’rnidan turish
Wake up – uyg’onish
Get dressed – kiyinish
Do exercise – badantarbiya qilish
Have a shower – dush qabul qilish
Jump in the shower – have a quick shower
Shave – soqol olish
Have breakfast – nonushta qilish
Have lunch – tushlik qilish
Have dinner – kechki ovqatni yeyish
Make breakfast / lunch / dinner – ovqatni pishirish tayyorlash
Have a coffee – kofe ichish
Arrive at work – ishga yetib kelish
Arrive home / get home - uyga yetib boorish
Go by bus – avtobusda boorish
Get on the bus – avtobusga chiqish
Bus stop – ostanovka
Get off the bus - avtobusdan tushish
Take a taxi / catch a taxi – taksi ushlash
Walk / go on foot – piyoda boorish
Travel – sayohat qilish
Go to bed - uxlagani yotish
Childhood - bolalik
Healthy – sog’lom
Unhealthy – nosog’lom
Lively – jonli, jo’shqin
Inside – ichkarida
Outside - tashqarida
Escape – to get away from something / qochish
Contrast - a clear difference between two things / kata farq
Lifestyle – the way you live your life / turmush tarzi
Opportunity – a chance to do something, imkoniyat
Have a child – farzandli bo’lish
Finish school / leave school - maktabni tugatish
Get a place at university - universitetga kirish
Graduate -bitirish ( universitetni, maktabni)
Move to a new house - yangi uyga ko’chish
Change / make a change – o’zgartirish
Priority - things that are important to you
Set priorities - hayotgagi istunliklarni belgilash
Important - muhim
Different - har xil, farqli
Take seriously - jiddiy qabul qilish
See things in a different way - hayotga boshqacha nazar bilan qarash
Work-life balance - having a healthy mix of work and non-work activities / ish va sshaxsiy
hayot o’rtasidagi balans
Put things in balance - to make a situation steady / barqarorlikka, turg’unlikka erishish
Life –changing - hayotni o’zgartirib yuboradigan, muhim
It takes a lot of time – bu ko’p vaqt oladi
Permanent – doimiy
Temporary – vaqtinchalik
Part-time – yarim stavka ish
Full-time – to’liq stavka ish
Successful – muvaffaqiyatli
Primary school – boshlang’ich maktab
Catch up with – to reach the same level, speed with others / yetib olish, ulgurish
Lonely – yolg’iz, feel lonely – yolg’iz his qilish
Communicate with - muloqot qilish
International – xalqaro
Hang out – do’stlar bilan aylangani chiqish
Drop in – to visit suddenly, unexpectedly, kutilmaganda tashrif buyurish
Make time for …. – uchun vaqt ajratish
House chores – uy ishlari
Do the cleaning / tidy up – uy tozalash
Do the dishes / do the washing - idishlarni yuvish
Do the vacuuming / hovering – changyutgichda tozalash
Wash the clothes – kiyimlarni yuvish
Do the ironing / iron clothes – kiyimlarni dazmol qilish
Take out the rubbish – musrni olib chiqib tashlash
Do the cooking – ovqat tayyorlash
Culture – madaniyat
Background – kelib chiqish / your family, your experience of education, living conditions,money
Shared living - to share one house with others
Bring together – birlashtirish
Probably - ehtimol
Generally - umumiy olib aytganda
Friendship – do’stlik
Accept – qabul qilmoq
Acceptable – qabul qilsa bo’ladigan, mos
Green space – parks and trees in the city
Polluted – ifloslangan
Inceadible - ishonib bo’lmas darajada ajoyib
Not that great - unchalik ham zo’r emas
Cost of living - yashash narxi
Weekly – har haftalik
Daily – har kunlik
Monthly - har oylik
Yearly - har yillik
Daily routine – kun tartibi
Surface - yuza
Earth – Yer shari / on earth – Yer yuzida
On the ground - yerda
Waterfall – sharshara \
Lake – ko’l
Sea – dengiz
River - daryo
Ocean - ocean
Rainforest - tropik o’rmon
Desert – cho’l
Island - orol
Cave - g’or
Mountain – tog’
Mountain rage - tog’ tizmasi
Distance - masofa
Weather – ob havo
Rain yomg’ir, rainy yomg’irli
Snow qor snowy qorli
Storm bo’ron stormy bo’ronli
Ice muz icy muzlagan
Sunset – quyosh botishi sunrise – quyosh chiqishi
Thick fog - qalin quyuq tuman
Heavy rain - kuchli yomg’ir
Pour with rain - ko’p yomg;iq yog’ishi
Showers - a period of short rain
Strong wind - kuchli shamol
Sun shines - quyosh nur sochshi
Wind blows - shamol esishi
Clear sky - ochiq bulutsiz osmon
Boiling - extremely hot
Freezing - extremely cold
Warm – iliq
Fog – tuman foggy bulutli
Sun quyosh sunny quyoshli
Cloud bulut cloudy bulutli
Wind shamol windy shamolli
Breathe – nafas olish
Smile – jilmayish
Laugh at - ustidan kulish
Fold your arms - qo’lini qovushtirib turish
Wave your hand - qo’l silkitish
Shake hands - qo’l berib ko’rishish
Nod your head - to move your head up and down
Shake your head – to move your head from one side to the other
Yawn- esnash
Blow your nose – burun qoqish
Head – bosh. hair – soch face -yuz
Brows – qoshlar eyes – ko’zlar
Nose – burun mouth – og’iz. ears - quloqlar
Cheeks – yanoq chin – iyak
Neck – bo’yin
Shoulders – yelka
Broad – kech marrow -tor
Chest – ko’krak qafasi
Stomach – oshqozon, qorin
Arm – qo’l, hand – palm and fingers, wrist – bilak, elbow – tirsak
Leg -oyoq, knee – tizza, foot – ankle, heel and toes
Waist – bel

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