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Department of Morphology (Anatomy part)

Session on 19.12.2023; Record No. 5-MF.1-14-1\5\2023

Rīga Stradiņš University

Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology

Testing of the Anatomy Practical skills

Upon completion of the study course at the end of the 3rd semester, the students are supposed to:
• Identify and show anatomical structures using plastic models, plates, and real bones;
• Demonstrate the correct position and/or parts of bones, muscles, nervous system, internal
organs, heart,vessels, and nerves;
• Use anatomical terminology.

Revision of the Anatomy Practical skills before commencing clinical subjects and successful
ending of the study course:

The assessment of the practical skills or grading of students’ practical skills will be done on the basis
of a “passed/failed” scale. During the practical testing of the skills, every student will get a specially
prepared list with ten structures. Students must identify and show these structures on plastic models,
plates, and real bones.

Testing of the Anatomy Practical skills (onsite!!!) is given by the following assessment criteria:
The identification and correct showing of the
1) 7-10 anatomical structures: passed;
2) 1-6 anatomical structures: failed.

If the student fails the Practical skills test, then this student must repeat it. The student and teacher
will decide on the possibilities of retake (day, time).

The testing of the practical skills must be done until the last practical class of the course this
semester (or before getting a cumulative grade, before the Autopass (Olympiad) and the

Dates and times (during onsite practical classes or any extra time after practical classes) for testing
practical skills in every group will be decided and fixed between students and teachers.

Studies of the practical skills can be organized inside regular onsite practical classes, or students can
apply for self-studies via a Google Drive link in the e-studies.

Questions of the practical skills for

students of the Faculty of Medicine (the 3rd semester, 2023/2024)

1. Promontorium 11. Fissura orbitalis superior

2. Fossa glandulae lacrimalis 12. Foramen infraorbitale
3. Sulcus caroticus 13. Foramen palatinum majus, canalis
4. Canalis opticus palatinus major
5. Foramen rotundum 14. Foramen mentale
6. Foramen ovale 15. Spina mentalis
7. Foramen spinosum 16. Sulcus sinus sigmoidei
8. Canalis nervi hypoglossi 17. Canalis incisivus
9. Impressio trigeminalis 18. Fossa pterygopalatina
10. Canalis caroticus 19. Meatus nasi superior, medius, inferior
20. Acromion 71. Tonsilla lingualis
21. Cavitas glenoidalis scapulae 72. Ostium pharyngeum tubae auditivae
22. Collum anatomicum, collum chirurgicum 73. Curvatura major
23. Tuberositas deltoidea 74. Fundus gastricus
24. Trochlea humeri 75. Lig. falciforme hepatis
25. Fossa coronoidea, fossa radialis 76. Porta hepatis
26. Foramen obturatum 77. Ductus cysticus
27. Incisura ischiadica major 78. Excavatio rectouterina
28. Linea aspera femoris 79. Excavatio rectovesicalis
29. Area intercondylaris anterior, posterior 80. Meatus nasi medius
30. Linea m. solei 81. Lig. cricothyroideum medianum
31. Centrum tendineum diaphragmatis 82. Plica aryepiglottica
32. M. quadratus lumborum 83. Pyramis renalis
33. M. omohyoideus (venter superior et 84. Pelvis renis
inferior) 85. Ductus ejaculatorius
34. Trigonum caroticum 86. Tuba uterina
35. Trigonum omoclaviculare 87. Flexura coli dextra
36. M. zygomaticus major et minor 88. Cartilago cricoidea
37. M. biceps brachii (caput longum) 89. Epiglottis
38. Foramen trilaterum 90. Fissura lig. venosi
39. M. pronator teres 91. Pars nasalis pharyngis
40. M. flexor digitorum superficialis 92. Tonsilla pharyngealis
41. M. brachioradialis 93. Aditus laryngis
42. M. abductor pollicis longus 94. Pars cardiaca gastrici
43. M. extensor pollicis longus 95. Area nuda
44. Retinaculum musculorum extensorum 96. Fossa vesicae biliaris
45. Lacuna vasorum 97. Papilla renalis
46. M. piriformis 98. M. sphincter ani externus
47. M. sartorius 99. Lig. ovarii proprium
48. M. adductor longus 100. Lig. latum uteri
49. M. biceps femoris 101. A. coronaria dextra, sinistra
50. M. extensor hallucis brevis 102. Truncus brachiocephalicus
51. Sinus transversus 103. A. carotis externa
52. Sinus sigmoideus 104. A. thyroidea superior
53. Sinus petrosus superior, inferior 105. A. temporalis superficialis
54. Pyramis 106. A. brachialis
55. Oliva 107. A. radialis
56. Tuberculum gracile 108. A. ulnaris
57. Tuberculum cuneatum 109. Truncus coeliacus
58. Sulcus basilaris 110. A. femoralis
59. Fossa rhomboidea 111. A. poplitea
60. Pedunculi cerebri 112. A. tibialis anterior
61. Aqueductus mesencephali (cerebri) 113. A. tibialis posterior
62. Glandula pinealis s. epiphysis 114. V. cava superior
63. Chiasma opticum 115. V. azygos
64. Sulcus centralis cerebri 116. V. hemiazygos
65. Gyrus precentralis 117. V. jugularis interna
66. Gyrus postcentralis 118. V. renalis
67. Gyrus temporalis superior 119. V. cava inferior
68. Cuneus 120. V. portae hepatis
69. Bulbus olfactorius 121. Sulcus coronarius
70. Corpus callosum 122. Ostium venae cavae inferioris
123. Fossa ovalis, limbus fossae ovalis 136. N. ophthalmicus
124. Valva tricuspidalis 137. N. maxillaris
125. Truncus pulmonalis 138. N. mandibularis
126. Valva trunci pulmonalis 139. N. occipitalis minor
127. Musculi papillares 140. N. auricularis magnus
128. Valva aortae 141. N. transversus colli
129. Valva atrioventricularis sinistra s. mitralis 142. Nn. supraclaviculares
130. Ostia venarum pulmonalium 143. N. medianus
131. N. opticus 144. N. ulnaris
132. N. oculomotorius 145. N. radialis
133. N. trochlearis 146. N. femoralis
134. N. abducens 147. N. ischiadicus
135. N. facialis (plexus parotideus): rr. 148. N. fibularis communis
temporales, rr. buccales; rr. zygomatici; r. 149. N. fibularis profundus
marginalis mandibulae; r. colli 150. N. tibialis

Coordinator of the Anatomy studies of the Department of Morphology:

Associate Professor Dz. Kažoka

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