D975, Standard Specification For Diesel Fuel Oils, 2016

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ffiIP Designation: D975 - 16a

Standard Specification for

Diesel Fuel Oilsl
This standard is issued under the [ired designation D975: the number immediately tbllowing the designation indicates the year of
nriginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last rcvision. A nurnber in parentheses indicates thc year ol last re'approval. A
superscript epsilon (s) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
'l'his standanl hts been approved bt ogencies of tht U.S. Depunnent of DtJense.
for use

1. Scope* l.l .l Grade No. {-D-A heavy distillate fuel, or a blend of

distillate and residual oil, for use in low- and medium-speed
1.1 This specification covers seven grades ofdiesel fuel oils
diesel engines in applications involving predominantly con-
suitable for various types of diesel engines. These gmdes are
stant speed and load.
described as follows:
1.1.1 Gratle No. l-D S/-5-A special-purpose, light middle Nr.r'r'r l-A
more detailed description of the grades of tliesel fuel oils is
given in X1.2.
distillate fuel for use in diesel enginc applications rcquiring a Norr: 2-The Sxxx designatiorr has been adopted to distinguish grades
fuel with l5 ppm sulfur (maximum) and highcr volatility than hy sullirr rather than using words such as "Low Sulfur" as previously
that provided by Grade No. 2-D S15 fuel.r because the number of sulfur grades is growing and the word descriptions
were thought to be not precise. 5-5000 grades conespond to the so-called
1.1.2 Grade No. 1-D S500-A special-purpose, light middle "regular" sultur grades, 1ftg: previous No. l-D and No. 2-D. 5500 grades
distillate fuel for use in diesel engine applications requiring a correspond to the previous "l-orv Sulfur" grades. Sl5 grades were not in
firel with 500 ppm sulfur (maximum) and higher volatility than the previous grade systern and are commonly rcferred to as "Ultra-Low
that provided by Grade No. 2-D 5500 t'uel.? Sulf'ur' grades or ULSD.
1.1.3 Grade No. l-D 55000-4 special-purpose, light 1.2 This specification, unless otherwise provided by agree-
middle distillate tuel for use in diesel engine applications ment between the purchaser and the supplier, prescrihes tlte
requiring a ttel with 5000 ppm sulfur (maximum) and higher required properties of diesel fuels at the time and place of
volatility than that provided by Grade No. 2-D 55000 fuels. delivery.
l.l .4 Grade No. 2-D S/5-A general purpose, middle dis- 1.2. I Nothing in this specification shall preclude observance
tillate tuel for use in diesel engine applications requiring a tuel
of federal, state, or local regulations which can be more
with l5 ppm sulfur (maximum). It is especially suitable for use
in trpplications with conditions of varying speed and load.2 No'ru 3-The generation and dissipatiorr of static electricity can creale
problerns in the handling of distillate diesel fuel oils. For more inftrrma-
1.1.5 Grade No. 2-D 5500-A general-purpose, middle
tion on the subject, see Guide D4lJ65.
distillate fuel for use in diesel engine applications requiring a
fuel with 500 ppm sulfur (mnximum). It is especially suitablc 1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as
for use in applications with conditions of varying speed and standard. No other units of measurement are included in this
load.2 standard.

l.l .6 Grade No. 2-D 55000-A general-purpose, middle 2. Referenced Documents

distillate fuel for use in diesel engine applications requiring a
2.1 ASTM Stantlard,r:l
fuel with 5000 ppm sulfur (maximum). especially in conditions
D56 Test Method for Flash Point by Tag Closed Cup Tester
of varying speed and load. D86 Test Mcthod for Distillation of Petroleum Products and
Liquid Fuels at Atmospheric Pressure
D93 Test Methods for Flash Point by Pensky-Martens
I'l'his specilication is under the jurisdiction of AS'I'M Cornmittee D02 on Closed Cup Tester
Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of Dl29Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products (Gen-
Subconrmittee D02.80 on Burner, Diese'|. Non-Aviation Gas Turbine, and Marine
eral High Pressure Decomposition Device Method)
Current edition approved Oct. l. 2016- Published Novenrber 2016- Originally Dl30'Iest Method for Corrosiveness to Copper frorn Pctro-
approved in 1948. Last previous edition approved rn 2016as D975-16. DOI: leum Products by Copper Strip Test
r 0.1520/D0t75- l6A.
: This fuel complies with 40 CFR Pan S0*-{ontrol of Air Pollution from New
Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engines and Vehicle Standards and Highrvay Diesel For ret'erenced ASTM stnndards. visit the ASTIVI websi(e, www.astm.org. or
Fuel Sulfur Control Requirements: Final Rule. Regulation of Fuels and [:uel contact ASTM Customer Service at service(@astm.org. For Annual Book o{ ASTM
Addirives: Fuel Quality Regulations for Highway Diesel Fuel Sold in 1993 und Srudards volurne infi;nnation, retbr to the standard's Document Summary page on
later Calendar Years. the AS'l'M website-

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

Copyright @ ASTM lntemational. 10O Barr Ha6or Drive, PO Box C700, West Cooshohocken. PA 19428-2959. United States
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.$Jp oszs - 16a
D44,5 Tcst Method for Kinematic Viscosity of i)5453 'I'cst Mcthod for Detcrmination of T'otal Sulfur in
and Opaque Liquicls (and Calculation of Dynamic Viscos- Light l-Iydrrccarbons, Spark Ignition Enginc Fuel. Dicsel
ity) Enginc Fuel, and Engine Oil by Ultraviolct Fluoresccnce
D,182 Test Method tbr Ash tiom Petroleum Products D577 I Test Method fbr Cloud Point of Petroleum Products
D.524 Tcst Mcthod for Rarnsbottom Carbon Residue of (Optical Detection Stepped Cooling Method)
Petroleum Products D5172 Test Method for Cloud Point of Petroleunr Products
D6l-3 Test Method for Cetane Number of Diescl Fucl Oil (Linear Cooling Rate Method)
D 1266 Test Method for Sultur in Petroleum Products (Lamp D5113 Test Method fbr Cloud Point of Petroleum Products
Mcthod) (Constant Cooling Rate Method)
Method for Hydrocarbon Tlpes in Liquid Petro-
D L3 I 9 Test D-5t{42 Practice for Sampling and Handling of Fucls for
leum Products by Fluoresccnt Indicator Adsorption Volatility Measuremcnt
Dl-55lTest Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products by Practicc for Mixing and I{andling of Liquid Samplcs
High Tcmperature Combustion and Infrared (lR) Detec- of Pctrolcum and Petroleun Products
tion or Thermal Conducitivity Detection (TCD) D607ti Test Method for Evaluating Lubricity of Diesel Fuels
D I796 Tcst Mcthod for Water and Sediment in Fucl Oils by by the Scufling Load Ball-on-Cylinder Lubricity Evalua-
the Centrifuge Method (Laboratory Procedure) tor (SLBOCLE)
D2214 Test Mcthod for Oxidation Stability of Distillate Fucl D60'71) Test Method for Evaluatin-e Lubricity of Diesel Fuels
Oil (Accelerated Method) by the High-Frequency Reciprocating Rig (HFRR)
Dl-500 Test Method for Cloud Point of Petroleum Products D6217 Test Method for Particulate Contamination in Middle
and Liquid Fuels Distillatc Fuels hy Laboratory Filtration
D2622 Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products by D610.1 Tcst Mcthod for Determination of Water in Petro-
Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry leum Products, Lubricating Oils, and Additivcs by Cou-
D2624 Test Mcthods for Electrical Conductivity of Aviatiou lometric Karl Fischcr Titration
and Distillate Fuels D6.l7l Tcst Mcthod lor Cold Filtcr Plugging P<;int of Diescl
D2709 Test Method for Water and Sediment in Middle
and Heating Fuels
Distillate Fuels by Centrifuge D646tt Test Method tbr High Temperature Stability of
Dlttti0 Specification for Gas Turbine Fucl Oils
Middle Distillate Fuels
D2887 Test Method tbr Boiling Range Distribution of Pe-
D6469 Guide for Microbial Contamination in Fuels and Fuel
troleum Fractions by Gas Chromatography
D3l l7 Test Method for Wax Appearance Point of Distillate
D6751 Specification for Biodiesel Fuel Blend Stock (B 100)
Iruels (Withdrawn 2010)+
for Middle Distillate Fuels
D3 l2t) Test Method fbr Trace Quantities of Sulfur in Light
Dtrtl90'Iest Method for Determination of lgnition Delay and
l-iquid Petrolcum Hydrocarbons by Oxidative Microcou-
Dcrived Cetane Numbcr (DCN) of Diescl l''ucl Oils by
Combustion in a Constant Volunrc Chambcr
D3li28 Tcst Methods for Flash Point by Small Scale Closcd
116898 Test Method for Evaluating Dic'sel Fuel Lubricity by
Cup Tester
an Injection Puntp Rig
D4051 Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and
Dl03L) Test Method for Sultur in Gasoline, Diesel Fuel, Jet
Petroleum Products
D4117 Practice for Autornatic Sampling of Petroleun'r and
Fuel, Kerosine, Biodiesel, Biodiesel Blends. and
Petroleum Prodrrcts Gasoline-Ethanol Blends by Monochromatic Wavelength
D4291Tcst Mcthod for Sulfur in Pctrolcum and Petrolcum Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
Products by Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spec- D1012 Test Method for Dynanric Mscosity and Density of
tromctry Liquids by Stabinger Viscornctcr (and the Calculation of
D4306 Practice for Aviation Fuel Sample Containers for Kinematic Viscosity)
Tests Affected by Tracc Contamination D1O94 Test Method for Flash Point by Modified Continu-
D4-308 Test Method for Electrical Conductivity of Liquid ously Closed Cup (MCCCFP) Tester
Hydrocarbons by Precision Mcter D7 l7O Tcst Method fbr Determination of Derived Cctanc
D-t-539 Test Method for Filterability of Diesel Fuels by Number (DCN) of Diesel Fuel Oils-Fixed Range lnjec-
Low-Temperaturc Flow Test (LTFT) tion Period, Constant Volume Combustion Chamber
'D473] Test Method for Calculated Cetane Index by Four Mcthod
Variable Equation D7220 Tcst Method for Sulfur in Automotive, I{eating. and
D,18tl5 Guide for Generation and Dissipation of Static Elec- Jet Fuels by Monochromatic Energy Dispersive X-ray
tricity in Petroleum Fuel Systcms Fluorcsccnce Spectrometry
D-5-304 Test Method for Assessing Middle Distillate Fuel D1345 Test Method for Distillation of Petroleum Products
Storage Stability by Oxygen Ovcrpressurc and Liquid Fuels at Atmospheric Pressure (Micro Distil-
lation Method)
D7.l7l Test Method for Deternrination of Biodicsel (Fatty
tThe Iast approved versron of thrs hlstoncfll standard rs referenced on Acid Methyl Esters) Content in Diesel Fuel Oil Using Mid
www.astrll org. Inti'ared Spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR-PLS Method)

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($Jp oszs - 16a

D1161 Spccification for Dicsel Fuel Oil, Biodiesel Blend 3.1 .2 alternative blend.stock, n-in .fuel oils, a non-
(86 to B2o) hydrocarbon oil substance added to fuel oil at blend levels
D7-545 Tcst Method for Oxidation Stability of Midctlc Dis- grcater than I %' by volumc of the finishcd fucl.
tillate Fuels-Rapid Small Scale Oxidation Test (RSSOT)
3.1 .2.1 Discu^s,sion-An alternative blendstock should nor-
D76l9Tcst Method for Sizing and Counting Particles in
mally have an industry consensus standard or an annex in this
Light and Middle Distillate Fuels, by Automatic Particle
specification that dcfines its physical and chcmical propertics.
D7668 Test Method fbr Determination of Derived Cetane Discussion-See Appendix X7 for guidancc rcgard-
Number (DCN) of Diesel Fuel Oils-Ignition Delay and ing new materials for #l-D and #2-D grades of diesel fuels.
Combustion Delay Using a Constant Volume Combustion 3.1 .3 hiodiesel. rt-fuel compriscd of mono-alkyl estcrs of
Chamber Method long chain fatty acids derived fronr vegetable oils or animal
D7688 Test Method for Evaluating Lublicity of Diesel Fuels fats, designatccl B I 00.
by the High-Frequency Reciprocating Rig (HFRR) by 3.1.4 bkiliesel blend ( BXX), n-blend of biodicscl fucl with
Visual Observation diesel fuel oils.
DTfrtt9 Tcst Mcthod for Cloud Point of Petroleum Products 3.1 .4.1 Discussjon-In the abbreviation, BXX, the XX rcp-
(Mini Method) resents the volume percentage of biodiesel fuel in the blend.
D7861 Tcst Mcthod for Determination of Fatty Acid Methyl
3.1 .5 hr-drccurbon oil, n-a homogeneous mixture with
Estels (FAME) in Diesel Fuel by Linear Variable Filter
(LVF) Anay Based Mid-lnfrared Spectroscopy clcmcntal composition primarily of carbon and hydrogcn that
E29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to
may also contain sulfur, oxygen. or nitrogen from residual
Deternrine Conformance with Specifications
impurities and contaminants associated with thc fuel's raw
materials and manufacturing processes and excluding added
81064 Test Method fbr Water in Organic Liquids by Coulo-
oxygcnatcd materials.
metric Karl Fischcr Titration
2.2 Other Docunrcnts: 3.1 .5.1 Discrz.sslon-Ncithcr rnacro nor micro emulsions are

26 CIjR Part 48 Manufacturcrs and Realtors Excisc 'I'axes'5 included in this delinition since neither are homogeneous
40 CFR Part t10 Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives5 mixtures.
API RP 2003 Protcction Against lgnitions Arising Out of D i s<'u ssitnt-Examples of excludcd oxygcnated ma-
Static, Lightning, and Stray Currentsb terials are alcohols, esters, ethers, and triglycerides.
IiN l407tt Liquid pctroleum products-Determination of l)lscrr.s.siorr-The hydrocarbon oil may be rnanutac-
fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) in middle distillates- turcd from a variety of raw materials, for example pctroleum
Infrared spcctroscopy methodT (crude oil), oil sands, natural gas. coal. and bion.rass. Appendix
EN 15751 Automotive fuels - Fatty acid methyl ester X7 discusses some matters for considcration rcgarding the use
(FAME) fuel and blcnds with diesel fucl - Detcmrination of diesel fuels from feedstocks other than petroleum.
of oxidation stability by accelerated oxidation methodT 3.1 .6 sw,ir<:h loading. n-of liquid Jircl,s, the practice of
IS() 4406 Hydraulic Fluid Power-Fluids-Mcthod for loading low vapor pressure product (for cxample, diescl fuel)
Coding the Level of Contamination by Solid Particles6 into an empty or near-empty fixed or portable container that
ISO l6titl9Hydraulic Fluid Power-Filters-Multi-pass prcviously held a hrgh or intermediate vapor pressure product
Method for Evaluating Filtration Performance of a Filter (such as gasoline or solvent) without prior compaftment
Elcmcnt clcaning treatmcnt ancl inert gas purging: and the rcvcrse
procedure where a high vapor pressure product is added to a
3. Terminologl
container that prcviously held a low vapor pressure product.
3.1 DeJinirions: 3.1 .6.1 Dist'ussiorr-Since middle distillate fuels have tlash
3.1 .l
additite, n-in fuel oil.s, a substancc addcd to fuel oil points above 38 "C. durin-e normal distribution of these fuels,
at a blend level not greater than I Vo by volunre of the finished the atmosphere abovc thc fuels in a containcr such as a tankcr
fucl. truck, rail car. or barge. is normally below the lower explosivc
3.l .l.lDist'us.sion-Additives are generally includecl in fin- lirnit, so there is low risk of fire or explosion should an
ished fuel oil to enhance performance properties (for example, elcctrostatic dischargc (spark) occur. Howevcr, whcn the prc-
cetanc number, lubricity, cold flow, ctc.). vious load in the compartment was a volatile, flammable fuel
3.1 .l .2 Discussion-Additives that contain hydrocarbon oil such as gasoline, and if some rcsidual fuel vapor or mist
blended with other substances may cxclude the hydrocarbon oil remains in the cornpartment, and the container has a nrixture of
portion tbr determination of the volume percent of the additive air and tucl vapor or mist (that is, rrot purged with an incrt gas),
in thc finished fucl. then there is a risk that the atmosphere in the container being
filled could bc in the cxplclsive rangc crcating ahaz,ard should
an electrostatic discharge occur.
Available fronr U S Govcrnmcnt Prrntrng Officu'. Supcrintendent of
Documents, 732 N. Capitol St, NW. llal Stop: SDE. Washrngron, DC 20401. 3.2 Definitions of
Terms SpeciJic to This Studard:
Avarlable from Arnencan Naoonal Standards Instrtute (ANSI), 2-5 W 43rd St ,
3.2.1 S(numerical specification mtLrirnunr)-indicates the
4th Floor, Neu, York. NY 10036. http://www.ansi.org.
Avarlahle tiom the Natronal CEN menrbers hsted on the CEN wehsrte maximum sulfur contcnt, in wcight ppm (pg/S), allorved by this
lwww.cenornr.be) or lionl thl' CEN/TC l9 Sccretanal (artnr.@nen.nl). specification in a diesel fuel grade.

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{flp oszs - r6a Discus.rion-Of the seven diesel firel grades speci- from Test Method D:till7 shall be reported as "Predicted D86"
fied in this standard. six have important distinguishing maxi- results by application of the correlation in Appendix X4 of Test
mum sulfur rrgulatory requirements. These are Grades No. I -D Method D28lt7 to convcrt the values. Results from Test
Sl5, No. l-D 5500, No. l-D 55000. No.2-D Sl5, No.2-D Method D7-j45 shall be reported as "Predicted D86" results by
5500 and No. 2-D 5-5000. The seventh grade. No. 4-D, is application of the corrections described in Test Method D7345
distinguished from these other grades by many ntajor proper- to convert to D86 equivalent values. ln case of dispute, Test
ties in addition to sulfur (unregulated maximum), and thercforc Method D86 shall be the ref'eree method. Grade No. 4-D does
is not included in this designation system. Thus, Grade No. 4-D not have distillation requirements.
does not have the designation 520000 as part of its grade namc. 5.1.7 Vscosifi-Test Method D445 is used for all fuel
grades in 'Iable L Bias-corected values from Test Method
4. Sampling, Containers, and Sample Handling
D7$42 may be used as altemative results for 1'est Method
4. I lt is strongly advised to review all test methods prior to I)445 on Grades No. l-D and No.2-D with the same lirnits.
sampling to understand the intportance and effects of sampling Section 15, Precision and Bias. of Test Method D7(M2 contains
technique, proper containers, and special handling required for bias-correction infbrnration. In case of dispute. Test Method
each test method. D44-5 shall be used as the rel'eree method.
4.2 Correct sampling procedures ae critical to obtaining a 5.1 .8 Sulfur--:lhc following list shows thc refcrce test
rcpresentative sample of the diesel fuel oil to be tested. Refcr methods and alternative test nrethods fbr sulfur and the
to Appendix X2 tbr recommendations. The recommended conesponding fuel grades to wltich each applies.
procedures or practices provide techniques useful in the proper Sullur
sarnpling or handling of diesel fuels. fvlethod
D129 No. l-D 55000, No. 2-D
5. Test Methods i3'??;
5.1 The requirements enumerated in this specification shall D1266 No. l-D 5500. No.2-D 5500
D1552 No. 1- D 55000. No.2-D
be determined in accordance with the following methods:
5.1 .l Flash Point--Test Methods D93, except where other
All Grades
methods are prescribed by law. For all grades, Test Methods
(referee lor
D3828 and D7094 may be used as alternatives with the same s500.
limits. For Grades No. I-D Sl5, No. l-D 5500, No. l-D 55000, and
No. 4
55000, No. 2-D Sl5. No. 2-D 5500, and No. 2-D 55000, Test
Method D56 may be used as an alternative with the same D3120 No. 1-D Sl5, No.2-D S15
limits, providcd the flash point is below 93 oC and the viscosity No. 1-D 5500, No. 2-D Ss00
(lf lhe luel contains biodiesel,
is below 5.5 mrn2/s at 40 'C. This test rnethod will give slightly
this method may not be appli-
lower values. In cases of dispute, Test Mcthods D93 shall be cable as it is limited to oxy-
used as the referee method. Test Method D56 may rrot be used genates with a boiling range
ol 26'C to 274 "C)
as the alternative method for Grade No. 4-D because its D4294 No. 1 -D 3500, No. 2-D 5500
minimum viscosity limit is 5.5 mm2/s at 40 "C. No. 1- D 55000. No. 2-D
5.1.2 Cloud Point-Jest Method D2500, For all fuel grades s5000,
in Table l, the automatic Test Methods D5771. D5172, D5173. D5453 All Grades
or D7689 may be used as alternativcs with the same limits. Tcst (releree tor
Method D3 I l7 can also be used since it is closely related to S15 grades)
D7039 No. 1-D 515, No.2-D 515
Test Method D2,500. In case of dispute, Test Method D2500 No. 'l-D 5500, No. 2-0 5500
shall be the referee method. D7220 No. 1-D 315, No. 1-D 5500
5.1.3 Water and Sediment--Test Method Dl7Og is used for No. 2-D S15, No. 2-D 5500

fuel Grades No. l-D S15, No. l-D 5500, No. l-D 55000, No. 5.1 .9 Copper Corrusion-Test Method D130. 3 h test at a
2-D Sl5, No. 2-D 5500. and No. 2-D 55000. Test Mcthod minimum control temperature of 50'C. This test method is
D1796 is used for Grade No.4-D. See A;:pendix Xtl fbr used for fuel Grades No. l-D Sl5, No. l-D 5500, No. l-D
additional guidance on water and sediment in Grades No. l-D 55000, No. 2-D SI5, No. 2-D 5500 and No. 2-D 55000. Grade
and 2-D diesel fuels. No. 4-D d<les not have a copper corrosion requirenrent.
5.1 .4 Carbon Residue-Test Method D5l4 is used for fuel
5.1.10 Cetane Number-lbst Method D6 lil is used for all
Grades No. I-D Sl5, No. l-D 5500. No. l-D 55000, No.2-D
firel grades in Table l. Test Method D6ll90. Test Method
Sl-5, No. 2-D 5500 and No. 2-D 55000. Grade No. 4-D clocs
D7170. or Test Method D766tt (see Nole 4) may be used for all
not have a limit for carborr residue.
5.1 .5 zlsh-Test Method D;X82 is used for all grades in 'l'ablc
No. 1-D and No. 2-D grades with the DCN result being
compared to the cetane nunrber specification requirement of
5.1.6 Distillation-Test Method D86 is used for Grades No. 40. Test Method D6 l3 shall bc the rcferee mcthod.
l-D S l-5, No. l-D 5500, No. l-D 5-5000, No. 2-D S 15, No. 2-D Norr 4-Precision from Test Method I)7661i were trbtained fronr
5500, and No. 2-D 55000. For all grades. Tcst Method D2887 rcsults produced by laboratories using extcrnally obtained pre-hlended
or Test Method D7-145 can be used as an alternative. Resrrlts calibration reference rnaterial.

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TABLE 1 Detailed Requirements lor Diesel Fuel Oils/'B

ASTM Grade
Property Test No.1-D No 1-D No.l-D No 2-D No. 2-D No 2-D No 4-DE
Ivlethodc sl5 ssooD s5oooE si 5F s5ooo,F ssoooEF
Flash Pornt, "C, mrn. D93 38 38 JO 52F s2F szF 55
Water and Sediment, percent volume, max D2709 005 005 005 0.05 005 005
D1 796 050
Drstrllation Temperature, 'C 90 %, percenl volume D86
mtn zazF zBzF 282F
max 288 ,88 288 338 338 338
Kinematrc Vrscosity. mm2/S at 40 "C o445
mrn 1.3 1.3 13 1.gF 1gF 1.9F 5.5
max 2.4 2.4 24 4.1 4.1 4.1 240
Ash percent mass, max D4A2 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 001 0.01 010
'15 15
Sullur. ppm (pg/g)G max D5453
percent mass, max Dz6,zzH 0.05 050 0.05 0.50 ,':o
Copper stnp corrosron ratrng, max D130 No3 No. 3 No3 No. 3 No3 No. 3
(3 h at a minrmum control temperature ol 50 "C)
Cetane number. min/ D61 3 40.J 40.J 40J 40.r 40.r 40.r 30.J
One of the following propertps must
be met:
(1) Cetane rndex, mrn Dg76-€oH 40 40 40 40
(2) Aromatrcty, percent volume, max D1319H 35 35 35 35
Operabrlity Requirements
Cloud pornt, "C, max D2500
LTFT/CFPB'C, max D4s39/D6371
Bamsbottom carbon residue on l0 o/o o524 0,1 5 0,15 0.15 0.35 0.35 035
disttllatron residue, percent mass. max
Lubnctty, HFRR @ 60'C, mtcron. max D6079/D7688 520 520 520 520 520 520
Conductrvtty. ps/m or Conductrvrty Unrts (C U.), mrn D2624lD4sO8 251 2sL 25L 25L 25L 251
r To meet special operatrng condtttons, modrrications of rndrvrdual [miling requrrements may be agreed upon between purchaser, seller, and manufaclurer.
a See Sectrons 6 and 7 for further statements on dEsel fuel requlrements
c The test methods tndtcated are the approved referee methods Other acceptable methods are lndicated ln 5 1
Under United States regulattons, tl Grades No. 1-D S5O0 or No. 2-D 5500 are sold for tax exempt purposes then, at or beyond termlnal storage tanks, they are requlred
by 26 CFR part 48 to contain the dye Solvent Bed 164 at a concentratron spectrally equlvalent to 3.9 lb ol the solrd dye standard Solvent Red 26 per thousand barrels
ol dresel fuel or kerosrne, or the tax must be collected.
E Under Untted States regulatrons, Grades No 1
-D 55000, No. 2-D S5O0O, and No. 4-D are requrred by 40 CFR Part 80 to contain a sufficlent amount of the dye Solvent
Red 164 so its presence is vtsually apparent At or beyond termrnal storage tanks, they are required by 26 CFR Part 48 to contarn the dye Solvent Red 164 at a
concentration spectrally equivalent to 3 lb ot the softd dye standard Solvent Red 26 per thousand barrels o{ diesel fuel or keroslne
-12 "C ts spectlred, as can occur dunng cold months, I rs permltted and normal blendrng practrce to comblne Grades No. 1 and No. 2 to
FWhen a cloud potnt less than
meet the low temperature requiremenls. ln that case, the minrmum flash point shall be 38 'C, the mtnrmum vrscoslty at 40 "C shall be 1.7 mm2/s, and the mlnlmum 90 %
recovered temperature shall be walved
G Other sulfur lrmrts can apply rn selected areas in the Unted States and ln other countrles
HThese test methods are specfred rn 40 CFR Part 80 lor 5500 grades.
tWhere cetane number by Test Method D61 3 ts not avatlable, Test Method D4737 can be used as an approxrmatlon. Although bodtesel blends are excluded from the scope
ot Test Method D4737, lhe results of Test Method D4737 tor up to 85 blends can be used as an approximatron
JLow ambrent lemperatures as well as engine operation at hrgh alltudes may requrre the use of luels wtth htgher cetane rattngs
K lt rs unreahstrc to spectty low temperature properttes that will ensure satslactory operatron at all ambtent condtttons ln general. cloud point (or wax appearance pornt)
Low Temperature FIow Test, and Cold Ftlter Plugging Potnt Test may be used as an estrmate ol operattng temperature limtts lor Grades No 1-D S15. No 2-D S15, No,
l-D S50O: No.2-D S5OO; and No. 1*D 55000 and No.2-D S50OO dtesel fuel orls However, satrsfactory operahon below the cloud point (orwax appearance pornt) may
be achteved dependrng on equrpment desrgn, operatrng cond(rons, and the use offlow-rmprover addrtrves as described rn X5 1 2 Approprate low temperature operablhty
properties should be agreed upon between lhe tuel supplter and purchaser for the rnlended use and expected ambient temperatures. Test Methods D4539 and D6371 may
be espectally useful to estrmate vehtcle low temperature operabrlrty hmrts when flow tmprovers are used. Due 10 fuel deltvery system, engine deslgn, and test method
ditferences, low temperature operablltty tests may not provide the same degree ol protectron in various vehrcle operatlng classes. Tenth percentlle mlnlmum alr
temperatures lor U S locatons are provided rn Appendrx X5 as a means ol estrmating expected regional temperatures The tenth percentlle minimum air temperatures
can be used to estmate expected regtonal target temperatures for use with Test Methods D2500, D4539, and D6371 Refer to XS 1 3 for further general guldance on test
L The
electrical conductrvtty ol the dtesel fuel ts measured at the time and temperature ol the fuel at dehvery. The 25 pvm mlnlmum conductlvlty requlrement applies at

and barges)

5.1.17 Cetane Index-Test Methods D976-80 is used for This test method is used for fucl Crades No. I -D S 15, No. I -D
fuel Grades No. I -D S 15. No. I -D 5500, No. 2-D S I 5 and No. 5500, No. 2-D S l -5 and No. 2-D 5500. Grades No. I -D 55000,
2-D 5500. Cladcs No. 1-D 55000. No.2-D 55000 and No.4-D No. 2-D 5-5000 and No. 4-D do not have an aromatics contcnt
do not have an aromatics content requirement, so do not use requircment.
this tcst mcthod as a surrogate for arontatics contcnt. 5.1.13 Lubrici4,-'10r, Method D6079 or D76fltl. 'lbst
5.1 .12 Arumotici4,--:fsc1 Method Dl3l9. This tcst method Method D6079 shall be the referee method.
providcs an indication of the aromatics content of fttels. For 5.1.14 C ond uctivity-lloth conducti vity test mcthods, Tcst
fuels with a maximum tinal boiling point of 315 "C, this Methods D2674 and D430ti are allowed fbr all grades of No. I
method is a measurement of the aromatic content of thc fucl. and No. 2 dicsel fuels. I'herc is no conductivity recluirement for

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TABLE 2 Transfer Conditions
Maximum Pipe Diameter When Filling When Filling When Filling
(lor a dislance of Tank Truck Undivided Rail Marine Vessels
30 s upstream ol Compartments Car Comparlments
delivery nozzle)
> 4.9 rnls luel velocity luel velocity = 7.0
0.1023 m fuel velocity = 7.0 m/s m/s
0.1Yl m luel velocity - 3.24 'r,ls fuel velocity > 5.20 m/s fuel velocity ' 7.0 m/s
0.2027 m luel velocity > 2.47 mls Iuel velocity > 3.90 mis luel velocity > 7.0 m/s
0.2545 m luel velocity > 1.96 m/s luel velocity - 3.14 m/s tuel velocity > 7.0 m/s

No. 4 diesel fuel. For conductivities below I pS/m, Test 7.3.1 Fuel.s Blended with Biodiesel-The detailed require-
Method D430tl is preferred. ments for fuels blended with biodiesel shall be as follows: Biodiesel for Blending-If biodiesel is a component
6. Workmanship
of any diesel fuel, the biodiesel shall meet the requirements of
6.1 The diesel fuel shall be visually free of undissolved Specification D6751.
water, sediment, and suspended matter. Diesel fuel oil containing up to 5 7o volume bio-
6.2 The diesel fuel shall also be free of any adulterant or diesel shall meet the requirements for the appropriate grade
contaminant that can render the fuel unacccptable for its No. l-D or No. 2-D fuel, as listed in Table l.
commonly used applications. Test Method D737 I shall bc used for dctermination
7. Requirements of the volume percent biodiesel in a biodiesel blend. Test
Method EN 14078 or Test Method D7861 may also be used. ln
7.1 The grades of cliesel fucl oils herein specified shall be
cases of dispute, Test Method DT3TI shall be the referee test
hydrocarbon oils, except as provided in 7.3, with the inclusion
of additives to enhance performance, if required. conforning to method. See Practice Il29 for guidance on significant digits.
the detailed requirements shown in Table l. Diesel tuels containing more than 5 7o volume
biodiesel component are not included in this specification.
Nore 5-Additives arc' generally included in finished diesel fuel to
improve performance properties (cetane numbet lubricity, coltl flow, and Biodiesel blends with No. 4-D fuel are not covered
so forth). by this specification.
7.2 Grades No. 2-D S15 No. 2-D 5500 and No. 2-D
S500G-When a cloud point less than -12'C is specified, as 8. Precautionary Notes on Conductivity
can occur during cold months, it is permitted and normal
8.1 Accumulation of static charge occurs when a hydrocar-
blending practice to combine Grades No. I and No. 2 to meet
bon liquid flows with rcspect to another surface. The electrical
the low temp€rature requirements. ln that case, the minimum
flash point shall be 38 'C. the minimum viscosity at 40
shall conductivity requirement of 25 pS/m minimum at temperature
be 1.7 mm2/s, and the minimurn 90 recovered temperature of delivery shall apply when the transfer conditions in Table 2
shall be waived. exist for the delivery into a mobile transport contairrer (for
example, tanker trucks, railcars, and barges).
7.3 Altentative Fuels and Alternative Blendstocks-
Alternative fuels and alternative blendstocks are non-
9. Keywords
hydrocarbon oil substances that may be combined with diesel
fuel at a blend level greater than I Va by volume of the finished 9.1 biodiescl; biodiesel blend; diesel; fuel oill petroleum
blend. and pctroleum products


(Nonmandatory Information)


Xl.l Introduction X1.2 Grades

X I .I . I
The properties of commercial fuel oils depend on the X1.2. I This specification is intended as a statement of
refining practices employed and the nature of the crude oils permissible limits of significant fuel properties used for speci-
from which they are produced. Distillate fuel oils. for example, fying the wide variety of commercially available diesel tuel
can be produced within the boiling range of 150 "C and 400 'C oils. Limiting values of significant properties are prescribed for
having many possible combinations of various properties, such seven grades of diesel fuel oils. These grades and their general
as volatility. ignition quality, viscosity, and other characteris- applicability fbr use in diesel engines are broadly indicated as
tics. follows:

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Xl.2.2 Gracle No. l-D 515-4radc No. l-D S15 comprises X1.3. l.l Fucl pricc and availability,
the class of very low sulfur, volatile fuel oils from kerosiue to X 1.3.I .2 Maintenance considerations,
the intcrmcdiate middlc distillates. Fuels within this gradc are X1.3.1.3 Enginc size and dcsign,
applicable for use in (1) high-speed diesel engines and diesel X1.3. 1.4 Emission control systems,
engine applications that require ultra-low sulfur fucls, 12,) Xl.3.1.5 Spced and load ranges,
applications necessitating fiequent and relatively wide varia- XI .3.1.6 Frequency of speed and load changes, and
tions in loads and speeds, and (-?) applications where abnor- Xl .3.1 .1 Atmospheric conditions. Some of these factors can
mally low operating temperatures are encountered. influence the required fuel properties outlined as follows:
X1.2.3 Gracle No. |-D 5500-Gradc No. l-D 5500 com- X1.4 Cetane Number
prises the class of low-sulfur, volatile fuel oils from kerosine to
the intermediate middle distillates. Fucls within this grade arc Xl.4. I Cctane numbcr is a measurc of the ignition cluality of
applicable for use in (1) high-speed diesel engines that require the fuel and influences combustion roughness. The cetane
low sulfur fuels, (2.) in applications necessitating frequcnt and number requirements dcpend on engine design. size, naturc of
relatively wide vadations in loads and speeds, and (3) in speed aud load variations. and on stafting and atmospheric
applications wherc abnormally low operating temperaturcs alc conditions. lncrease in cctane nunrbcr over valucs actually
encountered. required does not materially improve engine performance.
Accordingly. thc cetane number specified should bc as low as
Xl.2.4 Grade No. l-D 55000-Grade No. l-D S5ff)0 com-
possible to assure maximum fuel availability.
prises the class of volatile fuel oils fronr kerosine to the
intermcdiate middle distillatcs. Fuels within this gradc are
X1.5 Distillation
applicable for use in high-speed diesel engines applications
necessitating frequent and relativcly widc variations in loads Xl.-5.1 The fuel volatility requircments depend on engine
and speeds, and also tbr use in cases where abnormally low design, size, nature of speed and load variations, and starting
operating temperatures are encountered. and atrnospheric conditions. For engines in services involving
XI.2.5 Crade No. 2-D 515-4rade No. 2-D Sl5 includes rapidly fluctuating loads and speeds as in bus and truck
the class of very low sulfur, middle distillate gas oils of lower
operation, thc rnorc volatilc fuels can providc best
perforrnance, particularly with respect to smoke and odor.
volatility than Gradc No. l-D Sl-5. These fuels are applicable
Howcvcr. best fucl economy is gencrally obtained fronr the
tbr use in (1.) high speed diesel engines and diesel engine
heavier types of fuels because of their higher heat content.
applications that require ultra-low sulfur fuels, (2) applications
necessitating relatively high loads and unitbrm speeds, or (-?)
X1.6 Viscosity
diesel engincs not requiring fuels having higher volatility or
other properties specified in Grade No. l-D Sl5. X1.6. I For some engines it is advantageous to specify a
minlmum viscosity bccause of power loss duc to injcction
Xl.2.6 Grade No. 2-D 5500-Gradc No. 2-D 5500 includes
pump and injector leakage. Maximunr viscosity. on the other
the class of low-sulfur, rniddle distillate gas oils of lower
hand, is limitcd by considerations involved in engine clcsign
volatility than Grade No. l-D 5500. These fuels are applicable
and size, and the characteristics of the injection system.
for use in (1) high-speed diesel engine applications that require
low sulflur fuels, (2) applications necessitating rclativcly high
loads and unitbrm speeds, or (-i) diesel engines not requiring
Xl.7 Carbon Residue
fuels having highcr volatility or other propcrties specificd for X1.7. I Carbon residue gives a measure of thc carbon
Grade No. 1-D 5500. depositing tendencies of a fuel oil when heated in a bulb under
prcscribed conditions. While not directly conclating with
X1.2.1 Grade No. 2-D 55000-Grade No. 2-D 5-5000 in-
engine deposits, this property is considered an approximation.
cludes the class of middlc distillate gas oils of lower volatility
than Grade No. I-D 55000. These tlels are applicable for use
Xl.E Sulfur
in (// high-speed dicsel engines in applications necessitating
rrlatively high loads and uniform speeds, or (2) in diesel Xl.tt.l The etfect of sulfur content on engine wear and
engines not requiring fuels having higher volatility or othcr dcposits appcars to vary considerably in importancc and
properties specified tbr Grade No. l-D 5-5000. depends largely on operating conditions. Fuel sultur can affect
cmission control systems per{brmance. To assure maximum
Xl.2.8 Grade No. J-D-Grade No. 4-D comprises the class
availability of fuels, the permissible sulfur content should be
of more viscous middle distillates and blends of these middle
specificd as high as is practicablc, consistent with maintenance
distillates with residual fuel oils. FLrcls within this grade arc
applicable fbr use in low- and mediurn-speed diesel engines in
applications ncccssitating sustaincd loads at substantially con-
X1.9 f'lash Point
stant speed.
Xl .9. I The flash point as specified is not directly related to
X1.3 Selection of Particular Grade cngine pcrfomrance. It is, howevcr, of importance in conncc-
Xl.3.1 The selection of a particular diesel fuel oil tiom one tion with legal requirements and sat'ety precautions involved in
of thcsc scven AS'I'M gradcs for use in a givcn eneine requires fuel handling and storagc, and is normally spccified to mcct
consideration of the following factors: insnrance and fire regulations.

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I t if

E ----No.2-D5500a
o. 100
t No. 2-D 5500 b
No" l-D 5500
I ,
I I t No. 2-D 515 a
c 60 t
L / -
No. 2-p StS b
No. 2-D S15 c
2-D 515 d
(,o ,
{/s" - No. 2-D S15 e

$ff"1,", /
-40 -2A 0 20 40
TemperatuiE, oC

FlG. X1.1 Conductivity Varies with Temperature

X1.10 Cloud Point X1.15 Other

Xl.lO.l Cloud point is of importance in that it defines the Xl.l5.l Microhial Contqninatio,n-Refer to Guide D6469
temperature at which a cloud or haze of wax crystals appears for a discussion of this form of contamination.
in the oil under prescribed test conditions which generally
relates to the temperature at which wax crystals begin to Xl.l6 Conductivity
precipitate from the oil in use. Xl.l6. I Electrical conductivity of fuels is an important
consideration in the safe handling characteristics of any fuel.
X1.11 Ash
The risk associated with explosions due to static electrical
Xl.l l.l Ash-forming materials can be present in fuel oil in discharge depends on the amount of hydrocarbon and oxygen
two forms: (1) abrasive solids, and (2) soluble metallic soaps. in the vapor space and the energy and duration of a static
Abrasive solids contribute to injector, fuel pump, piston and discharge. There are many factors that can contribute to the
ring wear, and also to cngine deposits. Soluble metallic soaps high risk of explosion. For Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD)
have little effect on wear but can contribute to engine deposits. fuels in particular, electrical conductivity can likely be very
low beforc thc addition of static dissipater additive (SDA). The
X1.12 Copper Strip Corrosion intent of this requirement is to reduce the risk of electrostatic
Xl.l2.l This test serves as a measure of possible diltculties i-enitions while filling tank trucks, barges, ship compartments,
with copper and brass or bronze parts of the tuel system. and rail cars, where flammable vapors tiom the past cargo can
be present. Generally, it does not apply at the retail level where
Xl.l3 Aromaticity flammable vapors are usually absent. Those parties handling
any fuel are advised to review Guide D486-5 as well as API RP
Xl.l3.l This test is used as an indication of the aromatics
2003 and ISGOTT.s
content of diesel fuel. Aromatics content is spccified to prcvent
an increase in the average aromatics content in Grades No. l-D Xl.l6.2 Conductivity is known to be highly dependent on
Sl5, No. l-D 5500, No.2-D Sl5 and No.2-D 5500i'uels and temperature. The conductivity retluiremcnt in 'I'ahlc I will
is required by 40 CFR Pal't 80. Increases in aromatics content decrease the risk, but it will not eliminate it.
of fuels over current levels can have a ncgative impact on Xl.16.3 Fig. X1.l presents the response of conductivity to
enrissions. temperature for some typical diesel fuels.

X1.14 Cetane Index

Xl.l4. I Cetane Index is specified as a lirnitation on the 3
ISGOT' (lnrenuttionul Srqfery Guide for Oil 'l'ankers and l'trminals) . 5th
amounl of high aromatic components in Grades No. l-D S15, edition, Oil Conrpanies International I'larine Forum (OCIMF), I-ondon, England.
No. l-D 5500, No. 2-D Sl5 and No. 2-D 5500. wrvw.ocimf.com.

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Xl.16.4 Due to the normal depletion of fuel conductivity concerrl includes failure clf cxposed electrical equipment im-
additive during commingling, storage, distribution, or reduc- mersed in over-additized fuel. Another concern is potential
tion of conductivity, or a combination thereof, at low interference with the properties of adjacent products in pipe-
temperatures, the fuel should be sufficiently treated, if needed line. Fuel handlers using static dissipater additives should
with conductivity improver additives (also called static dissi- employ effective controls to prevent over-additizing dicsel fuel.
pater additives (SDA)) to ensure that the electrical conductivity Fuel handlers adding SDA or other additives should be aware
requirement is met. The method of tuel distribution and of possible antagonistic or synergistic effects between additives
temperature at the point of delivery into mobile transport can used simultaneously in diesel fuel. Consultation with the
require a substantially greater conductivity level than 25 pS/m appropriate SDA additive supplier or other experts, or both, as
at the point of additive treatment. If a static dissipater additive well as conducting appropriate additive interaction studies is
is needed to meet the minimum conductivity requirement, then recommended.
initial additive treatment should allow for temperature,
commingling, distribution, and adequate mixing effects to Xl.l6.7 For those tuel transporters that practice switch
ensure the minimum conductivity is attained at the point of
loading of fuels without container cleaning and purging atier
delivery into mobilc transport. For more information on this hauling high or intermediate fuels or solvents, risks are
subject, please refbr to Guide D4U6-5 and Test Method D2621. involved with that practice. Switch loading shorrld be discour-
aged because of the difficulty in ensuring removal of all
Xl.l6.-5 Fuel handlers should not be lulled into a false sense residual vapor-producing materials. Accidental electrostatic
of security if the fuel meets or exceeds the minimum conduc- discharge ignition requircs thrce elements;
tivity requirement. lmproved fuel conductivity will accelerate (/) Presence of a flammable atmosphere from a previous
the dissipation of electric charge but not eliminate the risks volatile car-eo.
associated with handling cornbustible or flammable fuels. Fuel (2) The ability of the low volatility nraterial being loaded to
handlers should be aware of the increased static electricity accumulate an electlostatic charge because of low conductivity.
produclion when diesel fuels are filtered through fine-mesh and
strainers and filters. Fuel handlers are encouraged to use (-?) Operating conditions during loading, which encourage
industry-recommended safety practices to rninimize the risk charge generation and reduce charge relaxation----especially the
associated with handling fbel. One such sat'e operating practice
velocity of the loading stream. Switch loading also refers to the
recommends lower maximum flowrates upon initial loading reverse situation when light product (for example, gasoline) is
procedures. Loading operations involving "switch-loading" of
loaded into a container that previously held middle distillate
tanker trucks and other vessels pose increased risks. fuel (for example, diesel), although this mode of switch loading
Xl.l6.6 There is some concern over excessive additization is generally not considered a static ignition hazud (but may be
of diesel fuel with static dissipater additives. A potential a product contamination concern).


X2.l Introduction for tests sensitive to trace contamination can be useful. Practice
X2. l.l This appendix provides guidance on methods and D5854 for procedures on container selection and sample
techniques for the proper sampling of diesel fuel oils. As diesel mixing and handling is recommended. For cetane number
fuel oil specifications become more stringent and contaminants determination protection from light is important. Collection
and impurities become more tightly controlled, even greater and storage of diesel fucl oil samples in an opaque container,
care needs to be taken in collecting and storing samples for such as a dark brclwn glass bottle, metal can, or a minimally
quality assessment. reactive plastic container to minimize exposure to UV emis-
sions from sourcc)s such as sunlight or fluorescent lamps, is
X2.2 Sampling, Containers and Sample Handling Rec- recommended. According to Paragraph 8.2 of Test Method
ommendations D6079, "Because of sensitivity of lubricity measurements to
X2.2.1 Appropriate manual method sampling procedures trace materials, sample containers shall be only fully epoxy-
can be found in Practice D4057 and autornatic method sam- lined n-retal, amber borosilicate glass, or polytetrafluoroethyl-
pling is covered in Practice D4177. ene as specified in Practice D4306."

X2.2.2 The correct sample volume and appropriate con- X2.2.3 For volatility determination of a sample, Practice
taincr selection are also important decisions that can impact D5842 for special precautions recommended tbr rrpresentative
test results. Practice D4306 for aviation fuel container selection sampling and handling techniques may be appropriate.

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X3.l Scope X3.1.6.4 Fuel characteristics have changed and new fuel
X3.l.l This appendix providcs guidancc for consunters of blencls, such as with biodiesel, were introduced.
diesel fuels who may wish to store quantities of fuels fbr X3.1.7 Therefore, it has been shown that the cxisting test
extended periods or use the fuel in scvcre scrvice or high methods, suggested levels. and practices may not be compat-
temperature applications. Fuels containing residual compo- iblc or adcquate to describe dicsel fucl stability and its cffcct in
nents arc cxcludcd. Consistently successful long-term fucl current and future diesel injection equiprnent. New test meth-
stora-s,e or use in severe applications requires attention to tuel ods such as Rancimat (EN 1575 I ) and PetroOxy (D7-54-5) havc
sclection. storage conditions, handling and monitoring of been introduced and are used, if appropriate fbr the fuel type.
properties during storage and prior to use.
X3.l .2 Nonnally produced fuels have adequate stability X3.2 Definitions
properties to withstand normal storage and usc without thc X3.2.1 bulk.fircl, n-flucl in a vessel excecding 400 L.
formation of troublesome amounts of insoluble degradation X3.2.2 .fuel <'ontaminunts, n-material not intended to be
proclucts. ljucls that arc to be storcd for prolonged periods or prescnt in a fucl, whether intrclduced during or subsequent to
used in severe applications should be selected to avoid fbrma-
manufacture, handling, distribution or storage, tlut makes the
tion of sediments or gums, which can ovcrload filters or plug fucl less suitablc for the intcndcd use.
injectors. Selection of these f\els should result fiom supplier- X3.2.2. I D ist' uss i on-Fuel contaminants include materials
user discussions. introduced subsequcnt tcl thc manufacturc of fuel and fuel
X3. L3 These suggested practices are general in nature and degradation products. Contaminants, which can be soluble in
should not be considcrcd substitutcs lbr any requirements the fuel or insoluble (suspcnded liquid droplets or solid or
imposed by the warranty of the equipment manufacturer or by semisolid pafticles), can be the result of improper processing or
federal, statc, or local govcrnment rcgulations. Although they contamination by a wide range of matcrials including water,
cannot replace knowledge of local conditions or good engi- rust. airblown dust, deterioration of internal protective coatings
ncering and scientific judgment, thesc suggestcd practices do on pipes or vesscls and products of fuel degradation and
provide guidance in developing an individual fuel management biological growth. Solid or sentisolid contaminants can be
system for the middle distillate fuel uscr. Thcy include suggcs- refcrred to as silt or sediment.
tions in the operation and maintenance of existing fuel storage
X3.2.3 fuel-degradation products, n-thosc matcrials that
and handling facilities and tbr identifying where, when, and
are fornred in fuel during storage, usage, or exposure to high
how tuel quality should be tnonitored or selected for storage or
tempcraturcs and prcssures.
scvcre use.
X3.2.3.1 Discussion-lnsoluble degradation products can
X3.l .1 Thennal stability test method. Test Method D646tl, combinc with other fuel contaminants to enhance deleterious
was established and successfully used for many years to eft'ects. Soluble degradation products (soluble gums) are less
cvaluate Gradc No. 2-D 55000 and 5500 diesel fucls. Reflec- volatile than fuel and can carbonize to form deposits due to
tance levels of 70 Va at 90 min and 80 o/c at 180 min were conrplex interactions and oxidation of small amounts of
suggcsted by studies and cxperience for acceptable and prc- olefinic or sulfur-, oxygen-, or nitrogen-containing compounds
mium peribrmance. The National Conf'erence on Weights and present in fuels. The tbrmation of degradation products can be
Measures (NCWM) adopted 80 o/o rcflcctancc at 180 min as catalyzcd by dissolvcd mctals, espccially copper and zinc.
one requirement for the definition of premiurn diesel. When dissolved copper and zinc are present it can be deacti-
X3.1.5 Nearly all Sl5 fuel samples, when tested, result in vated with metal deactivator additives.
reflectance levels greater than 90 7o. Some expefts were X3.2.4 lortg-term storage,n-storage of fuel for longer than
concerned about the forrnation of pcroxides as the next I2 months aftcr it is rcceivcd by thc user.
category of stability cotlcern tbr Sl5. [f formed, peroxides
){3.2.5 severe use, r,-usc of thc tucl in applications where
could affect certain elastomcrs in cquipment adverscly.
engines operating under high load conditions can cause the fuel
X3.1.6 Despite high thermal stability as defincd by I'cst to be exposed to cxcessivc hcat and pressure.
Method D646ti and a lack of incidents regarding peroxide
formation, thc stability of diescl fuel rcmains a collcem X3.3 Fuel Selection
because a number of elements have changed. A high reflec-
X3.3.1 The stability properties of middle distillates are
tancc from the 'l'est Method D646fJ test may no longcr be a
clear indication of sufficiently high diesel stability.
highly dcpendent on thc crudc oil sources, scvcrity of
processing, use of additives. and whether additional rcfinery
X3.1.6.1 Dicsel comnron-rail fuel injcction systcms with
treatmcnt has been carried out.
high pressure and high temperature were introduced.
X3.l.6.2 Fuels may bc stressed more severely than before in X3.3.2 The composition and stability properties of middle
production and usage. distillatc fuels produced at different refineries can vary. Any
X3.1.6.3 Finer filters are required in some applications to special requirements of the user, such as long-term storage or
remove particulates from fuel. severc servicc. should be discussed with the supplicr.

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X-1.3.3 Blcnds of Sl5, 5-500, and 5.5000 diescl fuels fiom X3.6.4 Test Mcthod D(i46tt, can bc used for invcstigation of
various sources can interact to give stability properties worse operational problems that might be related to fuel thermal
than cxpected based on thc characteristics of thc individual stability of 5500 and 55000 fucls. lbst Mcthod I)646tt does not
fuels. show potential thermal stability of Sl5 tuels and biodiesel
blends of S15 fuels vcry wcll. Usc EN 1,575 I or'Icst Mcthod
X3.4 F'uel Additives D7-5,4,5 for oxidative stability assessment instead. Testing
X3.4. IFuel additivcs can improvc thc suitability of mar- samplcs from the ftrel tank or from bulk storage may give an
ginal fuels for long-term storage and thermal stability, but can indication as to the cause of fllter plugging. It is more difficult
be unsuccessful for fuels with markedly poor stability proper- to rnonitor the quality of fuels in vehicle tanks sincc tlrcy may
ties. Most stability additives should be added at the refinery or contain fuels from multiple sources.
as soon after manufacture as possible (no more than a few X3.6.5 Some additives exhibit effects on 55000 and 5500
weeks) to obtain maximum benefits. fuels tcsted in accordance with Test Method D6468 that may or
X3.4.2 Biocides or biostats kill or inhibit. respectively, the nray not be observed in the field. Data have not been developed
growth of t-ungi and bacteria, which can grow at fuel-water that conr:late rcsults from the tcst method for various cngine
interfaccs to give high particulate concentrations in the fuel. types and levels of operating severity.
Most available biocides and biostats are soluble in both the fuel X3.6.6 Tcst Mcthod D'1619 can be used to asscss thc
ancl water or in the water phase only. number and size of particulates in Grades l-D and 2-D diesel
fucls. However, with this test mcthod, water droplets are
X3.5 Tests for Fuel Quality
counted as particles unless a co-solvent such as isopropyl
X3.5.1 The storage stability of fuel may be assessed using alcohol or "Resolvcr" is uscd. Agglomcratcd particles can also
Test Method D2274 or D-5.10.1. Howcvcr, thesc accclerated be detected and counted as a single larger particle. While Test
stability tests may not correlate well with field storage stability Method D7619 can be usecl to asscss thc particulatc content of
due to varying field conditions and to fuel composition. Also. fuels. there is no current limit for its use within a specification.
these test methods were developed for 55000 and 5500 fuels Data have not bcen dcvelopcd to dcterminc acceptable levels of
and may not show potential instability of Sl5 fucls and particulates. Obtaining a representative sample and following
biodiesel blends of Sl5 fuels. More recently developed accel- the recommendcd sampling procedures is particularly impor-
erated stability Test Method D7-545 has bccn shown to bc tant with particle counting test methods. Sampling a static tank
suitable tbr assessing the potential instability of Sl5 fuels and for clcanliness by particle counting is vcry difficult and
biodiesel blends of S15 fuels. EN 157-51 is used in Spccifica- potentially very misleading. Fuel samples collected front more
tion D7467 for 86-820 Biodiesel blends and has been shown than a foot or two abovc thc bottom in a static tank will almost
to be suitable for assessing the potential instability of Sl5 always give very clean results. Testing a true bottoln sample fbr
biodiesel blends of 2 7o biodiesel or greater. The presence of clcanlincss has little value beyond the identification of signili-
cctane improver (2-ethylhexyl nitratc) in diesel fuel can cant dirt or debris on the bottom of the tank. If such dirt or
degrade Test Method D7-54-5 performance. While Test Method debris is stimed up, then very dirty ftrel will be dispenscd.
D75.1-5 can be used to assess the potential instability of fuels, Depending on fiequency of product delivery sampling shortly
there is no current limit for its use within a specification. aftcr delivery of product has stirred the tank may be apprclpri-
X3.5.2 Pcrfornrancc criteria for accelerated stability tcsts ate.
that assure satisfactory long-term storage of tuels have not X3.7 Fuel Storage Conditions
been established.
X-3.7. I Contamination levels in t'uel can be reduced by
X3.5.3 Test Method D6468, dcvcloped for 55000 and S5fi) keeping storage tanks free of water. Tankage should also have
fuels, does not show potential thenrral instability of Sl5 fuels provisions tbr water draining on a scheduled basis. Water
and biodiesel blends of S l5 fuels vcry well. Typical S l5 diesel promotes corrosion, and microbiological growth can occur at a
fuel almost always results in greater than 90 qc rcflectance. fuelwater interthce. Underground storage is preferred to avoid
temperature extrcnles; abovc-ground storage tanks should be
X3.6 Fuel Monitoring
sheltered or painted with reflective paint as high storage
X3.6.1 A plan tbr monitoring the quality of bulk tlel during temperatures may acceleratc fuel degradation. Whilc undcr-
prolonged storagc is an intcgral part ofa successful fucl quality ground tankage is preferred to mininrize diurnal tenlperature
program. A plan to replace aged fuel with fresh product is also swings, there can be a greater risk of water colltamination in
desirablc. underground tanks. Fixed roof tanks should be kept full to limit
X3.6.2 Stored fuel should be periodically sampled and its oxygen supply and tank breathing.
quality assessed. Practice D4057 provides guidance for sam- X3.7.2 Copper, copper-containing alloys, and zinc-coated
pling. Fuel contaminants and degradation products will usually or galvanizcd equipment should be avoidcd. Copper can
settle to the bottom of a quiescent tank. A "Bottonr" or pronrote fuel degradation and can produce rnercaptide gels.
"Clearance" sample, as defined in Practice D4057, should bc Zinc coatings can react with water or organic acids in thc fucl
included in the evaluation along with an "All Level" sample. to form gels that rapidly plug filters.
X3.6.3 The quantity of insoluble fuel contaminants prcsent X3.7.3 Appendix X2 of Specification D2880 discusses fuel
in fuel can be determined using Test Method D6217. contaminants as a general topic.

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X3.8 Fuel Use Conditions and aging acids present. Very high soluble gunr lcvels or
corrosion products from microbiological contamination will
X3.8.1 Many diesel engines are designed so that the diesel
fucl is uscd for heat transfer. In modern heavy-duty dicsel likcly cause severc operational problcms. Precautions for
avoiding negative fuel system impacts t'rom use of severely
engines, fbr example, only a portion of thc fuel that is
degradcd fucls are not prescntly availablc.
circulated to the fuel injectors is actually delivcred to the
combustion chamber. The remainder of the fuel is circulated X3.10 Thermal Stability Guidelines
back to the fucl tank, carrying heat with it. Thus adequate high
X3.10.1 Results from truck flcet cxpcricnce suggests that
temperature stability can be a necessary requirement in some
Test Method D6468 can be used to qualitatively indicate
severe applications or types of scrvice. Recirculation rates vary
whether diesel fuels havc satisfactory thennal stability perfor-
depending on fuel injection systenl desigu.
mance properties.e''0 However, this test method was developed
X3.8.2 Inadcquatc high temperaturc stability can result in for S50ff) and 5500 fuels and may not be useful for Sl5 fuels
the formation of insoluble degradation products. that always perfbrm well in this test. Today's current S15 fuels
and biodiescl blcnds can still havc stability problems, but'Iest
X3.9 Use of Degraded Fuels Method D646t{ is not the appropriate method of evaluation.
X3.9.1 Fuels that have undcrgone mild-to-moclcrate dcgra- X3.10.2 Performance in engines has not been sufliciently
dation are not fit for purpose in modern diesel engine fuel correlatsd with results lrom Test Mcthod D6-168 for 55000, and
systcms. Usc of such dcgradcd fuels pose the risk of polynrcric 5500, and S15 diesel fuel. to provide delinitive specification
deposits and resin tbrmation affecting high pressure pump and requircmcnts.
injcctor performance. up to catastrophic fuel system damage.
X3.9.2 Fuels containing very large quantities of fuel degra- 'r tsacha. John D., and lesnrnr, Davrd G. "Dresel Fuel 'l'hemal Stabillty at

dation products and other contaminants or with runaway 3(lO"F." Pntceedtngs ol lhe 6th lnt?rnqtional ConJ'eren<-c on ,Sruhlrty und llandlirtg
of hqd Frrtls, Vancouver, B.C., Octobt'r 1997.
microbiological growth are even less appropriate for use in fuel roSchwab, Scott D. Henly, Trmothy J, Moxley, Joel F-.. zrnd Miller, Kerth,
injection systcms. Drainagc of sedimcnts or fucl drawn off "Thermal Stabrlrty of DreselFuel," Prc<'ccthtgs ol tht 7lh Inr<,rnulrnal Cttnlcrcn<'e
above the sediment layer does not remove dissolved polymels ott Stttbtlrtv und Htutdhng of Lkluul Fuels,Grrz. Austna, Septernber 2000.


X4.l Introduction X4.3.2 Work in the area of diesel fuel lubricity is ongoing
X4.1.1 Diesel fuel tunctions as a lubricant in most compo- by several organizations, such as the International Organization
nents of fuel injection cquiprncnt such as pumps and injectors. for Standardization (ISO), the ASTM Diesel Fuel Lubricity
In limited cases. fuel with specific properties will have insuf- Task Force, and thc Coorclinating Rcsearch Council (CRC)
ficient lubricating propertics which will lcad to a reduction ir.r
Diesel Pertbrmance Group. These groups include representa-
the normal service life and functional performance of diesel tives from thc fucl injcction equipment manufacturers, fuel
fuel injcction systcms. producers, and additive suppliers. The charge of the ASTM
task forcc has been thc recomnrcndation of test mcthods and
X4.2 Fuel Characteristics Affecting Equipment Wear fuel lubricity requirements for Specification D975. Two test
X4.2.1 Currently, two fuel characteristics affect cquipmcnt methods werc proposed and approved. These arc'lest Method
wear. These are low viscosity and lack of sulficient quantities D607ti, a scuffing load ball-on-cylinder lubricity evaluator
of tracc components that have an affinity for surfaces. If fuel method. SLBOCLE, and Tcst Method D6079, a high frequcncy
viscosity meets the requirements of a particular engine. a tuel reciprocating rig (HFRR) method. Use of these tests raises
film is maintained between the moving surfaces of the fuel three issues: I ) Thc correlation of the data among thc two tcst
system components. This prevents excessive metal-to-metal methods and the fuel injection equipment is not perfect, 2)
contact and avoids prematurc failure due to wear. Similarly, Both methods in thcir current form do not apply to all
certain surface active molecules in the fuel adhere to, or fuel-additive combinations, and 3) The reproducibility values
combine with, surfaces to produce a protectivc film which also fclr both test methods are largc. ln order to protcct diesel fuel
can protect surfaces against excessive wear. injection equiprnent, an HFRR Wear Scar Diameter (WSD) of
520 pm has becn placed in Spccification D975.rl
X4.3 FueI Lubricity
X4.3.3 Most expcrts agree that fuels having a SLBOCLE
X4.3.1 The conccrn about fuel lubricity is limited to situa- lubricity value below 2000 g rnight not prevent excessive wear
tions in which fuels with lower viscosities than those specified in injection equipmcntrl whilc fucls with values above 3100 g
for a particular cnginc arc uscd or in which fuels that have been
processed in a manner that results in severe reduction of the
trace levcls of the surface activc spccics that act as surface rrMitchell, K.. "Dresel Fuel l-ubrrcity-Base Fuel Effects." SAE Techntcal
protecting agents. Presently the only f'uels of the latter type
I'aper 3001-01-1928, 2001
shown to have lubricity problerns rcsulted from sufficiently r2
Westblook. S. R.- "Survey of [,orv Sulfur Dresel Fuels and Avtatron Kerosenes
severe processing to reduce aromatics or sulfur. tiorn U.S. Mrlrtary lnstallations.'' SAII Technrcal Pape'r 952-169. 1995.

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provide sufficicnt lubricity in all cascs.r3 Experts also
shor-rld with values below .1-50 pm should providc sufficicnt lubricity in
agree that if HFFR test at 60
oC is used. fuels with values all cases.ls More accurately. an industry-accepted long-term
abovc 600 trrm might not prevcnt cxcessivc wear.'* while fuels durability pump test. such as'Ibst Mcthod D6tt9tl, can be uscd
to evaluate the lubricity of a diesel fuel. A poor result in such
a tcst indicatcs that thc fuel has low lubricity and may not bc
'' Nrkanlarn. M., "lSO Diesel I'ucl Lubricrty Round Robrn Program," SAE able to provide sufficient protection.
Technrcal Paper 952372. 1995.
r+Nrkan;am, V., "Dresel Fuel l,ubrrcrty: On the Palh to Spc'cifications.'' SAE Norr X4.l-Some iniection equlpnrent can be fitted wtrh special
lbchnrcal l)aper 1999-01-1479. 1999. colnponents that can tolcratc low lubricity fuels.


X5.1 Introduction X5.l .2.12 Impact failure for engine to start or run (Critical
vs. non-critical application).
X5. l.l The tenth percentile minirnum ambient air tempera-
tures shown on the following naps (Itigs. X5.1-X-5.12) and in X5.1.3 Historical Backgrotuil-Three test methods have
Table X5.l were derived from an analysis of historical hourly been widcly uscd to estirnatc or corrclate with low temperature
temperaturc readings recorded over a period of l5 years to 2l vehicle operability. Cloud point, Test Method D2500, is the
years from 345 weather stations in the United States. This oldest of thc thrce and most conscrvativc of the tests. Thc cloud
study was conductcd by thc U.S. Army Mobility Equipmcnt point test indicates the earliest appearance of wax precipitation
Research and Development Center (USAMERDC), Coating that might result in plugging of fuel filters or fuel lines under
and Chemical Laboratory, Abcrdcen Proving Ground. MD prescribed cooling conditions. Although not 100 Vo failsate, it
21005. The tenth percentile minimum ambient air temperatttre is thc rnost appropriatc tcst fclr applications that can not tolcratc
is defined as the lowest ambient air temperature which will not much risk. The Cold Filter Plugging Point (CFPP) test, Test
go lower on average mnre than lO 7c of the time. In other Method D6.17 l, was introduccd in Europe in 1965. The CFPP
words, thc daily minimum anbient air tcmpcrature would on was designed to correlate with the majority of European
average not be expected to go below the monthly tenth vchicles. Under rapid cooling conditions, 20 cc fucl is drawn
percentilc minimum ambient air temperature nlore than 3 days through a 45 pm screen then allowed to flow back through the
for a 30 day month. See Table X5.1. scr een for further cooling. This process is continued evcry I
until either the 20 cc fuel tails to be drawn througlt the screen
X5.1.2 These data can bc uscd to cstimate low tempcrature
in 60 s or it fails to return through the screen in 60 s. lt was
operability reqnirements. [n establishing low temperature op-
field tested many times in Europer's befbre being widely
erability requiremcnts, consideration should be given to thc
acceptcd as a European spccification. Field tests have also
following. These t'actors, or any combination, can make low
shown CFPP results more than l0 oC below the cloud point
temperature opcrability more or less severe than norntal. As
should be viewcd with caution because thosc results did not
X5.1.2.1 through X-s.1.2.12 indicate, field work suggests that
necessarily reflect the true vehicle low temperature operability
cloud point (or wax appearance point) is a fair indication ofthe
limits.r6 CFPP has bcen applied to many areas of the world
low temperature operability limit of tuels without cold flow
where sinilar vehicle designs are used. The Low Temperature
additives in most vehicles.
Flow Test (LTFI), Test Method D4-539, was designcd to
X5.1.2.1 Long term wcathcr patterns (Average wintcr low correlate with the most severe and one of the most common
temperatures will be exceeded on occasion).
fuel delivcry systcrns used in North American Heavy Duty
X5.1.2.2 Short term local weather conditions (Unusual cold trucks. Under prescribed slow cool conditions (l "CAt), similar
pcriods do occur).
to typical fleld conditions, several 200 cc fuel specimcns in
X5.1 .2.3 Elevation (tligh locations arc usually coldcr than glass containers fitted with 17 [m
screen assemblies are
sunounding lower areas). cooled. At I "C intcrvals one specimen is drawn through thc
X5.1.2.4 Specific engine design. screen under a 20 kPa vacuum. Approximately 90 9o of the fuel
X5.1.2.5 Fuel system design (Recycle rate, filter location, must comc ovcr in (r0 s or less for thc rcsult to be a pass. This
filter capacity, filter porosity, and so forth.) process is continued at lower temperatures (l 'C increments)
X^ Fucl viscosity at low tcmperatures until the fuel fails to come ovcr in the allotted 60 s. The lowcst
X5.l .2.7 Equipment add-ons (Engine heaters, radiator passing temperature is defined as the LTFT for that fuel. ln
covers, fuel line and fuel filtcr hcaters and so forth.) 198 l, a CRC prograrn was conducted to evaluate the effcacy
X5.1.2.8 Types of operation (Extensive idling, engine of cloud point, CFPP. pour point, and LTFT fbr protecting the
shutdown. or unusual operation). diesel vchicle population in North America and to determine
X- Low temperature flow improver additives in fuel.
X5.1.2.10 Geographic area for fuel use and movement r5"[-ow Ternperature Operabilrty o[ Dresels. A Report by CliC [nvestigatron
between geographical areas.
Group IGF-3." CEC P-17l 82.
X5.1.2.11 Gcneral housekeeping (Dirt or water, or both, in In "SFPP-A
New l.aborator-v Test for Assessment of Low Temperature Operabrl-
fuel or fuel supply system). ity of Modern Diesel Fuels.'' CEC/93/EF 15, -5 7, May 1993

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what benefit flow-inrprovcrs could prt>viclc. The ficld test cloud point, wax appcarancc p<lint, CFPP. and LTFI' kr
consisted of 3 non-flow improved diesel f'uels, -5 flow improved estinrate vehicle low temperature operability limits for diesel
diescl fuels, 4 light-duty passcnger cars. and 3 heavy-duty fucl. No independcnt data has bcen puhlishcd in recent ycars to
trucks. The field trial resulted in two documentsrT 'r8 that determine test applicability tbr today's tuels and vehicles.
providc insight into con'clating laboratory tcsts to North
X5.2 Maps
American vehicle pertbrmance in the lield. The general con-
clusions of thc study were: X-5.2.1 The maps in the tbllowing figures wcre dcrived frorn
(1) In ovemight cool down, 30 o/o of lhe vehicles tested had CCl. Report No. 316. "A Predictive Study tbr Defining
a fina[ fuel tank temperaturc within 2'C of thc ovcrnight Limiting Temperatures and Their Application in Petroleum
minimum ambient temperature. Product Specifications." by John P. Doner. This report was
(2)The use of flow-improved dicsel fuel permits some published by thc U.S. Army Mobility Equipment Rcsearch and
vehicles to operate well below the fuel cloud point. Development Center (USAMERDC), Coating and Chentical
(J) Significant diffcrenccs exist in the severity of dicscl Laboratory, and it is availablc from thc National Tcchnical
vehicles in terms of low temperature operation. Infonnation Service, Springtield, VA 22151, by requesting
(4) No singlc laboratory test was found that adcquatcly Publication No. AD756-420.
predicts the performance of all fuels in all vehicles. X5.2.2 Where states are divided the divisions are noted on
(5) CFPP was a better predictor than pour point. but both the maps and table with the exccption of California. which is
methods over-predicted, nrinimunr operating temperatures in divided by counties as follows:
many vehicles. [ror this reason, thesc tests were judged California, North Coast-Alameda, Contra Costa, Dcl
inadequate predictors of low-tentperature performance and Norte. Humbolt, Lake, Marin, Mendocino. Monterey. Napa.
dismisscd from further consideration. San Bcnito, San l.rancisco. San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa
(6/ Cloud point and LTFT showed varying degrees of Cruz, Solano, Sonoma, Trinity.
prcdictive capability, and offered distinctivcly dift-ercnt advan- California. Interior-Lassen, Modoc, Plumas, Sierra,
tages. Both predicted the performance of the base fuels well, Siskiyou, Alpine, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, El
but LTFT more accuratcly prcdicted the pcrformance of the Dorado, Fresno, Glenn, Kcrn (except that portion lying east of
flow-improved fuels. On the other hand, cloud point came the Los Angeles County Aqueduct), Kings. Madera, Mariposa,
closest to a fail-safe predictor of vehicle performancc for all Mcrccd, Placcr, Sacramcnto, San Joaquin, Shasta, Stanislaus,
vehicles. Strtter. Tehama. Tulare. Tuolumne, Yolo, Yuba. Nevada.
Since thc l98l field tcst, non-indepcndent studiesre using California, South Coast-Orange, San Dicgo, San Luis
newer vehicles verified the suitability of the LTFT for North Obispo. Santa Barbara. Ventura, Los Angeles (except that
American hcavy-duty trucks. Uscrs are advised to rcview these portion north of the San Gabriel Mountain range and east of the
and any more recent publications when establishing low Los Angeles County Aqueduct).
temperature operability requiremcnts and deciding uporl tcst California, Southcast-lmperial, Riverside, San Bemardino,
methods. Los Angeles (that portion north of the San Gabriel Mountain
X5.1.3. I Current Practices-lt is recogniz-ed that firel range and east of the Los Angclcs County Aqucduct), Mono.
distributors, producers, and end users in the United States use Inyo, Kern (that portion lying east of the Los Angeles County
'7 CRC Repon No. 517. "'Ihe Relatronship Bctween Vchicle Fucl'lcmperirturc X5.2.3 The temperatures in CCL Report No. -jl6 were in
and Anrbient Temperature, l98l CRC Kapuskasrng Field Test," Decenrber l9ll3
IsCRC Report No. 528, "1981 CRC Dresel fucl l-ow-Temperature Operabrlrty degrees Fahrenheit. The degree Celsius temperatures in Ap-
Field 'lest," September 1983. pcndix X5 wcrc obtaincd by convcrting the original degree
r" SAI] 9621t)7. SAE 9tt2576, SAE 2Un-0t-2883, Fahrenheit temperatures.

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.{$p oszs - 1Ga

-3C -3C ME

-7C -4C
{c -3C
4C MI 420
-2C RI
-4C 1C
tW -lC -lc
-7C OH 2C
IN *lc
co DE
-?c 2C
-8C K5
-2C ) NC

N. -]p50 NM TI{ IC
-4C OK
340 Lat.


o llt.

FlG. X5.1 October-loth Percentile Minimum Temperatures

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.([Jp oszs - 16a

t220 tong.

-8C ME

-l8c -20c
-13C SD -14C MI 7C
-1rc -llc RI
*t5c -3C
IA -7C
NE -l3c OH
-t{c -13C -7C
Lat -7C
co DE
-1IC -12C
-l8c KS ) -3C
TN *5C
-6C -r2c Nt"t OK
_t1c -8C
34o Lat.


FIG. X5.2 November-lOth Percentile Minimum Ambient Air Temperatures

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-18C ME

-IIC -2rc -xc


-24C -27C
OR -30c -21C
-18C SD *74C MI 420 -16C
-24C -20c RI
CA -12C
-2C IA -r3c -tcc -16C
NE -23C -19C OH
-l8c -16C
UT -15C

co DE
-74C -16C -15C
*3C -l4c 15C Fro -10c
KS KY *1rc
-r5C -r3c NC
AA NM fl-9c
*t4c -t4c OK sc
-12C AR -5C
TX -6C


FlG. X5.3 December-lOth Percentile Minimum Ambient Alr Temperatures

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122" 1sog.

-2tC ME
-I8C -23C -26C
-30c -3IC
OR -24C
-l9c ID vyi
*21C SD 420
-28C MI -l8c
-26C -13C
[A -14c
tw IL -L7C
*t2C NE -26C *21C OH
-22C -17C -12C
co DE
-t8c *30c -19C
MO *1rc
-4C KS
ft -12C
-19C -t{.
TN -1lC
-17C -r7c OK sc
-13C AR *5C
34" Lat. -r lc
-11C TX -7C -7C

FlG. X5.4 January-lOth Percentile Minimum Ambient Air Temperatures

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-24C -26C

-24C -?9C
OR -3rc
-l4c ID WI
-r8c SD -2q. MI -t7c
-24C -23C

-r9C -r5c -l3c

IA -1.tc -16C
NE -22C -18C OH
"r9c IN -l5c -rlc
co *15C -t4c DE
-1,1c MO *l0c
-z4c KS
) -r3c fi -10c
-11C NC
1050 Long,
-7C *16C -14C OK SC
*EC -3C

HS -6C
-7C TX -3C


FlG. X5.5 February-1Oth Percentile Minimum Ambient Air Temperatures

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-2lc -22C
-13C SD -18C MI
-l8c -t8c
-l6c IA
NV -9C
NE -16C OH
-r3c -6C
-r3C IN -9C
t,T -9C
co VA
-sc -tzc DE
-16C IG KY -{c -4c
-r3C -6C
TN -4C
*12C -tlc OK sc
-7C AR -2C
34o Lat. -3C
-lC -3C TX -2C

FlG. X5.6 March-1oth Percentile Minimum Ambient Air Temperatures

t69. LoflG
l,u. LoNG
I zz. ur
I -25C
L )_ -620 l"AT
/e -tIc

I -4d

!* * I
_ 5 560tAT
-L -4C tslAND

--r 28
FlG. X5.7 October-loth Percentale Minimum Ambient Air Temperatures

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1690 LONG
l4lo LoNG
I zz" Ln'r

I rlrc
L\ +2O LAT
/s -l3c

I 0
l" lr,.

\- t
-11c -ttc ISI.AND
- - -
.-* O#"
FlG. X5.8 November-lOth Percentile Minimum Ambient Air Temperatures

1690 LONG
/\ roNG
I -45{
--____L A{gilc ctRcrf
I -45C

l \
/-. -620 LAT
( -18€
I \.")

I //
/o \flff l-'u'
\--_- 56a I.AT
-l6c -lEC I51",{ND

--, PB
FlG. X5.9 December-1Oth Percentile Minimum Ambient Air Temperatures

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/\ 7Zo tAI

t -,19C
I e(t
L -620 $T
/e -32C


I -19C

\- 56$LAT
-19C -l9c IStAl,lD
- - -
-.* fr&"
FlG. X5.10 January-lOth Percentile Minimum Ambient Air Temperatures

16r LoflG
r,u" loN6
/\ {-
I NORnrEnil
{1I :T:I 4)C
I \
L -.52o tAT
/e -32C

I /
l" t
t' sot IltERr{
I -13C
r- F 56rUT
-13C -t3C ISIAND
- -
.. Dt5
FlG. X5.11 February-1Oth Percentile Minimum Ambient Air Temperatures

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169" LONG
l4l O LONG
/\ \-_ ( n"vat

I -..3C
L\ -62'LAT
/6 -?9C
l" 50u1?ttRN

r- I
-129 - - -
--s: nP$"
FlG. X5.12 March-lOth Percentile Minimum Ambient Air Temperatures

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TABLE X5.1 Tcnth Percentile Mlnimum Ambient Alr Temperatures tor the United States (except Hawaii)
1oth Percentile mrn
Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March
Alabama 4 -3 -6 -7 -3 -2
Alaska Northern -25 -37 -45 -49 47 43
Southern -11 -13 -18 -32 -32 -29
South Easl 4 -11 -16 -19 -13 -'t2
Arizona Norlh 34'latitude 4 -12 -14 -17 -16 -12
South 34' latitude 7 0 -2 -3 -1
Arkansas -4 -7 -11 -7 -3
Calitornia North Coast 3 0 -2 -2 -1 -1
lnterior 2 -3 -7 -6 -6
South Coast 6 2 0 -.1 0 2
Southeast 1 -6 -8 -11 -7 -5
Colorado East 105" long -2 -12 -14 -19 -t5 -12
W€st 105" long -8 -18 -25 -30 -24 -16
Connecticut -1 -7 -16 -17 -16 -9
Delaware 2 -3 -10 -11 -10 -6
Florida North 29" latitude 7 'I
-2 -3 -l 2
South 29" latitude 14 7 3 3 5 7
Georgia 3 -2 -6 -7 -6
ldaho 4 -13 -18 -21 -18 -13
lllinois North 40'latitude -l -9 -19 -21 -18 -11
South 40" latitude 1 -7 -16 -17 -15 -8
lndiana -1 -7 -16 -18 -16 -9
lowa -2 -13 -23 -26 -22 -16
Kansas -11 -15 -19 -14 -13
Kentucky 1 -6 -13 -14 -11 -6
Louisiana 5 -1 -4 -z 1

Maine -3 -10 -23 -26 -26 -18

Maryland 2 -3 -10 -12 -10 4
Massachusetts -2 -7 -16 -18 -'17 -10
Michigan -2 -11 -20 -23 -23 -18
Minnesota 4 -18 -30 -u -31 -24
Mississippi 3 -3 -6 -6 -4
Missouri 1 -7 -14 -t6 -13 -8
Montana -7 -18 -24 -30 -24 -21
Nebraska -3 -13 -18 -22 -19 -13
Nevada North 38" lalitude -7 -14 -18 -22 -18 -13
South 38' latitude 8 0 -3 -4 1

New Hampshire -3 -8 -18 -21 -21 -12

New Jersey 2 -3 -12 -I1 -6
New Mexico Norlh 34'latitude -2 -11 -14 -17 -14 -11
South 34'latitude 4 4 -8 -11 -7 -3
New York North 42" laiitude -3 -8 -21 -24 -24 -16
South 42" latitud€ -1 -5 -14 -16 -15 -9
North Carolina -1 -7 -10 -11 -9 -5
North Dakota 4 -20 -27 -31 -29 -22
Ohio -1 -7 -16 -17 -15
Oklahoma 1 -8 -12 -13 -8 -7
Oregon East 122" long -6 -11 -14 -19 -14 -9
West 122" long 0 4 -5 -7 -4 -3
Pennsylvania North 41" latitude -3 -8 -19 -20 -21 -15
South 41" latitude -6 -13 -14 -14 -8
Rhode lsland 1 -3 -12 -13 -13 -7
-5 _a -2
South Carolina 5 -1 -5
South Dakota 4 -14 -24 -27 -24 -18
Tennessee 1 -5 -9 -11 -9 -4
Texas North 31" latitud€ 3 -6 -9 -13 -9 -7
South 3'l' latilude 9 2 -2 -3 -l 2
Utah -2 -1 1
-14 -18 -14 -8
Vermont -3 -8 -20 -24 -15
Virginia 2 -3 -11 -9 -4
Washington East 122" long -2 -8 -ll -18 -11 -8
Wesl 122" long 0 -3 -3 -7 -4 -3
West Virginia -J -8 -15 _16 -14 -9
Wisconsin -J -14 -24 -28 -24 -18
Wyoming 4 -15 -18 -26 -19 -16

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X6. I Uncontrolled microbial contamination in fuel systems understand how uncontrolled microbial contamination can
can cause or contributc to a varicty of problcms, including affcct fucl cluality.
increased corrosivity and decreased stability, filterability. and
caloric valuc. Microbial processes in fuel systems can also X6.3 Cuide D6469 providcs pcrsonncl with limited micro-
cause or contribute to system damage. biological background an understanding of the symptorns.
occurrenccs, ancl consequenccs of rnicrobial contamination.
X6.2 Because the nricrobes contributing to the problems Guide D6469 also suggests means for detecting and controlling
listcd in X6.l are not ncccssarily present in the fuel itsclf. no miclobial contamination in fuels and fnel systems. Good
microbial quality criterion for fuels is recommended. However,
housekeeping, especially keeping fuel dry, is critical.
itrs important that pcrsonncl rcsponsiblc for fuel quality


X7.l Thc purposc of this Appcndix is to givc somc gcncral X7.-5 lt should be notcd that fucl spccifications other than
guidance fiom Subcommittee D02.E0 on evaluation of new Specification D975 have been and are being developed for fuel
materials for blends in or replacemcnts for Spccification D975, tbr compression ignition cngines. Spccification D(r751 sets
Grades #l-D and #2-D type fuels. specilications t'or fatty acid alkyl esters (B I 00) to be used as an
alternativc blendstock. Spccification Dl 461 sets spccifications
X7.2 ASTM lnternational is an organization made up of for diesel blends containing biodiesel in the range of 6 7o to
volunteers and open to all stakcholders and interested entities 20o/c. Other new specilications are currently under devclop-
including users of fuels, producers of fuels, and general ment. Some new materials may require additional new stan-
interests, including nrcmbers of thc public, and govcrnmental dard spccifications if they arc significantly differcnt than
and nongovernmental organizations. Technical committees and current diesel fuels and require different parameters to be
subcomnrittees of ASTM Internatlonal do not ccrtify, approvc, contnrlled or different test methclds to properly measure
reject, or endorse specific tuels. Rather, ASTM International required parameters.
Committce D02 on Pctrolcun.r Proclucts and Lubricants and its
Subcommittee D02.80 on Burner, Diesel, Non-Aviation Gas X7.6 Because the composition and properties of new fuels
Turbine, and Marine Fuels develop fuel spccifications and with may vary, the particular path to a specification for a ncw lucl
other subconrnrittees. test methods for diesel fuels. These fuel nray vary. Some current alternative fuels are similar to tradi-
spccifications and test methods provide minimum rcquirements tional pctroleurn-refincd diescl fuel whilc othcrs are chemically
for properties of flels covered by these documents in com- and physically different. Future fuels may vary even ntore.
merce and address the concerns of stakcholders, including that
fuels perform appropriately in the specified application. X7.7 Three areas for consideration when reviewing new
fuels alignment with cxisting standards or devcloping ncw
X7.3 Historically, diesel tuel has been hydrocarbon mol- standards are: test methods, chemical and physical limitations
eculcs rcfincd lrom pctroleum. As a result, Specification D975 of fucls in existing spccilications. and chemical and physical
has evolved to define performance requirements (and tests to limitations appropriate tbr new tuels. The test methods that
determinc if thosc rcquircmcnts w'cre met) fbr dicscl (compres- have becn devcloped for cxisting compression ignition cnginc
sion ignition) engine fuels composed of conventional hydro- luels may or may not be appropriate for a new tuel. Guidance
carbon oils refined frorn petrolcum. Because the specification on matcrials used to dcvclop a tcst method, and it's
evolved to describe this type of fuel. sonte of the properties applicability, can generally be found in a test method's scope
nccessary for use in a comprcssion ignition engine which are and precision statcments. The test method may also work for
inherent in petroleum derived oils may not be addressed in other materials.
Specification D975.
X7.8 Applicability of the test method to materials outside its
X7.4 Spccification D975, howcver, does not rcquire that scopc may be established by thc subcommittec responsiblc fbr
fuels be derived from petroleum. Section 7. lreads, "The grades the method. Also, Subcommittee D02.E0, during the specifi-
of diesel fuel oils herein specified shall be hydrocarbon oils, cation clcvelopmcnt proccss. may dctermine that a test mcthod
except as provided in 7.-3, with the addition of chemicals to is applicable for specilication purposes, even if the material is
enhance performance, if rcquired, confbrming to thc dctailed not in the tcst method's scopc. Chcmical and physical limits set
requirements shown in Table 1." "Hydrocarbon oils, except as in existing standards may or may not be appropriate to the new
provided in 7.-1," provides a path to includc other fuels and fuel or components. Thc ncw matcrial may also require
blendstocks appropriate for inclusion in Specification D975. To chemical or physical lirnits that are not appropriate to fuels in
date, this path has becn used by biodicsel, which is not refined existing standards. Thcsc along with othcr considcrations may
from petroleum and is not hydrocarbon oil. indicate the need for separate new specifications. Although

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each case will require a separate evaluation, logic suggests that or blendstock. Because D02 specifications are cstablished
the f'ewer chernical and physical dillbrences there are between based on technical data. such data should exist befbre the
the new fuel and traditional petrolcum-based diescl fuel, the specification process moves forward. lf such data cloes not
t'ewer differences in test rnethods and chernical or physical exist, it needs to be developed.
limits will be needed.
X7.10 This guidance is not all-encontpassing and cannot
X7.9 If the proponent of the new fuel desircs to movc replacc the judgment and process of a task force and subcoln-
forward via the consensus process as described by ASTM mittee charged with evaluating a new t'uel or blendstock.
bylaws and as implemented in Committee D02, then the flowever it may give sorne guidancc to proponcnts or fuel
proponent or a task force including the fuel manut-acturer or nranufacturers who are considering participation in ASTM
proponent will bring lbrward ballot revisions to Specification Committee D02 and its subcommittees to promotc thc inclu-
D975 or a new specification appropriate tbr use of the new fuel sion of their new tuel or blendstock in ASTM standards.


X8.l Introduction with dissolved water cools. Under those circurnstances, tiee
water (or ice at temperatures below 0 'C) separates from the
X8.l.l This appendix provides guidance regarding the con-
fuel. A good industry practice is to drain any tiee water t'rom a
trol of water and sediment (particulate) in the distribution and
storage tank beforc the tuel is moved turthcr through the
use of diesel fuel oils in modern compression ignition engines.
distribution system. Fuel tanks utilized for process flow control
The information in this appendix is intendcd to provide
without sufficient settling tinre cannot be utilized for water
additional information beyond the control of water and sedi-
separatiorr. For those tanks, water removal may be
ment in D975 as prescribed in'Iahle I utilizing test methods
downstream prior to the dclivery to the retail outlet or
defined in ,5.1.3.
distributor. Options tbr water removal include the addition of
X8.1.2 All parties involved in the production, distribution, settling time in tankage with water draw oft'. using appropriate
and use of fuels ae advised that tlte cngine requircntents arc water-absorption techniques, or adding water coalescing facili-
changing and everyone involved should take appropriate steps ties at point of fuelling equipment to ensure that only fuel with
to assure that clean and dry fuel is being delivered. no free water ("dry fuel") goes into the equipment's fuel tank.
Water-absorbing cartridge filters, which are designed to stop
X8.1.3 All panies involved in the design, manufacture, and
use ofengines and/clr equipment that use fuels are advised that
flowing on exposure to water, can be used as an alert
mechanism for the presence of free water in a fuel tank.
on-board filtration and water removal systenls should be
installed and propcrly maintained such that clean, dry fucl X8.3 Sediment
delivered to the engine and/or equipment is maintained.
X8.3.1 Sediment, otherwise known as particulates. can be
lbund in virtually all marketplace fuels. These particulates
XE.2 Water come from a variety of sources including piping, storage tatrks,
X8.2.1 Water can be found at some concenftation in all microbial contanrination, fuel degradation products, and expo-
rnarketplace fuels. Water can either be a separate phase (that is. sure to airborne particles during fuel transportation and han-
tree water) or dissolved in the fusl. The amount of water that dling. Engine/vehicle filtration systems are designed based on
will dissolve in fuel is dependent on the temperature and the expectation that fuel introduced to the engine's fuel tank
chemical con.rposition (including all blend components, will meet certain clcanlincss levels. Sedimcnt or particulates in
additives, and impurities) of the fuel. For example, fuel stored fuel can be measured in two fundamentally different ways'. ( 1 )
at very cold temperatures, that is, -20 "C, can have very little mass of the total sedinrent or particulates per unit volume; or
dissolved water, whereas firel stored at high tenrperatures and (2) panicle size and coullt per unit volume. Filtration can be
high anrbient humidity conditions, that is. 35 "C and 95 7o put in place at various pnints in the fucl production and
relative humidity, can have a significantly higher concentration distribution system to limit the amount of sediment or palticu-
of dissolved water. As another example, a highly aromatic fuel late that is introduced to thc vchicle or equipmcnt fuel tank.
can hold rnore dissolved water than a highly paralfinic fuel, Filtration at the point of fuel delivery into equipntent is
while both fuels still meet all of the requirements of D975. The particularly important. Flistorically. scdiment or particulate
Test Method D2lAg centrifuge test method for determination control by measurement of total mass or volume has been
of free water and sediment provides a cost effective screening sufficient to determine fuel cleanlincss. However, as fuel
procedure to determine relatively high levels of free water and iniection system pressures and event precision requirenrents
sediment, but cannot measure dissolved water. ln contrast, the [including timing of injection events and multiple injections
Test Method D6304 and Test Method H1064 test methods per power strokel have increased, the fuel injection systems
measure total water content (the sum of dissolved and frec havc become lar more sensitive to particle size and amounts.
water). Diesel fuel should never contain free water at the time ASTM has developed a particle size rating procedure that
it is introduced into a vehicle or equipment fuel tank, but such describcs ptrticle size and related count information (Tcst
a result can be difficult to achieve when 'warm'fuel, saturated Method D76 l9). Utilizing the particle size and count

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TABLE x8.1 Particle Number Range Codes TABLE X8.2 Filter Beta Ratio
Range Code Chart lncomrng Outgoing
Contamrnant Contamrnant
Partrcles per mrllrhtre
Level Level
Beta Ratro Percent EFltctency
Range Code
More than Less than or Equal to (partrcles/mL) (partrcles/mL)
21 10 000 20 000 s00 000 2 50
20 5000 10 000 50 000 20 95
19 2500 5000 't3 000 75 98.7
2500 1 000 000
18 1 300 s000 200 99.5
17 640 1 300
1 000 1000 99.9
'16 320 640 100 10 000 99 99
15 160 320
'14 80 160
13 40 80
As in all filtration system designs, the flow capacity and the
cxpected contamination levcl are critical to achievc an accept-
able result. Table X8.2 provides an exanrple of filter beta
infbrmation. fuel can be characterized by range nutnbers as ratings, particulate rcmoval and percent cfficiency.
described below (referencc ISO 4406). As shown in 'I'ablc
X[i.1, the number of particles counted per milliliter of fuel X8.4 Water and Sediment Controls
defines a "Range Code". Particlcs are counted per particle sizc X8.4. I Scveral strategies may bc uscd scparatcly or in
such that the number of particles is determined that are Sreater combination to control the anrount of water and sediment that
than 4, 6, and l4 micrometers respcctively. arc ultimately dclivcred to the end uscr's fuel tank.
X8.3.1.1 For example a fuel particle characterization of X8.4.2 One potential method tbr ensuring that clean and dry
l8l16l13 would dcscribe relatively clcaner fuel containing: fucl is delivered to thc vchicle or equiprncnt is to usc high
18, 1300 to 2500 partrcles greater than or equal to 4 pm/mL volume palticulate filtration, combined with either water co-
16 320 to 640 particles greater than or equal to 6 pnr /tnl
13 40 to 80 partrcles greater than or equal to 14 pm/tnL
alescing or water absorbing capability. Such a systcm should
be designed based upon expected local fuel quality, operating
X8.3.1.2 Whereas a fucl particle charactcrization of 2ll conditions and thc customer's ncccls. Factors to bc considercd
l9117 would describe a relatively dirtier fuel containing:
may include:
21 . 1 0 000 to 20 000 parlrcles grealer or equal to than 4 Um..fnl X8.4.2. I The flow rating ftrr the filtration. coalescer, or
19: 2500 to 5000 partrcles greater than or equal to 6 Um/inl
'17, 640 to '1300 partrcles greater than or equal to 14 pm/lnL absorber being at least as high as the maximum expected fuel
transfer ratc;
X8.3.2 Filtratron specifications should includc both a mi-
X8.4.2.2 Selection of particulate filtration including both
cron rating and a beta rating. The absolute micron rating gives
the micron and beta ratings bascd upon the application;
thc size of the largest particle that will pass tluough openings
X8.4.2.3 Selection of coalescer or water absorber capable of
in the filter, although no standardized test nrethod to determine
rcrnoving visible frcc watcr in the fuel;
its value exists. ln contrast, the nominal tnisron rating de-
X8.4.2.4 An autonratic water drain system to remove sepa-
scribes the size of a typical particle that the filter will remove.
rated water.
The bcta ratirrg comes from the Multipass Method tbr Evalu-
ating Filtration Pertbrmance of a Fine Filter Element (ISO X8.4.3 Water separation through the use of a coalescer can
16889). The ratio is defincd as the pafticle count upstream be adversely affected by polar substances either inherent in the
divided by the particle count downstream at the rated particle fuel chemistry or added to the fucl. In fuel storagc and delivery
sizc. The efficiency of the filter can be calculatcd directly front systems in which such materials are anticipated:
the beta ratio because the percent capture efficiency is ((beta- X8.4.3.1 A water absorber may be preferablc (see caution in
l)/bcta) x 100. However, caution must be cxerciscd when Section Xtt.2.l), or
using beta ratios to compare filters because such ratios do not X8.4.3.2 If a coalcsccr is utilizcd, thc water contcnt in the
takc into account actual operating conditions likc flow surges, fuel should periodically be monitored downstreatn of the
mounting orientation. vibration, and changcs in tentperature. coalcscer to assurc dry fuel dclivcry to downstrcam users.

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Subcommittee D02.80 has idcntified thc location of sclcctccl changes to this standard sincc thc last issuc
(D975- l6) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Oct. 1,2016.)

(/) Added ncw dcfinition of ''additive" and "altcmative blcnd- (J) Added new subsection (r.J.
stock" and discussions of the new terms. (4) Revised subsections 7.3 and X7.5.
(2) Revised Appcndix X3 complctely.

Subcommittcc D02.E0 has identified the location of selected changcs to this standard since thc last issue
(D975 - l5c) that n'ray irnpact the use of this standard. (Approved Sept. I , 2016. )
(1.) Revised footnote I of Iirblc I

Subcommittee D02.80 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D975- l-5b) that rnay impact the usc of this standud. (Approved Oct. 1,2015.)

(/) Added Test Method D7861 to Referenced Documents and

to subsection 7.3. I .3.

Subcommittee D02.E0 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D975 - l5a) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved July l. 2015.)

/1) Revised footnote K of Table I (2) Removed *1999" from all ISO 16889 references.

ASTIi lnternatnnal takes no postlton respectng the vahdtty of any patent nghts assefied in connection with any tem menhoned
in this standatd Users ol this standard are expressly adwsed that determinatrcn of the validny ot any such patent nghts, and the nsk
ot inlringement of such nghts, are entrely their own responsibthty.

ThE standard is subpct to revision at any tme by the responsible technoal commtttee and must be rewewed every ltve years and
I not revised, eilher reapproved or wlhdrawn Your comments are nvited either for revisrcn ol thts standard ot for addittonal standatds
and should be addressed to ASTM lntemational Headquafters Your comments will receive carctul consderal@n at a meeilng ol the
responsble technoal commtttee, whtch you may attend. lf you feel that your comments have not recetved a lat hearng you should
make your wews known to the ASTM Commfttee on Standards, at the address shown below

This standard B copynghted by ASTII lnternatonal, 100 Barr Hatuor Dnve. PO Box C70O, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
Untted States. lndtvtdual reprinls (single or multiple copies) of thts standard may be obtaned by conlacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone),610-832-9555 (lax). or serwce@astmorg (e-mal), or through the ASTM websne
(www.astm org). Permtsson nghts to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copynght Clearance Center, 222
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