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Designation: D4057 - 12 awl, Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards (MPMS), Chapter 8.1 Standard Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and Petroleum Products* “This sod ised under th ed dinaon DAQST he name cl folowing he dct ints ear of ‘aia alot ia as of eis he et a ovina. A tan preiees nes eye as eagyonal A ‘open calm (indicus aa edi ehage sce he es eon o appv ‘This snr as been pp ved for oe by agence the US, Deparment of Def. INTRODUCTION ‘The previous veson ofthe mana sampling practice dessied the vaso sampling methods and spp, with much foes on eae ells and sr solids end solids Also, previous versions dd not Siguifeanly addres elosed or resticed sampling, which contin to become mere prevalent “Ts verion will provide quienes on minial singling terminology, concep, equgment, conte, procluren and wil provide gore specie gsidece related t parca predues and tea Te peed se of tho seple obit and he banding metbod, will depend on he pmpote for which has then Refer othe est ed for any apc ening ud handing reqements Cant pit of ttn Tremaine the eons ofthe asbetes forth eleva est wethed {provide uldance, or warning, regarding sample cantar section; preparation; celine es, resur,right, sample size regent for eng an otto and any pci anding Feaurenentsnocessty fo ence a representative sample tte. Talon tthe udvidal test method, for guidance on contr, ze, mixing and pei | andng fer gudance may bo povided in Practise DSES4 (APL MPS Chapter 83), Practice 15042 (APL MPLS Chop 8), ané Practice 06, Whi this protic will povde some eral \ fuldanco egvdng sample chun of cstody, Guide A840 shoul also be cone "his docuont bao been developed oily between the American Pewleum Init (AM) and , STW Inmate 1. Scope 11 This practice covers procedures and equipment for ‘muoally obtaining samples of liquid petroteum and petroleum products, crude ils, and intermediate products from the ‘sumple point into the primary container are described. Proce- ‘dures are also included for the sampling of free water and other heavy components associated with petroleum and petroleum products 1.2. This practice also addtesses the sampling of semi-liquid or solid-state petroleum products. Ths pti ewe the justin of ASTM Cone D2 on Reco foc Cui Ful, snd Labonte athe API Cannas on Pele esoucsent a ite dot eps ofSabeoeainee DORE CON on Hyaioston Messmer fr Cosy Tse Ue ASTACAPD. Ths pte fasten proved bythe spose commens se aceaped by the Copan ‘Selden natant ented procedures Tas pose was sd 82 oat ASTULAPI strc 9198 ‘imeat eon spol Det. 1, 2012. Pablihed Oster 201. Osa qed ie 1961, Lat roves ein oproved In 2011 a 0405706 291), BOL laaseppeasta2 " 1.3 This practice provides additional specific information about sample contsiner selection, preparation, and sample bandling 14 This practice does not cover sapling of electrical ingalating oils and hydravlic fuids. If sampling, i for the precise determination of volatility, use Practice DS842 (APL MPMS Chapter 84) in conjunction with this practice. For sample mixing and handling, refer to Practice D5854 (APL MPS Chapter 8.3), LS ‘The procedures desotibed in this practice may also be applicable in sampling most nos-corosive liquid industrial chemicals provided that ll safety precautions specific to these chemicals ae followed. Also, refer to Practice E300. The procedures described in this practice are also applicable to sampling liquefied petroleum gases and chemicals, Also refer to Practices D1265 and D3700. ‘The procedure for sampling bituminous materials is described in Practice D140. Practice 1D4306 provides guidauce on sample containers and prepare tion for sampling aviation fol. coy 6 ATH nent 100 Hai Be, PO Soc 7, Ve Cohan, PA EDI Ut Ses DELEK-00186- Gy osos7 —12 1.6 Units—The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. USC units are reflected in parentheses. 1.) This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user ofthis standard to establish appro- priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. 2, Referenced Documents 21 ASTI Standards:? ‘86 Test Method for Distilation of Petroleum Products at Atmospheric Pressure 197 Test Method for Pour Point of Petroleum Products ‘D140 Practice for Sampling Bituminous Materials D217 Test Methods for Cone Penetration of Lubricating Grease [D244 Test Methods and Practices for Emulsified Asphalts D268 Guide for Sampling and Testing Volatile Solvents and (Chemical Intermediates for Use in Paint and Related Coatings and Material 1287 Test Method for API Gravity of Crude Petroleum and Perroleum Products (Hydrometer Method) 11323 Test Method for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products (Reid Method) 1346 Practice for Collection and Preparation of Coke ‘Samples for Laboratory Analysis 45 Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent ‘and Opaque Liquids (end Calculation of Dynamic Viscos- iy) [D473 Test Method for Sediment in Crude Oils and Fuel Oils by the Extraction Method (APL MPMS Chapter 10.1) D664 Test Method for Acid Number of Petroleum Products by Potentiometric Titration D977 Specification for Emulsified Asphalt 'D1265 Practice for Sampling Liguefied Petroleum (LP) Gases, Manval Method 11267 Test Method for Gage Vapor Pressure of Liquefied Petroleurn (LP) Gases (LP-Gas Method) 11298 Test Method for Density, Relative Density, or APE Gravity of Crade Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Prod- ‘uols by Hydrometer Method (API MPMS Chapter 9.1) 1651 Test Method for Density or Relative Density of Light Hydrocarbons by Pressure Hydrometer (API MPMS Chapter 9.2) 11838 Test Method for Copper Strip Corrosion by Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases [1856 Test Method for Recovery of Asphalt From Solution ‘by Abson Method 2172 Test Methods for Quantitative Extraction of Bitumen From Bituminous Paving Mixtures 12622 Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Produets by ‘Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry 13230 Test Method for Salts in Crude Oil (Electrometric Method) "For welerenced ASTA Hens, vis the ASTI wes, wows. oF comin ASTRA Coto Seve a ence sear, For Atl Book ef ATH ‘Sta volume norton, tote eins Dosen Suse ge on Beast wet 13700 Practice for Obtaining LPG Samples Using a Flost- ing Piston Cylinder 14006 Test Method for Water in Cride Oil by Distillation (APLMPMS Chapter 10.2) 14007 Test Method for Water and Sediment in Crade Oil by the Centrifuge Method (Laboratory Procedure) (APL ‘MPMS Chapter 10.3) 4177 Practice for Automatic Sampling of Petoleum and Petroleum Products (API MPMS Chapter 8.2) 14294 Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum and Petroleum Products by Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spec ‘wometry 14306 Practice for Aviation Fuel Sample Containers for ‘Tests Affected by Trace Contamination 14377 Test Method for Water in Crude Oils by Potentiomet- rie Karl Fischer Titration (APL MPMS Chapter 10.7) 14530 Test Method for Determination of Carbon Residue ‘(Micro Method) 14629 Test Method for ‘Trace Nitrogen in Liguid Petroleum “Hydrocarbons by Syringe/Inlet Oxidative Combustion and Chemiluminescence Detection 14807 Test Method for Sediment in Crude Oil by Mem- brane Filtration (API MPMS Chapter 10.8) 14840 Guide for Sample Chain-of-Custody Procedures 'D4928 Test Method for Water in Crude Oils by Coulomettic Karl Fischer Titration (API MPMS Chapter 10.9) 14929 Test Methods for Determination of Organic Chloride Content in Crude Oi 15002 Test Method for Density and Relative Density of (Crude Oils by Digital Density Analyzer S191 Test Method for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Prod- ‘ts (Mini Method) S762 Test Method for Nitrogen in Petroleum and Petro- eum Products by Bout-Inlet Chemiluminescence (D5842.Practice for Sampling and Handling of Fuels for Volatility Measurement (API MPS Chapter 84) D853 Test Method for Pour Point of Crude Oils 'D5854 Practice for Mixing and Fiandling of Liquid Samples ‘of Petroleum and Petroleum Products (API MPS Chap- ter 83) S863 Test Methods for Determination of Nickel, ‘Vanadivm, Iron, and Sodivm in Crude Oils and Residual Fuels by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry 16299 Practice for Applying Statistical Quality Assurance ‘and Control Charting Techniques to Evaluate Analytical ‘Measurement System Performance 16377 Test Method for Determination of Vapor Pressure of Crude Oil: VPCR, (Expansion Method) 16470 Test Method for Salt in Crude Oils (Potentiometric Method) 16560 Test Method for Determination of Asphaltenes (Hep ‘ane Insolubles) in Crude Petroleum and Petroleum Prod- ets 16822 Test Meibod for Density, Relative Density, and API Gravity of Crude Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Prod- ‘wets by Thermohydrometer Method (API MPMS Chapter 93) DELEK-00187- yp vs0s7 12 106849 Practioe for Storage and Use of Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG) in Sample Cylinders for LPG ‘Test Methods 7160 Test Method for Boiling Point Distibution of ‘Samples with Residues Such as Crude Oils and Atmo- spheric and Vacuum Residues by High Temperature Gas Chromatography - {5300 Practice for Sampling Industrial Chemicals 13882 Guide for Accountabitity and Quality Control in the Chemical Analysis Laboratory 2.2 API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards:? ‘MPMS Chapter 8.2 Automatic Sampling of Petroleum and Petzoloum Products (ASTM Practice D417) (MMS Chapter 8.3 Standard Practice for Mixing and Han ling of Liquid Samples of Petroleum and Petroleum Products (ASTM Practice DS854) (MPMS Chapter 8.4. Standard Practice for the Sampling and Handling of Fuels for Volatility Measurements (ASTM Practice DS842) MPMS Chapter 9.1 Standard Test Method for Density, Rela- tive Density (Specific Gravity), or API Gravity of Crode Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum (ASTM ‘Test Method 1298) MEMS Chapter 9.2 Standard ‘Test Method for Density or Rolative Density of Light Hydrocarbons by Prossure Hydrometer (ASTM ‘Test Method D1657) [MPMS Chaptet 9.3 Standard Test Method for Density, Rela tive Density, and API Gravity of Crude Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products by Theemohydrometer Method (ASTM Test Method D6822) MPMS Chapter 10,1 Standard Test Method for Sediment in ‘Crude Oils and Fuel Oils by the Extraction Method (ASTM Test Method D473) MPMS Chapter 10:2 Standard Test Motbod for Water in Crude Oil by Distillation (ASEM Test Method D4006) MPMS Chapter 10.3 Standard Test Method for Water and ‘Sediment in Crude Oil by the Centrifuge Method (Labo- ratory Procedure) (ASTM Test Method D4007) MPMS Chapter 10.4 Standard Test Method for Water and ‘Sediment in Crude Oil by the Centrifuge Method (Labo- ratory Procedure) MPMS Chapter 10:7 Standard Test Method for Water in Crude Oils by Potentiometric Karl Fischer Titration (ASIM Test Method D4377) MPMS Chapter 10.8 Standard ‘Test Method for Water in ‘Crude Oils by Potentiometric Karl Fischer Titation (ASTM Test Method D4807) MPMS Chapter 10.9 Standard Test Method for Water in ‘Crude Oils by Coulometric Karl Fischer Titration (ASTM ‘Test Method D4928) MPS Chapter 14.6 Pressure Pycnometer ‘MPMS Chapter 17.1 Guidelines for Marine Cargo Inspection MPMS Chapter 17.2 Measurement of Cargoes Aboard Ma- rine Tank Vessels MPMS Chapter 18.1, Measurement Procedores for Crude Oi! Gathered from Small Tanks By Truck Sie toms Ameen Palen Innis (APR, 1220 L. St, NW, wastgin, DE 254070, pte 2.3 Gas Processors Association (GEA) Standavds:* GPA $ 2174 Obtaining Liquid Hydrocarbon Samples for "Analysis by Gas Chromatograph 24 Other Publications: UOPIES Hydrogen Sulfide and Merceptan Sulfer in Liqoid ‘Hydrocarbons by Potentiometric Titration” 49 CER 173 Shippers—General Requiremeats for Ship- ments and Packagings® 3. Terminology 3.1 Definitions: 3.1.1 assay, nthe procedure to determine the presence, absence, or quantity of one ar more components, 3.1.2 automeite sampler, n—a device used to extract a representative sample from the liquid flowing in « pipes the ‘automatic sampler generally consists of a probe, & sample fextactor, an associated controller, a flow measuring device, and a sample receive. 313 bubble paint, n—the pressure at which the frst bubble ‘of vapor forms isthe bubble point when the pressure is lowered fon a ligaid held at a constant temaperatace. Discussion—Bubble point pressures are higher at high temperatures, 3.14 density, n—for a quantity of a homogencous substance, the rato of ts mass tits volume. The density varies fs the temperature changes and is, therefore, generally ex- pressed as the mass per unit of volume at a specified fempera- tore. 3.1.5 dissolved water, n—water in solution in petroleum and petroleum products. 3.1.6 emulsion, n—a suspension of fine particles or lobules, or both, of one or more ligaids in another liquid, 3.1.7 entrained water, n—water suspended in the petroleum. ‘and pewoleam prodnets. Entrained water includes emulsions ‘ut does not include dissolved water. 3.18 free water, n—water that exists as a separate phase. 3.1.9 flash point, n—in petrolewn products, the lowest temperature corrected to a barometric pressure of 1013 KPa (760 mmm Hy), at which application of an ignition sonree causes, the vapors of a specimen of the sample to ignite under specified conditions of test. 3.1.10 floating piston (variable volume) cylinder (FPC), noa high presoure sample container, with a free floating jnternal piston that effectively divides the container into two soparate compartment 34.11 high pressure cylinder n—a receptacle used for storage and transportation of a sample obtained at pressures above atmospheric pressure. “pial om Gu Processes Asscion (GPS), 6526260 St Tats, OK “1415 hipliregaacesers con Raitt tow ASTI itraonl Viste ASTM Webs, wri xg orcomact ASTM Cnr Sonic a evce OOo . Sle fous U.S, Govemnen Prniag Oe Speedie of Dsewcss sa We Gad NV, Mal Sop! SOE, Wasingen, OC 2040), Ne DELEK-00 188- FIG, 1 Example ofa Fixed Volume Cyfinder with an Outage Tube 3.112 inert gas, n—a gas that does not react with its surroundings. 3.1.13 inerting, va procedure used to reduce the axygen content ofthe vapor spaces by introducing en inest gas such as nitrogen or carbon dioxide or a mixture of gases such as ‘processed flue gos. 3,114 intermediate sample container, n—a container into which all or pert of the sample from a primary container (receiver) is transferred for transport, storage, or ease of handling. 3.L.15 LPG (liquefied petroleum gas), n—narrow boiling range hydrocarbon mixtures consisting mainly of propane or ‘propylene, or both, and botanes or butylenes, or both, plus ‘imited amounts of other hydrocarbons and naturally-occurting, ‘non- hydrocarbons. 3.1.16 maximum fill density (reduced fll density), n—the vvolame of a container occupied by the sample, usually ex- pressed as a percentage of the totsl capacity. Transportation legislation such a8 U.S. CFR 49, Canadian Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations, and IATA regulations limit the percent fil of containers used for shipping LPG and may quote this requirement a8 redneed fl density or maximam fil density (normally 80 % maximum liquid fll at 15°C). Lower ‘percent fil (owor fll density) may be requized if sampling at ower temperatures. 3.1.17 on-board quantity (OBQ), n—the material present in 1 vessel's cargo tanks, void spaces, and pipelines before the vessel is loaded. On-board quantity may include any combi nation of water ol, slops, oil residue, oil)water emulsion, and sediment. 3.1.18 outage tube (internal), .n—a “cut to length” tbe placed inside of the eylinder used as « way to remove excess sample from the cylinder via manual evacuation after the sample eylinder assembly is removed from the sample point Refer to Fig, 1 and Fig. 2 3.1.19 portable manuat seampling unit, PSU, n—an intcinsi- ctily sae device nsed in conjunction with a vapor control valve to obtain required cargo simples under closed or resticted system conditions. Refer to Fig, 3 and Fig. 4 3.1.20 primary sample container, n—a contsiner in which a sample i initially collected. Discussion—Examples of primary sample contain- crs include glass and plastic bottles, cans, core-type thief, and fixed and portable sample containers (receivers). 3.121 remaining on Doard, ROB, nthe material remaining fn a vessel's cargo tanks, void spaces, and pipelines after the cargo is discharged. Remaining on board quantity may include ny combination of water, oil, slops, oil residue, oil/water ‘emulsions, and sediment. |” 3.1.22 sample, n—0 postion extracted from a total volume that may of may xot contain the constituents in the same proportions that are present in that totel volume. 3.1.23 sample loop (fast loop or slip stream), n—a tow volume bypass diveried from the main pipeline. 3.1.24 sampling, v—all the steps required to obtain a sample that i representative ofthe contents of any pipe, tank, or other ‘vessel and to place that sample in a container from which @ representative test specimen can be tsken for analysis 31.25 slip tube, n—a graduated hollow tod fitted into a ‘gas-tight housing, the lower end of whici is open to the.cargo's contents and the upper end is fitted with a valve. 3.1.26 standplpes, n—the vertical sections of pipe or tobing used for gauging extending from the gauging platform to near the bottom of tanks that are equipped with extemal or internal Aoating 1008 Standpipes may also be found on marine vessels. Standpipes are also known as “sllling wells’ or “gauge wells.” Standpipes without slots do not allow the free flow of product tirongh the standpipo, and are known as solid or uaslotted standpipes. DELEK-00189- Af a0s7 12 Key 1 sample point control valve 2 vent / purge valve 3 liquid valve cylinder inlet 4 outage valve 5 pressure relief 6 tubing 2 To liquid valve cylinder inlet b Product source FIG. 2 Example ofa Fixed Volume Cylinder and Transter Line FIG. 8 Examples of a Small Volume (5 em (2 In3) and a Large Volume PSU (10 cm (4 3.1.27 ullage (outage), n—the volume of available space in ‘a container unoceupied by contents. 3.1.28 vopor control valve, VCV, n—a valve fitted on a standpipe, expansion trunk, or the deck that permits use of the portable handheld gauging/sampling instruments while re- Suiting the release of vapors into the atmosphere. 3.1.29 vapor pressure, n—the pressure exerted by the vapor of «liquid when in equilibrium withthe liquid. 3.1.29. Reid vapor pressure, RVP, n-—vesultant total pres- sure reading, corrected for measuring error, of & specific » empirical test method (Test Method D323) for measuring the ‘vapor pressure of gasoline and other volatile products, true vapor pressure, TVP, n—the pressure at which the fuid is in equilibrium between its liquid and gas state, ‘Sample Types 3.1.30 all-levels sample, n—a sample obiained by lowering the closed sampling device fo the bottom of the outlet suction level, but always above free water, then opening the sampler snd raising i ata uniform rate such that it is between 70 and. DELEK-00190- 85 % foll when withdrawn from the product. Alternatively, all-evels samples may be taken with samplers designed for filing as they pass downward through the product. Discussion—If required by the test method, the sampler may be greater than 85‘ full when withdrawn but in ‘no case shall it Be completely full In these cases, take special handling precautions to consider the hazards associated with ‘product thermal expansion, 3,131 boring sample, na sample of the material contained in a barrel, case, bag, or cake that is obtained fom the chips created by boring holes into the material with a ship auger. 3.1.32 bottom sample, xa spot sample collected from the material at the bottom of the tank, container, ot line at its lowest point. In practice, the term bottom sample has «variety ‘of meanings. As a result, itis recommended that the exact ‘sampling location (for example 15 em (6 in) from the bottom) should be specified when using this term, See Fig. 5. 3.1.33 Bottom water sample, n—a spot sample of free water taken from beneath the petoleum contained in a ship or barge compartment or a storage tank. 3.1.34 clearance sample, n—a spot sample taken with the inlet opening of the sanupling device 10 cm (4 in) (Gome regulatory agencies require 15 em (6 in.)) below the bottom of, the tank outlet. This term is normally associated with small (159 m? (1000 barrels) or ess) tanks, commonly referred to as Tease tanks, 31.35 composite sample, n—a sample prepared by combin- ing a number of samples and teated as a single sample. Also refer to “tank composite sample,” “volumetric composite sainple,” “deck composite sample.” end “multiple tank com- posite sample” definitions. 3.1.36 core sample, n—a sample of uniform cross-sectional area taken at a given height in tank, 3.1.37 dead bottom sample, n—a sample obtzined from the lowest accessible point ina tank. Ths i typically direcly from the floor (or datum plate) ofthe shoce tank ox the bottom of the ‘vessel compartment 3.1.38 deck composite sample, n—a sarople typically made by compositing a portion of each sample obtained from all vessel compastinents containing a particular product grade. Key 4 Top semple 6 Suction lve or outet samples 2 Surface of product 7 Lower sample 3 Skim sample 8 Bottom sample 4 Upper somple 9 Sump sample 5 Middle sample FIG, 5 tustration of Common Spot Sample Positions 3.1.39 dipper sample, n—a sample obtained by placing 0 dipper or other colleting vessel in the path of a free-flowing stream to collect a definite volome from the ful erss section ofthe stream at regular time intervals for a constant time rate fof flow or at time intervals vacied in proportion tothe flow rat. 3.1.40 drain sample, n—a sample obtained from the water draw-of valve on a storage tank vessel or container. Occasionally, a deain sample may be the same as a bottom sample (for example, in the case of a tank ca). 3.141 floating roof sample, n—a spot sample taken just ‘below the surface to determine the density (API gravity) ofthe liquid on which the roof is floating. 3142 grab sample, n—(a) solid—a sample obtained by collecting equal quantities from parts or packages of a ship- ‘ment of loose solids so thatthe sample is representative ofthe ment. 2) liguid—a sample collected at a specific location in a tank or from a flowing stream in a pipe at a specific time. DELEK-00191~ My o10s7 ~ 12 ‘TABLE 1 Sampling from Horizontal Cylinrleal Tanks Tait be ea Da Sonn Lee Gal lanotr above Goten) Gonpoate Sara Proprional Pane Teer ‘ile tone Tipe io woe 1 0 ‘© 20 2 7 = 0 a Ey 2 3 4 3 = n =o 2 2 5 3 = * 2 4 é ° : » 2 % = : 15 2 : i 2 7 to : : 0 0 5 0 3.143 grease sample, n—obtained by scooping or dipping a quantity of soft or semiliguid matetial contained from a package in a representative manner, 3.1.44 loading zone sample, n—a sample taken fiom a tank prior to commencement of a transfer, intended to represent only the product expected to be transferred. 3.1.45 lower sample, n—a spot sample of liquid from the middle of the lower one-third ofthe tank's content (a distance of five-sixths of the depth liquid below the liquids surface. See Fig. 5. 31.46 middle sample, n—a spot sample taken from the middle ofa tank's contents (a distance of one half ofthe depth ‘of liquid below the liquid’s surface). See Fig. 5. 3.1.47 multiple tank composite sample, n—a mixture of individual samples or composites of samples that have been obtained from several tanks or chipbsrge compartments con- ‘taining the same grade of material, The mixture is blended typically in proportion to the volume of matesial contained in the respective tanks or compartments 3.148 representative sample, n—a portion extracted from the total volume that contains the constituents in the same proportions that are present in that total volume. 3.149 running sample, n—a sample obtained by lowering ‘an open sampling device to the bottom of the outlet suction Tevel, but always above free water, and returning it fo the top of the product at a uniform rate such that the sampling deviee is between 70 and 85 % full when withdawn from the product. Discussion—If required by the test method, the sampler may be greater than 85 % fll when withdrawn but in ro case shail it be completely fll. In these cases, take special handling precautions to consider the hazards associated with product thermal expansion, 3.1.50 spot sample, n—a sample taken ata specific location in a tank or from a flowing stream in a pipe at a speciic time. 3.1.51 suction sample (outlet), n—a spot sample taken atthe lowest level from which product is expected to be pamped from the tank; see Fig. 5. 3.1.52 sump sample, n—spot sample taken from within the tank or vessel compartment sump; see Fig. 5. 3.1.53 surface sample (skim sample), i—a spot saimple skimmed from the surface of a liquid in a tank. See Fig. 5 3.1.54 tank composite sample, n—a blend created from 2 single tank, as an example combining the upper, middle, and lower samples, For a tank of uniform cross section, suc ax an upright eylindvieal tank, the blend consists of equal pats ofthe three samples. A combination of other samples may also be ‘used, such gs rang, all-levels or additional spot samples. For ‘2 horizontal cylindrical tant, the blend consists of samples in the proportions shown in Table 1. 3.1.55 tank tap sample, n—a spot sample takea from 8 sample tap on the side of & tank. It may also be referred to a5, 1 tankcside sample. 3.1.56 test specimen, n— representative sub-sample taken from the primary or intermediate sample container for analysis. 3.1.57 top sample, n—a spot sample obtained 15 em (6 in) ‘below the top surface of the liquid. See Fig. 5. 3.1.58 tube sample (thief sample), n—a sample obtained with @ sampling tube or special thief, either as a core sample or spot sample, from a specific point in the tank or container. 3.1.59 upper sample, n—a spot sample taken from the middle ofthe upper one third of the tank's contents (a distance ff one-sixth of the depth of the liquid below the liguid’s surface). See Fig. 5. 3.1.60 volumetric composite sample, n—a sainple consisting cof measured proportional parts from each zone if itis for @ single tank, Ifthe volumetric composite is for multiple tanks, fo vessel compartments, it consists of measured proportionel parts from each tank or compartment sampled. 3.1.61 zone sample, n—a sample taken as that part of the Tigoid column that js wapped within the whole height of a sampling device when it i sealed at a single spot location ‘within a tank after having been fully fushed as it was lowered to that postion. 4 ignifieance and Use 421 Samples of petroleum and petroleum products are ob- tained for meay reasons, including the determination of chemi- cal and physical propertis. These properties may be used for: calculating standard volumes; establishing product value; end often safety and regulatory reporting. 42 "There are inheront limitations when performing any type ‘of sampling, any one of which may affect the representative nature of the sample. As examples, a spot sample provides sample from only one paricalar point in the tank, vessel compartinent, or pipeline. In the case of running or al-level DELEK-00192- lp ov0s7—12 FIG, 6 Typical Sample Carror samples, the sample only represents the column of material from which it was taken. 43 Based on the product, and testing to be performed, this practice provides guidance on sampling equipment, container ‘preparation, and manual sampling procedures for petroleum ‘and petroletm produots of a liquid, semi-ligaid, or solid state, from the storage tanks, flowlines, pipelines, marine vessels, process vessels, drums, cans, tubes, bags, ketles, and open ischarge streams into the primary sample container. 5. Health and Safety Precautions 5.1 Generai—This practice does not purport to cover all safety and health aspects associated with sampling. Personne! involved with samgling of petroleum and petroleum-related predicts should be familiar with their physical and chemical Characteristics, including: potential for fire, explosion, and reactivity; toxicity and health hazards; and approps ‘geney procedures. Additionally personne! shovid comply with individual company safe operating practices and loca, state, ‘ancl nations} regulations, including the use of personal protec- ‘ive equipmeat (PPE).' Upon completion of any sampling activity, ensure the sample point is left in a safe, secure, and ‘clean condition with the handling of any waste in accordance ‘with local requirements. All marine vessel sampling should be performed in the presence of a designated vessel representa- tive 5.2 Sample Handling—For safety and protection of the integrity of the samples, sample carriecs are suggested in most instances, Refer to Fig. 6. Because of potential liquid thermal ‘expansion, sample containers that are completely, or nearly fall, ace not 1o be transported or stored, unless special precau- tionary measures are tnken. A safe fill of between 70 and 85 9% is recommended. Refer to definition far maximum fill density ‘and 9.30 for safe Ail of pressurized cylinders. Take cate to void heating samples in containers with gas-tight caps, lids, tnd stoppers. Handle any sample containing hazardous mate- tials or the residue of hazardous materials offered for shipment! transportation by air, public roadway, rail, or water in such & manner a5 to ensure compliance with requirements such 28 training, documentation, labeling, container, packaging, communications, and so forth, set forth in applicable regulations, such as those issued by the International Air ‘Transport Association (IATA) and the U.S. Department of ‘Transportation (DOT), 5.3 Sample Point Safeny: ‘5.3.1 Provide sample points that enable samples to be taken in a safe manner, considering ventilation during sampling, clear access/egress, and lighting. Any potential hazards asso- ciated with sampling, or located near the sample point, should be clearly markod, It is recommended that a pressore gouge and a method of closed Joop finshing with safe drainage, be provided at pipeline sample points. Sample points and related equipment should be maintsined and inspected regulary. 5.3.2 Floating-roof tanks should be sampled from the top platform, thereby avoiding descent onto the floating root. Descending onto a floating roof is nomally considered enter- ing @ designated confined space, requiving all feclity and regulatory requirements to be strictly followed, including obtaining a confined space permit, and rescue provisions fcranged. Toxic and flammable vapors may accumlate on the roof, 5 Static Electricity Hazards: 54.1. A number of fies and explosions have occurred as @ result of hydrocarbon vapors being ignited by statio electricity. AE electrical charges are not earthed or grounded, they are tunable to dissipate and become “static.” This static electric charge can accumulate and freely migrate to a single point on the sample container by difference in cectrical potential, then jump off as a high-energy spark discharge to a nearby less charged surface, often hot and prolonged enough to ignite nearby hydrocarbon vapors above the lower explosive limit (LEL), This potential shall be managed by safely dissipating static charges, and through proper grounding, when sampling fammable products. 5.4.2 Footwear or clothing, capable of causing sparks, should not to be wom daring sampling activities in which Fammuable vapors are likely to be present. Sampling should not be carried out ducing periods of atmospheric electric distur- bance or hail storms. To ground any static charge on their person, the individual pecforming the sampling should touch part of the tanle structure at least 1 m (3 ft) from the sample point immediately before sampling, 5.4.3 Precautions are to be observed before sampling to reduce the likelihood of a static charge being present. During tank filling or mixing operations, and for 30 min after the completion, sazpling equipment shall not be introduced into, fr remain in, the tank. With full observance of applicable regulatory requirements, and only under very specific and documented conditions, some exceptions to the 30-min relax ation period may apply. Some tanks and vessel compartinents have inert gas blankets in the vapor space above the liquid. Unless the effectiveness of the inert blanket can be verified, all static charge precautions and recommendations should be observed, DELEK-00193- fy o4os7 - 12 544 Bxercise caution when using equipment made of laminom, magnesiom, of titanium, which may generate in- cendiary sparks when struck against rusted steel. Some coun- tees restrict the use of sampling equiproent made from such ‘materials or from alloys containing more than 15 % (vem) in {ofal of these metals or 6 % (m/m) of magnesium. 55 Pipeline/Line Sampling—When sampling from a flow: ‘ng pipeline, misintain electtical continuity between the pipe- line and the sample container via the connecting pipework. Do not use plastic containers since they are non-conductive and will not dissipate statio electricity. Use a static grounding latop of other serangement that ensures adequate clettical ‘continuity is maintained if sampling with a metal container. An effective ground should be verified. Nore 1—The API sxfey publication Protetien Against Igitons ‘Arslog Oot of Stic, Lighting, and Stay Carron ses ha lectest Tessances of higher tan 10 mata eels are idiatve of «break in {he comtity ofthe cul reauting inthe undesirable ceumulton of te elect” 56 General Health Hozards and Precautlon 5.6.1 Petroleum vapor dilutes oxygen in the air and may also be toxic, Hydrogen sulfide vapors are particularly hzard- ‘ous, Harmful vapors or oxygen deficiency cannot always be detected by smell, visual inspection, or judgment. The use of ‘oxygen and toxic gas monitors, PPE, and emergency reseve precautions should be considered for all sampling operations Self-contained breathing apparetas (SCBA) may be necessery. Personnel should position themselves upwind of the sample ‘point to minimize exposure to any harmnful vapor which may be released. 5.6.2 This discussion on safety and health is not exhaustive. “The appropriate Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), API, or ASTM International publication should be consulted, together ‘ith applicable regulatory requirements, and the International Safety Guide for Oi Tankers and Terminals (ISGOTT)* Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), and Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIME),"° while always observing company tnd local healta and safety requirements 6, Apparatus 6.1 General Sample Container Design Considerations: 6.1.1 Sample containers come in a variety of shapes, sizes, ‘and materials. Select the proper container based on the product to be sampled to ensure that there will be no interaction between the product sampled and the container that would affect the integrity of either. The following are general design considerations for sample containers: No internal pockets or dend spots; GLL2 Internal surfaces designed to minimize corrosion, encrustation, and water/sediment clingage; * Praton Ait Ii Arising Out of Sai, Ligh nd Say upon, lon, Aaa Peolous sles, Wasingoe, DC, 208 mero! Sey Cn fo Ol oer and eral SGOT, Nypesion Boats, 2006 "rmetoal Convetn fi the Salty of Life at See (SOA), Intend Masti Orion, Landon, UK, 178 ‘Arie for CA Corps Intatoal Mace Fens (OCMP, 79 (cea An's Gam London SHIN 980, DAC, Bipulawnceint son. FIG. 7 Amber and Clear Boston Round Bottles 6.1.13 An inspection coverlelosure of sofficient size to ‘clue fling, inspection, and cleaning: G-LLA Designed to. allow the pepaction, and transfer to tuo malyial apparates, of a homogeneous mixture of the ample while minizng th los of any eonsttuets hat affect the representatvenes ofthe snmp and the accuracy of the falta tox. 1.2 Additional considerations inthe selection of sample containers are the type of mixing required before transferring fom the primary consiner, andthe analysis to be performed, To fifa te discussion on proper handling and mixing of unples, sample containers are Tefered to as either primary ot fntermediois containers, Regardless of the type of sample ontuine used, the sample container shoul be large enongh to onan the reuired sample volome and sficient allege space for thermal expansion and mixing ofthe sample “6.1.3 While this practice s meant to provide some guidance rele to particular products and test, it remains the fespon- iliyy of te subcommittee forthe relevant test metho to provide specific guidance regarding, sample container Eeloaion, preparation, cleanliness, and sample size requie~ tents for testing and rotetion Also sefer to Practice DS8S4 (APL MPMS Chupter 8.3, Practice DSR42 (APL MP2S Chap- ter 84), and Practice D406 62 Class Bortles—See Fig 7. Glass containers ae suitable for many sample test and storage requirements. Clear glass botes can be easily exarnined visually for cleanliness, and DELEK-00194- 1 | Gp osos7 —12 allow for visual inspection of the sample for haze (cloudiness), discoloration, free water, snd solid impurities. The brown glass bottle affords some protection to the samples when light may alfect the test resulls. Refer to Practice DS8S4 (API MPMS Chapter 8.3). 63 Cans—When using cans, any seams shall have been soldered on the exterior surfaces with a flux of rosin in a Suitable solvent. Such a flax is easily removed with gasoline, ‘whereas many others are very difficult to remove. Cans made Of stainless stel with welded seams, and aluminum» botles, ate suitable for many sampling operations, but cleantiness is stil oquired. Minute tnces of flux may contaminate the sample 50 that results obtained on tests sueh as dielectric strength, oxidation resistance, and sludge formation may be erroneous. For aviation Fuel sampling, refer to Practice D4306. 64 Plastic Bottles—In general, plastic bottles made of svitable material may be used for the handling and storage of ‘iesel oil, fuel cil, and lubricating oil. Bottles of this type ‘should not be used for gasoline, aviation jet fuel, kerosene, texude oil, white spitit, medicinal white of, or other petroleum products’ unless testing indicates there is no" problem with Solubility, contamination, or loss of light components. In no circumstances hall aoolinear (conventional) polyethylene Containers be used to store samples of liquid hydrocarbons. “This i to avoid sample contamination or sample bottle failure, ‘Used engine oil samples that may have been subjected fo fuel dilution should not be stored in plastic containers. Plastic Doitles do have an advantage in that they will not shatter lke glass or corrode like metal containers, 65 Container Closures: 65.1 Serew caps made of a material that will not deteriorate ‘or contaminate the sample are to be used for giass bottles. ‘Serew caps should provide a vaportight seal. Use care whea ‘sing cork stoppers. Situations in which cocks should not be ‘used include: liquids in which loss of light ends may affect any test results; and liguids that are hygroscopic or have & ow-water content specification. Rubber stoppers are not to be used. {65.2 Cans and plastic boltles should be closed with screw caps made of the same material as the container. Protect can ‘erew caps with a disk faced with a material that will not ‘deteriorate or contaminate the sample when used to store or transport samples. Consideration of closure type is important for samples in which vapor loss will affoct the test results. ‘Screw caps of a quality that provide a vapor-tight closure ‘should be used for plastic bottles and cans. Use screw caps for ‘containers used to take samples that will be tested for density or API gravity. 66 Container Cleanliness—Sample containers shall be ‘lean and free from all substances that might contaminate the product being sampled (such as water, dir, lint, washing Compounds, naphtha and other solvents, soldering finxes, ‘acids, rast, end ol). Reusable containers shall be eleaned by & ‘method that has been determined as acceptable for the intended tse, for example by rinsing with a suitable solvent, Dry the container, for example either by passing a current of clean ‘warm aic through the container or placing itn # hot, dust-free ‘cabinet at 40°C (104°F) or higher. When dry, stopper or cap the ‘Container. Northally, it is not necessary to wash new containers. 6:1 Container Compatibility for Sample Mizing—The sample container should be compatible with the mixing system for remixing samples to ensuse that & homogenous sample is transferred {0 an inlermediate container or the analytical apparatus. This is particularly critical with crude oi, some black products, and condeasates for sediment and water (S & {W) analysis. Cylindrical containers are generally better suited. for samples that are to be tested for § & W. Refer to Practive 5854 (API MPMS Chapter 8.3) for sample mixing and handling requirements. 63 Law Pressure Variable Volume Containers—Law pres- re variable volume sample container designs include collaps- ible plastics containers, bladders, and vessels fied with a exible internal diaphragm. Before use, variable, volume ample containers are normally collapsed, evacuated or re- duced to the nominal zero volume, The sample container size is dependent on the quantity required for analysis (end/or felention). Prior to use, it may be appropriate to rinse the Sample containers with the product being sampled, in erder to ‘void contamination from previous sample residue and/or Solvents used to clean the low pressure variable volume containers. The sample should be transported to the laboratory jn the container in which it was originally obtained (the primary sample container). Plastics containers are not reeom- fended for long-term sarnple storage, unless it has been demonstrated that the plastic is suitable (that is, compatible ‘with the sample) go that the integrity of the sample is not compromised. (Warning—The use of containers mado of rowlinear polyethylene may lead to sample contamination and/or sample container failure.) 69 High Pressure Spot Sampling Systems and Cylinders: 69.1 Sample System Companenis—All equipment, such 1s transfer Tines, valves and pressure. gages, associated with ‘sampling shall be corrosion resistant and designed consistent with the maximm anticipated prossure. Experience bas shown that the transfer linos should have a minimum internal diameter of 3 mm (% in) sortinal and be a short as practical to fninimize line blockage or sample vaporization, or botb. The tse of filters, dryers, needle valves and related equipment are rol recommended, unless provisions are made to prevent excessive flow restriction and pressure drop. It is recom- mended to use aT" junction with a purge valve atthe sample ‘connection point to allow purging of the dead voluine at the sampler connection. Flexible hose or tubing with adequate pressure rating may be used. 69.2 Cylinders—Migh pressure cylinders are used for the collection of light liquid hydrocarbons. and gas samples and ‘subsequent transportation and storege. ‘Typical light liquid ‘hydrocarton sample containers are fixed volume cylinders or foating-piston cylinders (HPCs). Refer to Practices D1265, 13700, and D6849. Fixed Volume Cylinder 69.2.1 Fixed volume sample cylinders are 2lso known as single cavity sample cylinders or spun cylinders. Refer to Fig, 1 and Fig. 2. DELEK-00195- Key 1 pressure gouge 2 caning handle 3 magne lnaeator 4vave $5 foting piston 6 pressure ole device FIG. 8 Example of Single Floating Piston (Variable Votume) Cytinder (FPC) Valves—Fixed volume sample cylinders are typi- celly available with either one or two valves serving as cylinder inlet and outlet valves. Recommend using two-valve fixed ‘volume semple cylinders due (0 their ease of cleaning and purging prior to sampling, For repeated use, itis recommended that one-valve fixed volume sample cylinders be used for only fone prodoct, due to difficulty in cleaning. (69.23 Inemal Outage (Ullage) Tubes—It is recommend that ficed volume eylinders be equipped with an internal outage {allage) tube, designed to provide a vapor space of typically 20% of the oylinder capacity, allowing for liquid thermal expansion. The end of the cylinder fitted with the outage (allage) tobe shall be clearly marked. If the cylinder doos not hhave an internal outage (ullage) tube, use alternative purging and venting procedures to oblaina minimum 20 % ullage in the cylinder. An internal outage tube within a fixed volume sample cylinder may also be known as am ullage tube or dip tube, ‘Sample Cylinder Usage Considerations 69.2.4 The type of sample cylinder used and its materials of construction as well as hoses and fitings can affect the validity of the sample, as well as the accutacy of the analysis. 69.25 When the observed vapor pressure of the liquid ‘boing, sampled is close to the line pressure, the reduction in sample pressure essoctated with the creation of the ullage space ‘may result in phase separation that can make subsequent representative sub-sempling difficult: In these circumstances, ‘an FPC should be used to ensare that the sample is maintained at sufficient pressure to prevent phase seperation. 69.2.6 Where small concentrations of contaminants need {0 bbe quantified or whore concentrations of volatile compounds ‘other than the predominant component need to be quantified, ‘an FPC is recommended ‘Nore 2—Pretce D3T00desrbes«resomsnandel practice for obtain= ing ropreertative sample of ight hydrocarbon iid and the subso- {quent prepaation of hat sap fr laberstory analysis when dixeived {ars are presnt Use of Practice DI26S using ed volume cylinder, {fil sesu tha sal bt pedicle low bia for daslved ger Joe to The guid eating procedne to esis he 20 5 minim alle. 69.2.7 Cylinder Construction—Cylinder construction is primarily dependent on the pressure and temperature of the product to be sampled, and the pressure vessel approval and certification requirements in the jrisdictions in which itis to ‘be used and transported. All sample eylinder material, and equipment used for obtaining the sample, shall mest appropri fate standards for construction, cleanliness and suitabibty for tue, including product compatibility, Use corrosion resistant ‘metal sample cylinders certified by the authority having jurisdiction for pressure vessels with adequate presse rating for the product being sampled. Common materials used are snon-magnetic 300-5 stainless steel, Monel (lcademarked)," Viton elastomeric components, and possibly other moterials, ‘The size of the cylinder depends wpon tho famonat of sample required to perform the anticipated labora tory tests, and to be retained, Blanking cover caps may be provided to seal the valve connection points of high pressure Sample cylinders prior to their transportation between the sampling location and the lsboratory. Floating Piston Cylinders (FPC) 69.2.8 FPC, also known as a variable-volume eylinder or ‘pressute-belanced piston cylinder, can be used to sample pare fand multi-component liguids and when properly operated, ‘maintains the sempleas a single-phase liquid. This device wes ‘one, oc two pistons, inside of the sample cylinder to mintain sepatation between the liquid sampled and the beckpressure inert gas. The two-piston cylinder is kuown as the double- piston cylinder (DPC). The inert gas is vented slowly 10 alow the sample to enter the cylinder while maintaining a constant [pressure on the sample, FPCs are typically constricted from a honed metal tube equipped with end caps, valves, piston, « reliof device to protect against overpressure, and a method of displaying the piston position. Sec Fig. 8, Fig. 9, and Fig, 10. 69.29 Refrigerated Products—The FPC shall be safely cooled to the temperature of the product being sampled when ‘sampling refrigerated liquids that are near or below atmo- ‘spheric pressure. Low cargo temperature (more than approxi- mately 15°C below ambient) and low cargo pressure (near atmospheric pressure) may affect the ability of the user to successfully edprare a representative liquid sample using 80 "one wademark of Spe Maas Corporation DELEK-00196- lp vaos7 —12 Product Thiet Maing Bat (or other mis syste) Piston» assembly Rel device Purge outlet —} Precharge inet ge Valve Magnlle volume lcicator (or other volume ideation) y [ ge Pressure Higgs HE SOE sevice FIG. 9 Example of Single Floating Ploton (Variable Volums) Cylinder (FPC) 1 \ key 4 product Inlet (fit) valve 2 pressure gauges 3 inert gas pre-charge Inlet valve 4 purge (exhaust) valve S pressute reli device \ 4 2 3 6 single-lston variable volume sample liner AG. 10 Example ot Single Floating Piston (Variable Volume) Cylinder (FPC) FPC if additional care is not taken; and the use of a vacuum, pump may be required. Refer to Practice D3700 and GPA $ 2174. 6.2.10 Piston Position Indicator—The FPC shall be equipped with a piston position indicator such as a magnetic follower, piston £04, or equivalent that is used to indicate the sample volume to comply with the maximum percent fill (meximum fil density) allowed for storage and transportation. Do not use FPCs that are not equipped with « piston position indicator withont a procedure to allow the operator to verify fil density immedietely after sampling prior to transport. Consult the authority having jurisdiction for acceptable procedures. Sec Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 {69.2.11 Lubricants—Lubricants used to lubricate or seal the floating piston, O ring seals, and other componcats shall be inert to the product being sampled. {69.212 Cylinder Coatings—Some cylinders nay be inter nally coated or lined to reduce the chances of bare metal Ssurfiees reacting with tace reactive components, potentially altering the quality and integrity of the sample. Fo example, be 2 DELEK-00197- ly vaos7 - 12 FIG, 1 Example of Typical High-Pressure Sampling System absorbed into the structure of 316 stainless stel, so thet testing for HS may requie the cylinder to be coated. Protective internal coatings or surface treatments are acceptable for FPCs ‘provided that they do not adversely allt the free movement of the piston, effective ofthe sel. Cylinder Pressure Rellef 69.2.13 Fita ruptured dik or a selé-resetting pressure relict valve to the oylinder to provent overpressure a8 the result of liquid thecmal expansion, It is recommended to use a spring relief valves if self-resetting is required. Typically, the maxi- ‘mom operating system pressore shonld be limited to 80 % of the nominal rating of the rupture disk for static operating ‘pressure and ambient temperature. The relief maximum burst pressure shall not exceed the cylinder test pressure. Refer to applicable regulatory requirements for safe filling Vis. 69.2.14 Cylinder Pressure Rellef Inspection —The strength of rupture disks can deteriorate with trie due to temperature, corrosion, and fatigue, In addition, pulsating pressure, vacuum pressure cycling, heat, and corrosive fluids and atmospheres ean reduce the disk’s burst pressure. Relief valves and rupture disks should be inspected regularly. Do not alter valves or safely Telief devices that are part of a cylinder permit or ‘exemption. ‘Nore 3—The USA bas an exemption system, and Conods has a perniting procedure for non-American Society of Mectaneal Engioecrs (ASME or Deparimeot of Transporation (DOT) cylinders 692.15 Cylinder Pressure Relief Release—The sudden release, typically accompanied by a loud noise and product released at high velocity, might create a hazacd. Ifthe sample cylinder pressure exceeds the relief deviee setting and pert of the sample eylinder contents are vented, the composition ofthe remaining sample is likely different ftom the original content. ‘Another sample should be drawn and procedares revised to void the circumstances that led to the overpressure condition. 6.9.3 Cylinder Approval and Rating—If the cylinder is 10 be transported, it shal also conform to specifications published in transportation legislation such as U.S. CFR 49 or Canadian ‘Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations, and their supplements, reissues, or similar regulations in other jurisdic tons. 69.4 Cylinder Extreme Temperature Considerations—For safe handling of cylinders under extremes of product or ambient temperatures, or both, the user shall consider the effects of therraal expansion on the volume of product in the cylinder. For example, if a very cold (@.g. ~ 40°C (-40°F)) product is sampled, the eylinder should be expected to warm considerably before analysis is performed during transport and in the laboratory. During summer months, the temperature of the cylinder and prodnct could reasonably be expected to rise 10 as high a8 46°C (115°F) in hot environments. A cylinder initially filled to 80 % ofits capacity will be over pressured and the relief device(s) will activate under these conditions. In such ‘an extreme but not uncoramon case the eylinder should not be filed more than approximately 60 % ding the intial fl. The appropdate industry volume correction factor data and caleu- lations should be eonsulted to determine the maximum fil for the product being sampled. It is recommended thst users work ‘with the menufacturer of these sample cylinders and semple collection systems any time ambient or product temperatures, fr both, exceed the range of -29°C (-20°F) to 60°C (140°F), Consider the effects of extreme temperature on metal, O-rings, vvalve seats, seals, gauges, relief devices, sample pump com- pponents and other devices and components nthe system. 695 Mixing Capability—The cylinder may include a ‘mechanism to mix the sarmpe inthe sample chamber in case of statified mixtures or water haze that may settle after sampling, ‘This mechanism may be a mechanical mixer/vortex plate on ‘movable rod, a freely moving rolling ball or slider, magneti- cally conpled stirrer, or similar device. Some designs of EPCs ‘nave two pistons, which enable the sample to be mixeé within tie cylinder (prior to sub-sampling) by repeatedly forcing it through a central mixing device, See Fig. 9 and Fig. 1 DELEK-00198- lp sos7 —12 6.9.6 Sample Cylinder Cleantiness—To ensore the somple cylinder and its components do not affect the integrity and ‘vality of the sample obtained, the user shall establish an acceptable eylinder cleaning and preparation process based on texpericnee, and considering the following factors: (1) Type of cylinder and design, (2) Cylinder material and lining, (3) Cylinder components (valves, seals, ete.) and attached abingfines, (4) Recent history of the eylinder, including repair or lst product, (5) Product being sampled, (6) Brodvet test methods, (7) Patty of product being sainpled, and concer with trace ‘contaminants, and (8) Use of cleaning agents. 69.6.1 Sample Cylinder Cleaning and Purging Methods— Based on the above factors any one, or combination, of the following may be deomed as satisfactory cylinder cleaning methods: (1) Purging and flushing of the cylinder using a cleaning agent or solvent, for example aceione or methanol. Tk is recommended to porgo and flush tie sample cylinder at least three times (2) Purging and flushing of the cylinder using an inert gas, such as helium and nitrogen, Testing of the inert gas present in the cylinder is recommended to confirm no trace of hydrocar- ‘bon gas ot impurities Its recommended to purge and flush the sample eylinder at least three times. (G) Parging and flushing of the cylinder using the product being sampled. It is recommended to purge and flush the sample cylinder at Jeast three times (4) Steam (not recommended for floating piston cylinders) (5) Werining and drying of eylindecs. (6) Manufactorer’s recommendations. 6.9.62 Cylinders used in continuous service, for example with specification LPG products or stabilized crude, may not require disassembly or cleaning before each use. For example, it may be acceptable to vent the previous product as a lignid, ‘and remove remaining sample from dead volume by solvent rinsing, evacuation, gas purge, or equivalent procedure. (Warning—Disnssembly of the piston cylinder for mainte rhance requires special precautions. I ether end cap is removed ‘while pressure is on the cylinder, the end caps and the piston tan be ejected with such a force as to cause serious injury to personnel and damage to equipment. Consul the manafactur- fr's instructions, and regulatory guidelines, for the mainte- nance and safe disessembly instructions for all cylinders.) Rofer to Practice D6849, 6.10 Special Sample Cylinders—Specially designed single ‘purpose sample cylinders are often nsed for non-compositional tests, the testing of trace constituents using specific instraments, and physical property testing devices. Refer to ‘Test Method D1838, Test Method D126?, APL MPMS 146, and Test Method D1657 (API MPMS Chapter 9.2) for desl In addition, spot samples may be tested for some components, including tace analysis using length-oF-stain tubes, gas content using lower explosive limit or gas detectors, oxygen content “ ‘TABLE 2 Commonly Used Manual Sampling Devices for Liquid Producte TFT Faw Troost ‘Bann ‘aelvelied Bale Zonal Dead bor ser (ossan Bat) Weigwed beaks: Coraintotsoe Te ~~» tom wale ond ROIOBO ‘gh presi jedre using oxygen detectors and trace oxygen analyzers, and mois- ture content using dew point instruments, Refer to mamafsc- turer’s instructions and appropriate industry standards for use and applicability 7, Sampling Devices/Equipment and Accessories Introduction 7.1 ‘The preferred manual sarmpling devices and processes ‘are those that do not require the sample to be transferred from the primary sample container to an intermediate: container. Sampling devices shall be designed, constricted, and msin- tained to ensure that they perform the purpose or function for ‘which they are intended. They shal be of sufficient strength to withstand pressures likely 10 be generated and sullicientiy robust to withstand normal handling. Liquid sampling devices ‘shall be leak-tight to maintain the initil characteristics of the ‘sample, Materials of construction for sampling devices and their accessories should be compatible with the product sampled and ensure that there will be no interaction between the product and the sampling device thet would affect the integrity of either. 7.2. thoteis any question regarding the applicability of the sampling device to a specific product, testing should be performed to verify compatibility. Table 2 contains a listing of| commonly used manual sampling devices for liquid products; categorized by the method by which the sampler is ile. 73 Cage Sampler: 73.1 A cage sampler shall be constrocted of a spark reducing metal, appropriately sized to hold the containes, typically a 1 L'(L qo bottle. See Fig. 12. The lowering and retrieval equipment shall be attached to the cage in such a ‘manner that a stopper een be opened! by means of «shaxp jek. ‘A restricting device, such as a cap witha hole drilled init, may be used to restrict the filling rate. The combined apparatus shall ‘be weighted s0 as to sink readily in the product to be sampled. Cage samplers may be used fo obiain spot, running and all-levels samples. 7.3.2 ‘The use of a sumpling cage, or any sampling process that avoids the need to transfer the sample into an intermediate sample container, is preferred for samples used for volatility testing, 74 Weighted Bottle—Configure the weighted bottle samples by attaching a weighted line to the sample bottle as show in Fig, 13. The stopper should be tied to the cord about 150 mm Gin.) from the neck of the bottle. Attach the lowering device to the bottle ia such a manner that the stopper may be opened DELEK-00199- Ally va0s7 - 12 ny I Hs te 1 Swivel point 2 Locking piece FIG. 12 Cage Samplers FIG. 13 Welghted Bottle i bby means of @ sharp jerk of the lowering cord. A restricting for filling the container at any deste level. A weighted bottle device, such as a cap With a hole drilled init, may be used to sampler may be used to obtain spot, rooming, and all-levels restrict the filling rate, Weight the combined apparatus so as to samples. sink readily in the product fo be sampled. Design shall allow DELEBK-00200~ iy oa0s7 - 12 Key 1. Wire handle 2.Whre logs 3 Weighing material FIG, 14 Weighted Beskers 715 Weighted Beaker—The sampling beaker shall be con- structed of a spark-reducing metal and weighted so as to sink readily io the liquid to be sampled. The lowering and retrieval ‘equipment shall be atioched to the sampler in such a manner that & stopper can be opened by means of a sharp jerk. To rednce the difficulty with cleaning the beaker, any weighting ‘material shall be fixed tothe beaker in such a way that t does rot come into contact with the sample. Weighted beaker sampler may be used to obtain spot, running, and! all-levels samples. Cantion shall be exercised to ensure that a residue from prior samplings does not contaminate subsequent samples ‘obtained, Samples obtained using a weighted beaker requires transfer to an intermediate containes, potentially affecting the integrity of the sample. See Fig. 14. 76 Bottom Water and Remaining On-Boart/On-Board Quantity (ROB/OBQ) Sampter/Seraper—Typically constructed Df copper or brass tubing, open at the top, designed with a clip ‘on one side, and rounded Bottom to allow the sampler to tip lover on the tank or vessel corapartment bottom. This device ray have a zemovable bottom for cleaning, Sampler fills with product at fist, hits the bottom, and falls over. Product rises to the top with fee water displacing the product in the sampler. Use the sampler/sraper in a similar manner to sample very small volumes in a tank or OBQROB product on marine vessels including, sludge and semiliquid or high-viscosity material residue. Soe Fig, 15. 7 Tank Rap Sampling: 7.7.1 Bach tap should be a minimum of 1.25 em (Ye in) in diameter. Taps with a 2.0 om @% in.) diameter oF more may be regjuined for heavy, viscous liquids, for example, those with a relative density of 0.9465 or greater (18.0" API or less). On ‘tanks that are not equipped with floating roofs, each sample tap should extend into the tank a minimum of 10 em (4-in.). Some sample taps may be equipped with a delivery tube that permits the filling of the sample container from the bottom, as reflected in Fig, 16. Refer to Practice D3842 (API MPMS Chapter 8.4). 71.2 Tap Sampling Reguirements—At a minimum, a tank should be equipped with a sample tap that is atthe elevation of the main tank outlet. For multiple level samples, the tank is t0 ‘be equipped with atleast three sampling taps placed equidistant throughout che tank height, based on normal liquid height ‘operating levels of the tank. Additional sample taps, for example as many as a total of five ar six, may be required based on the size of the tank, type of product service, DELEK-00201- Ay 04057 - 12 FIG, 15 Example of Bottom Water and ROB/OBG Sumpler/Serapor anticipated varying liquid height operating levels, and history of product homogeneity. With reference to the circumferential focation, sample taps sliould be located a minimum of 24 m @) fiom the tank inlet and L6 m (Sf) from the tank outletérain, Ifa tubs is used, take steps to ensore thatthe tube ‘will not contaminate the product being sampled. 18 Pipeline Manual Tap Sample Probe: 7.1 A samople probe in a pipeline is used to direct sample from the Nowing stream. Manual tap sample probes are often tused for product identification, testing, and calibration of online instrumentation. "1.8.2 Probe designs that are commonly used are shown in Fig. 17 and described in the following: 18.2.1 Fig, (7A—A tube beveled at a 45° angles 78.2.2 Fig. 17B—A short radius elbow or pipe bend. CChamfer the probe end on the inside diameter to give sharp fetrance edge; and 78.23 Fig. 17C and Fig, 17D—A closed-end tube with a round otifice spaced near, but not at, the closed end. 783 Pipeline Manual Tap—Free Water/Hlaze Verification—If the sample system is designed such that the sample point on the pipeline is primarily intendod to ascertain the presence of water possibly riding the bottom of the pipe at 4 pisticular point, or intended to detect possible particulate ‘contamination, for example, such as pipeline origin and deliv- ‘xy points and primp stations, the sample point may be installed ‘such thatthe sample is drawn directly from the bottom of the pipe wsing no internal probe. "19 Pipeline Sampler and Probe Location: 719.1 Since the product to be sampled may not always be homogeneous, the lacation, position, and size of the sample probe should ‘minimize any separation of water and heavier particles that would make their concentration different in the gathered sample than in the main stream. It is recommended that the probe be in a horizontal plane to prevent drain back of aay part of the simple to the main stream and located in an ‘upward flowing vertical run of pipe. The probe may also be ocated in a horizontal ron of pips. Extend the sample probe into the center third of the pipe with the inlet facing wp stream. ‘The flowing product at the point of sampling should be adequately mixed. This ean be accomplished from the normal ‘flowing turbulent velocity, together with an in-line static mixer: typically either a series of bafles or a perforated plate. If the Tine is not equipped with a static mixer, it fs recommended to locate the sample point for spot samples just downstream from common line equipment that may foclitate mixing, such os 45° elbows, control valves, manifolds, strainer baskets, meters, and provers. If using the sample point for castody transfer Purposes, refer to requirements as listed in Practice D477 (APLMPMS Chaprer 8.2). 71.9.2 Sample lines, used in conjunction with probes, should bes short as practical and purged before each sample is taken, to avoid sample contamination. 79.3 When sampling heated or high-viscosity liquids, it may be necessary t0 heat the sample Tine, valves, and sample container t0 & temperature sufficient to keep the prodiet in a fd state to ensexe accurate sampling. To control the rate at ‘which the sample is withdravn the probe shod be fitted with valves or plug cocks. Extreme cantion should be exercised at all times because of the higher probability of line plogs as a result of solidified product. 7.10 Zone Sampler (Core Sampler): 730.1 A zone sampler, also known 2s a core sampler or 4 cote-type sampling thief, shall be designed and constructed such that, when lowered slowly, itis capable of trapping vertical column of liguid at any selected level below the sosface to within 2.0 to 2.5 em (%4 0 1 in. of the bottom of the tank. A zone sampler shall consist of « tube made of sperk~ reducing motal, glas, or plastic material open at both ends to allow free flow of liquid turongh the sampler duting lowering. See Fig. 18 and Fig. 19. 7.11 ‘The closing of the lower end of the tube to trap the sample at the desired level may be achioved by various means including, but not Hnited to, the following: “ALL. Acclosure miecbanisi actuated by an extension rod of sharp jedk on the cord; "7.11.2 Simply raising the sampler causing the top and bottom flap valve to close; "7.113 A-weight falling down a suspending cable to ectuate the closure mechanism, and; 7.114 ‘The zone sampler shall be capable of penetrating the product in the tank and being withdrawn without undue ‘contamination of the contents 7.12. Azone sampler (se® Fig. 18) may include the following features: "7.12.1 Extension rods for use in obtsining samples at levels corresponding with requirements for high-outlet connections or samples to determine high seiled sediment and water levels; "1.12.2 Sample cocks for determining the height of sedimont and water in the sampler coce, as well ns to place the sample directly into the testing apparatus. Refer to MPMS Chapior 18h; 7.123 Aclear eylinder that facilitates observing the gravity and temperature of the oil during a gravity test; 7.124 A cord marked so that the sample can be taken at any depth in the vertical eross section of the tank; and 7.12.5 A book to hang the sampler inthe hatch vertically. 7.13 Dead Bottom Sampler—Dead bottom samplers, such 1s bacon bombs, normally have a projecting stem that opens the inlet valve as the stem strikes the bottom of the tank. The sample enters the sampler through the bottom valve and air is DELEK-00202- fly o1os7 12 Lune or tank wal—*f FIG. 16 Tank Sample Taps FIG. 17 Probe Decigns released simultaneously trough the top valve The inet valve automatically closes when the sampler is withdrawn, See Fig. 20, The dead bottom sampler can also be equipped with extension ods, typically 7.6 em @ in}, 15 cm (6 fn.) and 305, fem (12 in) to obtain samples from those points in @ tank 744 Tube Sampler—Drum or Barrel—Tube samplers are applicable for sampling liguids and semi-tiguids in érams, Datsels and cans, The tube is made of glass, plastic, or metal and is designed so that twill reach to within approximately 3 ‘mm (V4 ja.) of the bottom of tho container The capacity of the tube can vary from 500 ml-(1 pint) to 11-(I q).A metal abe suluble for sampling, 189-, (0 gal drums is shown in Fig. 21. “Two rings toldeed to opposite sides ofthe tube atthe upper end are convenient for holding it by slipping two fingers through the sings, thos leaving the thumb fee to close the opening “745 DipperfLadle Sampler—The dipper will ypcally have 4 flared bowl and a handle of conventional length made of tuateal such a8 tinned steel that will not affect the product being tested. The diper shall have a capacity suitable for the amotint to be collected and be protected from dust and dir ‘when not being used 7.16 Auger Sampler—Tho auger sampler is applicable for sampling waxes and soft solids in drums, cases, bags, and ccakes when they cannot be melted and sampled as liquids. The finger should be 2 emu (% in.) in diameter (preferred), similar to that shown in Fig. 22, and of sufficient Jeng to pass through the material to be sampled. 7.17 Pail and Scoop Sampler—Pail and scoop (grab) sam- pling is applicable for all lumpy solids in bins, bunkers, cars, drums, bags, boxes, and conveyors 7.18 Accessory Equipment—Ropes, chains, and cables, which could be on & rel, are used to raise and lower sampling ‘dovices. This equipment shall be lean ensuring that no residue from previous use contaminates the sample being taken. Do not leave. samplers suspended in a tank when not in wse, as cloctical continuity (bonding) may be lacking. While Section 5 provides some guidance regarding conductivity and ‘safeguards, there may be specific nd unique requirements with regard 10 conductivity, grounding, and bonding of some sampling equipment, Refer to the manufucturer’s instructions and facility and regolatory requirements for such guidance. "T.18.1 Rope—Do not use ropes made of synthetic fibers. ‘They shall be made of cotton or other non-static generating, 8 DELEK-00203- Gly vaosr 12 imatecal and should include some means of determining the level of insertion into the tank or vessel. The rope may have @ swivel clap to link with the attached sample device designed to minimize twisting. 7.18.2 Chain—Chains shall be made of brass or other spark-reducing material, The chain should have a swivel clasp 1 link with the attached sample device designed to minimize twisting. Caution should be exercised using chains becruse clectiea! continuity cannot be guaranteed. 7.18.3 Cable—Cables shall be made of sparkereducing ma- teriel, The eables shall have a swivel clasp to link with the attached sample device designed to minimize twisting. 7184 Rod—Used primarily for shallow-depth sampling such as with tcuck and rail cus. It consists of a bottle eage aitached to the end of a rigid pole or rod made fiom spack-educing material. 7118.5 Bonding Cable—Conductive cable used to provide electrical continuity between the sampling device, funnel, ‘andlor primary container and a suitable ground point. 7.186 Retail Dispenser Nozzle Adapter-—A nozzle extender, sade from spark-reducing material, is designed to be fited ‘onto the end of a gasoline or diessl fuel nozzle. The adapter is equipped witha delivery tube that permits Alling ofthe sample ‘container from the bottom. See Fig, 23. 19 "AL Core type thief equipped psthsomseeeds “Tank outlet conection No.2 sample cock No 3 sample cock +10 Example of Coreintertace Samplore—Thet 718.7 Other Equipment—A funnel may be used to transfer ‘product from the sampling device to intermediate sample ‘containers. Also, a graduated cylinder or other measuring device of suitable capacity is often required for determining ‘sample quantity in many of the sampling procedures and for ‘compositing samples. All ccessory equipment used shall be ‘lean, and not affect the integrity of the samples obtained. 8, Manual Sampling Concepts and Objective 8.1 Objective of Manual Sampling—The objective of ‘manual sampling varies. In some instances, the intention isto ‘obtain a small portion of product that is representative of the tank of container contents, In other instances, saraples are specifically intended to represent product only at that one particular point inthe tank, such as 2 top, dead bottom, or ‘suction level sample. When a tank is determined to be homogenous, a series af spot samples may be combined 10 create a composite sample. Precautions should be taken 10 ‘maintain the integrity ofthe sample by preventing it from being contaminated by the smple point, the sample apparatus and equipment, the cleanliness of the container, the weather, and sample transfer operations. Manual sampling may be applied DELEK-00204- ey 1 Upper fp valve 2 Bottom vale 3 Prdict ons through as sampler Is lowered through the iid Key 1. Ball valve/air outlet 2. Line for lowering 3. Alroutlet FIG, 19 Example of Core/Zone Samplers 2 ry “al } A 4. Spring-loaded inlet valve 5 Removable screw cap—faciltate cleaning 6 Weighted inlet valve (The eptional extension rods tigger the opening and closing ofthe inst vale based on heght ofr.) FIG. 20 Example of Dead Bottom Samplers DBLEK-00205- lp v10s7— 12 FIG, 21 Tube Sampler DVI FIG. 22 Auger Sampler FIG, 28 Example of Nozzle Extender under all conditions described in this practice. Alternative sampling procedures may be used as agreed upon by all, interested parties. 82 Tralning—Personael shell be trained forthe sampling to be performed, including topics such as sample integrity, safety, and special handling related to specific rests. a 83 Physical and Chemical Property Tests 83.1 The sampling procedure, sample container, qua required, and sample handling requirements will be based on the test®) to be performed, sample instructions related to @ cestody truasfer and sample retention requirements. 83.2 In many liguld manual sampling applications, the produc: to be sampled contains a heavy component (such as Free water) that tends to separate from the main component. In those instances, it should be recognized that sampling will Likely result in varying sample quality until such time as the heavy component completely settles out. This period could range from only a few minutes to several weeks based on, but not limited to, the product, temperature, agitation and the use of chemical additives. 9, Sampling Requirements, Considerations, and Procedures 941 General—This section provides requirements, recom mendations and procedures for sampling preparation, soimpling, and sample handling. More than one sampling ‘method may provide satisfactory samples. A. summary of the ‘manual sampling procedures and their applications is presented in Table 3, 9.2. Sampling Requirements and Considerations: 9.2.1 Sample Request—The sampling process is often initi- ated with a sample request. ‘The request should provide DELEK-00206~ jp va0sr 12 ‘TABLE 2 Typical Sampling Procedures and Applicabity ‘Feeaion Fetoteum rue anno vests panes Pz tide—vatoeiet— Sonam eamptng etl de—waterttnant— atom earng storage ake wih aps evoloun ss rane, bal, cans Pexloun iuleetar “yp of ConaimaniVeesl ork lage ei, ak or, nk tose rine veel lnk care, and tank cs Frao oc open dlaharge some: pan tanks or ates wh open he fen cr ata, us, Perl ata Aaphai a btunous ters Wass, eos, iunene, tar st ete ancl, esse age akan Pevoloum ek, py eas roapot, stl wanes, sph “ater Prosoe 040. otos drum, ca, bas adequate details and information necessary to establish the sample procedure, device, container, sample quantity, and sample handling. To assess sampling requirements, the follow- ing information should be established: (1) Regnestor contact information; (2) Date of request and required timeline; G) Batelvjob/vesseVvoyage nut (4) Product description—Applicable safety data chest (MSDS) and Department of Transportation (DOT) infortation should be provided or available; (5) Product location, tank or vessel number(s), and vol sume(s); (6) Test name(s) and method), and; (7) Special handling requests or precautions, such as split- ting of samples, additional retention requirements, or suspected prociet stratification, In some cases, a test method may require ‘ special container, a mainimom amount of sample, or a special sample handling procedure. At times, nrultiple test methods ‘may have conflicting requirements, such as volatility testing ‘and homogenizing for $ & W. In these instances, it may be necessary to obtain separate samples for each test. 9.2.2 Equipment and Sample Container Preparation—Use only sampling equipment and containers that ate sesistast 10 solvent action by the product handled. Inspect all sampling equipment, including container, caps, lids, and stoppers 10 tensare that they are elean and dry. Any residual material lettin Free or open decharge roams ‘Storage tanks, matin veel, tank cae hes, package ‘rit car, commayors bas, bel, boxe 2 Fosse ‘BanelCore ames Tig pecsaur yfocersampng bai esrelng Zonatore semen ‘toma cael Flan pressure etre samgiog ‘Adora sorely anual pple srpiog Meh peur ier senping cow samping tom water an BO8OBO ssngler “ee seteg “ube sampling Sper canaing Opp amping Cor sarang Tap sama ‘Tr anay enna sama Borg caring ia exrptng Gens samp sampling dovice or sample container may contaminate the sample, It is recommended to rinse the sample container and ‘equipment with the product to be sampled before drawing samples. 9.2.3 Sample Transfers and Handling Requirements: The nomber of transfers from the primary container to intermediate sample containess end the testing epparatus should be minimized to maintain the product integrity and representation, Common areas of concers related to transfors {include loss of light ends, water, and heavy component disparities aad possible residue contamination. Some of the tests affected might include, but are not limited to, ash point, vapor pressure (RVP), density, $ & W, product clarity, ash, trace metals, and micro-separometer (MSP), 92.32 Each time a sample is transferred, including to the test apparatus, the sample should be completely mixed to ensure it is homogenized, unless the specific test method allows or specifies otherwise. Th transfer should be completed ting the period thatthe simple remeins homogenous. There ay be specific practices tat allow or specify the sample being placed directly into the test apparatus, such as from the thet ‘via petcock into the centrifuge tube for small erade gathering tanks, Refer to APE MPMS Chapter 18.1. 9.2.4 Requirements for Mixing and Compositing Individeat Samples: DELEK-00207-

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