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After watching the movie "The Social Network" critically, answer the following questions:

1. Identify a scene in the film where the leadership is apparent. Explain thoroughly and defend your answer.
In the movie, "The Social Network", a key scene that demonstrates Mark Zuckerberg's leadership is when
he creates the website "Facemash". After being dumped by his girlfriend, Zuckerberg returns to his dorm
room and hacks into the Harvard computer network to obtain photos of female students. He then builds a
website that allows users to compare the attractiveness of the women's photos, creating a viral sensation
that crashes Harvard's servers. This scene illustrates several aspects of Zuckerberg's leadership. First, it
shows his vision and motivation - he is driven by a desire to gain status and recognition, even if it means
exploiting others. Second, it demonstrates his authoritarian leadership style, as he makes unilateral
decisions without input from others and is focused on developing Facebook, even if it means burning
bridges with people like his co-founder Eduardo Saverin. Finally, it highlights his willingness to bend or
break rules to achieve his goals, which is a controversial aspect of his leadership. While Zuckerberg's
actions in this scene are ethically questionable, they also showcase his ability to quickly identify an
opportunity, mobilize resources, and execute on an idea. This entrepreneurial spirit and drive for success
are key factors in his eventual creation of Facebook and rise to become one of the most influential leaders
in the technology industry.

Sean Parker is portrayed as a charismatic leader. He has a strong influence over Zuckerberg with his
enthusiasm and personability, convincing him to remove "the" from "The Facebook". The Winklevoss
twins demonstrate effective teamwork and leadership, working well together to confront Zuckerberg
about stealing their idea. Overall, the film highlights both successful and problematic aspects of
leadership. Zuckerberg's single-minded drive and willingness to take risks fueled Facebook's growth, but
also led him to make questionable ethical decisions. The movie provides lessons about the importance of
communication, teamwork, and managing social relationships in effective leadership.

2. Identify a scene in the film that positively portrayed a leader who did conflict management.
The scene in "The Social Network" that positively portrays a leader doing conflict management is the
betrayal scene between Mark Zuckerberg and Eduardo Saverin. In this scene, Eduardo confronts Mark
after his ownership stake in Facebook is significantly diluted without his knowledge or consent. Eduardo
is clearly upset and accuses Mark of setting him up and betraying him. However, Mark remains calm and
composed, even as Eduardo becomes increasingly agitated. Rather than escalating the conflict, Mark
takes a measured approach. He acknowledges the situation, saying "you signed the papers" and that
Eduardo "made a bad business deal." He does not become defensive or try to shift blame. Instead, he
calmly explains the business realities that led to the dilution of Eduardo's shares.
This scene demonstrates effective conflict management skills. Mark does not match Eduardo's emotional
outburst, but instead responds rationally and focuses on the facts of the situation. He acknowledges
Eduardo's perspective, but stands firm on the business decisions that were made. This allows Mark to de-
escalate the conflict and maintain control of the situation, despite the personal tensions involved. While
The Social Network film portrayed some of the interpersonal conflicts within the founding team,
Zuckerberg has continued to stress the importance of building strong personal relationships as a key
driver of his professional success.

3. From this movie, what do you think is the best weapon does Mark utilized to achieve his success?
The best weapon Mark Zuckerberg utilized to achieve his success in The Social Network was his
intelligence and technical skills as a computer programmer. The film portrays Zuckerberg as a brilliant,
driven, and restless revolutionary who is able to quickly build the initial Facebook website and
outmaneuver his business partners. His ability to code and create the social networking platform gave him
a significant advantage, allowing him to rapidly grow Facebook despite the legal challenges from the
Winklevoss twins and his former friend Eduardo Saverin.

Additionally, Zuckerberg's arrogance, ambition, and single-minded focus on his vision for Facebook, even
at the expense of his personal relationships, were key factors in his success. The film suggests that
Zuckerberg's relentless pursuit of his goals, coupled with his technical prowess, were the primary
"weapons" he utilized to build Facebook into a global phenomenon. His ability to leverage his college
connections and cultivate a collaborative culture appear to have been critical weapons in his rise to
becoming one of the most influential tech leaders in the world.

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