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Table 1

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents’ Age

Age Frequency Percent (%)

50 years old and below 4 40.0
51 years old to 60 years old 2 20.0
61 years old to 70 years old 2 20.0
71 years old and above 2 20.0
Total 10 100

The participating Meranaw Women Leaders represent a spectrum of ages,

reflecting a wealth of experience across generations. Four participants fall within the 40-
50 age range, demonstrating the rise of young women taking on leadership roles within
the Meranaw community. Two participants are between 51-60 years old, further
solidifying the presence of established leaders who continue to guide and contribute.
Additionally, two participants are in the 61-70 age bracket, representing a vital bridge
between generations, possessing the wisdom of experience while fostering innovation.
Finally, two participants are over 70 years old, their extensive careers serving as a
testament to their dedication and unwavering commitment to leadership.

Table 2
Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents’ Highest Educational Attainment

Highest Educational Attainment Frequency Percent (%)

College Graduate 1 10.0
Masters’ Graduate 3 30.0
Doctorate Graduate 6 60.0
Total 10 100

The Meranaw Women Leaders participating in this study are all highly educated,
showcasing their dedication to intellectual growth and continuous learning. One
participant holds a college degree, demonstrating the power of education at all levels.
Three participants have earned Master's degrees, indicating a pursuit of deeper
specialization within their fields. Notably, six participants hold PhD degrees, highlighting
their exceptional academic achievements and commitment to rigorous scholarship.
Furthermore, all ten participants have actively sought out specialized training,
certificates, and executive diplomas. These credentials, acquired both nationally and
internationally, demonstrate their desire to continuously expand their skillsets and remain
at the forefront of their respective leadership domains.
Table 3
Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents’ Number of Years for being a

No. of Years for being a Leaders Frequency Percent (%)

20 years and below 2 20.0
21 years to 30 years 2 20.0
31 years to 40 years old 3 30.0
41 years and above 3 30.0
Total 10 100

The participating Meranaw Women Leaders are not only highly educated but also
possess extensive leadership experience. Two participants boast over 16 years of
dedicated service in leadership positions, showcasing their sustained commitment to
making a difference. Two additional participants have served for over 20 years,
solidifying their track records of impactful leadership. Furthermore, three participants
have dedicated over 30 years to leadership roles, demonstrating their unwavering
dedication and long-term vision for the Meranaw community. Remarkably, three
participants have served for over 40 years, their careers a testament to their unwavering
commitment and enduring influence.

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