Final Exam

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1. Order the sentences. Ordena las oraciones.

a) pencil / my / is / small
My pencil is small.

b) are / the / tables / brown

The tables are brown.

c) computer / his / old / is

His computer is old.

2. Write the adjective, which best describes the picture on the lines
below. Escribe el adjetivo que describe major cada imagen.
Big- New - Long - Cute - Short -
Clean - Old - Small - Dirty - Fat -

Dirty T- shirt New house

Clean T- shirt Small car

Big car
Short hair

Long hair Cute rabbit

Old house Fat cat

3. Fill in her, my, his, our, its. Completa con los adjetivos posesivos.
1. I don't know the time because I can't find watch. (I)
2. What's the boy's name? name is Ben Scott. (he)
3. Debbie has got a cat. cat is very lively. (she)
4. The dog is very cute. name is Ben. (it)
5. We are at school. school is very nice. (we)

4. Complete the sentences with the demonstrative pronoun (this, that,

these, those). Completa las oraciones con los pronombres demostrativos.

1. This

2. That

3. This

4. That

5. These

6. Those

7. These

5. Look at the picture and write the correct verb. Observa la imagen y
escribe el verbo correcto.

Run Walk Dance Sing

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