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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
(formerly Tagumbao High School Annex) School ID: 307007
Poblacion 3, Gerona, Tarlac Phone # (045) 491-8850


DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time October 16-20, 2023 Quarter FIRST


7:30-8:30- HR 12:50-1:40- 8 Cherry 7:30-8:30- 8 Mango 12:50-1:40- 8 Cherry 7:30-8:30- 8 Mango 12:50-1:40- 8 Cherry 7:30-8:30- 8 Mango 12:50-1:40- 8 Cherry 7:30-8:30- 8 Mango 12:50-1:40- 8 Cherry
8:30-9:30- 8 Avocado 1:40-2:30- 8 Honeydew 8:30-9:30- 8 Avocado 1:40-2:30- 8 Honeydew 8:30-9:30- ICL-Avocado 1:40-2:30- 8 Honeydew 8:30-9:30- 8 Avocado 1:40-2:30- 8 Honeydew 8:30-9:30- 8 Avocado 1:40-2:30- 8 Honeydew
9:50-10:50- Vacant 2:30-3:20- 8 Melon 9:50-10:50- Vacant 2:30-3:20- 8 Melon 9:50-10:50- Vacant 2:30-3:20- 8 Melon 9:50-10:50- Vacant 2:30-3:20- 8 Melon 9:50-10:50- Vacant 2:30-3:20- 8 Melon
10:50-11:50- Vacant 3:30-4:20- 8 Orange 10:50-11:50- Vacant 3:30-4:20- 8 Orange 10:50-11:50- Vacant 3:30-4:20- 8 Orange 10:50-11:50- Vacant 3:30-4:20- 8 Orange 10:50-11:50- Vacant 3:30-4:20- 8 Orange
12:00-12:50- Vacant 12:00-12:50- Vacant 12:00-12:50- Vacant 12:00-12:50- Vacant 12:00-12:50- Vacant
a. Infer that white light is a. Familiarize on the different a. Enhance students’
composed of different colors of temperature scales. a. Explain the relationship understanding on solving word
different frequencies and a. Explain the difference between between current, voltage, and problems relating to Ohm’s Law.
wavelength. heat and temperature. b. Solve word problems involving resistance using the Ohm’s
conversion of temperature. Law. b. Solve word problems involving
b. Use a visible light spectrum to b. Measure the temperature using a Ohm’s Law.
determine the frequency and thermometer. c. Show perseverance in solving word b. Compute the amount of
wavelength of the constituent problems. current, voltage, and c. Show persistence in solving
colors of white light. c. Appreciate the importance of heat resistance. word problems.
and temperature by giving some
c. Relate the arrangement of of its applications in our daily life. c. Value the relationship between,
colors of the visible light and current, voltage, and resistance.
its corresponding energy.

The learners demonstrate an

The learners demonstrate an
The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
understanding of:
understanding of: understanding of: understanding of: Current-voltage-resistance
A. Content Standard Current-voltage-resistance
some properties and characteristics heat and temperature, and the effects heat and temperature, and the effects of relationship, electric power, electric
relationship, electric power, electric
of visible light. of heat on the body. heat on the body. energy, and home circuitry.
energy, and home circuitry.
The learners shall be able to:
Discuss phenomena such as
blue sky, rainbow, and red
B. Performance Standard N/A N/A N/A N/A
sunset using the concept of
wavelength and frequency of
visible light.
C. Learning
Competency/Objectives Week 4-S8FE-Ig-29 Week 4-S8FE-Ig-29 Infer the relationship between Infer the relationship between
Write the LC code for Week 4- S8FE-If-27
current and voltage. current and voltage.

a. CONTENT Hierarchy of Colors Heat and Temperature Heat and Temperature OHM’S LAW OHM’S LAW
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
pp. pp. pp. pp. pp.
Materials pages

3. Textbook pages/
Module 5- pp. 4-13 Module 6- pp. 2-9 Module 6- pp. 9-13 Module 7- pp. 5-11 Module-7- pp.5-11
Learning Module
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR)portal
B. Other Learning TV, lap top, chalk , board Chalk, board, calculator, TV , TV, lap top, chalk , board, calculator Chalk, board, calculator, copy of Chalk, board, calculator, copy of
Resource laptop, thermometer the word problems the word problems


Begin with classroom routine: Begin with classroom routine: Begin with classroom routine: Begin with classroom routine: Begin with classroom routine:
A. Reviewing previous a. Prayer a. Prayer a. Prayer a. Prayer a. Prayer
lesson or presenting b. Checking of attendance. b. Checking of attendance. b. Checking of attendance. b. Checking of attendance. b. Checking of attendance.
the new lesson c. Quick “kumustahan” and give c. Quick “kumustahan” and give c. Quick “kumustahan” and give some c. Quick “kumustahan” and give c. Quick “kumustahan” and give
some reminders. some reminders. reminders. some reminders. some reminders.
ELICIT What is motion?
What is sound? 1. What average energy of What is heat? What is current?
In what material where sound can particles does temperature What is temperature? What is heat? How about What is voltage?
be propagated the fastest? How measure? What is calorie? temperature? What is resistance?
about where sound can travel the a. Kinetic
slowest? b. Potential What are the units of heat? How
What is the relationship between c. Chemical about the units of temperature?
the temperature and the speed of d. Mechanical
sound? 2. What happens to the
temperature of an object
when the particles are moving
a. Reduces
b. Increases
c. Remains constant
d. Increases then reduces
3. Does the temperature of a
substance depend on how
much of the substance is
a. No
b. Yes
c. Maybe
d. None of the above
Arrange the jumbled letters to form
Students will draw a rainbow and the correct terms then let the Show a thermometer and ask the Recall the process in solving word
B. Establishing a purpose students to give their idea about students if they know the name of the problems relating to Ohm’s Law.
color it using coloring materials Give the unit of the following:
for the lesson
based on how well they the said terms. said instrument and its use.
ENGAGE (Get the remember how a rainbow looks Voltage
like. 1. ATEH
students’ minds focused on Resistance
the topic.) 2. TRUETEMRAPE
Answer the following questions:
Have you ever experienced 1. What is the SI unit of voltage?
having a fever? A. ampere C. volt
You usually touch your forehead B. ohm D. watt
or neck to check if you have a
2. It is the number of charges
fever or not. You use your sense
passing through a wire per unit
C. Presenting of touch to tell whether an object
Perform the activity in the module. time.
examples/Instances of is hot or cold or one is hotter or The teacher will show three glasses
A. current C. resistance
the new lesson colder than the other. with water having different
Objective: infer that white light is
(Present the questions that But how do we quantify this temperatures respectively. Using a B. power D. voltage Describe the relationship of current,
made up of many different colors of
the students can be able to difference in the hotness or thermometer, the students should 3. What is the SI unit of current? voltage, and resistance.
answer during and after the light.
coldness of a body? measure the temperature of the water A. ampere C. volt
lesson.) Answer the guide questions of the
in each of the glass. B. ohm D. watt
4. It is the opposition to the flow
of electric charges as they travel
through a conducting wire.
A. circuit C. resistance
B. current D. voltage
Use crayons or colored pencils to Show a video clip about heat and Perform Activity 3. Units of
fill in the color spectrum below and temperature. After watching the temperature. Define the following terms:
label the dispersed colors on the video, the students should answer Study the figure below that shows a. Current
the following. thermometers in different temperature b. Voltage
blank provided.
a. Discussing new How heat differ from temperature? scales. Then answer the given guide c. Resistance
concepts and What is thermometer? questions of the activity. d. Ohm’s Law
practicing new What is calorie?
skills # 1 What are the different temperature Give seatwork on Ohm’s Law.
EXPLORE (Provide
students with a common

Perform Activity 7. Using power point temperature

Objective: Students will infer discuss the concept of heat and Which is greater, 500C or 500F? The teacher will explain the The students will accomplish their
that: temperature to strengthen the Tell the students that for them to relationship between current, seatwork.
1. Light is composed of knowledge of the students about answer correctly the above- voltage, and resistance using
the lesson. mentioned question, they should have Ohm’s Law.
colors of different
b. Discussing new knowledge on conversion of
concepts and frequencies and temperature. V=IR
practicing new wavelengths. When: V= voltage expressed in
skills # 2 2. Frequencies of the Discuss the relationship between volt
colors of light are temperature in Celsius scale, I= current expressed in
inversely proportional Fahrenheit scale, and in Kelvin scale. Ampere
to the wavelength. R= resistance expressed in

c. Developing
mastery Answer the different questions with Get the temperature of an object or Solve word problems regarding
(leads to Formative yes or no. one’s body using a thermometer. Ohm’s Law.
Assessment 3) 1. Does all colors of light
What is the normal body temperature
have the same energy? . Checking of the students’ answer.
(370C) in Fahrenheit scale? How Sample problem: If a circuit has a
EXPLAIN (Use what 2. Does blue have the
students had discovered in about in Kelvin scale? resistance of 44 Ω and a current
shortest wavelength?
the explore stage to help of 5 A, what is its voltage?
3. Does red have the
them build a concept.) longest wavelength?
d. Finding practical
application of
What is the importance of What is the importance of knowing
concepts and skills What is the importance of having a Cite importance on the relationship Give the application of the
understanding the relationship of the difference between heat and
in daily living knowledge on converting temperature of current, voltage, and resistance. relationship of current, voltage, and
frequency and wavelength to the temperature in our daily life?
ELABORATE (Students in our daily life? resistance.
formalize and apply their energy of light in our daily life?
e. Making What is current? How about
generalizations and What is heat? How about
What is light frequency? voltage and resistance?
abstractions about temperature?
What is the relationship of What is the formula in getting the
the lesson What are the scales in Give the equations in converting
frequency and energy of light? What is the relationship between value of current, voltage, and
EXTEND (Students make temperature? temperature.
connections not just in the What is a wavelength and its current and voltage following the resistance.
What is calorie?
subject/ides studied but relationship with energy? ohms law.
also beyond it.)
Fill in the blank to complete the Solve the following word problems.
Identify the following statements
statement. 1. The label on a pressurized Solve the following problems. Evaluation will based on the result
whether true or false.
1. The more energy in a can of spray disinfectant 1. A multi-cab starter motor of the students’ seatwork.
1. Heat depends only on
wave, the _____ its warns against heating the has a current of 60 A and
how fast molecules
frequency. can above 1300F. What is a voltage of 12 V. What
2. _______ has the highest the corresponding is the resistance of the
2. Joule is a unit of heat
energy color while temperature on the Celsius starter motor?
f. Evaluating learning ______ has the lowest and Kelvin temperature 2. What is the electric
3. We measure temperature
energy. scales? current if a circuit has a
with a thermometer.
EVALUATE 3. The shortest wavelength 2. Convert the temperature of resistance of 100 Ω and
4. The faster molecules
is ______, and the dry ice, -770C, into degrees voltage of 12 V?
vibrate, the more heat
longest wavelength is Fahrenheit and Kelvin. 3. Calculate the voltage if
they give off.
______. the current passing
5. Temperature measures
through the wire is 3 A,
the average kinetic
and has a resistance of
energy per molecule.
10 Ω.
A. Additional
activities for
application or


Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your
instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
8-Mango ____ out of ____ 8-Mango ____ out of ____ 8-Mango ____ out of ____ 8-Mango ____ out of ____ 8-Mango ____ out of ____
A. No. of learners who 8-Avocado ____ out of ____ 8-Avocado ____ out of ____ 8-Avocado ____ out of ____ 8-Avocado ____ out of ____ 8-Avocado ____ out of ____
earned 80% in the 8-Cherry ____ out of ____ 8-Cherry ____ out of ____ 8-Cherry ____ out of ____ 8-Cherry ____ out of ____ 8-Cherry ____ out of ____
evaluation 8-Honeydew ____ out of ____ 8-Honeydew ____ out of ____ 8-Honeydew ____ out of ____ 8-Honeydew ____ out of ____ 8-Honeydew ____ out of ____
8-Melon ____ out of ____ 8-Melon ____ out of ____ 8-Melon ____ out of ____ 8-Melon ____ out of ____ 8-Melon ____ out of ____

B. No. of learners who 8-Mango ____ out of ____ 8-Mango ____ out of ____ 8-Mango ____ out of ____ 8-Mango ____ out of ____ 8-Mango ____ out of ____
8-Avocado ____ out of ____ 8-Avocado ____ out of ____ 8-Avocado ____ out of ____ 8-Avocado ____ out of ____ 8-Avocado ____ out of ____
require additional 8-Cherry ____ out of ____ 8-Cherry ____ out of ____ 8-Cherry ____ out of ____
8-Cherry ____ out of ____ 8-Cherry ____ out of ____
activities for 8-Honeydew ____ out of ____ 8-Honeydew ____ out of ____ 8-Honeydew ____ out of ____ 8-Honeydew ____ out of ____ 8-Honeydew ____ out of ____
remediation who 8-Melon ____ out of ____ 8-Melon ____ out of ____ 8-Melon ____ out of ____ 8-Melon ____ out of ____ 8-Melon ____ out of ____
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?
Prepared: Checked: Noted:


Teacher III Master Teacher II Head Teacher I


Principal II

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