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यूको बैंक UCO BANK

सम्मान आपके विश्वास का Honors your trust


From: Date:
Emp No:……………………..

The Zonal Manager
UCO Bank
Zonal Office
New Delhi


Dear Sir

Re: My Inter Zone Transfer to …………………………………Zone

I request reference to your transfer order letter bearing reference no:

………………………………………………………………………………..advising my transfer from
…………………………………… to …………………………zone under ATE-2023

In this connection, I wish to request you:

1. To Permit me to avail the joining time later date as per the extant provisions.

I request you to kindly accord your permission and oblige.

Thanking you sir, I remain.

Yours faithfully,

CC: Service Record

मानव संसाधन प्रबन्धन विभाग, अंचल कार्यालय, संसद मार्ग, नई दिल्ली 110001
Human Resource Management Deptt, Zonal Office, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001
Telephone no-011-49498231,49498233,Fax-011-23721345

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