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Mumbai Darshan 2024

Clue and Task sheet

Clue 1: Adjacent to this beach is a famous temple dedicated to Lord Krishna, attracting
numerous devotees. It’s also a hub for morning joggers and yoga enthusiasts. It’s located in
an affluent suburb that shares its name.

Task 1(a): Solve the following riddle and write your answer on the beach sand. Upload its
picture with your team members. (Minimum 2 members required in the picture)

Riddle: “In the realm of business schools, I stand as a gate, Assessing your prowess, to
determine your fate. Quantitative minds and language arts too, Critical reasoning will also
challenge you. What am I?"

Task 1(b): Act as a salesperson for some stalls at beach and help them to gain customers. If
you manage to get a customer, you get brownie points. Record a 30-60 sec video of your
team enacting as a salesman and convincing in creative ways.
(Make a note that these stalls open at 11:30 am so plan accordingly)

Clue 2: This iconic Mumbai sports venue is renowned for being the home of cricket in India
and hosts the local IPL team. Famous for India's 2011 World Cup victory, it also hosted the
God of Cricket’s farewell match.

Task 2: Enact a cricket scene featuring the above-mentioned player with 2 of the members
playing the match and 1 member doing commentary.

Clue 3: A cinema that shows love of a special kind. Decades-long, it ran a story so timeless,
where lovers and trains always seem to meet.

Task 3: Reimagine any scene from this iconic movie, but set it in a Genz era with your
creative additions and dialogue delivery (brownie points for plot twist) and enact it for around
60 seconds (Minimum 3 people to be in the video)

Clue 4: “Risk Hai Toh Ishq Hai”

Task 4: Get a picture with the iconic mascot or the “Common Man”
Clue 5: “I gleam with glass, a beacon so bright,
Holding treasures of tech, a future in sight.
With a bitten fruit as my guiding light,
I bring creativity, day and night.”

Task 5: Find another team and record a faceoff competition where you debate as a
competitor to the above-mentioned brand and compete why your brand is the best.
It should be a 30-60 sec creative face-off challenge. (Minimum 2 members from each team in
the video)

Clue 6: This temple is the biggest centre of attraction located in the Southern heart of
Mumbai. It celebrates the main festival here and is renowned to fulfil wishes of
everyone who visits.

Task 6: Make a video of 30-45 seconds showing you distributing sweets/prasad to 5

strangers. (Minimum of 4 students from the group in the video)

Clue 7: This grand residence in Mumbai’s western zone, is where a Bollywood icon makes
his home. With balconies and views that many adore, it’s a landmark for fans who come to its

Task 7: Create a 30-second video acting as a bodyguard or paparazzi for any team member at
this spot acting as a celebrity. (Minimum 4 students from the group in the video)

Clue 8: Where the sun sets but the city never sleeps as we drive on.

Task 8: Make a creative reel on the “Jind Kadh Ke” Punjabi trending video for 30 seconds
and post it on your Instagram stories by tagging Student Council ID.
(@studentcouncil_sbmnmims). (Minimum 4 students from the group in the video)

Clue 9: Iconic dessert spot churning memories since 1953.

Task 9: Create a food vlog while interacting with the people for 30-40 seconds like a typical
Instagram food vlogger. (Do not forget to try these delicacies yourself) (Minimum 3 students
to enact in the vlog)

Clue 10: I stand in Bandra’s heart, a retail giant's vibrant space. Seventy-two brands, a
culinary spree, from rooftop movies to open-air glee.

Task 10: Record a creative fashion video or make 3 of your team members walk the ramp and
pose in front of a luxury clothing brand.
Clue 11: Erected to commemorate the landing in India of their imperial majesties
King George V and Queen Mary on the second of December MCMXI.

Task 11: One team member to act as a tourist guide and explain the place and its
beauty in a creative way to other team members who will act as tourist.
(Minimum 3 members required)

Additional Tasks

Additional Task 1:

Create a reel featuring the various modes of transport used by the group during their
Mumbai Darshan experience. The minimum modes that need to be incorporated are 3.
Remember, the more the merrier.

Additional Task 2:

Create a small reel for 30-45 seconds describing your Mumbai Darshan experience.
You can post it on your Instagram and don’t forget to tag

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