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Mohammed kamal TA0229

Question 1
Let X1 be the number of Undergraduate course

Let X2 be the number of Graduate course

Course Cost No. of students Type of Course

$2,500 30 X1

60 courses in total
$3,000 20 X2

Objective Function:

Minimize 2500X1 + 3000X2

Subject to:

X1 ≥ 30

X2 ≥ 20

X1+X2 ≥ 60

X1, X2>=0
Undergraduate course: 40

Graduate course: 20

We have identified 3 constraints as stated in the problem. There should be at least 30

undergraduate students in the term

1) There should be at least 20 graduate students in the term

2) At least 60 courses should be offered in total

Based on the constraints, we have determined that in order to minimize the faculty

salaries, there should be 40 undergraduate courses and 20 graduate courses offered.

The optimal total cost would be $160,000

Q2: Formulate this linear programming problem, we need to define decision

variables, an objective function, and constraints. Let's break it down step by step:

Decision Variables:

1) Let xi represent the production quantity in month i.

2) Let yi represent the inventory quantity at the end of month i.

Objective Function:

The objective is to minimize the total cost of production and inventory over five

months. The total cost consists of the following components:

1. Production cost: 100xi for each month i.

2. Inventory holding cost: 5yi for each month i.

3. Switching cost: 40∣xi1+−xi∣ for each month i (except for the last month).

4. No value for inventory at the end of the year.

5 4
minZ=∑ 5 (100 Xi +5 Yi ) + ∑ (40| Xi+1−Xi|)
i=1 i=1


1. y1=3

2. xi≤di fori=1,2,3,4,5

3. yi−1+xi=yi for i=2,3,4,5

4. xi,yi≥0 for i=1,2,3,4,5

Q3: Replacing the nonlinear terms in the objective function
with the linear approximations, we get the following linear
piecewise function:

min z = 0.25x_1 if 0 <= x1 <= 4

min z = 64 - 7x_1 if 4 <= x1 <= 16
min z = 76 + 5x_2 if 6 <= x2 <= 11
min z = 91 + 10x_2 if 11 <= x2 <= 16

Now, we can formulate the problem as a linear programming

model as follows:

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