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Chapter IV


This chapter deals on the presentation, analyses and interpretation of data

gathered in accordance with the statement of the problem of this study. Data were

analyzed to identify, describe and exemplify the Advantages and Disadvantages of being

a Student at Private School inside Mindanao State University Main Campus.

I. Respondents Demographic Profile according to their Age, Gender, and

Civil Status

Table I. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents according to

their Age

Age Frequency Percent(%)

15 years old and below 9 60.0

16 years old to 20 years old 6 40.0

Total 15 100.0

Table 1 shows that there were 6 who belonged to the 16 years old and above age

bracket constitute 40% of the total sample; 9 of them fall under the 15 years old and

below age bracket which constitute 60% of the total sample.

Table II. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents according to

their Gender
Gender Frequency Percent(%)

Male 8 53.0

Female 7 47.0

Total 15 100.0

Based on the gender distribution table above out of 15 respondents, 8 were

females comprising 53% of the sample while 7 males constituted 47% of the sample.

This further suggest that distribution is almost equal in number.

Table III. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents according to

their Civil Status

Civil Status Frequency Percent(%)

Single 15 100.0

Married 0 0.0

Total 15 100.0

As for the civil status of the respondents, the table clearly shows that out of 15

respondents, there were 0% (0) married and 100% (15) were single. All of the

respondents in civil status were single.

II. The advantages and disadvantages of being a student at private school

inside MSU Main Campus

Table IV. Descriptive Statistics of the Respondents’ responses to the advantages

and disadvantages of being a student in private school inside MSU Main Campus

A. Advantages

Statement Mean Rank
The quality of education provided by
private schools inside MSU Main Campus 3.45 Strongly Agree 2
is satisfactory.
I am satisfied with the overall learning
environment at private schools inside MSU 3.42 Strongly Agree 3
Main Campus.
I believe that studying at private school
inside MSU Main Campus provides better
3.46 Strongly Agree 1
career opportunities compared to public
I am satisfied with the enrollment and
tuition fees that were given and 2.29 Disagree 5
implemented by our school.
I am satisfied with the level of support and
guidance provided by the faculty and staff
3.31 Agree 4
at private schools inside MSU Main
Total Average 3.29 Agree

1.0 – 1.79 = Strongly Disagree

1.80 – 2.59 = Disagree
2.60 – 3.39 = Agree
3.40 – 4.00 = Strongly Agree

Table IV.A indicates the descriptive statistics of respondents’ responses to the

advantages of being a student in private school. As indicated, this study found out that the

respondents are satisfied well that their school provides better career opportunities in the

future. Also, the respondents had strongly agreed that the quality of education provided

by their is satisfactory, that they are satisfied with the overall learning environment at

private schools inside MSU Main Campus. Furthermore, respondents believed that they
were disagreed and not satisfied with the enrolment and tuition fees of their respective


This finding was supported by the Fraser Institute in 2007, which states that 91% of

parents surveyed said the dedication of the teachers was their main reason for choosing

private school. Instructors are both qualified and passionate about their subjects, often

holding advanced degrees in their field. Within the tight-knit school community, students

have close relationships with their teachers who commonly act as role models. "That

involves most of my life," says Blake Gage about teaching, coaching basketball and

being a house parent to 50 boarders at Brentwood College School, in Mill Bay, British

Columbia. In addition, small class sizes make staff members more readily available for

extra help or to further challenge individual students.

B. Disadvantages

Statement Mean Rank
Private schools tend to have a smaller
student population and may lack diversity
2.70 Agree 2
in terms of culture, ethnicity, and
socioeconomic backgrounds.
I am not satisfied with the overall learning
environment at private schools inside MSU
1.42 Strongly Disagree 5
Main Campus because the teachers are not
potentially qualified in teaching us.
I believe that studying at private school
always require the students to wear 3.46 Strongly Agree 1
The enrollment and tuition fees that were
given and implemented by our school is too 2.29 Agree 4
high and cannot be afford.
I am not recommending my fellow students
to study in private schools inside MSU 2.31 Disagree 3
Main campus.
Total Average 3.29 Agree

1.0 – 1.79 = Strongly Disagree

1.80 – 2.59 = Disagree
2.60 – 3.39 = Agree
3.40 – 4.00 = Strongly Agree

Table IV.B shows the descriptive statistics of respondents’ responses to the

disadvantages of being a student in private school. As indicated, this study found out that

the respondents responded strongly agree to statement indicator 3 as they are always

requires to wear uniforms. Also, the respondents had agreed that the private schools tend

to have a smaller student population and may lack diversity in terms of culture, ethnicity,

and socioeconomic backgrounds and that enrollment and tuition fees that were given and

implemented by their school is too high and cannot be afford. Furthermore, respondents

believed that they were strongly disagreed and not satisfied with the overall learning

environment at private schools inside MSU Main Campus because the teachers are not

potentially qualified in teaching us.

Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary of the study, its findings, and the conclusions

derived from the findings. It likewise discusses the study’s implications and

recommendations to the response.

Summary of Findings

This study examined the advantages and disadvantages of being a student in

private school inside MSU Main Campus. This study aimed to answer the following

questions: [1] What are the benefits and drawbacks of attending a private school inside

Mindanao State University compared to attending a public school?; [2] Are there any

specific challenges or opportunities unique to being a student at private school inside

MSU?; and [3]What are the distinct advantages and disadavantges of being a student at

private school within the MSU main campus?

The respondents involved in this study were fifteen (15) Grade Ten students of

PEACI, MSIA, and MSU-ILS (private school).

The tool used in gathering the data for this study was a survey questionnaire. The

said instrument was made up of two parts. The first part covered the respondents’

profiles, namely: age, gender, and civil status. The second part dealt on advantages and

disadvantages of being a student in a private school inside MSU Campus.

The data gathered were treated using the frequency and percentage counts, and


Based from the data gathered, the following findings were drawn:

1. Many or 60.0% of the respondents are 15 years old and below;

2. More than half 53.0% of the respondents are males;
3. All (100.0%) of the respondents are single in status;
8. The respondents strongly agreed and satisfied well that their school provides

better career opportunities in the future; and

9. The respondents had strongly agreed that they are always requires to wear



The respondents believed that one of the best advantages of being a student in

private school inside MSU main campus is that their school provides better career

opportunities in the future. It was shown in the descriptive statistic of their responses in

advantages of being a student in their respective schools that they had strongly agreed

that they are assured of the quality of education provided by their school is satisfactory,

and they are satisfied with the overall learning environment in their schools.

Also, respondents believed that one of the disadvantages of being a student in

private school inside MSU main campus is that they are always requires to wear



From the findings and conclusion of the study, the following recommendations

are suggested:

1. Researchers and educators should try to study in comparing the advantages and

disadvantages of private and public schools in Marawi city.

2. Teachers in private schools must requires to teach in their specialization or

major field.

3. Teachers must also be considerate to the students who cannot wear uniforms

every class.
4. Administrators must encourage their teachers to attend to seminars in their field

of specialization in order to satisfy and cater their learners’ learning needs.

5. Teachers must have time and be open-minded at hearing the dissatisfaction of

their students.

6. Teachers must give more exercises or drills that catch the attention of their

learners during classes to enhance their skills and feel happy while learning.

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