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Individual Integrated Assignment Stage 3 – (IIA – 3)

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December 2015 Examination

Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing

Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing

Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing
Subject Individual Integrated Assignment Stage 3 – (IIA – 3)
Nature of the Assignment Individual Assignment
Examination December 2015
Examination /Assignment st th
1 of October 2015 to 25 of October 2015
Registration Period
th th
Assignment Submission Period 8 of November 2015 to 15 of November 2015
Late Submission Period 23rd of November 2015 to 29 of November 2015
Assignment Acceptance time period Weekend and Weekday from 9.00am to 3.00pm
Presentation Date N/A
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Subject Individual Integrated Assignment Stage 3 – (IIA – 3)

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Table of Contents

List of Tables & Figures..........................................................................................................................2

Executive Summary.................................................................................................................................3

Task 01 - Advanced Management Competencies...................................................................................3

Task 02 - Strategic Marketing for Sustainability.....................................................................................5

Task 03 - Managing Global Dynamics....................................................................................................7

Task 04 - Strategic Marketing Planning..................................................................................................9

4.1 Micro Environment........................................................................................................................9

4.2 Macro Environment.....................................................................................................................11



List of Tables & Figures

Figure 1 - The linear model of innovation.................................................................................5

Figure 2 - The technology model of innovations.......................................................................5

Figure 3 - The stages of the "market pull” model......................................................................6

Figure 4 - The Macro and Micro environments.........................................................................9

Executive Summary

Entrepreneurs are the driving force of the economy and is an important factor of
production. Entrepreneurs display unique personal qualities that differentiate them from other
human beings. Those qualities make a dream to come true and the operations to progress with
the coordination between other factors of production such as machinery, men, information,
materials, methods etc. This report analyzes the important aspects of entrepreneurs with
regarding to their personality, linear models of innovation etc. The unique personal
characteristics had been illustrated with referring to the case study. And also the factors to be
considered in entering to a new destination for business operations has been clearly
elaborated in this report with giving attention to the analysis of the macro and micro
environmental conditions.

Task 01 - Advanced Management Competencies

1. Passion on work

An entrepreneur always has the passion on whatever he/ she does in order to make his/ her
dream a reality. This refers to the deterministic nature of the entrepreneurs and the dedication
towards the work. The passion comes from within the entrepreneurs and it could not be
related to only monetary benefits. The internal goal orientation makes them to be passionate
on achieving their targets through continuous effort in every time they fail.

2. Self- goal orientation

The entrepreneurs are very strong in their mentality and would not get affected by the
threatening effects such as destructive criticisms. Being an entrepreneur is far above having a
big lot of paper qualifications and it is a real talent that is embedded within a portion of
humans. (Hill, Charles & Jones, 2012) The entrepreneur is deterministic of the future and is
free from the influence of others. They believe in themselves and not on the qualifications. .
The statement by Tony “We do our best and let God just handle the rest.” Shows his
dedication. The result of the journey of an entrepreneur is uncertain and full of ambiguity.
Therefore they always seek to get more information relevant to their decision making and
execute their decisions and keep continuously moving. Since market conditions are very
dynamic and uncertain, there is always a risk associated in getting the relevant information

and executing the best decisions. It was mentioned that before making the strategic decisions
in the arrival of McDonalds into the Philippine market, they have had a long journey in order
to gather useful insights on the operations of McDonalds which shows the decisive nature of
Tony who needed to make informed judgments. And also being alert on industry trends,
global changes, innovative technology shows the decisive nature of Tony.

3. Brave

Entrepreneurs are always risk takers and they are deterministic of the high return
associated with the high risk. But they are not merely taking the risks but with cautious
actions they proceed in order to control the business risk which is very high initially. As they
fail from previous cases, the lessons learnt make them proceed with more confidence. When
Tony got to know that McDonalds is going to enter the Philippines market, he was brave
enough and had a long analysis on its potential operations in the pursuit of competitive
strategies which shows that Jollibee prepared to face the market conditions. (Hill, Charles &
Jones, 2012)

4. Flexibility

The original business plan prepared by an entrepreneur may associate certain adjustments
as they proceed over time. Being flexible to the changes in the macro environmental
conditions as well as the company specific factors is a must for being successful. This quality
was displayed from the fact that Tony was flexible in re-launching his business with seeing
the preference of Philippines for burghers. And also he returned from engineering to the
restaurant operations which show his flexibility. And also the company is flexible to adjust its
recipes to suit the country preferences. (Philip, Kevin Abraham, 2009)

5. Future Vision

Entrepreneurs always have a dream in their mind to be realized which becomes the vision
of their business venture. The ability to foresee the future is a special personal quality and
they zoom in the possible new business locations, products and customer requirements in a
proactive manner. Tony had a clear vision to be a global player with a half of sales coming
from foreign operations by the year 2020.

6. Communication and co ordination

The entrepreneur would lead a business solely or as a group and thus becomes a leader
who communicates the vision effectively to other members and they would be motivated and
driven towards goal attainment. The whole business would have to be coordinated between
employees as well as keeping industry liason which is important in obtaining finance and
necessary inputs. The manager of HongKong Jollibee states that Tony has the charisma to
move the people working.

Task 02 - Strategic Marketing for Sustainability

Invention Innovatio Diffusion

Figure 1 - The linear model of innovation

The linear model of innovation refers to the fact that technical change occurs in a
consecutive manner starting from invention, then innovation and finally leading to diffusion.
Scientific research had become the foundation. (Chesbrough, 2010)

There are two versions of the linear innovation model.

1. "technology push" model

2. "Market pull" model.

From the industrial revolution era, the innovations in the industries sector of the economy
underwent a linear development that originated from a scientific invention through
technological development. The technology model of innovations comprise of the following

Scientific Designing Production Marketing

Figure 2 - The technology model of innovations

Innovations started from the scientific research as the base and owing to the discoveries
made during scientific research and investigation, new products were designed and produced
and then marketed to the consumers. Here, there is no concern on what the consumers expect
and they just have to adapt to the new products that come in as result of research and
development. (Chesbrough, 2010)

The market pull model of innovation originated from 1960 s and the origination of the
innovation process came from the market. The stages of the "market pull” model comprises
as below.

Concept Sales &
Needs & Production
Development Marketing

Figure 3 - The stages of the "market pull” model

The market pull model starts from the market where the company scans its environmental
changes and the specific evolutions in the customer tastes and preferences. Then based on
what the customers expect, product and service concepts would be developed and then test.
The successful concepts would be executed in production and they would be marketed to the

The innovation model of Jollibee is a mixed approach where it has been started initially as
an ice cream selling business which had been an innovation caused from the scientific
chemical research of Grace who was Tony’s wife to be. The sweet flavor discovered by
Grace was turned into a business opportunity a tasty ice cream was produced and marketed in
the outlet started by them. (Chesbrough, 2010)

Then after some time they found the strong market demand for burghers and they re-
launched their business with incorporating burgher business. This means that Tony has
identified the customer preferences in the re-launch of his business which gives rise to a
market pull model.

It could also be proved from the fact that Jollibee pursues a market pull innovation model
where it has identified the tastes and preferences of the Phillippine nation and has they have
used it even for competing against Mc Donalds. Tony argues that Jollibee’s food is sweeter,
more spicy and salty than the food of McDonalds and it suits Phillipines. Mc Donalds seems
to fail in competition because of the world standards it maintains.

Tony has further argued that in order to compete with McDonalds, it would have to further
improve on the preferred areas by customers such as the store outlook, advertising and
promotion, play areas for children, service efficiency etc. in addition to the taste of food.
Therefore it is clear that the innovation process of the Jollibee is a market pull model which
has originated from the market needs and wants. (Philip, Kevin Abraham, 2009)

After capturing customer needs and wants, food products were designed for them and they
were sold in many outlets justified by the rapid expansion of Jollibee recently. It is mentioned
that if Jollibee needs to adjust the taste of food to suit particular markets they enter, they
become flexible at it. Therefore clear consumer understanding leads to the development of
products. In entering to foreign markets Jollibee has put more concern on marketing activities
for establishing their brand and making it familiar among the less familiar non Phillippines.

Therefore there is evidence to prove that Jollibee has gone through technology pull model
in the initial stage of innovations and then a demand pull model in the second part or in the
re-launching of the business. (Philip, Kevin Abraham, 2009)

Task 03 - Managing Global Dynamics

In pursuit of the European market entry as a step of market expansion, Jollibee could use
one of the following international business entry strategies.

Exporting of the products is one possible entry strategy which cannot be applied in the
restaurant chain operations. Only the raw materials could be exported. This involves making
no presence in the target country. The other option is licensing where the company sells the
license for operating the restaurants to another party in another country. This happens in the
case of a product with a demand but having insufficient capital.

The other method is to start a joint venture. In a joint venture, two companies agree upon
to carry out a particular operation, here the restaurant operations together. A partner would be

given to the foreign country who would be a person with a sound knowledge and experience
on the production and the product. Here, the firm would not receive the total control over the
production. The last option would be to operate a fully owned subsidiary. Here no foreign
party would involve in entering to the foreign market. This could happen in two ways. One is
green field development which refers to creating a totally new firm in the foreign country and
the other method is a Brownfield development which involves purchasing an existing
company in the Europe. The latter would offer benefits such as gaining of expertise but there
could be restraints in terms of internal politics for ownership change in the European
company. (Philip, Kevin Abraham, 2009)

In order to enter into a market, the first thing needed is the strong demand for the product
or service. It said that there are many Philippine nationals working in Europe who knows
very well about Jollibee which is a product of their home country. And also they are asking
for the product. This shows that it is worthwhile going for the European market. And since
much of the Philippine community know about the restaurant chain, excessive advertising is
not required. This was proved in failed operations of Jollibee in Xiamen in 1998 due to failed
brand performance.

And also when considering the macro economic factors with regard to the Europe area,
there is a very strong currency adapted within the region: Euro and low inflation. Low
inflation would make the foreign exchange rate less volatile. People prefer burghers and ice
creams and there is a big population which implies favorable demand. And also there are
minimum rules and regulations regarding the foreign direct investment in Europe regarding
capital mobility. Hence overall view of the macro environment seems to be encouraging the
entry to the country. (Philip, Kevin Abraham, 2009)

In choosing the best strategy to enter, Jollibee should consider its lessons learnt from past
experiences as well as the internal capability. (Philip, Kevin Abraham, 2009)

Jollibee had been successful with using a joint venture with Super Foods Group in
Vietnam and has successfully expanded in Indonesia. It is also entering to a same type of
agreement with Wowprime in Taiwan. And also the closure of Xiamen operations shows the
need to buy brands with a strong performance in the market and develop the operations at the
back end.

Interested parties are also there to go for a joint venture or a franchise. If Jollibee goes for
a franchise, he would not get the benefit of a following brand and hence there would be a
problem in attracting customers. But if it goes for a joint venture with a party associated with
a strong brand, company could gain many benefits in advertising and promotion in the initial
stages. The two companies would have a single objective which is beneficial for both of
them. And Jollibee would not have to operate solely with its brand. So there would be less
chance of failure and less risky. Therefore the recommended entry strategy is to go for a joint
venture. (Hill, Charles & Jones, 2012)

Task 04 - Strategic Marketing Planning

If Jollibee is to enter to the Sri Lankan market, it would have to undergo a thorough
analysis of the macro and micro environments that could have an impact on the operations.
Micro environment comprises of the factors and forces within a company and macro forces
refer to the overall influences arising from beyond the company boundaries.

Figure 4 - The Macro and Micro environments

4.1 Micro Environment

 Owners

This is an internal factor which has a great influence on the company. Owners are the
shareholders including Tony and Grace who were the initial owners. They are always seeking
business expansion and good financial performance. And also the attitude of owners
regarding entry to Sri Lanka and about its market conditions would highly matter. It is
important to place a private placement of shares to established Sri Lankan companies which
would drive towards the success when one gets the ownership of the company.

 Employees

Employees are the people who devote their energy and strength towards achieving the
goals of the company. Company would have to recruit employees who are locals and has the
adoptability to culture and has the language capability. Sri Lankan culture is different and
there is high level of power difference and ambiguity which implies that there should be
much training at the initial periods. Since the wage rates are low in the country, Jollibee
would be able to hire employees for operations at a very lower cost.

 Suppliers

Since Jollibee is a restaurant chain, there would be many suppliers for different food
items. Finding suppliers for the supply of food items including meat, vegetables etc. would
not be difficult in Sri Lanka. Maintaining good relationships with suppliers would ensure the
existence of an undisrupted supply to the market with consistent taste or features. The quality
of supplies is another concern that has to be determined because it ultimately impacts on the
product quality.

 Customers

Customers are the revenue generating factor to Jollibee. There are less Filipinos in Sri
Lanka, but there could expect a good demand when seeing the demand for outlets such as
KFC, McDonalds etc. Therefore the company could target the potential customer base.
Continuous monitoring of the customers both before and after market entry is essential in
order to understand their needs and preferences in a timely manner and cater for the exact
need. For instance, typical Sri Lankans like to have more spices on food. And also producing
loyal customers would make the entry strategy effective.

 Competitors

These are the rival firms that could create competition in gaining market share and
customers. The key customers would be McDonalds, KFC, Burgher King, Dominos etc. and
there would be a huge threat from competitors because they have already established their

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presence in the market. The competitors might be having more effective and efficient human
work force that had been trained with a customer orientation. These could be assets to
competitors which would constrain the Jollibee. The strong brand performance of competitors
such as McDonalds, KFC and the loyal customer base of competitors developed over a long
term could be a challenge to Jollibee which is a totally new brand for Sri Lankans. Therefore
Jollibee would have to engage in advertising and promotions that make people aware of the
brand and products.

4.2 Macro Environment

 Economic Environment

This comprises of the wide economic factors such as inflation, interest rates, foreign
exchange rates, GDP growth rate, income distribution etc. These would have varying impacts
on Jollibee. The increase in interest rates and the high inflation rates would depreciate the
currency and hence the Jollibee would find it cheaper to convert its currency to Sri Lankan
rupee. But in the transferring of the profits earned in Sri Lanka to the mother country, Jollibee
would have to convert the Rupee earnings to home currency at a very high rate because of the
depreciating rupee. (Philip, Kevin Abraham, 2009)

The financial markets in Sri Lanka are not so much developed with the sophisticated
derivatives like futures contracts and swaps. Hence the only available derivative to reduce the
risk of foreign exchange rate is the forward contracts. The income distribution is unequal and
thus there is a very high portion of income concentrated to the higher income earners. The
rate of growth in GDP had been high and currently it has lowered. Economic growth rate also
associates with the per capita income which determines the demand for goods and services.

The rate of unemployment is generally high while the literacy rate is high. This implies
that Jollibee would be able to find educated employees. The wage rates are low in the country
and thus the company would be able to find employees at relatively low cost.

 Political Environment

The political conditions in the country highly affect the foreign entrants. If there is a
political uncertainty, there would be uncertainty associated with the government policies
regarding the areas such as taxes, barriers to foreign entry, outflow of returns to home
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country etc. Sometimes it could be favorable if the government decides to reduce or eliminate
the capital gains taxes on foreign direct investments. Hence decisions of the government are
very influencing to the business. These are highly affecting to foreign new entrants. The
changes in political parties and change in officials would hence be a risk to Jollibee.

Political environment also comprise of the various parties in the society that are interested
on the activities of the business such as pressure groups. These groups could rise in cases of
employee exploitation, consumer exploitation etc. and may have a negative impact upon the
operations of the business. Therefore Jollibee has to carefully analyze the behavior and
existence of such pressure groups in the society and be prepared for their acts.

 Legal Environment

Another factor that influences the business is the legislative structure of the country. If
there are no laws, rules and regulations concerning competition and business entry and there
is total freedom, there is a high tendency to exploit the new comer and make it fail in the new
environment. The standards issued by the Sri Lanka Standards Institution would ensure that
the firm’s systems and procedures are in line with the standards specified by the institution.
And also there are various laws and regulations on processing food as well as in hiring
employees such as shop and office employees act, minimum wages act etc. These things have
to be considered before entering into the country. (Hill, Charles & Jones, 2012)

 Sociological Environment

This environment comprises of the human factor which comprise the customers. The
beliefs and attitudes of the community and the demographical patterns like age distribution,
education level, concern towards health, lifestyle etc. would have an impact potentially on
Jollibee’s operations. Income level has increased due to the growth in economic production
level. This would again put a positive influence on the demand for food items.

The population growth rate is at a favorable level and hence it could be expected that there is
a favorable demand for the restaurant food of Jollibee. The population is concentrated in the
urban areas of the country and thus the population density gives an insight on locating the
restaurant outlets of Jollibee. (Hill, Charles & Jones, 2012)

There are some people who don’t eat certain kinds of meat. For example, Indians do not
eat beef and McDonalds failed operations in India due to that. The Muslims do not eat pork

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and thus there will not be demand for such products from them. The young population is
currently high in the country which means that there would be a strong demand from the
young crowd for Jollibee restaurants.

And also most of the people are now concerned of their health and thus they refuse eating
fast food. This could be a negative factor towards the demand for Jollibee products. But on
the other hand, when considering the lifestyle of individuals, most of the women have
become busy with their office work same as men and thus they also demand for fast food
which creates a positive insight towards the demand in the future.

 Technological Environment

The technological environment comprises of the latest technologies that come into market
regarding food production and the products that get obsolete in the technological
environment. The new and faster methods of producing the processed meat and the efficient
cookers would come in latest versions whereas the old appliances get obsolete. In order to
face the competitive rivalry within the industry, Jollibee would have to adapt to these changes
in a timely manner. Therefore continuous investment in technology is a must for success.
Most of the competitors are international franchises and so they have the direct access to
foreign country’s technologies. And so Jollibee would have to face competition. When
considering the technology to be used, the company should be pro active to the changes in the
technological environment and be the first mover in utilizing those technologies.

 Ecological Environment

This environment comprises of the laws, rules and regulations concerning the environment
and the sustainability as a whole. There should be minimum environmental pollution from the
company activities and the company should also adapt to the government standards imposed
by Sri Lankan government authorities such as the Central Environmental Authority.
Obtaining environmental certifications such as ISO 14001 would help attract environment
loving customers. And also other certifications such as energy rating label etc. would ensure
sustainability of operating activities. Being environmentally friendly would emphasize the
contribution towards saving energy and other resources for the future generations which
could be called as sustainability.


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The personal qualities of Jollibee’s founder. Tony had been discovered through the case
study and they had been proves with reference to it. The decisive nature, visionary quality,
ability to coordinate and communicate, taking risks while facing uncertainty, passion on
work, flexibility had been identified and their contribution towards the development of their
business venture had been clearly illustrated. It was identified through analysis that Jollibee
has used the technology based innovation model at the inception of the business due to the
fact that the ice cream recipe was a scientific research result and then has adapted to the
market based innovations where it has identified the demand for burghers and them
complemented their business with that. The possible entry strategy to Europe had been
identified as a joint venture where it could benefit from the strong brands already in the
European market. Finally, the macro and micro environment analysis had been done in the
pursuit of its strategy to enter the Sri Lankan market.


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