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Laguilles, John Chandler R.

BMMA111P – C97

Different Innovations Incorporating the use the 3D

1. Real Time Rendering - is used to describe the process of creating and displaying images or
animations as they are computed instantly, usually at interactive rates to facilitate instant
feedback and interaction. A branch of computer graphics that specializes in real-time image
production and analysis. The render is interactive for users to use as it is being developed,
which is a benefit of real-time rendering; computers are used in real-time 3D rendering to
create photorealistic 2D images from 3D models (Real-Time 3D Rendering | Software for
Architects | Autodesk, n.d.).
2. 3D Printing - are utilized in the production of 3D printed objects. Layers of material are
added one after the other until the desired object is formed in an additive process. A thin
cross-section of the object can be observed in each of these layers. This technology enables
the creation of tangible objects from a different variety of materials, in nearly any shape or
geometry (, 2023).
3. 3D Data Capture/Mapping - is the process of gathering and converting three-dimensional
data from real-world objects, settings, or surfaces into digital representations. With the use
of this technology, precise digital replicas of real-world locations or objects can be produced.
Nowadays, mapping 3D images is not a challenging task. A real-world object can be precisely
mapped using 3D scanners and other technologies, then added to a virtual scene (Beltram &
Beltram, 2019).
4. 3D Modeling - is the usage of a three-dimensional representation of an object or scene
created using specialized software. This digital model replicates the look and feel of
hypothetical ideas or actual objects in three dimensions by utilizing geometric surfaces,
shapes, and textures. The fields of design, manufacturing, architecture, and construction
have depended heavily on 3D modeling as a tool. The power of today's 3D modeling
software is astounding. In addition to parts, it can be used to design entire assemblies and
intricate products with lots of moving parts (Comp & Comp, 2020).
5. Virtual Machining - before any physical machining takes place, the use of computer
simulations and software to simulate the entire machining process of a part or component
in a virtual environment. Engineers and machinists can use it to analyze, optimize, and
validate machining operations without having to use actual materials or machinery. The
primary purpose of virtual machining is to make sure that the outputs are correct and
without errors. This technology allows you to observe how the machine behaves during the
process (Comp & Comp, 2020b).

Real-Time 3D Rendering | Software for Architects | Autodesk.


%20rendering%20is%20a,render%20as%20it%20is%20developed. (2023, November 21). What is 3D printing? How does a 3D printer work?

Learn 3D printing. 3D Printing.

Beltram, F., & Beltram, F. (2019, May 26). 7 Innovations in 3D Visualization to take advantage
of | CAD Crowd. Cad Crowd | CAD Design Services, 3D Modeling, 3D Animation, CAD

Drafting, Engineering & 3D Printing Design.


Comp, B., & Comp, B. (2020, March 2). 13 Future innovations in 3D rendering technology used

by leading companies | CAD Crowd. Cad Crowd | CAD Design Services, 3D Modeling,

3D Animation, CAD Drafting, Engineering & 3D Printing



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