T03 A01 Number System-Revision Worksheet

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Name: Grade: Roll No: 2022-23

Subject: Date: Teacher’s sign

T03 A01 Number System_Revision Worksheet

Do As Directed [Non Calculator Questions]

1. a) Write 5.30987 correct to 3 decimal places. ________________

b) Write 0.0036489 correct to 3 significant figures. ________________

c) Write 0.0036489 in standard form. ________________

d) Write 5.30987 correct to 3 decimal places. ________________

2. In each diagram, shade the region indicated.

3. a) Work out: i) (0.6)2 = _________ ii) 160 = _________

b) Work out:
15 7 15 7 15 7
i) 7
+ 5
ii) 7
÷ 5
iii) 7
− 5

4. Find the lowest common multiple (LCM) and Greatest Common Divisior (GCD) of of 21, 42, and 63.
5 5+ 2
5. i) Write in a + b 2 form. ii) Write in a + b 2 form.
5− 2 5− 2

6. Convert: a) 15 m/s into km/h b) 120 km/h into m/s.

7. Simplify the following, giving your answer in standard form:

a) (8 x 103) x (2 x 104) b) (8 x 103) ÷ (4 x 105) c) 2 × 103 + 3.6 × 104 d) 7 × 105 – 5.2 × 104

8. Find the exact value of

a) 82/3 x 49-1/2. b) (1/81)-3/4. c) 82/3 + 64-1/2 d) ( 5)
9. Let U= {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, A={1,3,5,7,9}, B={2,4,6,8}, C={3,5}, D={2,4,6,8}.
a) Find {A∪B} b) Find {A∩B} c) Find {A’} d) Find n(B∩C)

e) List down all the subsets of set C.

You may use calculator in the following questions. Show necessary calculations.

1. How much is borrowed if a simple interest rate of 8% p.a. results in an interest charge of $3600 after 3

2. A 25 m roll of carpet was bought wholesale for $435. If the whole roll is sold at $32.50 per metre,
Find: a) the selling price b) the profit c) the profit as a percentage of the wholesale (cost) price.
3. a) Increase $3625 by 8%. b) Decrease 387 km by 1.8%

4i) Aahana buys a chair in a sale for $435.60. This is 4ii) Chintan sells a dress for $42.60 after making a
a reduction of 12% on the original price. Calculate profit of 20% on the cost price. Calculate the cost
the original price of the chair. price.

5. Jiya’s company makes biscuits at a cost of $1.35 per packet. These biscuits are sold for $1.89 per packet.
a) Calculate the percentage profit the company b) The selling price of $1.89 has increased by 8%
makes on each packet. from last year. Calculate the selling price last year.
6. The people who work for a company are in the following age groups.

The ratio of the number in group A to the number in group B is 7 : 10.

The ratio of the number in group B to the number in group C is 4 : 3.
a) Find the ratio of the number in group A to the number in group C. Give your answer in its simplest form.

b) There are 45 people in group C. Find the total number of people who work for the company.

7. Every Monday, Jahan travels by car to the library. The distance is 20km and the journey takes 23 minutes.
a) Calculate the average speed for the journey in kilometres per hour.

b) One Monday, he is delayed and his average speed is reduced to 32km/h. Calculate the percentage increase
in the journey time.
8. In Spain, the price of a book is 11.99 euros. In the USA, the price of the same book is $12.99. The exchange
rate is $1 = 0.9276 euros.
a) Calculate the difference between these prices. b) 7605 books were borrowed from the library in
Give your answer in dollars, correct to the nearest 2021. This was 22% less than in 2020. Calculate the
cent. number of books borrowed in 2020.

9. One month of the Amazon Prime costs 179 INR. An annual subscription costs 1499 INR. Calculate the
percentage discount by having an annual subscription.

Thinking Cap Questions

1. The ages of a father and son add up to 66. The father’s age is the son’s age reversed. How old could they be?

2. How can you arrange four nines to make it equal to 100?

3. There are several books on a bookshelf. How many books are on the shelf if one book is the 44th from the
left and the 66th from the right?

4. Find the odd man out: 331, 482, 551, 263, 383, 362, 284. Justify your answer.

5. 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 555. Draw a single line in the equation to make it accurate.

6. How tall is the table shown in the figure.

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