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complete the sentences with the correct form of "used to":

o When I was a child, I did not use to play with my toys every day.
o My grandparents _______ (live) in the countryside, but now they live in the
o Sarah _______ (study) French, but now she's learning Spanish.
2. Write sentences about your past habits or states using "used to":
o Example: I used to play soccer when I was younger.
o Your turn: _________________________________________________.
3. Transform the sentences using "used to":
o I drank coffee every morning in the past.
o We visited our grandparents on weekends.
4. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences:
o When she was a child, she _______ (use to / used to) go fishing with her
o They _______ (didn't use to / didn't used to) eat sushi, but now they love it.
5. Rewrite the following sentences using "used to":
o He was afraid of dogs in the past. (He used to be afraid of dogs.)
o My sister lived in London for two years. (My sister used to live in London
for two years.)
6. Fill in the blanks with "used to" or "didn't use to":
o I _______ eat candy when I was on a diet.
o My grandparents _______ have a farm, but they sold it years ago.
o Sarah _______ watch horror movies, but now she loves them.
7. Write affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences using "used to":
o Example: Affirmative: We used to go swimming every weekend. Negative:
We didn't use to go swimming every weekend. Interrogative: Did we use
to go swimming every weekend?

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