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WRITE YOUR OWN answers—DO NOT COPY from others, Read AIML materials and write own answers

UCE, BIT CAMPUS, Tiruchirapalli, Anna University, DEPARTMENT OF IT/CSE,

CS3491- AI & ML, 4thsem IT -Test-2 [Duration: 3.00Hrs] Marks: 100
Date & Session: 10-06-2024, AN 1.30-4.30pm: Class:4thsem,IT—A,B
BL – Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels (L1- Knowledge/Remember, L2- Understanding, L3 – Applying, L4 –Analyzing, L5 – Evaluating, L6 - Creating), CO – Course Outcomes

PART - A Answer ALL questions in full detail (30 X 3 = 90 Marks)

QNo Question COs Level
1 What is an activation function. Give examples CO1 L3
What happens when a neural net (NN) is trained? What is meant by training
2 a NN. CO1 L4
3 Draw a model of multi-layer perceptron. CO1 L1
4 What happens during gradient descent optimization. CO2 L2
5 What is stochastic gradient decent optimization? CO2 L4
What kind of errors are encountered during NN training. How they are
6 addressed? CO2 L4
7 What is a feed forward NN. Give a schematic of it. CO3 L3
8 What is a back propagation NN. Give a schematic of it. CO3 L3
9 What is a shallow NN. CO3 L2
10. What is a deep learning NN. Give a schematic of it. L1
11 What is “vanishing gradient problem” in NN training. CO3 L3,L1,L4
12 what is a Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU)activation function? Give examples of it. CO2 L4
13 What is batch normalization in NN? CO1 L3,L1
Give examples of hyperparameters is NN. What each of them are for ? How
14 do you tune them? L3,L1 CO2
15 Give a description of working of a back propagation algorithm in NN. CO3 L3
16 What are different model combination schemes in ensemble learning? CO3 L3
17 Explain approaches to bagging in ensemble learning. CO1 L1
18 Explain approaches to boosting in ensemble learning. CO2 L4
19 Explain approaches to stacking in ensemble learning. CO1,3 L3,L4
20 How do you carryout unsupervised learning ? what techniques do you use for it. CO2 L3,L4
21 What is Gaussian mixture models in unsupervised learning? CO1,3 L1,L3
22 What is expectation maximization? Give an example. CO2,3 L4
23 What is a maximum MARGIN/distance classifier. CO1,3 L3
24 How do you use random forest to classify data. Illustrate. CO2,3 L3,L1
25 Explain the working of SVM to classify data. Illustrate. CO3 L3
26 Explain the working of Bayesian linear regression (LR) to classify data. Illustrate CO3,4 L3
27 What is parameter learning in multi-variate LR. CO3 L1
28 What is a discriminant function? Give examples. CO2,3 L3,L4
29 What is logistics regression? CO1,2,3 L3,L4
30 What is probabilistic generative model. CO1,2,3 L3,L4
PART - B Answer COMPULSORY questions (1 X 10 = 10 Marks)
QN Question COs Level
Design a perceptron to recognize numerals 0,1,2,3... up to 9.

31 OR CO3,co2 L3,L4
32 Explain the working of K-Means learning algorithm through an example. CO3,co2 L3,L4

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