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1d6 new Fallouts:

1 Logging. When you sleep, you chant – names, places, dates, times, GPS coordinates. You
do not remember what you said on waking.
2 Watchers. Everywhere you go, you see Them. They wear mottled hoods and masks of
plain metal, and they disappear whenever anyone gets close. When They think you can’t
see Them, they make gestures at you.
3 Desert Mark. The sand is red, the color of the deepest deserts, where rain is memory and
bones lie undisturbed. It gets into everything – as you walk, it fills your socks; when you
wake, you blink it from your eyes. The first time you clean out the sand, roll 1d6. If the
result is higher than your max HP, take the new result.
4 Oblivion. You know you had a soul – emphasis on the past tense. You know nothing
awaits when you die. You may re-roll any failed save if you would take Critical Damage as
a result of that failure.
5 Self-Image. Your body does not feel right. Every time you look at yourself, you swear you
have changed – fingers grown longer, eyes not quite the right shade, skin stained and
mottled. No one else can see these changes. Every time you notice a new change, gain 1
STRESS but restore 1 HP.
6 Mutagenesis. You are being reshaped for a higher purpose. The being that is reshaping you
does not know what that purpose is yet, so it… tinkers. Every time you rest, you must
move a point from one ability to another. You cannot revert these changes; at best, you
can establish a holding pattern where you move your point from one ability to the next to
the next and then finally back to the first ability.

Seed table:
1 Dawning Climb
2 Recurring Cut down
3 Government Unfolds
4 Cooked Cinders
5 Sacrilegious Carriage
6 Bloodied and torn Scholarly
7 Open Leaking
8 Dinner Cultist
9 Swampy Assassin
10 Tombstone Chemical
11 Devolution Eternity
12 Underlying Panic
13 Iconoclastic Coastal
14 Folkloric Unliving
15 Musty Hallucination
16 Distant Gleaming
17 Freedom Highway
18 Medicated Guardian
19 Empty Industry
20 Ascending Photograph

Liminal Horror is copyright by Goblin Archives LLC. The Nameless Page is an independent production by The Gemfish and is not
affiliated with Goblin Archives LLC. It is published under the Liminal Horror Third Party License.

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