John Blandy Voluntary Controlled Primary School - School Prospectus

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School Prospectus



Introduction The History of John Blandy School Admissions Aims of the John Blandy School The Curriculum Organisation Sports Extra-curricular activities Assemblies & Acts of Worship Homework Out of School Activities Policy on Sex Education Religious Education Special Needs Withdrawal of Children from Activities Getting Ready for School Day to Day Information School Times School Uniform KS2 &KS1 School Uniform Foundation Stage School Meals Packed Lunches Parents & Teachers General Matters Attendance Complaints Procedure Governing Bodys Charging Policy Voluntary Contributions Discipline Home School Agreement School Policies Secondary Schools 3 4 5 6 7

10 11 12 13



Health and Safety Delivering & Collecting Children Dogs Medicines Smoking Security The Friends of John Blandy Term Dates National Curriculum Assessments School Staff School Governors L.E.A. Fair Processing Notice: Data Protection Act


17 18 19 20 & 21 22 23 24

This booklet has been prepared by the Governors and Staff of John Blandy Primary School to provide information on the school, its aims, curriculum and activities. The education system has undergone many changes over recent years. The Governors, with the Head, now have responsibility for the management of the School while the Local Education Authoritys role is to monitor and advise the management team. The involvement of parents is important to the School and the School welcomes your help and support either by direct assistance in School or by the participation of The Friends of John Blandy. Parents of prospective pupils are most welcome to visit the school. Please telephone to make an appointment and we will be happy to show you around.

THE HISTORY OF JOHN BLANDY SCHOOL The School was first established by an endowment from John Blandy, Squire of the village and Lord of the Manor of Kingston Bagpuize, in 1735. It is said to have been the first school of its kind educating boys who were going to sea. The Will of a later John Blandy enlarged the endowment. In 1894 a new school and schoolhouse were built on the Faringdon Road. This new building replaced the old school house and long schoolroom, which still stands on the Abingdon Road, southwest of the lodge house close to the main gates to Kingston Bagpuize House. As a result of the 1944 Education Act, the building erected in the last decade of the 19th century was taken over by the Berkshire Education Authority, but the Blandy Trust still maintained an interest in the school, which became known as Kingston Bagpuize Primary (Controlled) School. With the growth of Kingston Bagpuize and Southmoor in the 1960s it became obvious that this building, with its two rooms, two temporary classrooms and use of the village hall, would be far too small. So, on the 6 February 1968, all equipment and furniture having been moved by the Authority with the help of School Managers and Parents, the new building in Southmoor opened with five classrooms, work areas and library area, hall, changing rooms and fully equipped kitchen. (The old School is now used as the headquarters of the 1st Longworth Scout Group). In June 1968, the swimming pool was ready for use, through contributions and work of Parents and Friends, and a generous grant from the Blandy Trust. On 19th June 1968, Mr John Blandy (now Professor Blandy) in the presence of the Director of Education for Berkshire, the County Architect, the Chairman of the Education Committee, Parents, Friends, Staff and Children officially opened the school. His mother Lady Blandy, ceremonially unveiled a plaque made by Professor Blandy himself, commemorating the occasion. This plaque can be seen on the wall of the main entrance on the north side of the school. In May 1996 the Nursery Extension, now accommodating the Foundation Stage Unit, was completed and opened on the 21st June by Professor John Blandy and the Chairman of Oxfordshire County Council.

John Blandy School welcomes all families who choose to use our School. Children are admitted to the Foundation Stage Unit at the beginning of the academic year in which they have their fifth birthday when they are known as F1 (Foundation 1) children. They are expected to attend for five daily sessions, Monday to Friday inclusive from 08.50 until 15.00. Should the school be in the position of having more applicants than places available the Oxfordshire County Councils admissions criteria will be used to allocate places. Copies of the admissions procedure for the Foundation Stage Unit and School are available from the school office. It is possible to register your child for a place in the Foundation Stage Unit on his/her second birthday. Registration forms can be obtained from the school office. It is essential that your childs birth certificate accompany the completed registration form. This is photocopied and returned to you for safekeeping. Over recent years we have been working to improve access to the school for pupils, staff and visitors who have a physical disability. Ramps, improved parking and toilet facilities are now available. The internal plan of the building enables classroom layouts to be modified allowing full access to equipment for all pupils. Whenever possible the school will endeavor to afford pupils full access to the curriculum regardless of any disability. (Also see - equal opportunities and special needs policies, copies available from the school office)


QUALITY LEARNING IN A CARING COMMUNITY OUR SCHOOL VALUES The school, consisting of pupils, teachers, governors, parents and the local community, value the creation of a safe and secure environment where learning is important, enjoyable and becomes a lifelong pursuit. We believe in high academic standards and personal achievements, which are best encouraged in a friendly, purposeful and co-operative atmosphere. We value honesty, fairness and integrity throughout our school community. We believe individuals should treat each other with respect and without prejudice and that every pupil has the right to be secure, happy and successful. We value the hard work of adults and children together and as individuals. The Governors endorse the content of the Oxfordshire County Council Curriculum Policy Document.


Ensure maximum academic development of children of all abilities including those with special education needs (notably in Literacy, Numeracy, Information & Communications Technology). Develop lively, enquiring minds with a lifetimes interest in learning and promote personal, social and moral development. Enable children to work both independently and as part of a team. Foster a continuing interest and involvement in sporting, cultural and leisure activities. Provide excellent facilities (Buildings and Grounds), which will encourage and facilitate learning. Ensure the professional development of staff is effective and conducive to high quality of teaching. Manage the schools finances to meet the requirements of a continuously developing school.

ORGANISATION The National Curriculum is organised into key stages as follows:FSU Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2 Ages 4 to 5 Ages 5 to 7 Ages 7 to 11

Years 1 and 2 Years 3 to 6

John Blandy School children attend from 4-11 yrs of age. In accordance with the Education Reform Act (1986) and subsequent legislation the children benefit from a broad and balanced curriculum including the ten National Curriculum subjects and Religious Education. English, Mathematics, Science, ICT and RE form the core of the curriculum, which at present also includes aspects of History, Geography, Design and Technology, Music, Art and Physical Education. Emphasis is placed upon the learning and application of skills, understanding key concepts and imaginative and creative thinking in addition to the acquisition of knowledge. At present the curriculum at KS1 is planned on an annual cycle and the curriculum at KS2 on a 2-year cycle. This is done to give breadth and balance and to ensure continuity and progression. The curriculum is designed to help children become literate, developing skills so they become fluent in the use of spoken language, reading and writing. The school is well stocked with books and from the earliest stage children are taught to value books as a source of pleasure, interest, study and information. It is also our aim that children gain a sound understanding of mathematical concepts in all areas using practical activities to gain increasing competence in application. Children are introduced to scientific studies, history and geography. The investigation and enquiry involved helps to develop childrens ability to think through a problem and to anticipate outcomes.

Music, Art, Drama, Physical Education and the use of ICT are regarded as essential elements in the curriculum giving children the opportunity for self-expression and to develop their creative talents. A wide range of teaching aids are used where appropriate, including television and radio broadcasts, films, outside visits, etc. Detailed records are kept to ensure an even coverage across a broad and balanced curriculum. Each child has an individual profile and portfolio of examples of work. SPORTS Sports are played at the school as part of our PE curriculum to encourage a healthy lifestyle. At KS1 a variety of sports skills are developed during P.E. sessions. At KS2 all children take part in a range of games that include netball, football, hockey, rounders, tennis cricket and other team games. Skills particular to rugby are also taught without there being physical contact. Girls and boys of all ages participate in all of these sports and all are encouraged to develop their games skills and their ability to co-operate in teams. Life is competitive and so are sports. We encourage our pupils to compete fairly and with determination. It is our intention that our pupils learn to win honorably and to lose gracefully. School teams participate in Area and Partnership competitions and friendly matches are arranged to give as many pupils as possible a chance to represent their school. The school is participating in the Oxfordshire School Sport Partnership Programme. Working with other primary schools in the area and a number of local secondary schools the scheme aims to improve the teaching of PE and to increase the opportunities offered to children. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Activities including environmental studies and gardening, football, ICT, French (peripatetic teacher/privately run), gymnastics and netball are organised after school. Children are informed in school of what activities are currently being offered and parents are informed by letter. If you have a skill that you could share with the children please talk to your childs class teacher in the first instance. ASSEMBLIES AND ACTS OF WORSHIP An Act of Worship is held each day and we also have visiting speakers. The assemblies and acts of worship are non denominational but the majority are of a broadly Christian nature in line with the requirements of the Education Reform Act (1986). HOMEWORK Children are encouraged to practice handwriting, spellings, tables and older children to complete or extend their schoolwork at home. We suggest that a period is set aside each evening for a relaxed reading time when parents and children enjoy sharing books. A full policy is available on request. OUT OF SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Visits to places of interest are extremely important as we wish to encourage children to use skills taught in the classroom in a variety of situations. Each year we arrange residential visits for Year 5 and Year 6 pupils to encourage the development of self-reliance and responsibility. We will always inform you of any planned trips and frequently ask for your help.

POLICY ON SEX EDUCATION The Staff and Governors of John Blandy School are committed to providing a programme of Sex education which complements and supports the role of parents in the Sex Education of their children in accordance with current legislation. Our aim would always be to work with and alongside parents in order that their children may learn in an open and supportive environment. We would also aim to develop Sex Education in the context of a broad and balanced programme of Health Education. Full Policy - available on request. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION All teachers are involved in teaching Religious Education frequently using real-life situations to discuss moral and social issues. The school follows the Oxfordshire County Council Agreed Syllabus for RE, a copy of which may be borrowed on request. SPECIAL NEEDS A pupil is deemed to have special needs when extra provision or additional differentiation is required within or outside the classroom to facilitate or extend their learning. Needs may be physical, intellectual, emotional, behavioral and/or social. It is our aim to facilitate individuals access to a broad and balanced Curriculum and enable pupils to achieve their own potential. Provision is co-ordinated for pupils on the Special Needs Register through a three-stage assessment. A close partnership with Parents is essential for the successful education of children with Special Needs. A copy of an extensive Special Needs Policy is available on request. WITHDRAWAL OF CHILDREN FROM ACTIVITIES Anyone wishing his or her child to be withdrawn from either the National Curriculum, Religious Education, the daily act of worship or sex education should consult the Headteacher. Curricula for children withdrawn from these activities will be developed to meet the individual needs of the child in discussion with parents.


Starting school is a major stage in life for both children and parents. We hope that the following information and suggestions will help to make the experience a good one and that you and your child will both be happy about school from the start. Before your child starts school he/she will be invited to visit. This will give both you and your child an opportunity to become familiar with the classroom, to make friends and to get to know the teacher. If your child has attended playgroup or nursery, he/she will be familiar with many of the activities in the classroom such as sand, water, imaginative play, construction toys, puzzles and painting. These activities are still important for your childs development and he/she will be encouraged to continue them in school. Most children arrive at school knowing about reading and writing and will have already started to develop some of the skills they will need to become readers and writers. You can help your child by giving him/her plenty of time to talk, listen, discuss and ask questions and by singing songs and rhymes and telling and reading stories. Free scribbling and drawing with crayons and pencils should be encouraged. Most children like to recognise their own name and to try to write it before they come to school. It would be helpful if you could show them how to do this in small letters. Many activities around the house can help to develop your childs understanding of maths, and are fun, e.g. laying the table for the right number of people, sorting the pegs or washing by colours and counting stairs. In school the children are expected to learn to look after and be responsible for their own possessions and to respect other peoples. Giving your child small responsibilities at home such as tidying and putting away their own things and giving him/her the opportunity to make small decisions will help to make him/her independent and confident in school. The children undress and dress for PE several times in the week and it will help both your child and the teacher if he/she knows how to do and undo buttons, how to turn clothes to the right way out and the order in which to put them on. Please consider the fit of clothes and simplicity of fastening when buying (shoes with Velcro fastening are ideal for the FSU children). Naming of clothing is essential to prevent loss and confusion. We hope that this has covered most of the queries you might have. Please do not hesitate to speak to the Class Teacher or Headteacher if there is anything else which concerns you. We look forward to your child arriving in school.


School Times Foundation Stage Unit Times Sessions start at 08.50 and end at 15.00 (Monday-Friday inclusive). KS1 and KS2 Times Sessions start at 08.45 and end at 15.00 (Monday-Friday inclusive). The F1 (Foundation Stage) and KS (Infant) children are taught for 4 hours and 50 minutes and KS2 (Junior) children for 5 hours a day, with additional time being taken up by an assembly and act of worship, mid-morning and lunchtime breaks. The main school day starts at 8.45 and children may arrive at school from 08.30 where they will be supervised by a teacher/member of staff in the playground. The whistle is blown at 08.40 and the children are asked to line up and enter the school in readiness for morning registration at 08.45. The Foundation Stage Unit starts at 08.50 and children may arrive and enter the unit at 08.45. It will be helpful if your child hangs his/her coat up; self registers and sits on the carpet in readiness for morning registration. It will help your child if your morning routine gives plenty of time to arrive without a rush and to sort out his/her belongings and say goodbye. Please ensure that your child knows whether he/she is going home for lunch, having a school meal or sandwiches. The main school day ends at 15.00 for all children and you may collect your child outside the cloakroom area. The Foundation Stage Unit school day ends at 15.00. Lunchtime is from 12.00 to 13.00. There are two sittings - Foundation and KS1 children enter the hall at 12.00 and KS2 children at 12.25. If your child goes home to lunch he/she should not return before 12.45.

Office Opening Times The school office will be open on a Monday to Friday as follows:08.30 09.15 12.00 13.00 14.30 15.15 If you telephone and your call is not answered you will be invited to leave a message. Please do so as well as giving the date and time of your call along with your contact number. A member of staff will return your call as soon as he/she is able.

Please ensure that all clothing is clearly marked with your childs name. WINTER Terms 1-2-3-4 SUMMER Terms 5-6 GIRLS BOYS Grey or black trousers or Grey or black shorts Plain blue or white shirt (Polo shirts acceptable) School sweatshirt* Plain grey, navy or white sock Black shoes or sandals (indoors) Trainers (outside) Waterproof coat Hat and gloves Sun hat Grey skirt/gymslip Blue gingham dress Grey or black trousers Plain grey, navy or white socks Plain blue or white shirt (Polo shirts acceptable) School sweatshirt* Black shoes or sandals (indoors) Trainers for outside Black shoes (indoor) Sun hat Waterproof coat Hat and gloves

BOYS AND GIRLS PHYSICAL EDUCATION In the Hall White T-shirts*, black shorts Outside White T-shirts*, black shorts and track suits for juniors Swimming (Class 5) Bathing costume, towel, bathing hat and flip flops *Sweatshirts are available from the school uniform shop, (run by the Friends of John Blandy School), which is held in the hall at 15.00 on several Fridays per term. Notices regarding dates are posted on the school website and around the school. Please make cheques payable to FOJBS. Trainers are worn outside for playtimes and school shoes worn indoors, in order to help keep the school clean. Long hair must be tied back. The only permitted jewellery is ear studs. We insist that they are removed for any physical education and no child will be allowed to participate unless they do remove them. To avoid spoiling clothes during art and craftwork each child will need an overall or an old shirt to cover their uniform. They will also need a hand towel with a hanging loop to dry their hands.

Nutritious and tasty meals are cooked daily in our own kitchen at a cost currently of 1.95 per meal. We operate on a strictly pay as you go basis. Payment for a school meal must be received before one is ordered. If you wish your child to have school meals please send a cheque made payable to John Blandy V C Primary School for collection during Monday morning registration. It is helpful if you pay per term. Please place your payment in an envelope marked with your childs name, class, date and amount enclosed. Some children may be eligible for free school meals, if so please contact the school secretary for the relevant information and application form. If new menus are produced these are sent home as well as displayed on notice boards in the school. Packed Lunches Children may bring a packed lunch, with a non fizzy drink; containers should be unbreakable and leak proof. It is acceptable for children to bring fruit or vegetables for break-time.

Parents and Teachers

Formal parent-teacher meetings at which your childs progress may be discussed are held on an ongoing basis throughout the year as arranged by class teachers. These sessions provide an opportunity for parents and teachers to discuss the continuing progress of every child. Education begins in the home and formal education must always be a partnership between parents and teachers. The teachers are always pleased to meet and listen to parents and encourage those who wish to work in the classroom. If you wish to help us in this way please contact your childs teacher.

We are required to publish details of our annual attendance record. If your child is unable to attend due to illness, please let the school know on the first day of absence, a telephone call is acceptable (01865 820422). If a member of the office staff is unable to take your call please leave an answer phone message giving your contact number and the date and time of your call. Please send a letter addressed to your childs class teacher explaining the reason for absence and the dates it involved when your child returns to school. Absences for dental/doctors appointments etc. should also be notified by phone or preferably by letter if known in advance. Please do all you can to make the appointments towards the end of the school day or if this is not possible towards the end of the school morning. For holidays during term time please complete a holiday request form which is available from the school office. This needs to be completed at least 14 days before the planned holiday. If you have a child in Year 2 or 6 please avoid taking a holiday during the time at which your child will be taking SATs. These dates can be obtained from the class teacher or school office staff.

Complaints Procedure
The school would like to create an environment where complaints are seen as opportunities and will endeavor to use complaints to improve the delivery of education for all the children in school. Complaints can be made verbally or in writing and all will be treated in confidence. The LEA also has a Complaints Procedure that Parents may use, if they believe that either the LEA or the Governing Body is failing to 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Provide the National Curriculum in the School or for a particular child. Follow the Law on charging for school activities Offer only approved qualifications or syllabuses. Provide Religious Education and daily collective worship. Provide information they have to provide. To carry out any other statutory duty relating to the Curriculum.

Full Policy - available on request.

Summary of Governing Bodys Policy on Charging

These will be made for board and lodgings on all residential trips. Parents who have difficulties in meeting the cost of such trips are asked to make an appointment to meet with the Headteacher in order to discuss the situation. Charges will also be made for private music tuition received during school time and for cookery ingredients and materials, which are either consumed on the premises or taken home. Parents will be charged for repair of damage caused by misbehavior.

Voluntary Contributions
It is hoped that parents will continue to make voluntary contributions to enable the continuance of educational visits to places of interest including museums, nature reserves and theatres. Lack of sufficient contributions will result in the cancellation of such trips. Full Policy on Governing Bodys Statement on Charges is available on request

Any lapses in good behavior will be dealt with by the teachers or non-teaching staff. The Headteacher will deal with serious episodes of misbehavior and parents will be contacted immediately. We encourage children at all times to have respect for others and to show a caring attitude towards their fellows as well as for the tools and equipment they handle and the surroundings in which they work. To this end we endeavor to foster a high standard of self-discipline in a happy learning situation. The school has developed a Code of Conduct for all people in school which operates within the Farringdon Partnership Community Approach to Good Behavior, (copy enclosed). Both Policies were formulated following lengthy consultation with pupils, teachers, governors and parents.

Home School Agreement

A Home School Agreement, which is signed jointly by the school, parent/guardian and the pupil, recognises the importance of the parents involvement in their childrens schooling.

School Policies
The school has written policies covering many areas of its work e.g. curriculum subjects, special needs, health and safety. Copies of any school policies can be obtained from the school office. All school policies are available for parents to read in a folder in the main entrance to the school and many can be viewed on the school website.

Secondary Schools
Children leaving John Blandy School usually attend either Farringdon Community College or Matthew Arnold at Cumnor. Parents of Y5 and Y6 children are advised to visit both on the days specially arranged for the purpose. Some children also move on to private secondary schools in the area.


The Staff and Governors of John Blandy School have produced guidelines to ensure that the health and welfare of all the children in their care is given the highest priority at all times. If you would like to study the schools Health and Safety Policy in greater detail, copies are available from the office.

Delivering and Collecting Children

The gates at the front of the school are closed from 08.30 until 09.00 in the morning and from 14.30 to 15.00 in the afternoon. Parents bringing children by car are asked to park considerately outside the school. We would like as many pupils to walk to school as possible and the walking buses operates daily, starting at the Wagon and Horses and opposite the Hinds Head. There are no facilities for storing childrens bicycles at the school and they are not permitted to cycle to school. Visitors arriving during the school day are asked to use the car park at the front of the school.

The school and grounds have been designated a NO GO area for dogs, except guide dogs.

If your child is receiving prescribed medication (with the exception of antibiotic medication) and will need this administered whilst in school please collect the appropriate forms from the office. Please hand the medication and completed form to a member of the office staff. The school health nurse has advised that antibiotic medication should not be administered in school. If your child has asthma he/she will require two inhalers of each type in school. For all Foundation and KS1 children one is kept by the class teacher and the other by the office staff. For all KS2 children one is kept by the child and the other by the office staff.

The staff and governors of John Blandy have decided that there should be NO SMOKING in the school buildings at any time.

In the interest of security, parents visiting the school, at times other than the beginning and end of the school day, are requested to report to the office before entering school. All visitors to the school are logged and issued with a visitors badge.


The Friends of John Blandy School evolved from the John Blandy School Parents/Teachers Association. We hope to involve children and adults in a variety of activities both in and out of school, and to develop links between home, school and the community. Anyone with an interest in the well being of the school is welcome to participate in the Groups work, whether or not they have children at the school. Our projects are many and varied. We organise fund raising activities such as a Christmas Fair, an annual sponsored event, second-hand clothes and toy sales etc. and on a social basis, community events such as Bonfire Night, Quiz Evenings, Discos, Lottery etc. All the monies raised make a valuable contribution to the school in providing such things as funding for computers, software and various other items of technical equipment, books for the library and PE apparatus. These are just a few of the items now in use in the school, which are for the benefit of all the children. The Friends have also provided voluntary help for sports activities; help with small groups doing needlework, cookery, using computers, catering for parties, transport, etc. The Friends meet approximately once every half term to discuss and plan future activities. At the start of each year a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary are appointed to ensure the smooth running of the group. We can always use more help and new ideas. If you feel that you have a skill that you would like to share or have time to help you would be very welcome. For further information and dates of meetings please contact: Chair Secretary Treasurer Publicity Officers Petra Merne Jane Kidd Sue Moon Sally Dance Helen Disley 01865 820008 01865 821941 01865 821750 01865 821924 01865 820577

TERM 1 2009 Thursday 3 September 2009 Wednesday 21 October 2009 OCTOBER HOLIDAY 2009 Thursday 22 October 2009 Friday 30 October 2009 TERM 2 2009 Monday 2 November 2009 Friday 18 December 2009 (13.15) DECEMBER 2009/JANUARY HOLIDAY 2010 Monday 21 December 2009 Monday 4 January 2010 TERM 3 2010 Tuesday 5 January 2010 Friday 12 February 2010 FEBRUARY HOLIDAY 2010 Monday 15 February 2010 Friday 19 February 2010 TERM 4 2010 Monday 22 February 2010 Thursday 1 April 2010 (13.15) APRIL HOLIDAY 2009 Friday 2 April 2010 Friday 16 April 2010 TERM 5 2010 Monday 19 April 2010 Friday 28 May 2010 MAY DAY HOLIDAY 2010 Monday 3 May 2010 MAY HOLIDAY 2010 Monday 31 May 2010 Monday 7 June 2010 TERM 6 2010 Tuesday 8 June 2010 Thursday 22 July 2010 (13.15)

Headteacher Mr Christopher Spring B.Ed PGDE Class Teachers Miss Karey Evans B.Ed (Hons) To be confirmed Mrs Linda Audas B.A (Hons) PGCE (0.8|) And to be confirmed (0.2) Mr Toby West B Ed (Hons) (0.8) Mrs Marie-Jo Carr Mrs Alison Francis B.A (Hons) PGCE Foundation Stage Unit Miss Ann Joseph B.Ed. (Hons) Mrs Diane Bradley NNEB Assistant SENCo Mrs Helen Hallworth O. Cert LSA Teaching Assistants Mrs Liz Barrett Mrs Helen Benson Mrs Melanie Ferguson Mrs Elaine Forster Mrs Sue Moore Mrs Jane Thomas Mrs Sue Tombs School Administration Mrs Christine Priest Mrs Jane Rowlands Canteen Staff Mr Rupert Twiston-Davies Ms April Bourke Lunch Time Supervisors Mrs Elaine Forster Mrs Jane Griffiths Mrs Jane Rowlands Cleaner in Charge Mr Chris Davies Secretary Administrative Assistant Year Reception FSU N.N.E.B. Nursery Nurse

Year 1 Year 2 Years 3 & 4 Years 3 & 4 Years 4 & 5 Years 4 & 5 Years 5 & 6

Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 3 Class 4 Class 4 Class 5

HEADTEACHER I am always pleased to see parents and would like you to feel that the doors to the school are always open to you. As I am involved with the children as much as possible I would ask that, if you should wish to see me concerning a confidential matter, you ring the school secretary to arrange an appointment. Your childs performance at school is greatly affected by his or her happiness or emotional stability. If you know of any circumstances, which might be upsetting this, I hope you will feel you can come and discuss it with me. SECRETARY The school secretary is available to answer any questions you may have on the administration side, e.g. dinners, holidays or other dates, illness and so on. Dinner money is collected at the beginning of term or on a Monday morning during registration and can be paid for by cheque which should be made payable to John Blandy V C Primary School. Please send all monies into school in a sealed envelope bearing the name of your child, class, date and reason for payment. TEACHING STAFF If you have any points you would like to raise about your childs education, the teachers are always pleased to discuss them with you; obviously this is easier without a lot of children around, so a telephone call or a note arranging a time after school would be most convenient for both parties. LUNCH SUPERVISORS Lunch supervisors are the Headteachers representatives during the midday break and look after the children, encouraging good table manners and responsible play. If your child goes home to lunch, he or she should not return before 12.45 COUNTY STAFF We are frequently visited by county advisers and specialist teachers on a professional basis. Some may work in the school with groups of children. The children will be encouraged to discuss their work on such occasions. CARETAKER/ We have a caretaker who is responsible for keeping the school clean and tidy. The children have obligations too in keeping the building tidy.

Local Education Authority Representatives Mr John Disley (Chair) Mr Hayden Pugh Vacancy Parish Council Representative Mr Brian Forster Blandy Trust Representatives Vacancy Vacancy 01865 820867 Telephone 01865 820577 01865 820078

Co-opted Governor Vacancy Headteacher Mr Christopher Spring Teaching Staff Representative Mrs Alison Francis Miss Ann Joseph Non Teaching Staff Representative Mrs Helen Benson Parent Representatives Mr Lawrence Brabin (Vice-Chair) Mrs Melissa Gulliford Mr Steve Jones Clerk Mrs Terry Bunce 01865 821935 01865 821655 01865 821087 01865 821589 01865 820422 01865 820422 01865 820422 01865 820422

Local Education Authority

Oxfordshire County Council Directorate of Learning &Culture Macclesfield House New Road Oxford OX1 1NA Telephone Oxford (01865) 815449 Director of Learning &Culture Janet Tomlinson Link Adviser Mr David Mankelow


Schools, Leas and the DfES all hold information on pupils in order to run the education system and in doing so have to follow the Data Protection Act 1998. This means, among other things, that the data held about pupils must only be used for specific purposes allowed by law. We are therefore writing to tell you about the types of data held, why it is held and to whom it may be passed on. The school holds information on pupils in order to support their teaching and learning, to monitor and report on their progress, to provide appropriate pastoral care and to assess how well the school as a whole is doing. This information includes contact details, National Curriculum assessment results, attendance information and characteristics such as ethnic group, special educational needs and any relevant medical information. From time to time we are required to pass on some of this data to the LEA, to another school to which the pupil is transferring, to the DfES and to the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA), which is responsible for the National Curriculum and associated assessment arrangements. The Local Authority requires the school to provide information about pupils in order to carry out specific functions for which it is responsible such as the admissions process or the assessment of any special educational needs the pupil may have. It also uses the data in statistical form where pupils are not identifiable to inform decisions on (for example) the funding of schools and to assess the performance of schools and set targets for them. The statistics are used in such a way that individual pupils cannot be identified from them. The Local Primary Care Trust liaises with schools concerning the health and well-being of pupils. The Qualifications and Curriculum Authority use information about pupils to administer the National Curriculum tests and assessments for Key Stages 1 to 3. The results of these are passed on to the DfES in order for it to compile statistics on trends and patterns in levels of achievement. The QCA uses the information to evaluate the effectiveness of the National Curriculum and the associated assessment arrangements and to ensure that these are continually improved. The Department for Education and Skills use information about pupils for statistical purposes, to evaluate and develop education policy and to monitor the performance of the education service as a whole. The statistics (including those based on information provided by the QCA) are used in such a way that individual pupils cannot be identified from them. The DfES will feed back to LAs and schools information about their pupils where they are lacking this information because it was not passed on by a former school. On occasion information may be shared with other Government departments or agencies strictly for statistical or research purposes only. Pupils, as data subjects, have certain rights under the Data Protection Act, including a general right of access to personal data held on them, with parents exercising this right on their behalf if they are too young to do so themselves. If you wish to access the personal data held about your child then please contact the relevant organization in writing: The schools Headteacher John Blandy V C Primary School Laurel Drive Southmoor ABINGDON Oxfordshire OX13 5DJ The LEAs Data Manager at Learning and Culture Systems and Performance Management Service Macclesfield House New Road OXFORD OX1 1NA Oxfordshire Primary Care Trust First Floor Admin Building Abingdon Community Hospital Marcham Road ABINGDON Oxfordshire OX14 1AG The QCAs Data Protection Officer at QCA 83 Piccadilly LONDON W1J 8QA The DfESs Data Protection Officer at DfES, Caxton House Tothill Street LONDON SW1H 9NA

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