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Nome:________________________________________Nº ____6º__
Teacher: Letícia de Camargo
Disciplina: Inglês __________
Avaliação Bimestral de Inglês do 4º Bimestre Data: /11/22.


My name is Olivia. Today is my

dance class. My dance teacher

is Ms. Emma. She teaches us

ballet dance. She is preparing

us for a function in our school.

We have our dance class twice

a week.


1) What is the name of the dance teacher?

a) Olivia b) Emma c) Rose

2) The dance teacher teaches _____________dance.

a) ballet b) break c) belly

3) The dance teacher is preparing the kids for a _____________________.

a) birthday b) function c) festival

4) The kids have their dance class _______________________a week.

a) once b) twice c) thrice


wizardy= feiticeiro/ Gryffindorf house= casa de magia

have= tenho/ owl= coruja

RESPONDA (True or False) para as questões abaixo:

5) The person in the text is a boy:

a) True b) False

6) His favorite colour is a brown?

a) True b) False

7) He is twelve years old.

a) True b) False

8) He doesn´t have a pet.

a) True b) False

9) He is a student at Howgarts School.

a) True b) False

10) His favourite colour is a light blue?

a) True b) False

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