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Drug misuse among the teenagers can lead to
physical and behavioural health problems,
negatively impacting academic success.
Substance abuse also raises the risk of mental
health issues, such as depression, personality
disorders, and suicidal tendencies.

Alcohol is a substance found in certain types

of drinks like wine, beer, spirits, and
champagne. Its consumption can lead to
social and legal issues, especially when
excessive. College students who drink too
much alcohol are at risk of experiencing
negative mood shifts, anxiety, and depression.

Relationships with friends and romantic

partners have significant effects on
teenagers. Friends may offer valuable advice
but may also pressure them to engage in risky
Young people who smoke can become conducts. Romantic relationships on the other
addicted to nicotine, posing the risk of hand, can lead to issues such as academic
early cardiovascular damage and difficulties, depression, delinquency, and
reduced lung growth. Smoking is a health risks as teens are experiencing intense
practice in which a substance is emotions which they need to learn to manage
combusted, and the smoke is inhaled at this age.
directly to the lungs and absorbed into
Mastering time management can increase
the bloodstream of a person. Other
productivity, reduce stress, and allow you to
form of smoking such as vaping also
seize important moments. Procrastination
works on the same principle. Exposure
caused by poor time management can lead to
to nicotine can have lasting effects on
missed deadlines and negative
adolescent brain development.
consequences, causing stress and
Smoking also causes teens to have a inefficiency. However, with the right mindset
higher chance of getting cancer and and tools, time management can be
reduce the overall physical and mental mastered, granting a happier and more
performance. peaceful life.

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