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Clinical Pathology


HEMATOLOGY • It produces TISSUE HYPOXIA as a result of

• Hematology includes the study of BLOOD CELLS and decreased O2 transport
COAGULATION. • The chief sources of the gas are:
• It encompasses analyses of: 1. Gasoline Motors
1. The concentration, structure, and function of cells in 2. Illuminating Gas
blood 3. Gas Heaters
2. Their precursors in the Bone Marrow 4. Defective Stoves
3. The chemical constituents of Plasma or Serum 5. Smoking of Tobacco
intimately linked with blood cell structure and function • Exposure to CO → one of the hazards of
Hemoglobin o The gas has even been found in the air
• Hemoglobin (Hb), the main of busy streets of large cities in
component of the red blood sufficient concentration to cause mild
cell (RBC), is a CONJUGATED symptoms in persons such as traffic
PROTEIN that serves as the police officers, who are exposed to it
vehicle for the transportation over long periods of time.
of Oxygen (O2) and Carbon • HbCO may be quantitated by DIFFERENTIAL
• The Red Cell Mass of the adult Hematocrit (Packed Cell Volume)
contains approximately 600 g • The Hct of a sample of blood is the ratio of the volume of
of Hb, capable of carrying 800 Erythrocytes to that of the whole blood.
mL of O2 • It may be expressed as a Percentage (Conventional) or as a
• A molecule of Hb consists of 2 pairs of Polypeptide Chains Decimal Fraction (SI units).
(“Globins”) and 4 Prosthetic Heme Groups, each containing • Interpretation of Results:
one atom of Ferrous Iron 1. Reflects the concentration of RED CELLS → not the total
o Located near the surface of the molecule, the Heme red cell mass
reversibly combines with one molecule of O2 or CO2. 2. The Hct is low in hydremia of pregnancy, but the total
• The Main Function of Hb is to transport O2 from the lungs, number of circulating red cells is not reduced.
where O2 tension is high, to the tissues, where it is low 3. The Hct may be normal or even high in shock
Hemoglobin Derivatives accompanied by hemoconcentration, although the total
Hemiglobin (Methemoglobin) red cell mass may be decreased considerably owing to
• Methemoglobin (Hi) is a derivative of Hb in which the Ferrous blood loss
Iron is oxidized to the Ferric State, resulting in the inability of • Unreliable as an estimate of Anemia immediately after loss
Hi to combine reversibly with O2. of blood or immediately following transfusions
• Polypeptide chains are not altered. Erythrocyte Indices
• A normal individual has up to 1.5% Methemoglobin • Have been useful in the Morphologic Characterization of
• Will cause chocolate-brown Anemias.
discoloration of blood, cyanosis, and • They may be calculated from the Red Cell Count, Hb
functional “anemia” if present in Concentration, and Hct.
high enough concentrations Mean Cell Volume (MCV)
o Cyanosis becomes obvious at a • The MCV, the average volume of red cells, is calculated from
concentration of about 1.5 g the Hct and the Red Cell Count.
Methemoglobinemia Hi/dL • MCV = Hct × 1000/RBC (in millions per μL)
• This increased amount of Hi in the • Expressed in FEMTOLITERS or CUBIC MICROMETERS
Erythrocytes may result from Mean Cell Hemoglobin (MCH)
increased production of Hi or • The Mean Cell Hemoglobin (MCH) is the content (weight) of
decreased NADH-Cytochrome-b5 Hb of the average red cell → it is calculated from the Hb
Reductase activity Concentration and the Red Cell Count
• May be Hereditary or Acquired • MCH = Hb (in g/L) / RBC (in millions / μL)
Sufhemoglobin • Value is expressed in PICOGRAM
• SHb is a mixture of oxidized, partially denatured forms of Hb Mean Cell Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)
that form during oxidative hemolysis • The Mean Cell (Corpuscular) Hemoglobin Concentration
• SHb cannot transport O2, but it can combine with Carbon (MCHC) is the average concentration of Hb in a given volume
Monoxide (CO) to form CARBOXYSULFHEMOGLOBIN. of Packed Red Cells.
• Unlike Methemoglobin, SHb cannot be reduced back to Hb, • It is calculated from the Hb Concentration and the Hct
and it REMAINS IN THE CELLS until they break down. • MHCH = (Hb / Hct) x 100
• The blood is MAUVE-LAVENDER in Sulfhemoglobinemia • Expressed in g/dL (SI units are g/L)
• SHb has been reported in: • The reference values for the indices will depend on whether
1. Patients receiving treatment with Sulfonamides or they are determined from the centrifuged Hct or the cell
Aromatic Amine Drugs (Phenacetin, Acetanilid) counters.
2. Patients with Severe Constipation • The 95% Reference Intervals for Normal
3. Cases of Bacteremia due to Clostridium perfringens Adults are as follows:
4. Enterogenous Cyanosis Erythrocyte
1. MCV: 80-90 fL
Carboxyhemoglobin Indices
2. MCH: 27-33 pg
• Endogenous CO produced in the degradation of Heme to 3. MCHC: 33-36 g/dL
Bilirubin normally accounts for about 0.5% of • Low MCV: 50 fL
Carboxyhemoglobin (HbCO) in the blood and is increased in Microcytic • Low MHC: 15 pg
Hemolytic Anemia Anemia • Low MCHC: 22 g/dL
o Hb has the capacity to combine with CO with an affinity
• Rarely do any become lower
210 times greater than for O2.
o CO will bind with Hb even if its concentration in the air is • High MCV: 150 fL
extremely low (e.g., 0.02%–0.04%). • High MHC: 50 pg
o HbCO cannot bind and carry O2. Macrocytic • MCH is Normal or Decreased
• Increasing concentrations of HbCO shift the Hb-O2 Anemia • The MCHC typically increases only in
Dissociation Curve increasingly to the LEFT, thus adding to SPHEROCYTOSIS, and rarely is over 38
the Anoxia. g/dL.
• If a patient poisoned with CO receives pure O2, the
conversion of HbCO to HbO2 is greatly enhanced.
• HbCO is light sensitive and has a typical brilliant cherry-red
Acute CO • Acute CO poisoning is well known.

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Clinical Pathology

Reference Values Blood Film Examination

A. Erythrocytes
• In the blood from a healthy
person, the Erythrocytes, when
not crowded together, appear as
from 6 to 8 μm in diameter
• However, even in normal blood,
individual cells may be as small as
5.5 μm and as large as 9.5 μm
• The center of each is somewhat
PALER than the periphery.
• In disease, Erythrocytes vary in
their Hb content, size, shape,
staining properties, and
• Color reflects the Hemoglobin Content
• Hb is 1-2 g/dL higher in MALES • The depth of staining furnishes a rough
o The indices are similar in males and females, but the Hb guide to the amount of Hb in red cells
is 1 to 2 g/dL higher in males, with commensurate • The terms Normochromic, Hypochromic,
increments in Hct and RBCs and Hyperchromic are used to describe this
o This is believed to be mainly the effect of ANDROGEN in feature of red cells
STIMULATING ERYTHROPOIETIN PRODUCTION and its 1. Normochromic - normal intensity of
effect on the marrow staining
o In older men, the Hb tends to fall; in older women, the Hb 2. Hypochromic
tends to fall to a lesser degree or even rise slightly o When the amount of Hb is
o In older individuals, therefore, the sex difference is >1 g diminished, the central pale area
Hb/dL becomes larger and paler
• Posture and Muscular Activity o MCH and MCHC are usually
o Posture and muscular activity change the concentration decreased
of the formed elements. 3. Hyperchromic
o The Hb, Hct, and RBC counts increase by several percent o Megaloblastic Anemia →
in going from RECUMBENCY to STANDING, and strenuous because the red cells are larger
muscular activity causes a further increase, presumably and, hence, thicker, many stain
owing primarily to loss of plasma water. deeply and have less central
• Diurnal Variation pallor (MHC is increased, MCHC is
o Diurnal Variation that is not related to exercise or to normal)
analytic variation also occurs. o Hereditary Spherocytosis →
o The Hb is highest in the morning, falls during the day, MCH is normal but the MCHC is
and is lowest in the evening, with a mean difference of usually increased because of a
8% to 9% reduced surface/volume ratio
Reticulocytes • The presence of hypochromic cells and
normochromic cells in the same film is
Color called ANISOCHROMIA or, sometimes, a
o This is characteristic of Sideroblastic
Anemias but also is found some weeks
after Iron Therapy for Iron Deficiency
Anemia or in a Hypochromic Anemia
after transfusion with normal cells
• A BLUE-GRAY TINT to the Red Cells
• Reticulocytes are immature nonnucleated red cells that (Polychromatophilia or Polychromasia) is a
contain Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) and continue to synthesize combination of the affinity of Hb for ACID
Hb after loss of the nucleus STAINS and the affinity of RNA for BASIC
• When blood is briefly incubated in a solution of new STAIN
Methylene Blue or Brilliant Cresyl Blue, the RNA is • The presence of residual RNA in the red cell
precipitated as a DYE-RIBONUCLEOPROTEIN COMPLEX. indicates that it is a YOUNG RED CELL that
• Microscopically, the complex appears as a dark-blue has been in the blood for 1 to 2 days.
network (Reticulum or Filamentous Strand) or at least 2 dark- • These cells are larger than mature red cells
blue granules that allow reticulocytes to be identified and and may lack central pallor
• Young cells with residual RNA are
• Normal Adult: 0.5-1.5% or 24-84 x 109/L POLYCHROMATOPHILIC RED CELLS on air-
Reference • Newborn Infants: 2.5-6.5% dried films stained with Wright’s Stain but
Values o This falls to the adult range by the end are RETICULOCYTES when stained
of the 2nd week of life supravitally with Brilliant Cresyl Blue.
• Because Reticulocytes are immature red o Therefore, increased Polychromasia
cells that lose their RNA a day or so after implies RETICULOCYTOSIS → it is most
reaching the blood from the Marrow, a marked in hemolysis and in acute blood
Reticulocyte Count provides an estimate of loss
the rate of Red Cell Production.
• An Absolute Reticulocyte Count or
Reticulocyte Production Index is more
helpful than the percentage
• Uses:
1. Allows early detection of Increased
Erythropoietic Response Microcytic Hypochromic Red Cells
2. Determining response of Bone Marrow in Iron Deficiency Anemia.
recovering from Chemotherapy Red cells are hypochromic—the
3. Transplant or erythropoietin therapy amount of hemoglobin per cell is
Normochromic decreased, and the central pale
• May also be used in classifying Anemias area becomes larger (more than

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Clinical Pathology

Myeloid Metaplasia, Megaloblastic Anemia,

and Sickle Cell Anemia

Megaloblastic Anemia. Hereditary Spherocytosis.

Red cells are larger and thicker, Spherocytes are nearly perfectly
stain deeply, and lack central round, smaller than normal red
pallor cells, and lack central pallor
(Hyperchromic) • Spherocytes are nearly spherical
erythrocytes, in contradistinction to normal
biconcave disks.
o Their diameter is smaller than normal.
• They lack the central pale area or have a
smaller, often eccentric, pale area →
because the cell is thicker and can come to
rest somewhat tilted instead of perfectly
flattened on the slide
• They are found in:
Anisochromia. Polychromatophilia. 1. Hereditary Spherocytosis (HS)
Anisocytosis and Anisochromia Polychromatophilic red cells are
characterized by the presence of young red cells, larger than mature
2. Some Cases of Autoimmune Hemolytic
microcytic hypochromic cells, red cells; they lack central pallor Anemia (AHA)
normocytic cells, and few and appear slightly basophilic on 3. In some conditions in which a Direct
macrocytes Wright’s stain. They are called Physical or Chemical Injury has
Reticulocytes when stained occurred to the cells, such as from
supravitally with Brilliant Cresyl Heat
• Microcytes – abnormally small
• Macrocytes – abnormally large
• Anisocytosis – abnormal variation in size
o Anisocytosis is a feature of most
anemias → when it is marked in degree,
both Macrocytes and Microcytes are
usually present
• In analyzing causes of Anemia, the terms
Microcytic and Macrocytic have greatest
meaning when considered as CELL
VOLUME rather than Cell Diameter • Target Cells are erythrocytes that are
Size o We perceive the diameter directly from thinner than normal (Leptocytes) and when
the blood film and infer volume (and the stained show a peripheral rim of Hb with a
Hb content) from it dark, central, Hb-containing area.
• Thus, the Red Cells in IDA are MICROCYTIC; • They are found in:
because they are HYPOCHROMIC, they are 1. OBSTRUCTIVE JAUNDICE → there
thinner than normal and the diameter is not appears to be an augmentation of the
decreased proportionately to the volume cell surface membrane
• Also, the Mean Cell Volume in the blood of 2. Postsplenectomy State → there is a
the patient with Spherocytosis is in the lack of normal reduction of surface
normal range membrane as the cell ages
o Although many of the cells have a small 3. Hypochromic Anemia, especially
diameter, their volume is not decreased Thalassemia
because they are thicker than normal. 4. Hb C Disease
• Poikilocytosis – variation in shape Schistocytes
• Any abnormally shaped cell is a
• Oval, pear-shaped, teardrop-shaped,
saddle-shaped, helmet-shaped, and
irregularly shaped cells may be seen in a
single case of Anemia, such as
Megaloblastic Anemia

• Schistocytes (Cell Fragments) indicate the

presence of HEMOLYSIS, whether in
Megaloblastic Anemia, Severe Burns, or
Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia

• Elliptocytes are most abundant in

Hereditary Elliptocytosis, in which most
cells are elliptical → this is a dominant
condition that is only occasionally
associated with Hemolytic Anemia
• Elliptocytes are seen in normal persons’ • Acanthocytes are irregularly spiculated red
blood but account for < 10% of the cells. cells in which the ends of the spicules are
• They are more common, however, in Iron bulbous and rounded
Deficiency Anemia, Myelofibrosis with

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• They are seen in ABETALIPOPROTEINEMIA, • Occasionally, they are formed by double or

hereditary or acquired, and in certain cases several concentric lines.
of LIVER DISEASE • They are observed rarely in erythrocytes in
Echinocytes Pernicious Anemia, Lead Poisoning, and
certain other Disorders of Erythropoiesis.
• They stain red or reddish purple with
Wright’s Stain and have no internal
• The rings are probably microtubules
remaining from a mitotic spindle
• They are interpreted as evidence of
Abnormal Erythropoiesis.
Malarial Stippling
• Burr Cells, or Echinocytes, are regularly
contracted cells that may commonly occur
as an artifact during preparation of film
• They may also be present due to
Basophilic Stippling (Punctate Basophilia)
• Fine granules may appear in erythrocytes
that harbor Plasmodium vivax.
• With Wright’s Stain, the minute granules,
“Schüffner’s Granules,” stain purplish red.
• They are sometimes so numerous that they
almost hide the parasites.
• These red cells are, as a rule, larger than
Rouleaux Formation
• This is characterized by the presence,
within the Erythrocyte, of IRREGULAR
BASOPHILIC GRANULES, which vary from
fine to coarse
A. Fine Stippling → commonly seen when
there is increased Polychromatophilia
and, therefore, with increased
production of red cells.
B. Coarse Stippling → may be seen in
Lead Poisoning or other diseases with • This is the ALIGNMENT OF RED CELLS one
impaired Hb synthesis, in upon another so that they resemble STACKS
Megaloblastic Anemia, and in other
forms of severe Anemia
• Elevated Plasma Fibrinogen or Globulins
• It is attributed to an abnormal instability of
cause Rouleaux to form and also promote
the RNA in the young cell
an increase in the Erythrocyte
• Red Cells with inorganic iron-containing Sedimentation Rate.
granules (as demonstrated by stains for • Rouleaux Formation is especially marked in
iron) are called SIDEROCYTES. Paraproteinemia (Monoclonal
o Sometimes, these granules stain with Gammopathy).
Wright’s Stain → if so, they are called
• In contrast to Erythrocytes of lower
vertebrates and to most mammalian cells,
Structure o In contrast to Basophilic Stippling,
the mammalian erythrocyte LACKS A
Pappenheimer Bodies are few in
number in a given red cell and are rarely NUCLEUS.
seen in the peripheral blood except • NRBCs (Normoblasts) are precursors of
after Splenectomy Nonnucleated Mature Red Cells in the
Howell-Jolly Bodies
• In the human, normoblasts are normally
present only in the Bone Marrow
• In general, NRBCs that might appear in the
blood in disease are Polychromatic
• In some, however, the cytoplasm is so
Basophilic that it is difficult to recognize
the cell as Erythroid except by:
• These particles are smooth, round 1. The character of the Nucleus
remnants of nuclear chromatin. Nucleated 2. Intensely staining Chromatin
• Single Howell-Jolly Bodies → may be seen RBCs (NRBC) 3. Sharp separation of Chromatin from
in Megaloblastic Anemia, in Hemolytic Parachromatin.
Anemia, and after Splenectomy • Such Erythroid Cells are often mistaken for
• Multiple Howell-Jolly bodies in a Single Lymphocytes → an error that usually can be
Cell → usually indicate Megaloblastic prevented by careful observation of the
Anemia or some other form of abnormal nucleus.
erythropoiesis • Significance of NRBCs:
Cabot Ring o Normoblasts are present normally only
in the blood of the FETUS and of VERY
o In the Healthy Adult, they are confined
to the Bone Marrow and appear in the
circulating blood only in disease → their
presence usually denotes an EXTREME
• These are ring-shaped, figure-of-eight, or DEMAND made on the Marrow,
loop-shaped structures. Extramedullary Hematopoiesis, or
Marrow Replacement.

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o Large numbers of circulating NRBCs are • The Nucleus in both types of Neutrophils has COARSE
found particularly in Hemolytic Disease BLOCKS OF CHROMATIN and rather SHARPLY DEFINED
of the Newborn (Erythroblastosis PARACHROMATIN SPACES
Fetalis) and Thalassemia Major. • The number of LOBES in normal Neutrophils ranges from 2 to
B. Platelets 5, with a median of 3.
• Platelets are round or oval, 2 to 4 μm in diameter, and • The CYTOPLASM itself is colorless and has tiny granules
separated from one another (0.2–0.3 μm) that stain tan to pink with Wright’s Stain.
• The Platelet Count may be estimated from such films. o About 2/3 of these are Specific Granules and 1/3
o On average, if the platelet count is normal, about one Azurophil Granules.
platelet is found per 10 to 30 red cells • Segmented Neutrophils average 56% of leukocytes
• Platelets contain FINE PURPLE GRANULES that usually fill the • Band Neutrophils average 3% of leukocytes
cytoplasm. • “SHIFT TO THE LEFT” occurs when increased bands and less
• Activated Platelets: mature neutrophils are present in the blood, along with a
1. Granulomere → granules concentrated in the center lower average number of lobes in segmented cells
2. Hyalomere → pale cytoplasm • Neutrophilia, or Neutrophilic Leukocytosis, is an increase in
o Occasionally, Granules are concentrated in the center the Absolute Count, and Neutropenia is a decrease.
(the “Granulomere”) and surrounded by a pale Eosinophils
cytoplasm (the “Hyalomere”). • Average Diameter: 13 μm
o These are probably ACTIVATED PLATELETS, the • The structure of these cells is similar to
appearance resulting from contraction of the that of Polymorphonuclear
microtubular band Neutrophils, with the striking
• Increased Giant Platelets: difference that, instead of Neutrophilic
1. Immune Thrombocytopenia Granules, their cytoplasm contains
2. Bernard-Soulier Syndrome LARGER ROUND OR OVAL GRANULES
3. Myelophthisis / Myeloproliferative Syndrome → the that have a STRONG AFFINITY FOR
platelets are frequently hypogranular or have a distinct ACID STAINS
granulomere and hyalomere • They are easily recognized by the size and color of the
• In blood films made from skin puncture wounds, Platelets granules, which stain BRIGHT RED with Eosin.
assume IRREGULAR SHAPES with SHARP PROJECTIONS and • Cytoplasm is Colorless.
tend to clump together. • Nucleus stains somewhat less deeply than that of the
C. Leukocytes Neutrophils and usually has 2 connected segments (lobes),
rarely >3.
• In general, Basophils resemble
Neutrophils, except that the nucleus
is LESS SEGMENTED (usually merely
indented or partially lobulated), and
• In a well-stained film, the Granules are deep purple and the
nucleus is somewhat paler and often nearly hidden by the
• Laboratory Examination of Leukocytes occur as part of the granules so that its form is difficult to distinguish.
automated CBC for almost every patient • Basophils are the least numerous of the Leukocytes in
• The total leukocyte count, as well as the relative and absolute normal blood and average 0.5%.
concentration of Neutrophils, Eosinophils, Basophils, Monocytes
Monocytes, and Lymphocytes is determined and compared
with the normal values for the patient’s age and gender
• The Reference Value differs with age
o Normal value of the Leukocyte decreases as the person
• Leukocytes normally present in the blood:
1. Neutrophils
2. Eosinophils
3. Basophil
4. Monocyte • The Monocyte is the LARGEST CELL of normal blood
5. Lymphocyte o It generally has about two to three times the diameter of
Neutrophils an Erythrocyte (14–20 μm), although smaller Monocytes
sometimes are encountered
• It contains a SINGLE NUCLEUS, which is partially lobulated,
deeply indented, or horseshoe shaped.
• Cytoplasm is abundant
o Cytoplasm is blue-gray and has a ground-glass
o It often contains fine red to purple granules that are less
distinct and smaller than the granules of Neutrophils.
• When the Monocyte transforms into a MACROPHAGE, it
Band Form Neutrophilic Granules
becomes larger (20–40 μm)
• Also called Polymorphonuclear Neutrophilic Leukocytes / • A Perinuclear Clear Zone (Golgi) may be evident.
Segmented Neutrophilic Granulocyte • The more abundant cytoplasm tends to be irregular at the
• Average Diameter: 12 μm cell margins and to contain VACUOLES.
• Smaller than Monocytes and Eosinophils and slightly larger o These are PHAGOCYTIC VACUOLES, which may contain
than Basophils ingested red cells, debris, pigment, or bacteria
• The NUCLEUS stains deeply → it is irregular and often • Evidence of Phagocytosis in Monocytes or the presence of
assumes shapes comparable to such letters as E, Z, and S Macrophages in directly made blood films is PATHOLOGIC
• What appear to be separate nuclei normally are SEGMENTS of and often indicates the presence of ACTIVE INFECTION.
nuclear material connected by delicate filaments.
• Segmented Neutrophil → has at least two of its lobes
separated by a filament.
• Band Neutrophil → has either a strand of nuclear material
thicker than a filament connecting the lobes or a U-shaped
nucleus of uniform thickness

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• Lymphocytes are Mononuclear Cells without specific

Cytoplasmic Granules.
• Small Lymphocytes are about the size of an erythrocyte or
slightly larger (6–10 μm
• The typical Lymphocyte has a single, sharply defined nucleus
containing heavy blocks of Chromatin.
o The Chromatin stains dark blue with Wright’s Stain
• Nucleus is generally round but is sometimes indented at one
• Cytoplasm stains pale blue except for a Clear Perinuclear
• Larger Lymphocytes, 12 to 15 μm in diameter, with less
densely staining nuclei and more abundant cytoplasm, are
frequently found, especially in the blood of children, and may Example of CBC Result
be difficult to distinguish from monocytes. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
• The presence of significant proportions of ATYPICAL • One of the oldest laboratory tests that is still in use →
LYMPHOCYTES must be noted → these indicate although its usefulness has decreased as more specific
TRANSFORMATION OF LYMPHOID CELLS as a response to methods of evaluating diseases, like C-Reactive Protein,
ANTIGENIC STIMULATION have been developed
• Develop from B Lymphocytes • Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) is a useful but
• Plasma Cells have abundant blue NONSPECIFIC MARKER of underlying inflammation.
cytoplasm, often with light streaks or • When well-mixed venous blood is placed in a vertical tube,
vacuoles, an eccentric round nucleus, and a Erythrocytes will tend to fall toward the bottom.
well-defined clear (Golgi) zone adjacent to • The length of fall of the top of the column of Erythrocytes
the nucleus over a given interval of time is called the ESR.
Plasma Cells • The Nucleus of the Plasma Cell has heavily • Several factors are involved:
clumped chromatin, which is sharply 1. Plasma Factors
defined from the parachromatin and is 2. Red Cell Factors
often arranged in a radial or wheel-like • An accelerated ESR is favored by elevated
pattern. levels of Fibrinogen and, to a lesser extent,
• Plasma Cells are NOT PRESENT NORMALLY α2-, β-, and γ-globulins
in blood. • These asymmetric protein molecules have
• The Lymphocytes and their Derivatives, the Plasma Cells, a greater effect than other proteins in
OPERATE IN THE IMMUNE DEFENSES of the body decreasing the negative charge of
Complete Blood Count Erythrocytes (Zeta Potential) that tends to
• Measures the CELLULAR COMPONENTS of blood reflecting keep them apart
the FUNCTIONAL STATUS of the Bone Marrow Plasma • The decreased Zeta Potential promotes the
• Performed by Manual Methods or Automated Blood Cell Factors formation of Rouleaux, which sediment
Counts more rapidly than single cells.
• Components: • Removal of Fibrinogen by DEFIBRINATION
1. RBC Count lowers the ESR.
2. RBC Indices • No absolute correlation has been noted
3. Hgb Concentration between the ESR and any of the Plasma
4. Hematocrit Protein Fractions
5. WBC Count • Albumin and Lecithin retard sedimentation,
6. WBC Differential Count and cholesterol accelerates the ESR
7. Platelet Count (and examination of a Wright’s-stained • Anemia increases the ESR because the
film) change in the Erythrocyte/Plasma Ratio
• RBC, WBC, and Platelet Count → same for males and favors Rouleaux Formation independently
females of changes in the concentrations of plasma
• Hgb → 1-2 g/dL higher in males proteins.
• By any method of measurement, ESR is
most sensitive to altered plasma proteins in
the Hct range of 0.30 to 0.40
• The Sedimentation Rate is directly
proportional to the weight of the cell
Red Cell
aggregate and inversely proportional to the
surface area
• Microcytes SEDIMENT SLOWER than
Macrocytes, which have decreased Surface
Area/Volume Ratios.
• Rouleaux also have a decreased Surface
Area/Volume Ratio and accelerate the ESR.
• Red Cells with an abnormal or irregular
shape, such as Sickle Cells or Spherocytes,
hinder Rouleaux Formation and lower the
• Emergency physicians continue to use the ESR in evaluating
Temporal Arteritis, Septic Arthritis, PID, and Appendicitis
• Clinical Significance:
1. Sickle Cell Disease → low in absence of painful crisis,
moderate increase 1 week into the crisis

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2. Osteomyelitis → elevated, helpful in following therapy Examination of Marrow

3. Stroke → ESR ≥28 mm/hr has a poorer prognosis Peripheral Blood
4. Prostate Cancer → ESR ≥37 mm/hr has higher incidence • The Complete Blood Cell Count, including Platelet Count and
of disease progression and death Reticulocyte Count, should be performed on the day of the
5. Coronary Artery Disease → ESR >22 mm/hr in white men marrow study and the results incorporated in the report.
had a higher risk for CAD • The pathologist or hematologist who examines the marrow
6. Cancer Patients → when ESR >100 mm/hr, metastases should also carefully examine the blood film as previously
are usually present described and should incorporate the observations in the
• The Bone Marrow Examination provides a Cellularity of the Marrow
SEMIQUANTITATIVE and QUALITATIVE assessment of the • Marrow Cellularity is expressed as the ratio of the volume of
state of Hematopoiesis and aids in the diagnosis of several hematopoietic cells to the total volume of the marrow space
Hereditary and Acquired Benign and Malignant Diseases. (cells plus fat and other stromal elements).
• Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy can be carried out as an office • Cellularity varies with the AGE of the subject and the SITE.
procedure on ambulatory patients with minimal risk A. If the percentage is increased for the patient’s age, the
o It compares favorably with ordinary venipuncture and is marrow is HYPERCELLULAR, or HYPERPLASTIC
less traumatizing than a lumbar puncture. B. If decreased, the marrow is HYPOCELLULAR, or
o As for any other special procedure, however, the clinical HYPOPLASTIC.
indications for marrow examination should be clear. Marrow Biopsy Evaluation
o In each instance, the physician should have in mind • Histologic sections allow better estimates of marrow
some reasonable prediction of its result and consequent cellularity and of the number of Megakaryocytes than do
benefit to the patient. marrow films
• Without exception, the Peripheral Blood should be examined • In good histologic preparations, cell distribution and
carefully first. maturation abnormalities can be quite reliably determined.
• It is a relatively uncommon circumstance to find • In addition to more reliable detection of the presence of
Hematologic Disease in the Bone Marrow without evidence Lymphomas or Metastatic Tumor, the histologic pattern can
of it in the Peripheral Blood. often be diagnostic of the type of neoplasm.
Indications for Marrow Study • In some conditions, such as Myelofibrosis and Hairy Cell
• Bone Marrow Biopsy and Aspiration should be performed Leukemia, the Bone Marrow cannot be aspirated and biopsy
only when there is a CLEAR CLINICAL INDICATION is necessary to establish a diagnosis
o While widely accepted criteria for assessing adequacy of • Trabeculae should always be examined to detect bone
bone marrow samples for establishing a diagnosis do not abnormalities.
exist at this time, there are some DISEASE-SPECIFIC
• Both Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy are performed
routinely together
o If the marrow cannot be aspirated (“dry tap” in
Myelofibrosis and Hair Cell Leukemia), Biopsy is essential
• Besides increasing the yield of diagnostic tissue, each
specimen also provides unique information
• Biopsy provides information about the Bone Marrow
Architecture, whereas cellular details are much better
appreciated on the Aspirate Smears.
• Indications:
1. Neutropenia, Thrombocytopenia, or Pancytopenia →
marrow study is helpful in assessing the presence and
normality of the precursor cells in each series
o This enables one to assess the probability of
decreased production, impaired maturation, or
increased destruction as the mechanism of the
o In cytopenias, marrow examination sometimes will
reveal the presence of leukemia or another
hematologic neoplasia
2. Marrow examination is essential for the diagnosis and
classification of Acute Leukemia
o It is frequently performed to assist in the diagnosis
and staging of other neoplasms, including
lymphomas and metastatic tumors, and to assess
response to therapy for hematologic disorders
3. Marrow Biopsy should also be performed if blood
changes suggest Myelofibrosis with Myeloid
Metaplasia or if Granulomatous Disease or Metastatic
Tumor is suspected.
Special Studies
• It is recommended that, for evaluation of most hematologic
diseases, an additional Bone Marrow Aspirate Specimen
should be collected for ANCILLARY TESTING, including:
1. Flow Cytometry Analysis
o Best performed on a Heparin- or EDTA-
Anticoagulated Aspirate Specimen, which is stable
for at least 24 hours at room temperature
o For cytogenetic or cell culture analysis,
anticoagulated marrow should be added to tissue
culture medium and analyzed as soon as possible to
maintain optimal cell viability
2. Karyotype
3. Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH) Assays
4. Molecular Studies
o Best performed on an EDTA-anticoagulated bone
marrow specimen, as heparin can interfere with
some PCR-based assays

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ERYTHROCYTIC DISORDERS • The majority of the daily iron needs (80%–90%) is provided
I. ANEMIA by RECYCLING OF IRON from Senescent Red Cells and the
1. Impaired Production remainder through daily intake of iron
A. Iron Deficiency Anemia • Very little iron is lost from the body
B. Anemia of Inflammation o About 1 mg is lost each day, except in menstruating
C. Megaloblastic Anemia females, whose iron loss averages about 2 mg/day
2. Blood Loss Anemia • Iron Balance is maintained by CONTROL OF ABSORPTION
3. Hemolysis o Absorption takes place largely in the Small Intestine,
A. Membrane Disorders most efficiently in the DUODENUM and UPPER
B. Hemoglobin Disorders JEJUNUM, with Heme Iron absorbed more efficiently
*Thalassemia than Inorganic Iron
C. Metabolic Disorders o Iron absorption is facilitated by ascorbate and citrate
D. Acquired and is inhibited by phytates and tannin
II. POLYCYTHEMIA • Acid production by the stomach lowers the pH in the
1. Relative Polycythemia duodenum, thus enhancing the solubility and uptake of
2. Absolute Polycythemia nonheme ferric iron.
III. PORPHYRIAS • 25-amino-acid antimicrobial peptide
I. ANEMIA • Has been shown to play a major role in Iron
• Anemia is considered to be present if the Hemoglobin (Hb) Homeostasis through a hormonal effect
Concentration or the Hematocrit (Hct) is BELOW THE LOWER • Hepcidin is produced by the liver, is filtered
LIMIT of the 95% Reference Interval for the individual’s age, by the kidney, and accumulates in urine.
sex, and geographic location Hepcidin
• Hepcidin negatively controls the release of
• ABSOLUTE ANEMIA: iron from cells, such as intestinal
o Anemia may be absolute when Red Blood Cell (RBC) mass epithelium and macrophages, to the plasma
is decreased or relative when associated with a higher → it limits the release of intracellular iron
plasma volume into the plasma
o 2 Major Pathophysiologic Categories:
• In the plasma, Total Iron averages 110 μg/dL (19.7 μ mol/L)
1. Impaired Red Cell Destruction
• The great majority of this is bound to the transferrin, which
2. Increased Erythrocyte Destruction (or loss in excess
of the ability of the marrow to replace those losses has a capacity to bind 330 μg of iron per deciliter (or 59.1
o The presence of Anemia may be a sign of an underlying μmol/L) and, therefore, is about one-third saturated
disorder of which the cause should be identified because • A very small amount of iron in plasma is in ferritin. Plasma
correction may be very important to the health of the (or serum) ferritin averages about 100 μg/L in men (less in
individual. women— about 50 μg/L).
• RELATIVE ANEMIA Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA)
o May occur with: • When iron loss exceeds iron intake for a time long enough to
1. Pregnancy deplete the body’s iron stores, insufficient iron is available
2. Macroglobulinemia for normal Hb production
3. Postflight Astronauts • When well developed, Iron Deficiency is characterized by a
• Classified by Red Cell Morphology → approach that is useful HYPOCHROMIC MICROCYTIC ANEMIA.
in differential diagnosis • Iron Deficiency typically results when:
1. Normocytic 1. The need for iron is INCREASED (e.g., during rapid
2. Macrocytic / Microcytic growth in infancy and childhood, during pregnancy)
• Both pathophysiologic and morphologic classifications 2. When excessive loss of blood has reduced the body’s
should be understood. reserves of iron (e.g., following repeated hemorrhages,
• Some anemias (e.g., blood loss anemia) have more than one excessive menstruation, or multiple pregnancies).
pathogenetic mechanism and go through more than one • Iron Deficiency is probably the MOST COMMON CAUSE OF
morphologic stage. ANEMIA, affecting at least 1.2 billion individuals worldwide
Clinical Signs and Symptoms • If an ADULT MALE had absolutely no iron intake or
• Clinical signs and symptoms result from diminished delivery absorption (which would be extremely unlikely), his body
of oxygen (O2) to the tissues → related to the lowered Hb iron stores of 1000 mg would last for 3 to 4 years before he
concentration and blood volume and are dependent on the would even begin to become Iron Deficient.
rate of these changes. o Therefore, almost all cases of IDA in adult males are due
• In general, the anemic patient complains of: to CHRONIC BLOOD LOSS
1. Easy Fatigability o Common causes of Iron Deficiency in Males and Post-
2. Dyspnea on Exertion Menopausal Females → Hemorrhagic Lesions, such as:
3. Faintness 1. Benign and Malignant Tumors
4. Vertigo 2. Chronic Ingestion of some Medications
5. Palpitations 3. Helminthic Infections
6. Headache Pathophysiology
• More common physical findings are: • Sequence of events in developing IDA is usually as follows:
1. Pallor 1. Stage 1: Iron Depletion
2. Rapid Bounding Pulse When blood loss exceeds absorption, a negative iron
3. Low BP balance exists → Iron is mobilized from stores:
4. Slight Fever a. Storage Iron Decreases
5. Some Dependent Edema b. Plasma Ferritin Decreases
6. Systolic Murmurs c. Iron Absorption Increases
• In addition to these general signs and symptoms, certain d. Plasma Iron-Binding Capacity (Transferrin)
clinical findings are characteristic of the specific type of Increases
anemia. o This stage is known as IRON DEPLETION
1. IMPAIRED PRODUCTION 2. Stage 2: Iron Deficient Erythropoiesis
A. Iron Deficiency Anemia After iron stores are depleted, the plasma iron
• Iron → essential component of Hb, of Myoglobin (in muscle concentration falls, saturation of Transferrin falls below
cells), and of certain enzymes (in most body cells). 15%, and the percentage of Sideroblasts decreases in
the marrow
• 2/3 or more of the body’s total iron is in the ERYTHRON
o Anemia may not be present
(Normoblasts and Erythrocytes)
3. Stage 3: IDA
o Each mL of Red Cells contains about 1 mg of Iron
o Anemia is already detectable
• Storage Iron is present in Macrophages of the
o The Anemia at first is Normochromic and
Reticuloendothelial System in 2 Forms:
Normocytic, gradually becomes Microcytic, and
1. Ferritin -->
finally becomes Microcytic and Hypochromic
2. Hemosiderin

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Laboratory Features LEVELS OF CYTOKINES → may result in: decreased

• Early IDA → stained blood film often shows NORMOCHROMIC red cell survival, altered metabolism, direct
NORMOCYTIC ERYTHROCYTES inhibition of hematopoiesis, and decreased
• Later Stages: erythropoietin secretion
o Microcytosis, Anisocytosis, Poikilocytosis (including 2. Hepcidin → interferes with the release of Intracellular
elliptical and elongated cells), and varying degrees of Iron
Hypochromia o Hepcidin has been shown to be elevated in Anemia
o The thin red cells (Leptocytes) have faint red color of Inflammation through induction of IL-6
compared to normal. o Considered an Acute Phase Reactant
• The Plasma Membranes of iron-deficient cells are o Hepcidin may exert an inhibitory effect on Erythroid
ABNORMALLY STIFF → this abnormality contributes to the Colony Formation at certain levels of EPO and, thus,
development of Poikilocytes, particularly elongated may provide a Bone Marrow Inhibitory Effect
Hypochromic Elliptocytes (Pencil Cells). 3. Cytokine inhibition of EPO production
• Anisocytosis may be identified by Automated Blood o Inhibitory effects of cytokines on EPO synthesis
Counters as increased Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) sites such as renal and liver cells have been
o This finding, however, is not specific for IDA suggested
• Reticulocytes are usually decreased in o In addition, Macrophage Activation by inflammatory
absolute numbers, except following Iron cytokines may play an additional role in Shortened
Therapy Red Cell Survival
o Reticulocyte Hemoglobin Content → 4. Shortened Erythrocyte Survival
Decreased • The relative deficiency of EPO induces NEOCYTOLYSIS →
o MCV → Decreased selective hemolysis of the youngest RBCs
o Hb and Hct are relatively lower than the • A mild hemolytic event usually accompanies AI
Erythrocyte Count • Anemia usually fails to respond to Iron Therapy
• Osmotic Fragility may be decreased o However, patients treated with EPO have shown
because the Red Cells are thinner than improvement.
normal • The Anemia is mild to moderate, with Hb
• Leukocyte Count is normal or slightly level rarely below 8 g/dL.
lowered. • Usually Normocytic and Normochromic
Decreased Blood Film
• Granulocytopenia and a small number of o Although in 20% to 50% of patients, the
Hypersegmented Neutrophils may be Anemia is Microcytic and Hypochromic
present. • Mild Anisocytosis and Poikilocytosis
• Megaloblastic changes in severe Iron • Normocellular or minimally hypocellular or
Deficiency may be related to decreased Marrow hypercellular, and the cell distribution is
activity of the enzyme RIBONUCLEOTIDE not greatly disturbed.
REDUCTASE, which contains an essential • Reticulocyte, Leukocytes and Platelets,
nonheme iron atom Storage of Iron (increased in some case)
• However, the detection of • Sideroblast
HYPERSEGMENTED NEUTROPHILS should • Serum Iron Concentration
raise suspicion for a MILD FOLATE Decreased
• TIBC (or normal)
DEFICIENCY, which may become more • Percent Saturation
overt after iron therapy C. Macrocytic Anemia
• Platelets may be increased whether the lack Non-Megaloblastic
of iron is due to blood loss or dietary • Macrocytic Anemias that are not megaloblastic may be due
deficiency, but tend to be decreased in to early release of erythrocytes from the marrow, so-called
• Serum Iron → Low • Shift Reticulocytes may occur in response to:
o The level is lower in iron deficiency and in infection and 1. Acute Blood Loss
anemia of chronic disease 2. Hemolysis
• Serum Ferritin → Low 3. Bone Marrow Infiltration
o In adults, the Reference Values are 12 to 300 μg/L, with 4. High Levels of EPO associated with Bone Marrow Failure
higher values in men than in women Diseases (Aplastic Anemia, Refractory Anemia, and
o Serum Ferritin appears to be in equilibrium with Tissue Diamond-Blackfan Anemia)
Ferritin and is a good reflection of storage iron in normal • Nonmegaloblastic Macrocytosis is also found in
subjects and in most disorders. HYPOTHYROIDISM, in individuals with excessive alcohol
• Serum (Total) Iron-Binding Capacity intake, and in liver disease
o The Reference Interval for adults is 250 to 400 μg/dL (45– Megaloblastic Anemia
72 μmol/L) • Macrocytic Anemias associated with Megaloblastosis differ
o In IDA, the Serum TIBC is increased. from Nonmegaloblastic Macrocytic Anemia in that Macro-
o It is normal or decreased in the Anemia of Chronic Ovalocytes and Giant Hypersegmented Neutrophils are
Disease. present in the blood
o If chronic infection coexists with chronic blood loss, the • PANCYTOPENIA is the rule.
TIBC may not be increased even though the patient is iron o Pancytopenia → deficiency of all 3 cellular components
deficient → some laboratories measure TRANSFERRIN of blood
level as an alternative
• Leukopenia is present.
B. Anemia of Inflammation (ACD)
• Granulocytes have increased numbers of lobes
• Anemia Syndrome typically found in patients with Chronic (Hypersegmentation), presumably as a result of abnormal
Infections or Inflammatory or Neoplastic Disorders nuclear maturation.
• Characterized by REDUCED RETICULOCYTE RESPONSE o Hypersegmentation → Five lobes in more than 5% of the
• Also called Anemia of Chronic Disease (ACD) or Cytokine Neutrophils or any Neutrophil with 6 or more lobes
Response, although Anemia of Inflammation is now a more • Thrombocytopenia is usually encountered and on rare
common term occasions is sufficiently severe to be responsible for
• Estimates suggest that up to 40% of Anemias worldwide can bleeding
be considered Anemia of Inflammation or Combined Anemia • It is worth noting that significant morphologic changes may
with a significant Anemia of Inflammation component occur in the blood in the absence of anemia and that
• Has also been observed in ACUTE TRAUMA and CRITICAL neurologic symptoms may be present in the absence of
• Higher in the OLDER ADULT population • Anisocytosis and Poikilocytosis → extreme
• Mechanism of Anemia: degrees
1. High levels of cytokines → direct inhibition of Blood Film • Red Blood Cell Fragments
Erythropoiesis • Microcytes and Dacrocytes
o The most important pathogenic mechanism of • Basophilic Stippling
Anemia of Inflammation is the presence of HIGH

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• Howell Jolly Bodies o The basis for this is the increase in need for a marginal
• Nucleated Red Cells with Karyorrhexis supply of folate.
• Megaloblasts • Inadequate Utilization of Folate
Pernicious Anemia o Inadequate utilization of Folic Acid is relatively rare.
• Pernicious Anemia (PA) is a “conditioned” nutritional o Folic Acid antagonists such as Methotrexate block Folic
deficiency of COBALAMIN that is caused by failure of the Acid Metabolism → because of this, they are used in
Gastric Mucosa to secrete Intrinsic Factor. therapy of some malignant neoplasms.
• This abnormality is genetically determined but usually is not o In addition to inhibiting growth of the tumor, they induce
manifested until late in life Megaloblastic Hematopoiesis
o Less than 10% of cases occur in persons younger than • Includes:
age 40 years. 1. Serum and Red Cell Folate
• Prevalence is higher in WOMEN o A microbiological assay for folic
Diagnostic acid activity employing
• Positive family history is obtained in approximately 30% of
Tests Lactobacillus casei is a reliable
method for definitive diagnosis
• Defective production of INTRINSIC
2. Deoxyuridine Suppression Test
FACTOR → most common cause of
3. Plasma Homocysteine Assay
Cobalamin Deficiency
• As with Cobalamin Deficiency, Total Plasma Homocysteine
• A DIETARY DEFICIENCY is an extremely
is INCREASED in approximately 75% of patients with Folate
rare cause of Megaloblastic Anemia in the
Etiology Deficiency
United States and is seen only in persons
Aplastic Anemia (AA)
who completely abstain from animal food,
including milk and eggs. • AA usually refers to PANCYTOPENIA associated with a
• Only strict VEGETARIANS are known to severe reduction in the amount of hematopoietic tissue that
develop this form of Cobalamin Deficiency. results in deficient production of blood cells in the absence
of a bone marrow infiltrative process or increased Reticulin
• Recognition of Megaloblastic Anemia
• The marrow, although Hypocellular, may have patchy areas
indicates the likelihood of Cobalamin
of Normocellularity, or even Hypercellularity.
Deficiency or Folic Acid Deficiency
• The clinical course may be ACUTE and FULMINATING, with
• In addition, evidence of neurologic
PROFOUND PANCYTOPENIA and a rapid progression to death,
involvement favors Cobalamin Deficiency
or the disorder may have an INSIDIOUS ONSET and a
→ this diagnosis can be established by 1 of
4 methods:
1. Therapeutic Trial • The symptoms and signs depend on the degree of the
o With the patient on a diet low in deficiencies:
cobalamin and folate, a parenteral 1. Bleeding from Thrombocytopenia
physiologic dose of cobalamin (10 2. Infection from Neutropenia
Diagnostic 3. Signs and symptoms of Anemia
μg/day) is given.
Tests o Optimal hematologic response • As a rule, SPLENOMEGALY and LYMPHADENOPATHY are
indicates deficiency and consists ABSENT.
of reticulocytosis beginning on the • Bleeding is the most common presentation of acquired AA,
third or fourth day, reaching a peak occurring in approximately 40% of patients
on the seventh day. o Bleeding usually manifests as Easy Bruisability, Gum
2. Serum Cobalamin Assay Bleeds, and Episodic Nosebleeds.
o This is the usual method of • Less than 5% of patients present with infection.
detecting a cobalamin-deficient • 2 of the 3 Blood Parameters to diagnose
state AA:
3. Methylmalonic Acid and 1. Hgb <100 g/L
Homocysteine Assay 2. Granulocyte Count <1.5x109/L
4. Deoxyuridine Suppression Test 3. Platelet Count <50x109/L
Folate-Deficient Megaloblastic Anemia • Severe AA: Bone Marrow <25% Cellular + at
• Megaloblastic Anemia due to lack of Folate is most Diagnosis least 2 of these 3 Peripheral Blood Values is
commonly associated with INSUFFICIENT DIETARY INTAKE. present
o The usual diet does not contain much above the minimal 1. Granulocyte: <0.5x109/L
requirements, and body stores in the adult are sufficient 2. Platelet: <20x109/L
for only about 3 months’ needs. 3. Reticulocyte: <20x109/L
• Dietary Folate Deficiency is especially common in the tropics • Very Severe AA:
and in India and, even in those locations, it is usually 1. Granulocyte: <0.2x109/L
associated with increased demand for Folate in pregnancy, 2. BLOOD LOSS ANEMIA
rapid growth in infancy, infection, or Hemolytic Anemia Acute Posthemorrhagic Anemia
• Liver Disease • Blood may be lost from the circulation externally or
o Liver disease associated with alcoholism may be internally into a tissue space or body cavity.
associated with Folate-Deficient Megaloblastic Anemia • Blood is lost over a SHORT TIME in amounts sufficient to
because of the grossly inadequate diet of the alcoholic cause Anemia → Acute Posthemorrhagic Anemia
and because the liver is the major site for Folate storage • Normal healthy individuals are able to compensate for rapid
and metabolism blood loss of up to 20% of circulating blood volume with few
o Alcohol may exert a direct effect in suppressing symptoms
Hematopoiesis by blocking the metabolism of folate. • After a single episode of excessive bleeding, the major
o In addition, alcohol can interfere with Folate Absorption manifestations are those due to DEPLETION OF BLOOD
and Folate Enterohepatic Circulation, usually resulting in VOLUME (HYPOVOLEMIA)
increased loss of folate in urine. After a day or so, blood volume is returned to previous levels
o With adequate dietary Folic Acid intake, however, the by movement of fluid into the circulation, and anemia
anemia that is found with liver disease is Macrocytic and becomes evident.
Normoblastic—not megaloblastic. Interval Changes
• Malabsorption Syndromes • 1 hr: transient fall in the Platelet Count
o Defective absorption of Folic Acid occurs in association • 2-5 hours:
with Malabsorption Syndromes and in the Blind Loop Earliest
Hematologic o Moderate Neutrophilic Leukocytosis
Syndrome, in which bacteria preferentially utilize folate with a shift to the left
• Increased Requirement for Folate Change
o Maximum Leukocyte Count of 10-
o The increased need for Folate in pregnancy and in infants 35x109/L
has been mentioned • Fall in Hb and Hct → may not reveal the full
o Increased cell turnover that occurs in neoplasia and in 2-3 days after
extent of red cell loss until 2 or 3 days after
the markedly stimulated hematopoiesis of Hemolytic Hemorrhage
the hemorrhage.
Anemias may result in Megaloblastic Erythropoiesis.

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o Hb and Hct do not fall immediately; 2. Anemia of Inflammation (AI; Anemia of Chronic
rather, they fall slowly as tissue fluids Disease) → associated with infection, neoplasia, or
move into the circulation to collagen disease.
compensate for lost blood volume. o This anemia may be Normochromic and Normocytic,
• The anemia that develops at first is but in LONG-STANDING DISEASE is often
Normochromic and Normocytic, with a Hypochromic and Microcytic
normal MCV and Mean Cell Hemoglobin 3. Thalassemia → genetically determined impairment in
Concentration (MCHC) and only minimal the rate of globin synthesis
Anisocytosis and Poikilocytosis 4. Sideroblastic Anemia
3-5 days after o Group of refractory anemias with erythroid
• Increased EPO secretion stimulates
Hemorrhage hyperplasia of the marrow in which a defect in Hb
Erythroid Proliferation in the Marrow
• Reticulocytes begin to reach the synthesis creates a population of hypochromic
circulation → maximum of 10 days or so microcytic cells.
• Transient Macrocytosis (Increased MCV, o The blood film is DIMORPHIC and MACROCYTES may
increased Polychromasia and Normoblast) prevail, making the MCV normal or high, particularly
2-4 days after • Leukocyte Count returns to normal in acquired forms of Sideroblastic Anemia.
Hemorrhage o Microcytic Anemia is common in the INHERITED
• Morphologic changes will disappear FORM.
2 weeks after
Hemorrhage • Because Iron Deficiency is the most common anemia, the
• Return of red cell values is slower
first step is to determine whether the body lacks iron.
Chronic Posthemorrhagic Anemia
• When blood loss cannot be documented, Serum Ferritin,
• If blood is lost in small amounts over an extended period,
Serum Iron and Iron-Binding Capacity, or Bone Marrow
both clinical and hematologic features that characterize
Study for Iron should be performed.
Acute Posthemorrhagic Anemia are lacking
o These will usually discriminate between the two most
• Significant anemia does not usually develop UNTIL AFTER common anemias in this category:
STORAGE IRON IS DEPLETED → Anemia is one of Iron 1. Iron Deficiency
Deficiency 2. Simple Chronic Anemia (AI) associated with some
• Anemia other disease → frequently, chronic infection or
o Initial: Normochromic and Normocytic cancer
o Gradually become Microcytic, and then Hypochromic o In both, the Serum Iron Concentration Is Low
• Reticulocyte: normal or slightly increased o However, in Iron Deficiency, the TIBC is elevated whereas
• Leukocyte: normal or slightly decreased (Neutropenia) in Simple AI it is normal or decreased.
• Platelets: increased but decreased in Severe Iron Deficiency o Storage Iron in the marrow is depleted in Iron Deficiency
• The cause of blood loss must be identified because a hidden but is normal or elevated in Anemia of Chronic Disease.
malignancy, particularly of the GI tract, may be the cause of • IDA in an adult male almost always means CHRONIC BLOOD
the Anemia LOSS → the source must be found and corrected, if
3. HEMOLYSIS necessary
Thalassemia o If no obvious source for iron loss is identified,
• 2 Main Groups of Inherited Disorders of Hb: Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) should be
1. Structure Variants → with defects in the structure considered, particularly when there is associated
2. Thalassemia → with defects in the synthesis of a globin Neutropenia or Thrombocytopenia.
chain • Hypochromic Anemias (or Hypochromic Erythrocytoses)
o There is an overlap between these groups with Basophilic Stippling and normal or increased serum iron
• Most Thalassemias involve the α- or β-globin chain. are most likely THALASSEMIAS, in which case the next
o δ (Delta)- and γ (Gamma)-Thalassemias are known, but examinations to perform are Hb electrophoresis and
are clinically less significant. determination of HbA2 and HbF.
• In Thalassemia, Globin Chains are produced at a o Family studies are often necessary
DECREASED RATE • Sideroblastic Anemias include Myelodysplastic Syndrome
o Beta-Thalassemia refers to decreased production of β- with Ring Sideroblasts and anemias that occur after therapy
chains with certain drugs (e.g., Isoniazid) or in chronic Lead
o Alpha-Thalassemia, Delta-Beta-, Delta-, and Delta- Poisoning.
Gamma-Beta-Thalassemias refer to reduced synthesis o Coarse Basophilic Stippling is common in this group of
of the respective polypeptide chains. anemias.
• As a result, there is an overall deficit of Hb tetramers in the II. POLYCTHEMIA (ERYTHROCYTOSIS)
red cells, and MCV and MCH are reduced. • Classically defined as an elevated Hct level above the
• However, it is not the lack of the affected globin chain but normal range.
rather the ACCUMULATION OF THE UNAFFECTED ONE that • In the clinical setting, Polycythemia exists when Hb And Red
causes hemolysis and, primarily in β-Thalassemia, Cell Count are INCREASED, reflecting an elevation of the
ineffective hematopoiesis in severe forms of the disease. Total Red Cell Volume
• Several classifications are used: • The recent World Health Organization (WHO) classification of
1. Thalassemia Major → a severe and transfusion- hematologic malignancies has defined polycythemia as Hgb
dependent form >16.5 g/dL for men and >16.0 g/dL for women, as one of the
2. Thalassemia Intermedia → with less severe and 3 Major Criteria for the diagnosis of Polycythemia Vera
transfusion-dependent form • Absolute Polycythemia
3. Thalassemia Minor (Carrier State or Trait) → without o Refers to an INCREASE in the Total Red Cell Mass in the
clinical symptoms but with hematologic abnormalities body
Microcytic and Hypochromic Anemias (↓ MCV and MCH) • Relative Polycythemia
o The Total Red Cell Mass is NORMAL, but the Hct is
elevated because the Plasma Volume is decreased

• Table above summarizes some laboratory features in

Microcytic Anemia
• MCV has assumed the leading role in the detection of
Microcytic Hypochromic Anemias
• These anemias reflect a quantitative defect in Hemoglobin
• Major causes of Microcytic Anemia include the following:
1. Iron Deficiency Anemia → due to increased
requirement or blood loss not balanced by intake

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• Some classifications are based on EPO response and others

are based on the underlying mechanism (i.e., primary or
secondary and congenital or acquired)
Polycythemia Vera
• Classification: Absolute Polycythemia
o Subclassified as Primary Marrow Disorder
• Polycythemia Vera is a myeloproliferative neoplasm
characterized by PANMYELOSIS
o Panmyelosis → a condition in which excessive
proliferation occurs in Megakaryocytes and
Granulocytes, as well as in Erythrocytes.
• It is manifested by ERYTHROCYTOSIS, LEUKOCYTOSIS, and
THROMBOCYTOSIS of varying degrees
• Serum and Urine Erythropoietin are DECREASED
• Mutation in the JAK2 gene is now described as a constant
• The production of Erythrocytes is autonomous with
Endogenous Erythroid Colonies (EECs) growing in vitro
without erythropoietin
• There is initially a PROLIFERATIVE PHASE and eventually a
SPENT PHASE, with Iron Depletion and associated Anemia,
Marrow Fibrosis, Increased Splenomegaly, and
Extramedullary Hematopoiesis
• Group of inherited and acquire disorders of Heme
Biosynthesis caused by a deficiency or loss of function
mutation of a specific enzyme in the Biosynthetic Pathway
1. Excess production and increased excretion of
precursors formed in the steps before the enzyme
2. Overproduction of Porphyrins and their precursors is
mainly hepatic or erythropoietic in origin
• In the Acute Porphyrias and Porphyria Cutanea Tarda, the
liver is the main source of overproduction
• In Congenital Erythropoietic Porphyria, the marrow is the
main source while in Erythropoietic Protoporphyria,
porphyrins are produced by both the liver and marrow
• Consulting pathologists may take a three-step
approach to this diverse group of uncommon
1. Classifying Porphyrias by their clinical
o Classifying Porphyrias by their
clinical presentation is a helpful
starting point, as clinicians will call
with information about their
patients’ signs and symptoms and
Approach then will ask for help with ordering
to the laboratory studies
Porphyrias 2. Biochemical Studies → a rapid diagnostic
test for Urine Porphobilinogen as a first
3. Genetic Testing as guided by biochemical
test results
o Great strides have been made in
identifying the genes and many
mutations causing the Porphyrias →
patients will likely wish to know this
information as they discuss their
diagnosis with family members

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I. Non-Neoplastic Disorders 1. Drugs → cancer chemotherapy,
A. Granulocytic and Monocytic Disorders chloramphenicol, sulfas/other antibiotics,
B. Lymphocytic and Plasmacytic Disorders phenothiazines, benzodiazepines,
C. Leukemoid Reactions antithyroids, anticonvulsants, quinine,
II. Neoplastic Disorders quinidine, indomethacin, procainamide,
A. Myeloproliferative Neoplasms thiazides
B. Precursor Lymphoid Neoplasms 2. Radiation
C. Mature B-Cell Neoplasms Key Causes 3. Toxins → alcohol, benzene compounds
D. Mature T-Cell and Natural Killer Cell Neoplasms of 4. Intrinsic Defects → Fanconi, Kostmann,
E. Hodgkin Lymphoma Neutropenia cyclic neutropenia, ChédiakHigashi
F. Immunodeficiency-Associated Lymphoproliferative 5. Immune Mediated → collagen vascular
Disorders disorders, RA, AIDS
G. Histiocytic and Dendritic Cell Neoplasms 6. Hematologic → megaloblastic anemia,
A. GRANULOCYTIC AND MONOCYTIC DISORDERS myelodysplasia, marrow failure, marrow
1. NEUTROPHILIA replacement
• Also called Neutrophilic Leukocytosis 7. Infectious → any overwhelming infection
• Refers to an absolute concentration of neutrophils in the 8. Others → starvation, hypersplenism
blood above normal for age. • Mechanisms by which Neutropenia occurs include:
• Normal Reference Interval: 1. Decreased or ineffective production (Proliferation or
o Adult: 1.8 to 7.0 × 103/μL Maturation Defect)
o Young Children: (.0–8.5 × 103/μL 2. Increased removal from the blood (Survival Defect)
• Primary Factors Influencing Neutrophil Count: 3. Altered distribution between CGP and MGP
1. rate of inflow of cells from the bone marrow 4. Combinations of these mechanisms
2. proportion of neutrophils in the marginal granulocyte • Neutropenias may be Inherited, Autoimmune, Toxic, or Drug
pool (MGP; cells adhering to vessel walls) and the Associated.
circulating granulocyte pool (CGP) of the blood • Drug-Induced Neutropenia occurs through several
3. rate of outflow of neutrophils from the blood. mechanisms and is always an important consideration in the
Mechanism differential diagnosis of Leukopenia.
1. Acute Inflammatory → collagen vascular, 3. EOSINOPHILIA
vasculitis • Eosinophilia exists if blood eosinophils exceed ~0.35 to 0.5 ×
2. Acute Infectious → bacterial, some viral, 109/L
fungal, parasitic • Reactive Eosinophilia is typically associated with ALLERGIC
3. Drugs, Toxins, Metabolic → PROCESSES and PARASITIC INFECTIONS.
Key Causes corticosteroids, growth factors, uremia, • Classically, the major function of eosinophils appeared to be
of ketoacidosis the release of granule contents or Reactive Oxygen Species
Neutrophilia 4. Tissue Necrosis → burns, trauma, MI, RBC to damage the target organism or offending cell
hemolysis • Immunoregulatory and Proinflammatory Signaling Roles also
5. Physiologic → stress, exercise, smoking, exist → thus, Eosinophils are both EFFECTOR and
6. Neoplastic → carcinomas, sarcomas, • Eosinophil production is stimulated by INTERLEUKIN-5 (IL-
myeloproliferative disorders 5), migration is influenced by the CHEMOKINE EOTAXIN, and
• PATHOLOGIC LEUKOCYTOSIS is an increased WBC count the two factors interact in producing Eosinophilia.
that occurs as a result of disease → usually in response to 1. Allergic → urticaria, hay fever, asthma
infection or tissue damage, and is most often Neutrophilia 2. Inflammatory → eosinophilic fasciitis,
• When attracted to a focus of inflammation, Neutrophils leave Churg-Strauss syndrome
the blood and migrate in response to chemotactic molecules 3. Parasitic → trichinosis, filariasis,
and gradients schistosomiasis
• There is COMPENSATORY FLOW OF NEUTROPHILS from the 4. Nonparasitic Infections → systemic
marrow storage compartment into the blood → the result is fungal, scarlet fever, chlamydial
Neutrophilia. pneumonia of infancy
• An increase in immature 5. Respiratory → pulmonary eosinophilic
peripheral blood syndromes (Loeffler, tropical pulmonary
Key Causes
granulocytes is often eosinophilia), Churg-Strauss syndrome
termed a “SHIFT TO THE 6. Neoplastic → MPN with translocation of
LEFT” PDGFRA/B or FGFR1, CML, mastocytosis,
• Increased WBCs with left Hodgkin lymphoma, T-cell lymphomas,
shift and toxic features lymphocytic HES
may resemble leukemia 7. Idiopathic Hypereosinophilic Syndromes
and is often termed a → affecting heart, liver, spleen, CNS, other
“Leukemoid” Reaction organs
• If the demand for Neutrophils is extremely great, as in severe 8. Others → certain drugs, hematologic and
infection, there may be depletion of the marrow storage pool visceral malignancies, GI inflammatory
with decreased CGP (Neutropenia) and MGP because the diseases, sarcoidosis, Wiskott-Aldrich
supply of cells is insufficient for the demand. syndrome
o In these instances, the marrow will show increased Early 4. BASOPHILIA
Neutrophil Precursors through the Myelocyte Stage, but • Basophilia is an increase in the Absolute Basophil Count
decreased Metamyelocytes, Bands, and Neutrophils. above 0.2 × 109/L.
2. NEUTROPENIA • Basophilia is seen most frequently in HYPERSENSITIVITY
• Neutropenia is a reduction of the Absolute Neutrophil Count and ALLERGIC REACTIONS, Chronic Myeloid Leukemia,
(ANC) Myeloid Metaplasia (Extramedullary Myelopoiesis), and
o The ANC is the product of the WBC count and the Polycythemia Vera
percentage of mature as well as Immature Neutrophils in • Relative Basophilia may be transient following irradiation.
the WBC differential count • Basophilia may be present in HYPOTHYROIDISM, in
• “Agranulocytosis” → refers to severe neutropenia, usually CHRONIC HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA, and following
<0.5 × 109/L, and is often associated with depletion of SPLENECTOMY
Eosinophils and Basophils • Reactive Basophilia is an uncommon finding overall,
• Severe Chronic Neutropenia (SCN) refers to patients with sometimes seen in patients combating Helminth Infections
ANC <0.5× 109/L for months or years, due to inherited or 1. Myeloproliferative Disease
acquired rare disorders 2. Allergic → food, drugs, foreign proteins
Key Causes
• If the Neutrophil Count is <1× 109/L, the risk of infection is 3. Infectious → variola, varicella
of Basophilia
INCREASED, and greater if <0.5× 109/L. 4. Chronic Hemolytic Anemia → especially

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5. Inflammatory → collagen vascular disease, 1. Infectious → many viral, pertussis,

ulcerative colitis tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis, rickettsial
5. MONOCYTOSIS 2. Chronic Inflammatory → ulcerative
• Monocytosis is an increase in Monocytes above the upper colitis, Crohn
Key Causes of
reference value, especially when >1.0 × 109/L. 3. Immune Mediated → drug sensitivity,
• Most common causes are: vasculitis, graft rejection, Graves,
1. Recovery from Neutropenia Sjögren
2. Indolent Infections 4. Hematologic → ALL, CLL, lymphoma
• Monocytosis is present during the RECOVERY STAGE from 5. Stress → acute, transient
Acute Infection and from Agranulocytosis, in which it is Pertussis (Whooping Cough)
considered a FAVORABLE SIGN. • Whooping Cough (Pertussis), although reduced by routine
• Monocytosis may be present in SUBACUTE BACTERIAL immunization, still occurs in unimmunized children and is
ENDOCARDITIS. most severe in infants in whom most disease-associated
o In this condition, Monocytes may show phagocytosis of deaths occur.
other blood cells, red blood cells, and leukocytes. • Patients frequently develop SIGNIFICANT
• It may be present in Mycotic, Rickettsial, Protozoal, and LYMPHOCYTOSIS, with counts higher than 30 × 109/L
Viral Infections. recorded.
o Infectious Disease, however, is an uncommon cause of • The Lymphocytes are small, Mature T cells with a normal
Monocytosis. CD4/CD8 ratio
• In a classic study of 160 successive cases of Absolute • The Lymphocytosis is at least partially due to the release of
Monocytosis, more than half (85) were associated with Lymphocytosis-Promoting Factor (LPF) or Pertussis Toxin
HEMATOLOGIC NEOPLASMS. (PT) from the organism
o These included Acute Monocytic and Granulocytic • Lymphocytosis is due to REDISTRIBUTION of lymphocytes
Leukemias, Lymphoma (Hodgkin Lymphoma, most into the peripheral circulation without increased
frequently), Multiple Myeloma, and Myeloproliferative Lymphopoiesis.
1. Infectious → tuberculosis, subacute • Lymphocytopenia is present when the Absolute Lymphocyte
bacterial endocarditis, syphilis, protozoan, Count is below ≈1.8 × 109/L in adults and below ≈2.0 × 109/L in
rickettsial children.
2. Recovery from Neutropenia • Normally, about 80% of circulating peripheral blood
3. Hematologic → leukemias, Lymphocytes are CD3+ T Cells, and a majority (≈65%) of
Key Causes
myeloproliferative disorders, lymphomas, these cells are CD4+ helper T Cells
multiple myeloma • A number of Immunologic Deficiency Disorders that are
4. Inflammatory → collagen vascular disease, genetically determined have Lymphocytopenia, along with
chronic ulcerative colitis, sprue, myositis, various other immunologic defects of Humoral or Cell-
polyarteritis, temporal arteritis Mediated Immunity.
5. Others → solid tumor, immune o Lymphocytopenia in these disorders is due to IMPAIRED
thrombocytopenic purpura, sarcoidosis LYMPHOPOIESIS.
6. MONOCYTOPENIA • Increased levels of Adrenocortical Hormones, Administration
• Monocytopenia is a decrease in circulating monocytes below of Chemotherapeutic Drugs, or Irradiation will result in
the lower reference value of 0.2 × 109/L. Lymphocytopenia
1. During therapy with Prednisone, • Impaired drainage of the Intestinal Lymphatics with loss of
Monocytes fall during the first few hours Lymphocytes into the intestines due to a number of causes
after the first dose but return to above has been implicated as a mechanism for Lymphocytopenia.
original levels by 12 hours • In advanced cases of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) and HL,
2. Hairy Cell Leukemia (HCL) as well as in terminal cases of Carcinoma, Lymphocytopenia
Key Causes of 3. Congenital Complex Immunodeficiency is often observed.
Monocytopenia involving Monocytopenia and 1. Destructive → radiation,
susceptibility to Mycobacterial Infection chemotherapy, corticosteroids
(MonoMac syndrome) due to GATA2 2. Debilitative → starvation, aplastic
mutation, anemia, terminal cancer, collagen
4. B-Lymphoblastic Leukemia vascular disease, renal failure
5. Other Rare Immunodeficiencies 3. Infectious → viral hepatitis, influenza,
1. LYMPHOCYTOSIS Key Causes of 4. AIDS Associated → HIV cytopathic
• Lymphocytosis is an increase in the number of lymphocytes Lymphocytopenia effect, nutritional imbalance, drug
in the peripheral blood effect
• Reference Intervals: 5. Congenital Immunodeficiency →
o Adult: ≈1.5 to 4.0 × 109/L Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
o Children: ≈1.5 to 8.8 × 109/L 6. Abnormal Lymphatic Circulation →
• Relative Lymphocytosis (an increase in the percentage of intestinal lymphangiectasia,
lymphocytes) is present in various conditions and is obstruction, thoracic duct
especially prominent in disorders with Neutropenia drainage/rupture, CHF
• Lymphocytosis is unusual in acute bacterial infections but is Lymphocytopenia: AIDS
commonly associated with VIRAL INFECTION (Epstein-Barr • Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), once a
Virus [EBV], Hepatitis) progressively fatal infectious disorder with characteristic
Lymphocytosis Associated with Viral Infection clinical, hematologic, and serologic abnormalities, can now
• Lymphocytosis is a frequent finding in children with viral be controlled in most patients with Antiretroviral Therapy
infection and may be marked (ART).
• Lymphocytic Leukemoid Reactions were previously referred • AIDS is a disorder secondary to infection with HIV-1 and HIV-
to as Acute Infectious Lymphocytosis (AIL), often lasting 3 to 2—RNA Retroviruses that are CYTOTROPIC for CD4+ T Cells
5 weeks but without other blood changes in most patients. and for other cells, including Macrophages, Monocytes,
• Lymph Node Enlargement is rare and minimal when present Megakaryocytes, and CNS Microglial Cells.
• Spleen and Liver are rarely, if ever, enlarged. o Viral Entry into a cell result from interaction with the CD4
• Lymph Node Biopsy may show REACTIVE FOLLICULAR Receptor and with Chemokine Coreceptors that
HYPERPLASIA but no characteristic changes determine Target Cell Tropism
• In some cases, there has been an increase in White Cells in o HIV is responsible for both direct killing of infected cells
the Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF), with about 40% Lymphocytes. and indirect killing of neighboring cells, utilizing both
• A Chronic Form of Infectious Lymphocytosis also occurs in Apoptotic-Dependent and Apoptotic-Independent
children. Mechanisms of cell destruction
• The Leukocyte Count is 10 to 25 × 109/L, with 60% to 80%
lymphocytes of normal appearance

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• Because of the Cytotropic Effect of the AIDS viruses for CD4+ 5. Myelofibrosis
cells, there is a MARKED DECREASE in the number of T- 6. Infection (especially Tuberculosis)
Helper Cells and an IMBALANCE in T-Suppressor/Cytotoxic 7. Severe Burns
Cells in the blood and lymphoid tissues of the body 8. Eclampsia
• As a result, a PROFOUND CELLULAR IMMUNE DEPRESSION 9. Certain Toxins
occurs, characterized by infection with a variety of • Examination of the blood is usually more
opportunistic organisms. helpful than marrow examination.
• Initially, B Cells are not involved and immunoglobulin levels • Cells as immature as Eosinophilic
are normal or increased. Myelocytes rarely appear in the blood in
o However, as the disease progresses, the frequency of Eosinophilic reactive Eosinophilia
malignancy in these patients is increased. Leukemoid • Eosinophilic Leukemoid Reactions
• AIDS-Associated Cancers include: Reactions usually occur in children and are
1. Kaposi Sarcoma frequently caused by PARASITIC
3. Cervical Cancer (all AIDS-Defining Cancers) • In patients with or without Anemia,
4. HL circulating normoblasts frequently are
5. Anogenital Cancers accompanied by a Neutrophilic
• The most common hematologic Leukemoid Reaction
abnormality in patients with AIDS is • A Moderate Anemia with normoblasts in
ANEMIA OF CHRONIC DISEASE and Leukoerythro- the peripheral blood is fairly common in
LYMPHOPENIA (80%–85% of cases), blastosis Metastatic Carcinoma involving BM.
Hematologic particularly of the T-Helper/Inducer (CD4) • Leukoerythroblastosis may also be
Abnormality subset. associated with MARROW INFECTION
• Thrombocytopenia occurs in approximately and/ or FIBROSIS, and may be seen in
30% of cases and Neutropenia in 40%, often benign conditions such as GI BLEEDING
with a left shift → the former is often and HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA
Immune Mediated • Extremely high counts of normal-
• Usually displays Atypical Lymphocytes that appearing lymphocytes may occur in
• Monocytes are often large, with a fine PERTUSSIS
Blood Film
nuclear chromatin and cytoplasmic • When Atypical Lymphocytes are
vacuoles. strikingly increased or immature (which
3. PLASMOCYTOSIS may occur in conditions such as IM), the
• Plasma Cells are not normally present in circulating blood distinction from Leukemia may be
o In the Marrow, an average of 1% to 2% of plasma cells are difficult
present in adults o Examination of the Marrow may be
• An increase beyond 4% is significant → Lower values are useful because Lymphocytes are
found in children. minimally increased, if at all, in most
• They are increased in a variety of Chronic Infections, in leukemoid reactions in contrast to
Allergic States, in the presence of Neoplasms, and in other leukemia
conditions in which the Serum γ-Globulin Concentration is • Flow Cytometric studies of peripheral
elevated. blood and/or BM would reveal a
• Plasma Cells have also been recorded in the blood of patients NONCLONAL POPULATION of
with Viral Disorders, including Rubella, Measles, Chickenpox, Lymphocytes with a normal combination
and Mumps of cell surface markers in benign
1. Viral → infectious mononucleosis, proliferations.
measles, rubella, HIV
2. Bacterial → tuberculosis, syphilis,
streptococcus, staphylococcus
3. Parasitic → malaria, trichinosis
4. Inflammatory → SLE, RA, inflammatory
Key Causes of
bowel disease, alcoholic liver disease
5. Neoplastic → plasma cell leukemia,
6. Immune Stimulation → immune complex
disease (serum sickness), drug
sensitivity, transfusion
7. Trauma
• Increases of up to 20% of Plasma Cells may be found in a
variety of conditions other than Multiple Myeloma, including:
1. Metastatic Carcinoma
2. Chronic Granulomatous Infection
3. Conditions Linked with Hypersensitivity
4. Following administration of Cytotoxic Drugs
• They are often increased in APLASTIC ANEMIA, but this is
probably just a relative increase
• A Leukemoid Reaction is an EXCESSIVE LEUKOCYTIC
RESPONSE in the peripheral blood.
• It includes Leukocytosis of 50 × 109/L or higher with a shift to
the left
• Lower counts, even below normal, with considerable
numbers of immature granulocytes
• Depending on the predominant cell, Leukemoid Reactions
may be Neutrophilic, Eosinophilic, Lymphocytic, or
• Excessive Neutrophilia may occur in
many situations, including:
1. Hemolysis
2. Hemorrhage
3. Malignancy with Bone Involvement
4. HL

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