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Periodic Trends in EN, Metallic Nature, LE and HE

1. Calculate the electronegativity of fluorine from following data :
EH–H = 104.2 kcal mol–1
EF–F = 36.6 kcal mol–1
EH–F = 134.6 kcal mol–1
Electronegativity of H is 2.05.
2. Explain the following:
(a) Electronegativity of elements increase on moving from left to right in the periodic table
(b) Ionisation enthalpy decreas in a group from top to bottom?
3. Among alkali metals which element do you expect to be least electronegaive and why?
4. Na+ has higher value of ionisation energy than Ne, though both have same electronic configuration.
5. Electron ffinity of chlorien is more than fluorine. Explain.
6. What is the value of electron gain enthalpy of Na+ if IE1 Na = 5.1 eV?
7. Calculate the electronegativity of fluorine from the following data:
EH - H = 104.2 kcal mol–1; EF - F = 36.6 kcal mol–1; EH - F = 134.6 kcal mol–1; χH = 2.1
8. The radius of a cation is lesser than atom while that of an anion is greater than the atom. Why?

9. IE1 of O < IE1 of N but IE2 of O > IE2 of N. Explain why?

10. Why is the secodn ionisation energy of lithium much greater thatn that of beryllium?
11. The electronegativity of the following elements increases in the order –
(A) C, N, Si, P (B) N, Si, C, P (C) Si, P, C, N (D) P, Si, N, C
12. The electronegavitity values of C, N, O and F –
(A) increase from carbon to fluorine
(B) decrease from carbon to fluorine
(C) increase up to oxygen and is minimum at fluorine
(D) is minimum at nitrogen and then increase continuously
13. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer from the codes given below the lists
List I List II
A. Increasing atomic size a. Cl < O < F
B. Decreasing atomic radius b. Li < Be < B
C. Increasing electronegativity c. Si < Al < Mg
D. Decreasing effective nuclear charge d. N>O>F
Codes : A B C D A B C D
(A) c d a b (B) d b c a
(C) a b c d (D) b a d c

14. In the periodic table, the metallic character of elements –

(A) decrease from left to right across a period and on descending a group

(B) decreases from left to right across a period and increases on descending a group
(C) increases from left to right across a period and on descending a group
(D) increases from left to right across a period and decreases on descending a group

15. The statement that is not correct for the periodic classification of elements is –
(A) The properties of elements are the periodic functions of their atomic numbers
(B) non-metallic elements are lesser in number than metallic elements
(C) the first ionisation energies along a period do into vary in a regular manner with increase in
atomic number
(D) for transition elements the d-sub-shells are filled with electrons monotonically with in
crease in atomic number
16. The process requiring the absorption of energy is:
(A) F → F − (B) H → H−
(C) Cl → Cl− (D) O → O2−
17. Which of the following species has the highest electron affinity?
(A) F– (B) O (C) O– (D) Na+
More than one correct:-
18. Which of the following have no unit?
(A) Electronegativity (B) Electron gain enthalpy
(C) Ionisation enthalpy (D) Metallic character
19. An element belongs to 3rd period and group -13 of the periodic table. Which of the following
properties will be shown by the element?
(A) Good conductor of electricity (B) Liquid, metallic
(C) Solid, metallic (D) Solid, non metallic

1. On Pauling scale :
xF – xH = 0.182 ∆ H–F
(using B. E. in kcal mol–1)
∆H–F = EH–F – E H – H × E F−F = 13.45 – 104.2 × 36.6 = 72.84 kcal
From (i)
xF –xH = 0.182 72.84 = 1.5534
xF = xH + 1.4434 = 2.05 + 1.5534 = 3.6034
2. (a) Decreae in size of atom and increase in nuclear charge.
(b) Increase in atomic size
3. Electronegativity decreases in a group from top to bottom. Thus, caesium is the least electronegative
4. Due to higher ENC and small size.
5. The orbitals that hold the outermost electrons of the halogesn are increasingly spread out as we
proceed from fluorine to iodine. Due to smallest size of the outermost shell in fluorine, the addition
of an extra electron results in strong electron-electron repulsion. As a reult, attractive interaction
between the incomign electrona nd nucleus of fluorine atom is considerably counter balanced. This
results in low electron affinity for fluorine.
6. Na → Na(g) + e, IE1 = 5.1 eV
Na(g) + e → Na ∴ ∆HEG = − IE1 = −5.1 eV
7. 3.87
8. In a cation, the nuclear charge acts on lesser number of electons and thus, the electron cloud
contracts. Hence, the net result is decrease in size. In an anion, the nuclear charge acts on more
number of electrons and thus, the electron cloud expands. Hence, the net result is increase in size.
This can also be explained on the basis of z/e ratio. In cation z/e rato inreases, hence size de-
creases while in an anion z/e ratio decreases nd so the size increases.
9. N : 1s2 ,2s2 2p3 
Removal from 2p
half filled an dthus more IE1

N+ : 1s2 ,2s2 2p2 → N2+ : 1s2 ,2s2sp1

O : 1s2 ,2s2 2p 4 → O+ : 1s2 ,2s2 2p3

Removal from 2p
half filled and thus more IE2
→ O2+ : 1s2 ,2s2 2p2
10. The electronic configuation of Li+ is 1s2 and that of Be+ is 1s2, 2s1. It requires much more enegy to
remove a 1s core electron close to the nucleus of Li+ than a 2s valence electron farther from the
nucleus of Be1+.
11. C
12. A
13. A
14. B
15. C
16. D
17. B
18. A, D
19. A, C

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