S A BT Passive Voice

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1.1. Can/ could: có thể
● I can’t see the words on the board
⇔ The words on the board can’t be seen
● She could bake a cake yesterday
⇔ A cake could be baked yesterday
1.2. May/ might: có thể
● They may announce this news soon.
⇔ This news may be announced soon.
1.3. Should/ ought to: nên
● You should do your homework
⇔ Your homework should be done
● Jennie ought to leave a message on my table
⇔ A message ought to be left on my table by Jennie
1.4. Must/ have to: phải
● You must wear the helmet
⇔ The helmet must be worn
● You have to finish your work by noon
⇔ Your work has to be finished by noon.
1.5. Will/ Be going to: sẽ
● They will organize a party tomorrow
⇔ A party will be organized tomorrow.
● She is going to ask the question
⇔ The question is going to be asked
❗Lưu ý:
➢ Trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn đứng trước “by + O”
Trạng từ chỉ thời gian đứng sau “by + O”
- A message ought to be left on my table by Jennie
- Nam bought this dictionary in this store in 2008.
➢ Các chủ ngữ “I, you, we, they, he, she, it, people. somebody, someone…”
thường bị lược bỏ


a) Không biết hay không cần biết đến tác nhân thực hiện hành động.
Ex: This house can be built in 1999.
(Ngôi nhà này có thể dược xây vào năm 1999.)
b) Muốn nhấn mạnh người hoặc vật thực hiện hành động bởi một cụm từ bắt đầu
với “by”.
Ex: A new bridge may be built by local people.
(Cây cầu mới này có thể dược xây bởi người dân địa phương.)

3.1. Change into passive
1. Parents should give children a lot of love.
→ Children should be given a lot of love by parents.

2. Governments should offer poor women more help.

→. Poor women should be offered more help by governments.

3. We must do something before it's too late.

→. Something must be done before it’s too late.

4. Each student must write an essay on gender equality.

→ An essay on gender equality must be written by each student.

5. The Vietnamese government will make more progress in gender equality

→ More progress will be made by the Vietnamese government in gender

6. They should give men and women equal pay for equal work
→ Men and women should be given equal pay for equal work.

7. He can't repair my bike.

→ My bike can’t be repaired.

8. They must wash the towels every day.

→ The towels must be washed every day.

9. A molecular minicry can cause a heart attack

→ A heart attack can be cause by a molecular minicry.
10. The builder must renovate the house
→ The house must be renovated by the builder.

11. My children might play cards.

→ Cards might be played by my children

12. The president can serve this wine with chicken or fish
→. This wine can be served with chicken or fish by the president.

13. I may explore other planets in 2030.

→ Other planets may be explored in 2030.

14. Population from Ica could feel the earthquake 20 km away

→ The earthquake could be felt 20 km away by population from Ica

15. The police might give an award if the criminal is arrested

→ An award might be given by the police if the criminal is arrested.

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