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1.1. Can/ could: có thể
● I can’t see the words on the board
⇔ The words on the board can’t be seen
● She could bake a cake yesterday
⇔ A cake could be baked yesterday
1.2. May/ might: có thể
● They may announce this news soon.
⇔ This news may be announced soon.
1.3. Should/ ought to: nên
● You should do your homework
⇔ Your homework should be done
● Jennie ought to leave a message on my table
⇔ A message ought to be left on my table by Jennie
1.4. Must/ have to: phải
● You must wear the helmet
⇔ The helmet must be worn
● You have to finish your work by noon
⇔ Your work has to be finished by noon.
1.5. Will/ Be going to: sẽ
● They will organize a party tomorrow
⇔ A party will be organized tomorrow.
● She is going to ask the question
⇔ The question is going to be asked

❗Lưu ý:
➢ Trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn đứng trước “by + O”
Trạng từ chỉ thời gian đứng sau “by + O”
- A message ought to be left on my table by Jennie
- Nam bought this dictionary in this store in 2008.
➢ Các chủ ngữ “I, you, we, they, he, she, it, people. somebody, someone…” thường bị
lược bỏ


a) Không biết hay không cần biết đến tác nhân thực hiện hành động.

Ex: This house could be built in 1999.

b) Muốn nhấn mạnh người/ vật thực hiện hành động bởi một cụm từ bắt đầu với “by”.

Ex: A new bridge may be built by local people.

3.1. Change into passive
1. Parents should give children a lot of love.
2. Governments should offer poor women more help.
3. We must do something before it's too late.
4. Each student must write an essay on gender equality.
5. The Vietnamese government will make more progress in gender equality
6. They should give men and women equal pay for equal work
7. He can't repair my bike.
8. They must wash the towels every day.
9. A molecular mimicry can cause a heart attack
10. The builder must renovate the house
11. My children might play cards.
12. The president can serve this wine with chicken or fish
13. I may explore other planets in 2030.
14. Population from Ica could feel the earthquake 20 km away
15. The police might give an award if the criminal is arrested

3.2. Change into passive voice

1. I can answer the question.
2. She would carry the box.
3. You should open the window.
4. We might play cards.
5. You ought to wash the car.
6. He must fill in the form.
7. They need not buy bread.
8. He could not read the sentence.
9. Will the teacher test our English?
10. Could Jenny lock the door?

3.3. Change into passive voice

1. You may forget the rules quickly.
2. You should study the lessons repeatedly.
3. Benjamin must win the competition.
4. They should cancel the game.
5. The doctor can't persuade her.
6. They need to repair my car.
7. Who should pay the damage?

3.4. Change into passive voice

1. Someone must send this letter immediately
→ This letter ________________________ immediately.
2. People should plant carrots and tomatoes in the spring
→ Carrots and tomatoes ________________________ in the spring
3. We must move our things before we left for Singapore
→ Our things ________________________ before we left for Singapore
4. You can reach me at 6 AM.
→ I ________________________ at 6 AM.
5. People may eat carrots cooked or raw.
→ Carrots ________________________ cooked or raw.
6. Strong water can destroy this perimeter fence.
→ This perimeter fence ________________________ by strong water.
7. We cannot control his behaviour.
→ His behaviour ______________________________________.
8. We must finish this painting by tomorrow
→ This painting ______________________________ by tomorrow.
9. You can find sushi in most countries in Asia
→ Sushi ________________________________ in most countries in Asia.
10. The children can read books.
→ Books _______________________________ by the children.
11. Susan has to learn geography.
→ Geography _______________________________ by Susan.
12. The dog should bring the bones.
→ The bones _______________________________ by it.
13. Tom must open the window.
→ The window _______________________________ by him
14. Poor people cannot spend a lot of money.
→ Yes, a lot of money _______________________________ by poor people.
15. The pupils must answer a lot of questions
→ A lot of questions_______________________________ by the pupils

3.5. Change into passive voice

1. You must give students enough time to finish the test.
→ Students must _____________________________
2. We will elect a new representative government next year.
→ A new representative government _____________________________
3. You should answer the easy questions first.
→ The easy question _____________________________
4. You should turn off the light before you leave.
→ The light _____________________________
5. They could feel the earthquake 20 km away.
→ The earthquake _____________________________
6. You can prepare this dish the night before.
→ The dish _____________________________
7. They'll pay me at the beginning of the month.
→ I _____________________________
8. You can serve this champagne with salmon or beef.
→ This champagne _____________________________
9. They might give him a congratulation letter.
→ He ____________________________
10. You can do it with your sister.
→ It _____________________________

3.6. Change into passive voice

1. Our English teacher may give an exam today.
→ An exam __________________________________
2. Thomas has written many books.
→ Many books ____________________________
3. Do you have to pay the bill before leaving the restaurant?
→ The bill ______________________
4. Juan can give them some information about the job.
→ Some information ___________________________
→ They ____________________________________
5. You must obey the traffic rules.
→ The traffic rules_________________________

3.7. Choose the best answer: active or passive

1. Jack has a right to know. He ...................the news immediately. If you don't do it, I

A. ought to tell B. ought to be told C. may tell D. may be told

2. What I told Bill was a secret. He to you.

A. shouldn't have repeated B. shouldn't repeat (lặp lại)

C. shouldn't be repeat D. shouldn't have been repeated

3. A package ...............carefully before it is mailed.

A. has to be wrapped B. has to wrap

C. had to be wrapped D. had to wrap

4. I don't know why Jessica wasn't at the meeting. She .................about it.

A. must forget B. must be forgotten

C. must have been forgotten D. must have forgotten

5. The games are open to anyone who wants to join in. Everyone .................

A. can be participated B. could be participated

C. can participate D. could participate

6. This burnt out light bulb.................days ago. Could you do it for me?

A. might be replaced B. might have been replaced

C. should have been replaced D. should be replaced

7. You'd better not drink that river water. It ................

A. could be polluted B. could pollute C. can be polluted D. can pollute

8. I think everyone .............this paperback (sách bìa mềm) on the economic crisis. It
contains information that everyone should have.

A. should be read B. should read

C. should have been read D. should have read

9. Your passport ................... It is invalid (vô hiệu lực) without your signature.

A. is supposed to sign B. is supposed to be signed

C. was supposed to sign D. was supposed to be signed

10. A bald eagle ................from the other large birds by its white head and white tail.

A. can distinguish B. can be distinguished

C. could distinguish D. could be distinguished

3.8. Change into passive

1. You can't wash this dress.


2. You should open the wine about 3 hours before you use it.


3. Members may keep books for 3 weeks.


4. Passengers shouldn't throw away their tickets as inspectors may check them during the


5. We shall have to tow the car to the garage.


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