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Coaching: General Terms and Conditions

These General Terms and Conditions form an inseparable whole together with the
individual file (the annex). They concern the agreement between the Flanders
Audiovisual Fund – Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds (hereinafter the VAF) and the Coach.

1. What?

Through individual sessions and meetings, the Coach will make his/her experience,
insights and teaching skills available in order to support the applicant and his/her

The Coach undertakes to guide the applicant assigned to him/her by the VAF for the
duration of the assigned period.

Coaching can be enlisted by the VAF for various aspects of the creative process:
screenplay, directing, production, postproduction, graphic aspects, genre-related
aspects such as interactivity, technological applications, storyboarding, .... For games:
storytelling, programming, art, gameplay, ... Coaching can also be provided in the area
of promotion and marketing.

The coaching can be initiated in various Departments of the VAF.

These General Terms and Conditions apply for all coaching initiated by the VAF, and
together with the annex, form an inseparable whole with regard to the agreements
between the VAF and the Coach.

All details concerning the specific coaching are provided in the annex.

2. How?

The coaching consists of a number of sessions. The coaching plan will depend on the
type of coaching. In the case of screenplay coaching, the coach will have the following
tasks: reading the screenplay with an eye to constructive criticism, providing feedback
via e-mail and/or personal contact, engaging in a dialogue with the applicant, offering
useful tips, ...

The Coach and the applicant will determine the pace of the work jointly. However, the
number of hours spent on the coaching – including the coach's preparation - is limited to
a maximum number of hours, as specified in the annex.

The Coach and the applicant will draw up a brief work plan, which they will provide to
the VAF at the start of the coaching.

At the end of his/her assignment, the coach will provide the VAF with a written report
about the coaching. This report can be passed on to the selection committee treating the
project for the purpose of potentially granting financial support from the VAF.

3. Copyright

The Coach has an advisory role.

The Coach does not acquire any copyrights to the project as a result of his/her
involvement as coach.

However, if the role of the Coach evolves into the role of co-author or producer, a
separate agreement will be established between the maker and the Coach, and the
Coach must notify the VAF of this. Without such a written agreement, the Coach cannot
claim any rights.

4. Payment

For his/her services, the Coach will receive a fixed fee of 50 EUR per hour.

The aforementioned amount is excl. VAT. The applicable VAT-rate in Belgium is 21%.
Coaches who submit invoices from other countries must apply the VAT-rate that is
applicable in that country.

The Coach can also choose to submit a debt-claim.

The Coach can also make use of an intermediary structure to collect his/her payment.

Unless other arrangements have been made with the VAF, the fixed amount as agreed
will be transferred to the bank account number in the Coach’s name after submission of
an invoice or debt-claim to vzw Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds, clearly stating the following:

- “Coaching of the project ‘project title’ by ‘applicant’s name’;

- the date/dates of the work session(s);
- the number of hours effectively worked.

For coaches who are not liable to pay VAT, the fixed fee as agreed will be paid as a
commission, without withholding of income tax, with the understanding that the
commissions must be entered on the tax declarations once a year.

5. Travel expenses

The Coach will be reimbursed for his/her travel expenses effectively incurred:

- For travel in Belgium: either the equivalent value of a second-class train ticket, or 0.35
EUR/km for the distance actually travelled between the Coach’s domicile and the
location where the coaching session is held, subject to submission of evidence or a
- For travel abroad, the equivalent value of a second-class train ticket for the distance
between the Coach’s domicile and the VAF, round-trip, subject to submission of
evidence or a claim.

6. Termination

The coaching can be terminated early by either the VAF, the Coach or the applicant. In
that case, the Coach will receive payment that is prorated to the number of hours
effectively worked.

If the Coach or the VAF wish to terminate the activities early, they must notify each other
of their intention.

7. Disputes

In event of dispute, the courts of Brussels have sole jurisdiction, subject to Belgian law.

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