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1. Are there __________ apples in the kitchen?

 little
 some
 a
 an
 any
 a little

2. That is __________ interesting book.

 the
 a
 an
 -
 some
 much

3. I went __________ the movies last Sunday.

 in
 under
 from
 to
 on
 under

4. I __________ a new car last month.

 bought
 have bought
 did buy
 buyed
 did bought
 will buy

5. I get up __________ seven o'clock every day.

 in
 on
 at
 to
 since
 from

6. What _________ in your free time?

 you do
 do you do
 is you doing
 are you doing
 does you do
 doing you

7. My father __________ in a bank.

 works
 does work
 work
 is works
 is working
 is worked

8. I __________ drive a car.

 can't to
 can
 want
 have
 am
 are

9. She __________ to the store yesterday.

 has gone
 did go
 went
 will go
 is going
 was going

10. I live in __________.

 italy
 Italy
 italian
 the italy
 the Italy
 the Italian

11. Today is __________ than yesterday.

 hoter
 more hot
 more hotter
 the hottest
 hottest
 hotter

12. There are __________ books on the table.

 any
 an
 some
 a
 much
 little

13. I would like __________ rice.

 a
 one
 a few
 some
 any
 many

14. I went to Paris three years __________.

 last
 already
 time past
 yet
 since
 ago

15. He speaks English __________.

 good
 well
 gooder
 no good
 best
 not good

16. What __________! Look at that mess!

 do you do
 is you do
 is you doing
 are you doing
 will you doing
 have you did

17. He enjoys __________ football.

 to play
 play
 playing
 to playing
 plays
 played

18. Paris is __________ city I have ever visited.

 the beautifulest
 more beautiful
 the most beautiful
 the more beautiful
 the mostly beautiful

19. I'm going home __________ it's late.

 why
 that
 because
 so
 such
 to

20. __________ you ever been to Japan?

 -
 Are
 Has
 Have
 Will
 Did

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