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(Issued under sec tion 17 of the Reg istration of Birth and Death Ac t, 1969 and 8/13 of Delhi
Reg istration of Birth Rule,1999)

This is to c ertify that the following information has been taken from the orig inal rec ord of BIRTH
whic h is the reg ister for Munic ipal Corporation Of Delhi of KESHAVPURAM ZONE of N.C.T. Delhi

न ा म / Name RUDRA
लं ग / Gender MALE
ज म क ित थ / Dat e Of Birt h 11/05/2020

ज म का थान / Place Of Birt h T-HUTS -84, NIRMAN MAZDOOR CAMP, HAIDERPUR,

पं जीकरण क ित थ / Dat e Of Regist rat ion 22/10/2020

पं जीकरण सं या / Regist rat ion No MCDOLIR-2220-007532455

माता का नाम / Name of Mot her LALITA

िपता का नाम / Name of Fat her RAKESH PASWAN

वतमान / ज म के समय पता T-HUTS -84, NIRMAN MAZDOOR CAMP, HAIDERPUR,

Present / Address at t he t ime of Birt h) DELHI-88

थाई पता / Permanent Address T-HUTS -84, NIRMAN MAZDOOR CAMP, HAIDERPUR,
जारी करने क ित थ / Dat e of Issue 18/12/2023

ये क ज म ए वं मृ यु क ा पं ज ीक रण सुिनि त क रे
Note: This c ertific ate is system g enerated and does not require any seal/sig nature in orig inal . The authentic ity
of this c ertific ate c an be verified at mc donline.nic .in

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